2021-11-23 18:24:36 -08:00

26 KiB

Building a Module

In this tutorial we will be going over building a module in Kava to show how easy it is to build on top of the Kava ecosystem. This module will be simple in nature but will show how to set up and connect a module to Kava and can be used as a starting point for more complex modules.


  1. finish up explanation of each section
  2. possibly split up sections into separate pages
  3. add the set up and start up (a bit complicated for someone to follow along because master is not yet v44, and this tutorial is based on v44)

Set up

a bit complicated for now becuase they have to clone a specific branch to work on v44
we can either have them do that or wait unit we are running v44 in master

Defining Protocol Buffer Types

The first step in building a new Kava Module is to define our Module's types. To do that we use Protocol Buffers which is a used for serializing structured data and generating code for multiple target languages, Protocol Buffers are also smaller than JSON & XML so sending data around the network will be less expensive. Learn More.

Our Protobuf files will all live in proto/kava directory. we will create a new directory with the new module greet and add the following files in the proto/greet/v1beta1/ directory


Defining The Greet Type

Inside the proto/greet/v1beta1/greet.proto file lets define our greet type:

syntax = "proto3";
package  kava.greet.v1beta1;
import  "cosmos_proto/cosmos.proto";
import  "gogoproto/gogo.proto";
option  go_package = "github.com/kava-labs/kava/x/greet/types";

message Greet {
string owner = 1;
string id = 2;
string message = 3;

Here we are saying that we have a Greet type that will have an owner, an id and a message that will contain the greet string. Once we have that defined we are ready to set up a way to create this greet message and query it.

Creating a new Greeting

Inside the proto/greet/v1beta1/tx.proto file lets define our Msg Type:

syntax = "proto3";
package  kava.greet.v1beta1;
import  "gogoproto/gogo.proto";
import  "cosmos_proto/cosmos.proto";
option  go_package = "github.com/kava-labs/kava/x/greet/types";

// here we define our Msg Service which will handle our CreateGreet transaction
service  Msg {
// CreateGreet will take a MsgCreateGreet and return an MsgCreateGreetResponse response
rpc  CreateGreet (MsgCreateGreet) returns (MsgCreateGreetResponse);

// to create a greet message provide the message and the owner of the message *note Id will be auto-generated
message  MsgCreateGreet {
string message = 1;
string owner = 2;

// we will leave our response type empty 
message  MsgCreateGreetResponse { }

Now that we have defined how to create a new Greeting let's finish up by setting up our queries to view a specific greeting or all of them.

One thing to note here is that any state changing actions are transactions and for that reason we put them in our tx.proto files, we essentially said we are creating a new state changing message & defined the types for that message in our proto file, we will later add clients to trigger state change, which in our case will be adding a new message to our chain.

Querying Greetings

Code inside the proto/greet/v1beta1/query.proto :

syntax = "proto3";
package  kava.greet.v1beta1;
option  go_package = "github.com/kava-labs/kava/x/greet/types";
import  "gogoproto/gogo.proto";
import  "google/api/annotations.proto";
import  "cosmos/base/query/v1beta1/pagination.proto";
import  "cosmos_proto/cosmos.proto";
import  "kava/greet/v1beta1/greet.proto";

// this is where we link up our query services

service  Query {
	// Greet will take and input of type QueryGetGreetRequest and return QueryGetGreetResponse
	rpc  Greet(QueryGetGreetRequest) returns (QueryGetGreetResponse) {
	// this is the endpoint for our Greet service
	option  (google.api.http).get = "/kava/greet/v1beta1/greetings/{id}";

	// GreetAll will show all of the greet messages we have added and will take a QueryAllGreetRequest and return a QueryAllGreetResponse
	rpc  GreetAll(QueryAllGreetRequest) returns (QueryAllGreetResponse) {
	// this is the endpoint to see all of the greetings in our chain
	option  (google.api.http).get = "/kava/swap/v1beta1/greetings";

