Cassandra Heart 2e2a1e4789
v1.2.0 (#31)
2024-01-03 01:31:42 -06:00

47 KiB

** Design Draft**


An ongoing effort within CockroachDB to preserve MVCC history across all SQL operations (see cockroachdb/cockroach#69380) requires a more efficient method of deleting ranges of MVCC history.

This document describes an extension to Pebble introducing first-class support for range keys. Range keys map a range of keyspace to a value. Optionally, the key range may include an suffix encoding a version (eg, MVCC timestamp). Pebble iterators may be configured to surface range keys during iteration, or to mask point keys at lower MVCC timestamps covered by range keys.

CockroachDB will make use of these range keys to enable history-preserving removal of contiguous ranges of MVCC keys with constant writes, and efficient iteration past deleted versions.


A previous CockroachDB RFC cockroach/cockroachdb#69380 describes the motivation for the larger project of migrating MVCC-noncompliant operations into MVCC compliance. Implemented with the existing MVCC primitives, some operations like removal of an index or table would require performing writes linearly proportional to the size of the table. Dropping a large table using existing MVCC point-delete primitives would be prohibitively expensive. The desire for a sublinear delete of an MVCC range motivates this work.

The detailed design for MVCC compliant bulk operations (high-level description; detailed design draft for DeleteRange in internal doc), ran into complexity by placing range operations above the Pebble layer, such that Pebble sees these as points. The complexity causes are various: (a) which key (start or end) to anchor this range on, when represented as a point (there are performance consequences), (b) rewriting on CockroachDB range splits (and concerns about rewrite volume), (c) fragmentation on writes and complexity thereof (and performance concerns for reads when not fragmenting), (d) inability to efficiently skip older MVCC versions that are masked by a [k1,k2)@ts (where ts is the MVCC timestamp).

Pebble currently has only one kind of key that is associated with a range: RANGEDEL [k1, k2)#seq, where [k1, k2) is supplied by the caller, and is used to efficiently remove a set of point keys.

First-class support for range keys in Pebble eliminates all these issues. Additionally, it allows for future extensions like efficient transactional range operations. This issue describes how this feature would work from the perspective of a user of Pebble (like CockroachDB), and sketches some implementation details.



New Comparer requirements

The Pebble Comparer type allows users to optionally specify a Split function that splits a user key into a prefix and a suffix. This Split allows users implementing MVCC (Multi-Version Concurrency Control) to inform Pebble which part of the key encodes the user key and which part of the key encodes the version (eg, a timestamp). Pebble does not dictate the encoding of an MVCC version, only that the version form a suffix on keys.

The range keys design described in this RFC introduces stricter requirements for user-provided Split implementations and the ordering of keys:

  1. The user key consisting of just a key prefix k must sort before all other user keys containing that prefix. Specifically Compare(k[:Split(k)], k) < 0 where Split(k) < len(k).
  2. A key consisting of a bare suffix must be a valid key and comparable. The ordering of the empty key prefix with any suffixes must be consistent with the ordering of those same suffixes applied to any other key prefix. Specifically Compare(k[Split(k):], k2[Split(k2):]) == Compare(k, k2) where Compare(k[:Split(k)], k2[:Split(k2)]) == 0.

The details of why these new requirements are necessary are explained in the implementation section.


This design introduces three new write operations:

  • RangeKeySet([k1, k2), [optional suffix], <value>): This represents the mapping [k1, k2)@suffix => value. Keys k1 and k2 must not contain a suffix (i.e., Split(k1)==len(k1) and Split(k2)==len(k2)).

  • RangeKeyUnset([k1, k2), [optional suffix]): This removes a mapping previously applied by RangeKeySet. The unset may use a smaller key range than the original RangeKeySet, in which case only part of the range is deleted. The unset only applies to range keys with a matching optional suffix. If the optional suffix is absent in both the RangeKeySet and RangeKeyUnset, they are considered matching.

  • RangeKeyDelete([k1, k2)): This removes all range keys within the provided key span. It behaves like an Unset unencumbered by suffix restrictions.

For example, consider RangeKeySet([a,d), foo) (i.e., no suffix). If there is a later call RangeKeyUnset([b,c)), the resulting state seen by a reader is [a,b) => foo, [c,d) => foo. Note that the value is not modified when the key is fragmented.

Partially overlapping RangeKeySets with the same suffix overwrite one another. For example, consider RangeKeySet([a,d), foo), followed by RangeKeySet([c,e), bar). The resulting state is [a,c) => foo, [c,e) => bar.

Point keys (eg, traditional keys defined at a singular byte string key) and range keys do not overwrite one another. They have a parallel existence. Point deletes only apply to points. Range unsets only apply to range keys. However, users may configure iterators to mask point keys covered by newer range keys. This masking behavior is explicitly requested by the user in the context of the iteration. Masking is described in more detail below.

