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2024-06-08 11:32:45 +00:00

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Quilibrium Docker Instructions


The only requirements are git (to checkout the repository) and docker (to build the image). Golang does not have to be installed, the docker image build process uses a build stage that provides the correct Go environment and compiles the node down to one command.

In the repository root folder, where the Dockerfile.source file is, build the docker image:

docker build -f Dockerfile.source --build-arg GIT_COMMIT=$(git log -1 --format=%h) -t quilibrium -t quilibrium:1.4.16 .

Use latest version instead of 1.4.16.

The image that is built is light and safe. It is based on Alpine Linux with the Quilibrium node binary, no source code, nor the Go development environment. The image also has the grpcurl tool that can be used to query the gRPC interface.


You can also use the Task tool, it is a simple build tool that takes care of extracting parameters and building the image. The tasks are all defined in Taskfile.yaml.

You can optionally create an .env file, in the same repository root folder to override specific parameters. Right now only one optional env var is supported and that is QUILIBRIUM_IMAGE_NAME, if you want to change the default image name from quilibrium to something else. If you are pushing your images to GitHub then you have to follow the GitHub naming convention and use a name like ghcr.io/mscurtescu/ceremonyclient.

Bellow there are example interactions with Task.

The node version is extracted from node/main.go. This version string is used to tag the image. The git repo, branch and commit are read through the git command and depend on the current state of your working directory (on what branch and at what commit you are). These last three values are used to label the image.

List tasks:

task -l

Show what parameters, like image name, version etc, will be used:

task status

Build the image (aka run the build task):

task build


In order to run a Quilibrium node using the docker image follow the instructions in the docker subfolder.