// the Greet Request will need an Id of the greet message
message  QueryGetGreetRequest {
string id = 1;

// the Greet Response will return the Greet Type which we defined in the greet.proto
message  QueryGetGreetResponse {
Greet greeting = 1;

// the query all request will not require any fields except for the pagination incase we have a lot 
message  QueryAllGreetRequest {
cosmos.base.query.v1beta1.PageRequest pagination = 1;

// will return a list of Greet types
message  QueryAllGreetResponse {
repeated  Greet greetings = 1;
cosmos.base.query.v1beta1.PageResponse pagination = 2;

Our query.proto now contains the types for our queries, we have defined a request type & a response type and those types will be returned once we trigger a query through the CLI, REST API, or Grpc. The response will follow the same structure regardless of the type of client initiating the request.

We defined our query, tx, and greet proto files we finally need to set up the genesis file and then we are ready to generate these types. In the genesis file we will create a minimal genesis.proto for this tutorial to keep things simple.

syntax = "proto3";
package  kava.greet.v1beta1;
import  "kava/greet/v1beta1/greet.proto";
import  "gogoproto/gogo.proto";
import  "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import  "cosmos_proto/cosmos.proto";
option  go_package = "github.com/kava-labs/kava/x/greet/types";
// our gensis state message will be empty for this tutorial
message  GenesisState {}

Once all the files are filled in we are ready to generate our proto types. in the Kava Directory run make proto-gen to generate the types, this will create a folder inside the x/greet and will contain the auto-generated proto types.

Developing Our Greet Module

First thing we will do is set up our greet module's keys we will create a new file x/greet/types/keys.go, and populate this with keys for the greet module, we will use these keys later as we build our module.

package  types

const (
	ModuleName =  "greet"
	StoreKey = ModuleName
	RouterKey = ModuleName
	QuerierRoute = ModuleName
	GreetKey =  "Greet-value-"
	GreetCountKey =  "Greet-count-"

func  KeyPrefix(p string) []byte {
	return []byte(p)

Once we have our keys set up let's create our codec which will handle serialization of our data and register our Protocol Buffer types.

Create x/greet/types/codec.go file and add the code below:

package  types

import (
	sdk  "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"

func  RegisterCodec(cdc *codec.LegacyAmino){
	cdc.RegisterConcrete(&MsgCreateGreet{}, "greet/CreateGreet", nil)

func  RegisterLegacyAminoCodec(cdc *codec.LegacyAmino) {
	cdc.RegisterConcrete(&MsgCreateGreet{}, "greet/CreateGreet", nil)

func  RegisterInterfaces(registry types.InterfaceRegistry){
	registry.RegisterImplementations((*sdk.Msg)(nil), &MsgCreateGreet{})
	msgservice.RegisterMsgServiceDesc(registry, &_Msg_serviceDesc)

var (
amino = codec.NewLegacyAmino()
ModuleCdc = codec.NewAminoCodec(amino)

As seen above this code is all about registering your Protocol Buffer generated types and teaching your application how to handle these types.

Define our NewMsgCreateGreet type

Now that we have set up our codec & keys files lets add some code for creating a new greeting, create a file x/greet/types/message_greet.go and add the following code:

package  types

import (
	sdk  "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
	sdkerrors  "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types/errors"

var _ sdk.Msg =  &MsgCreateGreet{}

// this is our "constructor" for a new greeting this will return a message that will 
// have all the methods defined below Route, Type, GetSigners, GetSignBytes, ValidateBasic
func  NewMsgCreateGreet(owner string, message string) *MsgCreateGreet {
		return  &MsgCreateGreet{
		Owner: owner,
		Message: message,

 // returns our RouterKey which is "greet"
func (msg MsgCreateGreet) Route() string {
	return RouterKey