There exist separate range delete operations for point keys and range keys. A RangeKeyDelete may remove part of a range key, just like the new RangeKeyUnset operation introduced earlier. RangeKeyDeletes differ from RangeKeyUnsets, because the latter requires that the suffix matches and applies only to range keys. RangeKeyDeletes completely clear all existing range keys within their span at all suffix values.

The optional suffix in RangeKeySet and RangeKeyUnset operations is related to the pebble Comparer.Split operation which is explicitly documented as being for MVCC keys, without mandating exactly how the versions are represented. RangeKeySet and RangeKeyUnset keys with different suffixes do not interact logically, although Pebble will observably fragment ranges at intersection points.


A user iterating over a key interval [k1,k2) can request:

  • [I1] An iterator over only point keys.

  • [I2] A combined iterator over point and range keys. This is what we mainly discuss below in the implementation discussion.

  • [I3] An iterator over only range keys. In the CockroachDB use case, range keys will need to be subject to MVCC GC just like point keys — this iterator may be useful for that purpose.

The pebble.Iterator type will be extended to provide accessors for range keys for use in the combined and exclusively range iteration modes.

// HasPointAndRange indicates whether there exists a point key, a range key or
// both at the current iterator position.
HasPointAndRange() (hasPoint, hasRange bool)

// RangeKeyChanged indicates whether the most recent iterator positioning
// operation resulted in the iterator stepping into or out of a new range key.
// If true previously returned range key bounds and data has been invalidated.
// If false, previously obtained range key bounds, suffix and value slices are
// still valid and may continue to be read.
RangeKeyChanged() bool

// Key returns the key of the current key/value pair, or nil if done. If
// positioned at an iterator position that only holds a range key, Key()
// always returns the start bound of the range key. Otherwise, it returns
// the point key's key.
Key() []byte

// RangeBounds returns the start (inclusive) and end (exclusive) bounds of the
// range key covering the current iterator position. RangeBounds returns nil
// bounds if there is no range key covering the current iterator position, or
// the iterator is not configured to surface range keys.
// If valid, the returned start bound is less than or equal to Key() and the
// returned end bound is greater than Key().
RangeBounds() (start, end []byte)

// Value returns the value of the current key/value pair, or nil if done.
// The caller should not modify the contents of the returned slice, and
// its contents may change on the next call to Next.
// Only valid if HasPointAndRange() returns true for hasPoint.
Value() []byte

// RangeKeys returns the range key values and their suffixes covering the
// current iterator position. The range bounds may be retrieved separately
// through RangeBounds().
RangeKeys() []RangeKey

type RangeKey struct {
    Suffix []byte
    Value  []byte

When a combined iterator exposes range keys, it exposes all the range keys covering Key. During iteration with a combined iterator, an iteration position may surface just a point key, just a range key or both at the currently-positioned Key.

Described another way, a Pebble combined iterator guarantees that it will stop at all positions within the keyspace where:

  1. There exists a point key at that position.
  2. There exists a range key that logically begins at that postition.

In addition to the above positions, a Pebble iterator may also stop at keys in-between the above positions due to fragmentation. Range keys are defined over continuous spans of keyspace. Range keys with different suffix values may overlap each other arbitrarily. To surface these arbitrarily overlapping spans in an understandable and efficient way, the Pebble iterator surfaces range keys fragmented at intersection points. Consider the following sequence of writes:

    RangeKeySet([a,z), @1, 'apple')
    RangeKeySet([c,e), @3, 'banana')
    RangeKeySet([e,m), @5, 'orange')
    RangeKeySet([b,k), @7, 'kiwi')

This yields a database containing overlapping range keys:

  @7 → kiwi     |-----------------)
  @5 → orange         |---------------)
  @3 → banana     |---)
  @1 → apple  |-------------------------------------------------)
              a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

During iteration, these range keys are surfaced using the bounds of their intersection points. For example, a scan across the keyspace containing only these range keys would observe the following iterator positions:

  Key() = a   RangeKeyBounds() = [a,b)   RangeKeys() = {(@1,apple)}
  Key() = b   RangeKeyBounds() = [b,c)   RangeKeys() = {(@7,kiwi), (@1,apple)}
  Key() = c   RangeKeyBounds() = [c,e)   RangeKeys() = {(@7,kiwi), (@3,banana), (@1,apple)}
  Key() = e   RangeKeyBounds() = [e,k)   RangeKeys() = {(@7,kiwi), (@5,orange), (@1,apple)}
  Key() = k   RangeKeyBounds() = [k,m)   RangeKeys() = {(@5,orange), (@1,apple)}
  Key() = m   RangeKeyBounds() = [m,z)   RangeKeys() = {(@1,apple)}

This fragmentation produces a more understandable interface, and avoids forcing iterators to read all range keys within the bounds of the broadest range key. Consider this example:

                   iterator pos          [ ] - sstable bounds
L1:         [a----v1@t2--|-h]     [l-----unset@t1----u]
L2:                 [e---|------v1@t1----------r]
             a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

If the iterator is positioned at a point key g, there are two overlapping physical range keys: [a,h)@t2→v1 and [e,r)@t1→v1.

