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Quilibrium Docker Instructions



Currently Docker cannot be used to run Quilibrium.

There are extreme buffering requirements, especially during sync, and these in turn require sysctl configuration changes that unfortunately are not supported by Docker.

The buffer related sysctl settings are net.core.rmem_max and net.core.wmem_max and they both should be set to 600,000,000 bytes. This value allows pre-buffering of the entire maximum payload for sync.

To read the currently set values:

sysctl -n net.core.rmem_max
sysctl -n net.core.wmem_max

To set new values:

sudo sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=600000000
sudo sysctl -w net.core.wmem_max=600000000


Build the docker image:

docker build -t quilibrium -t quilibrium:1.2.9 .

Use latest version instead of 1.2.9.


Run Quilibrium in a container:

docker compose up -d

A .config/ subfolder will be created under the current folder, this is mapped inside the container. Make sure you backup config.yml and keys.yml.

Intereact with a running cotainer

Drop into a shell inside a running container:

docker compose exec -it node sh

Watch the logs:

docker compose logs

Get the Peer ID:

docker compose exec node go run ./... -peer-id

Get the token ballance:

docker compose exec node go run ./... -balance

Run the DB console:

docker compose exec node go run ./... -db-console