// returns the type of our message which is "CreateGreet"
func (msg MsgCreateGreet) Type() string {
	return  "CreateGreet"
// get the signer of msg
func (msg MsgCreateGreet) GetSigners() []sdk.AccAddress {
	owner, err := sdk.AccAddressFromBech32(msg.Owner)
	if err !=  nil {
	return []sdk.AccAddress{owner}
// marshals the msg
func (msg *MsgCreateGreet) GetSignBytes() []byte {
	bz := ModuleCdc.MustMarshalJSON(msg)
	return sdk.MustSortJSON(bz)

// does basic msg validation 
func (msg MsgCreateGreet) ValidateBasic() error {
	_, err := sdk.AccAddressFromBech32(msg.Owner)
	if err !=  nil {
		return sdkerrors.Wrapf(sdkerrors.ErrInvalidAddress, "invalid owner address", err)
	if  len(msg.Message) ==  0 {
		return sdkerrors.Wrapf(sdkerrors.Error{ }, "must provide greeting message")
	return  nil

As you can see above, this code is all about the &MsgCreateGreet{} and all these functions are "receiver functions" in Go. They can be thought of as a collection of useful method on our &MsgCreateGreet{} type, such as getting the signer of the new message or doing a basic validation, etc.

Setting up Commands

Creating a new greeting

In order for users to interact with our new module, we will create a command to create a new greeting that will live in the following folder so let's create it and write down some code in there /x/greet/client/cli/tx.go:

package  cli

import (


// this is the parent tx command for the greet module everytime we add a new command we will register it here
func  GetTxCmd() *cobra.Command {
	cmd :=  &cobra.Command{
	Use: types.ModuleName,
	Short: fmt.Sprintf("%s transactions subcommands", types.ModuleName),
	DisableFlagParsing: true,
	SuggestionsMinimumDistance: 2,
	RunE: client.ValidateCmd,

	// add the create greet command
	return cmd

// build the create greet command function
func  CmdCreateGreet() *cobra.Command {
	cmd :=  &cobra.Command{
	Use: "create-greet [message]",
	Short: "Create a new greeting",
	Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1),
	RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
		message :=  string(args[0])
		clientCtx, err := client.GetClientTxContext(cmd)
		if err !=  nil {
		return err

		// create the new mesage using the new constuctor we made
		msg := types.NewMsgCreateGreet(clientCtx.GetFromAddress().String(), string(message))
		// do a basic message validation using the reciever function we created on the MsgCreateGreet type
		if err := msg.ValidateBasic(); err !=  nil {
		return err

		// GenerateOrBroadcastTxCLI will either generate and print and unsigned transaction or sign it and broadcast it returning an error upon failure.

		return tx.GenerateOrBroadcastTxCLI(clientCtx, cmd.Flags(), msg)


	// add flags tx for our command

	// return the configured command struct
	return cmd

Querying Our Greetings

Just as we set up a way for user's to interact with our blockchain and creating a new greeting, now we have to wire up a way for user's to be able to query our greetings, below we will set up a way for user's to get a particular greeting by it's Id or alternatively get a list of all the greetings created.

Inside /x/greet/client/cli/query.go:

package  cli

import (
// this is the parent query command for the greet module everytime we add a new command we will register it here
func  GetQueryCmd(queryRoute string) *cobra.Command {
	// Group todos queries under a subcommand
	cmd :=  &cobra.Command{
	Use: types.ModuleName,
	Short: fmt.Sprintf("Querying commands for the %s module", types.ModuleName),
	DisableFlagParsing: true,
	SuggestionsMinimumDistance: 2,
	RunE: client.ValidateCmd,
	// register the list greet command
	// register the show greet command
	// return the configured command
	return cmd

// build the list greet command function
	func  CmdListGreet() *cobra.Command {
	cmd :=  &cobra.Command{
	Use: "list-greetings",
	Short: "list all greetings",
	RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
		clientCtx, err := client.GetClientTxContext(cmd)
		if err !=  nil {
			return err
		pageReq, err := client.ReadPageRequest(cmd.Flags())
		if err !=  nil {
			return err
		queryClient := types.NewQueryClient(clientCtx)
		params :=  &types.QueryAllGreetRequest{
		Pagination: pageReq,
		res, err := queryClient.GreetAll(context.Background(), params)
		if err !=  nil {
			return err
		return clientCtx.PrintProto(res)
		return cmd