However, the RangeKeyUnset([l,u), @t1) removes part of the [e,r)@t1→v1 range key, truncating it to the bounds [e,l). The iterator must return the truncated bounds that correctly respect the RangeKeyUnset. However, when the range keys are stored within a log-structured merge tree like Pebble, the RangeKeyUnset may not be contained within the level's sstable that overlaps the current point key. Searching for the unset could require reading an unbounded number of sstables, losing the log-structured merge tree's property that bounds read amplification to the number of levels in the tree.

Fragmenting range keys to intersection points avoids this problem. The iterator positioned at g only surfaces range key state with the bounds [e,h), the widest bounds in which it can guarantee t2→v1 and t1→v1 without loading additional sstables.

Iteration order

Recall that the user-provided Comparer.Split(k) function divides all user keys into a prefix and a suffix, such that the prefix is k[:Split(k)], and the suffix is k[Split(k):]. If a key does not contain a suffix, the key equals the prefix.

An iterator that is configured to surface range keys alongside point keys will surface all range keys covering the current Key() position. Revisiting an earlier example with the addition of three new point key-value pairs: a→artichoke, b@2→beet and t@3→turnip. Consider '@' to form the suffix where present, with <number> denoting a MVCC timestamp. Higher, more-recent timestamps sort before lower, older timestamps.

              .                                                   a   → artichoke
  @7 → kiwi     |-----------------)
  @5 → orange         |---------------)
                . b@2                                             b@2 → beet
  @3 → banana     |---)                             . t@3         t@3 → turnip
  @1 → apple  |-------------------------------------------------)
              a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

An iterator configured to surface both point and range keys will visit the following iterator positions during forward iteration:

  Key()   HasPointAndRange()   Value()      RangeKeyBounds()    RangeKeys()
  a       (true,  true)        artichoke    [a,b)               {(@1,apple)}
  b       (false, true)        -            [b,c)               {(@7,kiwi), (@1,apple)}
  b@2     (true,  true)        beet         [b,c)               {(@7,kiwi), (@1,apple)}
  c       (false, true)        -            [c,e)               {(@7,kiwi), (@3,banana), (@1,apple)}
  e       (false, true)        -            [e,k)               {(@7,kiwi), (@5,orange), (@1,apple)}
  k       (false, true)        -            [k,m)               {(@5,orange), (@1,apple)}
  m       (false, true)        -            [m,z)               {(@1,apple)}
  t@3     (true,  true)        turnip       [m,z)               {(@1,apple)}

Note that:

  • While positioned over a point key (eg, Key() = 'a', 'b@2' or t@3'), the iterator exposes both the point key's value through Value() and the overlapping range keys values through RangeKeys().

  • There can be multiple range keys covering a Key(), each with a different suffix.

  • There cannot be multiple range keys covering a Key() with the same suffix, since the most-recently committed one (eg, the one with the highest sequence number) will win, just like for point keys.

  • If the iterator has configured lower and/or upper bounds, they will truncate the range key to those bounds. For example, if the above iterator had an upper bound 'y', the [m,z) range key would be surfaced with the bounds [m,y) instead.


Range key masking provides additional, optional functionality designed specifically for the use case of implementing a MVCC-compatible delete range.

When constructing an iterator that iterators over both point and range keys, a user may request that range keys mask point keys. Masking is configured with a suffix parameter that determines which range keys may mask point keys. Only range keys with suffixes that sort after the mask's suffix mask point keys. A range key that meets this condition only masks points with suffixes that sort after the range key's suffix.

type IterOptions struct {
    // ...
    RangeKeyMasking RangeKeyMasking

// RangeKeyMasking configures automatic hiding of point keys by range keys.
// A non-nil Suffix enables range-key masking. When enabled, range keys with
// suffixes ≥ Suffix behave as masks. All point keys that are contained within
// a masking range key's bounds and have suffixes greater than the range key's
// suffix are automatically skipped.
// Specifically, when configured with a RangeKeyMasking.Suffix _s_, and there
// exists a range key with suffix _r_ covering a point key with suffix _p_, and
//   _s_ ≤ _r_ < _p_
// then the point key is elided.
// Range-key masking may only be used when iterating over both point keys and
// range keys.
type RangeKeyMasking struct {
	// Suffix configures which range keys may mask point keys. Only range keys
	// that are defined at suffixes greater than or equal to Suffix will mask
	// point keys.
	Suffix []byte
	// Filter is an optional field that may be used to improve performance of
	// range-key masking through a block-property filter defined over key
	// suffixes. If non-nil, Filter is called by Pebble to construct a
	// block-property filter mask at iterator creation. The filter is used to
	// skip whole point-key blocks containing point keys with suffixes greater
	// than a covering range-key's suffix.
	// To use this functionality, the caller must create and configure (through
	// Options.BlockPropertyCollectors) a block-property collector that records
	// the maxmimum suffix contained within a block. The caller then must write
	// and provide a BlockPropertyFilterMask implementation on that same
	// property. See the BlockPropertyFilterMask type for more information.
	Filter func() BlockPropertyFilterMask

Example: A user may construct an iterator with RangeKeyMasking.Suffix set to @50. The range key [a, c)@60 would mask nothing, because @60 is a more recent timestamp than @50. However a range key [a,c)@30 would mask a@20 and apple@10 but not apple@40. A range key can only mask keys with MVCC timestamps older than the range key's own timestamp. Only range keys with suffixes (eg, MVCC timestamps) may mask anything at all.

The pebble Iterator surfaces all range keys when masking is enabled. Only point keys are ever skipped, and only when they are contained within the bounds of a range key with a more-recent suffix, and the range key's suffix is older than the timestamp encoded in RangeKeyMasking.Sufffix.


Write operations

This design introduces three new Pebble write operations: RangeKeySet, RangeKeyUnset and RangeKeyDelete. Internally, these operations are represented as internal keys with new corresponding key kinds encoded as a part of the key trailer. These keys are stored within special range key blocks separate from point keys, but within the same sstable. The range key blocks hold RangeKeySet, RangeKeyUnset and RangeKeyDelete keys, but do not hold keys of any other kind. Within the memtables, these range keys are stored in a separate skip list.

  • RangeKeySet([k1,k2), @suffix, value) is encoded as a k1.RANGEKEYSET key with a value encoding the tuple (k2,@suffix,value).
  • RangeKeyUnset([k1,k2), @suffix) is encoded as a k1.RANGEUNSET key with a value encoding the tuple (k2,@suffix).
  • RangeKeyDelete([k1,k2) is encoded as a k1.RANGEKEYDELETE key with a value encoding k2.

Range keys are physically fragmented as an artifact of the log-structured merge tree structure and internal sstable boundaries. This fragmentation is essential for preserving the performance characteristics of a log-structured merge tree. Although the public interface operations for RangeKeySet and RangeKeyUnset require both boundary keys [k1,k2) to always be bare prefixes (eg, to not have a suffix), internally these keys may be fragmented to bounds containing suffixes.

Example: If a user attempts to write RangeKeySet([a@v1, c@v2), @v3, value), Pebble will return an error to the user. If a user writes RangeKeySet([a, c), @v3, value), Pebble will allow the write and may later internally fragment the RangeKeySet into three internal keys:

  • RangeKeySet([a, a@v1), @v3, value)
  • RangeKeySet([a@v1, c@v2), @v3, value)
  • RangeKeySet([c@v2, c), @v3, value)

This fragmentation preserve log-structured merge tree performance characteristics because it allows a range key to be split across many sstables, while preserving locality between range keys and point keys. Consider a RangeKeySet([a,z), @1, foo) on a database that contains millions of point keys in the range [a,z). If the [a,z) range key was not permitted to be fragmented internally, it would either need to be stored completely separately from the point keys in a separate sstable or in a single intractably large sstable containing all the overlapping point keys. Fragmentation allows locality, ensuring point keys and range keys in the same region of the keyspace can be stored in the same sstable.

RangeKeySet, RangeKeyUnset and RangeKeyDelete keys are assigned sequence numbers, like other internal keys. Log-structured merge tree level invariants are valid across range key, point keys and between the two. That is:

  1. The point key k1#s2 cannot be at a lower level than k2#s1 where k1==k2 and s1 < s2. This is the invariant implemented by all LSMs.
  2. RangeKeySet([k1,k2))#s2 cannot be at a lower level than RangeKeySet([k3,k4))#s1 where [k1,k2) overlaps [k3,k4) and s1 < s2.
  3. RangeKeySet([k1,k2))#s2 cannot be at a lower level than a point key k3#s1 where k3 \in [k1,k2) and s1 < s2.

Like other tombstones, the RangeKeyUnset and RangeKeyDelete keys are elided when they fall to the bottomost level of the LSM and there is no snapshot preventing its elision. There is no additional garbage collection problem introduced by these keys.

There is no Merge operation that affects range keys.

Physical representation

RangeKeySet, RangeKeyUnset and RangeKeyDelete keys are keyed by their start key. This poses an obstacle. We must be able to support multiple range keys at the same sequence number, because all keys within an ingested sstable adopt the same sequence number. Duplicate internal keys (keys with equal user keys, sequence numbers and kinds) are prohibited within Pebble. To resolve this issue, fragments with the same bounds are merged within snapshot stripes into a single physical key-value, representing multiple logical key-value pairs:

k1.RangeKeySet#s2 → (k2,[(@t2,v2),(@t1,v1)])

Within a physical key-value pair, suffix-value pairs are stored sorted by suffix, descending. This has a minor advantage of reducing iteration-time user-key comparisons when there exist multiple range keys in a table.

Unlike other Pebble keys, the RangeKeySet and RangeKeyUnset keys have values that encode fields of data known to Pebble. The value that the user sets in a call to RangeKeySet is opaque to Pebble, but the physical representation of the RangeKeySet's value is known. This encoding is a sequence of fields:

  • End key, varstring, encodes the end user key of the fragment.
  • A series of (suffix, value) tuples representing the logical range keys that were merged into this one physical RangeKeySet key:
    • Suffix, varstring
    • Value, varstring

Similarly, RangeKeyUnset keys are merged within snapshot stripes and have a physical representation like:

k1.RangeKeyUnset#s2 → (k2,[(@t2),(@t1)])

A RangeKeyUnset key's value is encoded as:

  • End key, varstring, encodes the end user key of the fragment.
  • A series of suffix varstrings.

When RangeKeySet and RangeKeyUnset fragments with identical bounds meet within the same snapshot stripe within a compaction, any of the RangeKeyUnset's suffixes that exist within the RangeKeySet key are removed.

A RangeKeyDelete key has no additional data beyond its end key, which is encoded directly in the value.

NB: RangeKeySet and RangeKeyUnset keys are not merged within batches or the memtable. That's okay, because batches are append-only and indexed batches will refragment and merge the range keys on-demand. In the memtable, every key is guaranteed to have a unique sequence number.

Sequence numbers

Like all Pebble keys, RangeKeySet, RangeKeyUnset and RangeKeyDelete are assigned sequence numbers when committed. As described above, overlapping RangeKeySets and RangeKeyUnsets are fragmented to have matching start and end bounds. Then the resulting exactly-overlapping range key fragments are merged into a single internal key-value pair, within the same snapshot stripe and sstable. The original, unmerged internal keys each have their own sequence numbers, indicating the moment they were committed within the history of all write operations.

Recall that sequence numbers are used within Pebble to determine which keys appear live to which iterators. When an iterator is constructed, it takes note of the current visible sequence number, and for the lifetime of the iterator, only surfaces keys less than that sequence number. Similarly, snapshots read the current visible sequence number, remember it, but also leave a note asking compactions to preserve history at that sequence number. The space between snapshotted sequence numbers is referred to as a snapshot stripe, and operations cannot drop or otherwise mutate keys unless they fall within the same snapshot stripe. For example a k.MERGE#5 key may not be merged with a k.MERGE#1 operation if there's an open snapshot at #3.

The new RangeKeySet, RangeKeyUnset and RangeKeyDelete keys behave similarly. Overlapping range keys won't be merged if there's an open snapshot separating them. Consider a range key a-z written at sequence number #1 and a point key d.SET#2. A combined point-and-range iterator using a sequence number #3 and positioned at d will surface both the range key a-z and the point key d.

In the context of masking, the suffix-based masking of range keys can cause potentially unexpected behavior. A range key [a,z)@10 may be committed as sequence number #1. Afterwards, a point key d@5#2 may be committed. An iterator that is configured with range-key masking with suffix @20 would mask the point key d@5#2 because although d@5#2's sequence number is higher, range-key masking uses suffixes to impose order, not sequence numbers.

Boundaries for sstables

Range keys follow the same relationship to sstable bounadries as the existing RANGEDEL tombstones. The bounds of an internal range key are user keys. Every range key is limited by its containing sstable's bounds.

Consider these keys, annotated with sequence numbers:

Point keys: a#50, b#70, b#49, b#48, c#47, d#46, e#45, f#44
Range key: [a,e)#60

We have created three versions of b in this example. In previous versions, Pebble could split output sstables during a compaction such that the different b versions span more than one sstable. This creates problems for RANGEDELs which span these two sstables which are discussed in the section on improperly truncated RANGEDELS. We manage to tolerate this for RANGEDELs since their semantics are defined by the system, which is not true for these range keys where the actual semantics are up to the user.

Pebble now disallows such sstable split points. In this example, by postponing the sstable split point to the user key c, we can cleanly split the range key into [a,c)#60 and [c,e)#60. The sstable end bound for the first sstable (sstable bounds are inclusive) will be c#inf (where inf is the largest possible seqnum, which is unused except for these cases), and sstable start bound for the second sstable will be c#60.

The above example deals exclusively with point and range keys without suffixes. Consider this example with suffixed keys, and compaction outputs split in the middle of the b prefix:

first sstable: points: a@100, a@30, b@100, b@40 ranges: [a,c)@50
second sstable: points: b@30, c@40, d@40, e@30, ranges: [c,e)@50

When the compaction code decides to defer b@30 to the next sstable and finish the first sstable, the range key [a,c)@50 is sitting in the fragmenter. The compaction must split the range key at the bounds determined by the user key. The compaction uses the first point key of the next sstable, in this case b@30, to truncate the range key. The compaction flushes the fragment [a,b@30)@50 to the first sstable and updates the existing fragment to begin at b@30.

If a range key extends into the next file, the range key's truncated end is used for the purposes of determining the sstable end boundary. The first sstable's end boundary becomes b@30#inf, signifying the range key does not cover b@30. The second sstable's start boundary is b@30.

Block property collectors

Separate block property collectors may be configured to collect separate properties about range keys. This is necessary for CockroachDB's MVCC block property collectors to ensure the sstable-level properties are correct.


This design extends the *pebble.Iterator with the ability to iterate over exclusively range keys, range keys and point keys together or exclusively point keys (the previous behavior).

  • Pebble already requires that the prefix k follows the same key validity rules as k@suffix.

  • Previously, Pebble did not require that a user key consisting of just a prefix k sort before the same prefix with a non-empty suffix. CockroachDB has adopted this behavior since it results in the following clean behavior: RANGEDEL over [k1, k2) deletes all versioned keys which have prefixes in the interval [k1, k2). Pebble will now require this behavior for all users using MVCC keys. Specifically, it must hold that Compare(k[:Split(k)], k) < 0 if Split(k) < len(k).

TKTK: Discuss merging iterator


Range keys will be split based on boundaries of sstables in an LSM. Users of an LSM typically expect that two different LSMs with different sstable settings that receive the same writes should output the same key-value pairs when iterating. To provide this behavior, the iterator implementation may be configured to defragment range keys during iteration time. The defragmentation behavior would be:

  • Two visible ranges [k1,k2)@suffix1=>val1, [k2,k3)@suffix2=>val2 are defragmented if suffix1==suffix2 and val1==val2, and become [k1,k3).

  • Defragmentation during user iteration does not consider the sequence number. This is necessary since LSM state can be exported to another LSM via the use of sstable ingestion, which can collapse different seqnums to the same seqnum. We would like both LSMs to look identical to the user when iterating.

The above defragmentation is conceptually simple, but hard to implement efficiently, since it requires stepping ahead from the current position to defragment range keys. This stepping ahead could switch sstables while there are still points to be consumed in a previous sstable. This determinism is useful for testing and verification purposes:

  • Randomized and metamorphic testing is used extensively to reliably test software including Pebble and CockroachDB. Defragmentation provides the determinism necessary for this form of testing.

  • CockroachDB's replica divergence detector requires a consistent view of the database on each replica.

In order to provide determinism, Pebble constructs an internal range key iterator stack that's separate from the point iterator stack, even when performing combined iteration over both range and point keys. The separate range key iterator allows the internal range key iterator to move independently of the point key iterator. This allows the range key iterator to independently visit adjacent sstables in order to defragment their range keys if necessary, without repositioning the point iterator.

Two spans [k1,k2) and [k3, k4) of range keys are defragmented if their bounds abut and their user observable-state is identical. That is, k2==k3 and each spans' contains exactly the same set of range key (, ) pairs. In order to support RangeKeyUnset and RangeKeyDelete, defragmentation must be applied after resolving unset and deletes.

Merging iteration

Recall that range keys are stored in the same sstables as point keys. In a log-structured merge tree, these sstables are distributed across levels. Within a level, sstables are non-overlapping but between levels sstables may overlap arbitrarily. During iteration, keys across levels must be merged together. For point keys, this is typically done with a heap.

Range keys too must be merged across levels, and the earlier described fragmentation at intersection boundaries must be applied. To implement this, a range key merging iterator is defined.

A merging iterator is initialized with an arbitrary number of child iterators over fragmented spans. Each child iterator exposes fragmented range keys, such that overlapping range keys are surfaced in a single span with a single set of bounds. Range keys from one child iterator may overlap key spans from another child iterator arbitrarily. The high-level algorithm is:

  1. Initialize a heap with bound keys from child iterators' range keys.
  2. Find the next [or previous, if in reverse] two unique user keys' from bounds.
  3. Consider the span formed between the two unique user keys a candidate span.
  4. Determine if any of the child iterators' spans overlap the candidate span. 4a. If any of the child iterator's current bounds are end keys (during forward iteration) or start keys (during reverse iteration), then all the spans with that bound overlap the candidate span. 4b. If no spans overlap, forget the smallest (forward iteration) or largest (reverse iteration) unique user key and advance the iterators to the next unique user key. Start again from 3.

Consider the example:

       i0:     b---d e-----h
       i1:   a---c         h-----k
       i2:   a------------------------------p

fragments:   a-b-c-d-e-----h-----k----------p

None of the individual child iterators contain a span with the exact bounds [c,d), but the merging iterator must produce a span [c,d). To accomplish this, the merging iterator visits every span between unique boundary user keys. In the above example, this is:

[a,b), [b,c), [c,d), [d,e), [e, h), [h, k), [k, p)

The merging iterator first initializes the heap to prepare for iteration. The description below discusses the mechanics of forward iteration after a call to First, but the mechanics are similar for reverse iteration and other positioning methods.

During a call to First, the heap is initialized by seeking every level to the first bound of the first fragment. In the above example, this seeks the child iterators to:

i0: (b, boundKindStart, [ [b,d) ])
i1: (a, boundKindStart, [ [a,c) ])
i2: (a, boundKindStart, [ [a,p) ])

After fixing up the heap, the root of the heap is the bound with the smallest user key ('a' in the example). During forward iteration, the root of the heap's user key is the start key of next merged span. The merging iterator records this key as the start key. The heap may contain other levels with range keys that also have the same user key as a bound of a range key, so the merging iterator pulls from the heap until it finds the first bound greater than the recorded start key.

In the above example, this results in the bounds [a,b) and child iterators in the following positions:

i0: (b, boundKindStart, [ [b,d) ])
i1: (c, boundKindEnd,   [ [a,c) ])
i2: (p, boundKindEnd,   [ [a,p) ])

With the user key bounds of the next merged span established, the merging iterator must determine which, if any, of the range keys overlap the span. During forward iteration any child iterator that is now positioned at an end boundary has an overlapping span. (Justification: The child iterator's end boundary is ≥ the new end bound. The child iterator's range key's corresponding start boundary must be ≤ the new start bound since there were no other user keys between the new span's bounds. So the fragments associated with the iterator's current end boundary have start and end bounds such that start ≤ < ≤ end).

The merging iterator iterates over the levels, collecting keys from any child iterators positioned at end boundaries. In the above example, i1 and i2 are positioned at end boundaries, so the merging iterator collects the keys of [a,c) and [a,p). These spans contain the merging iterator's [a,b) span, but they may also extend beyond the new span's start and end. The merging iterator returns the keys with the new start and end bounds, preserving the underlying keys' sequence numbers, key kinds and values.

It may be the case that the merging iterator finds no levels positioned at span end boundaries in which case the span overlaps with nothing. In this case the merging iterator loops, repeating the above process again until it finds a span that does contain keys.

Efficient masking

Recollect that in the earlier example from the iteration interface, during forward iteration an iterator would output the following keys:

  Key()   HasPointAndRange()   Value()      RangeKeyBounds()    RangeKeys()
  a       (true,  true)        artichoke    [a,b)               {(@1,apple)}
  b       (false, true)        -            [b,c)               {(@7,kiwi), (@1,apple)}
  b@2     (true,  true)        beet         [b,c)               {(@7,kiwi), (@1,apple)}
  c       (false, true)        -            [c,e)               {(@7,kiwi), (@3,banana), (@1,apple)}
  e       (false, true)        -            [e,k)               {(@7,kiwi), (@5,orange), (@1,apple)}
  k       (false, true)        -            [k,m)               {(@5,orange), (@1,apple)}
  m       (false, true)        -            [m,z)               {(@1,apple)}
  t@3     (true,  true)        turnip       [m,z)               {(@1,apple)}

When implementing an MVCC "soft delete range" operation using range keys, the range key [b,k)@7→kiwi may represent that all keys within the range [b,k) are deleted at MVCC timestamp @7. During iteration, it would be desirable if the caller could indicate that it does not want to observe any "soft deleted" point keys, and the iterator can safely skip them. Note that in a MVCC system, whether or not a key is soft deleted depends on the timestamp at which the database is read.

This is implemented through "range key masking," where a range key may act as a mask, hiding point keys with MVCC timestamps beneath the range key. This iterator option requires that the client configure the iterator with a MVCC timestamp suffix representing the timestamp at which history should be read. All range keys with suffixes (MVCC timestamps) less than or equal to the configured suffix serve as masks. All point keys with suffixes (MVCC timestamps) less than a covering, masking range key's suffix are hidden.

Specifically, when configured with a RangeKeyMasking.Suffix s, and there exists a range key with suffix r covering a point key with suffix p, and sr < p then the point key is elided.

In the above example, if RangeKeyMasking.Suffix is set to @7, every range key serves as a mask and the point key b@2 is hidden during iteration because it's contained within the masking [b,k)@7→kiwi range key. Note that t@3 would not be masked, because its timestamp @3 is more recent than the only range key that covers it ([a,z)@1→apple).

If RangeKeyMasking.Suffix were set to @6 (a historical, point-in-time read), the [b,k)@7→kiwi range key would no longer serve as a mask, and b@2 would be visible.

To efficiently implement masking, we cannot rely on the LSM invariant since b@100 can be at a lower level than [a,e)@50. Instead, we build on block-property filters, supporting special use of a MVCC timestamp block property in order to skip blocks wholly containing point keys that are masked by a range key. The client may configure a block-property collector to record the highest MVCC timestamps of point keys within blocks.

During read time, when positioned within a range key with a suffix ≤ RangeKeyMasking.Suffix, the iterator configures sstable readers to use a block-property filter to skip any blocks for which the highest MVCC timestamp is less than the provided suffix. Additionally, these iterators must consult index block bounds to ensure the block-property filter is not applied beyond the bounds of the masking range key.

CockroachDB use

CockroachDB initially will only use range keys to represent MVCC range tombstones. See the MVCC range tombstones tech note for more details:



A1. Automatic elision of range keys that don't cover keys

We could decide that range keys:

  • Don't contribute to MVCCStats themselves.
  • May be elided by Pebble when they cover zero point keys.

This means that CockroachDB garbage collection does not need to explicitly remove the range keys, only the point keys they deleted. This option is clean when paired with RANGEDELs dropping both point and range keys. CockroachDB can issue RANGEDELs whenever it wants to drop a contiguous swath of points, and not worry about the fact that it might also need to update the MVCC stats for overlapping range keys.

However, this option makes deterministic iteration over defragmented range keys for replica divergence detection challenging, because internal fragmentation may elide regions of a range key at any point. Producing a normalized form would require storing state in the value (ie, the original start key) and recalculating the smallest and largest extant covered point keys within the range key and replica bounds. This would require maintaining O(range-keys) state during the storage.ComputeStatsForRange pass over a replica's combined point and range iterator.

This likely forces replica divergence detection to use other means (eg, altering the checksum of covered points) to incorporate MVCC range tombstone state.

This option is also highly tailored to the MVCC Delete Range use case. Other range key usages, like ranged intents, would not want this behavior, so we don't consider it further.

A2. Separate LSM of range keys

There are two viable options for where to store range keys. They may be encoded within the same sstables as points in separate blocks, or in separate sstables forming a parallel range-key LSM. We examine the tradeoffs between storing range keys in the same sstable in different blocks ("shared sstables") or separate sstables forming a parallel LSM ("separate sstables"):

  • Storing range keys in separate sstables is possible because the only iteractions between range keys and point keys happens at a global level. Masking is defined over suffixes. It may be extended to be defined over sequence numbers too (see 'Sequence numbers' section below), but that is optional. Unlike range deletion tombstones, range keys have no effect on point keys during compactions.

  • With separate sstables, reads may need to open additional sstable(s) and read additional blocks. The number of additional sstables is the number of nonempty levels in the range-key LSM, so it grows logarithmically with the number of range keys. For each sstable, a read must read the index block and a data block.

  • With our expectation of few range keys, the range-key LSM is expected to be small, with one or two levels. Heuristics around sstable boundaries may prevent unnecessary range-key reads when there is no covering range key. Range key sstables and blocks are expected to have much higher table and block cache hit rates, since they are orders of magnitude less dense. Reads in any overlapping point sstables all access the same range key sstables.

  • With shared sstables, SeekPrefixGE cannot use bloom filters to entirely eliminate sstables that contain range keys. Pebble does not always use bloom filters in L6, so once a range key is compacted into L6 its impact to SeekPrefixGE is lessened. With separate sstables, SeekPrefixGE can always use bloom filters for point-key sstables. If there are any overlapping range-key sstables, the read must read them.

  • With shared sstables, range keys create dense sstable boundaries. A range key spanning an sstable boundary leaves no gap between the sstables' bounds. This can force ingested sstables into higher levels of the LSM, even if the sstables' point key spans don't overlap. This problem was previously observed with wide RANGEDEL tombstones and was mitigated by prioritizing compaction of sstables that contain RANGEDEL keys. We could do the same with range keys, but the write amplification is expected to be much worse. The RANGEDEL tombstones drop keys and eventually are dropped themselves as long as there is not an open snapshot. Range keys do not drop data and are expected to persist in L6 for long durations, always requiring ingested sstables to be inserted into L5 or above.

  • With separate sstables, compaction logic is separate, which helps avoid complexity of tricky sstable boundary conditions. Because there are expected to be an order of magnitude fewer range keys, we could impose the constraint that a prefix cannot be split across multiple range key sstables. The simplified compaction logic comes at the cost of higher levels, iterators, etc all needing to deal with the concept of two parallel LSMs.

  • With shared sstables, the LSM invariant is maintained between range keys and point keys. For example, if the point key b@20 is committed, and subsequently a range key RangeKey([a,c), @25, ...) is committed, the range key will never fall below the covered point b@20 within the LSM.

We decide to share sstables, because preserving the LSM invariant between range keys and point keys is expected to be useful in the long-term.

A3. Sequence number masking

In the CockroachDB MVCC range tombstone use case, a point key should never be written below an existing range key with a higher timestamp. The MVCC range tombstone use case would allow us to dictate that an overlapping range key with a higher sequence number always masks range keys with lower sequence numbers. Adding this additional masking scope would avoid the comparatively costly suffix comparison when a point key is masked by a range key. We need to consider how sequence number masking might be affected by the merging of range keys within snapshot stripes.

Consider the committing of range key [a,z)@{t1}#10, followed by point keys d@t2#11 and m@t2#11, followed by range key [j,z)@{t3}#12. This sequencing respects the expected timestamp, sequence number relationship in CockroachDB's use case. If all keys are flushed within the same sstable, fragmentation and merging overlapping fragments yields range keys [a,j)@{t1}#10, [j,z)@{t3,t1}#12. The key d@t2#11 must not be masked because it's not covered by the new range key, and indeed that's the case because the covering range key's fragment is unchanged [a,j)@{t1}#10.

For now we defer this optimization, with the expectation that we may not be able to preserve this relationship between sequence numbers and suffixes in all range key use cases.