// build the show greet command function
func  CmdShowGreet() *cobra.Command {
	cmd :=  &cobra.Command{
	Use: "show-greet [id]",
	Short: "shows a greeting",
	Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1),
	RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
		clientCtx, err := client.GetClientTxContext(cmd)
		if err !=  nil {
			return err
		queryClient := types.NewQueryClient(clientCtx)
		params :=  &types.QueryGetGreetRequest{
			Id: args[0],
		res, err := queryClient.Greet(context.Background(), params)
		if err !=  nil {
			return err

		return clientCtx.PrintProto(res)

	return cmd

Setting Up The Module's Keeper

A keeper can be thought of as a guard or a gatekeeper for your module, it has access to the underlying store for your module, and can allow or disallow other module's from accessing your module's store. For this Tutorial we will keep things simple and simply use our Keeper as a store for our greetings.

First We will create our keeper type and constructor inside x/greet/keeper/keeper.go:

package  keeper

import (
	sdk  "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
	paramtypes  "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/params/types"

type (
	Keeper struct {
	cdc codec.Codec
	key sdk.StoreKey
	paramSubspace paramtypes.Subspace

func  NewKeeper(cdc codec.Codec, key sdk.StoreKey, paramstore paramtypes.Subspace, accountKeeper types.AccountKeeper) *Keeper {
	return  &Keeper{
	cdc: cdc,
	key: key,
	paramSubspace: paramstore,

Now it's time to set up our storage layer for our greet module inside x/greet/keeper/greet.go:

package  keeper

import (
	 sdk "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
// gets the amount of greetings stored 
func (k Keeper) GetGreetCount(ctx sdk.Context) int64 {
	store := prefix.NewStore(ctx.KVStore(k.key), types.KeyPrefix(types.GreetCountKey))
	byteKey := types.KeyPrefix(types.GreetCountKey)
	bz := store.Get(byteKey)
	if bz ==  nil {
	return  0
	count, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(bz), 10, 64)
	if err !=  nil {
	panic("cannot decode count")
	return count
// increments out greet amount by ```count```
func (k Keeper) SetGreetCount(ctx sdk.Context, count int64){
	store := prefix.NewStore(ctx.KVStore(k.key), types.KeyPrefix(types.GreetCountKey))
	byteKey := types.KeyPrefix(types.GreetCountKey)
	bz := []byte(strconv.FormatInt(count, 10))
	store.Set(byteKey, bz)

// stores a newly created greeting 
func (k Keeper) CreateGreet(ctx sdk.Context, msg types.MsgCreateGreet){
	count := k.GetGreetCount(ctx) // using our count to create an Id 
	var greet = types.Greet{
	Id: strconv.FormatInt(count, 10), // Id is our count 
	Owner: msg.Owner,
	Message: msg.Message,
	store := prefix.NewStore(ctx.KVStore(k.key), types.KeyPrefix(types.GreetKey))
	key := types.KeyPrefix(types.GreetKey + greet.Id)
	value := k.cdc.MustMarshal(&greet)
	store.Set(key, value)
	k.SetGreetCount(ctx, count +  1) // increments count by 1 

 // gets the greeting from the store
func (k Keeper) GetGreet(ctx sdk.Context, key string) types.Greet {
	store := prefix.NewStore(ctx.KVStore(k.key), types.KeyPrefix(types.GreetKey))
	var Greet types.Greet
	k.cdc.Unmarshal(store.Get(types.KeyPrefix(types.GreetKey + key)), &Greet)
	return Greet

// checks if a greeting exists in the store
func (k Keeper) HasGreet(ctx sdk.Context, id string) bool {
	store := prefix.NewStore(ctx.KVStore(k.key), types.KeyPrefix(types.GreetKey))
	return store.Has(types.KeyPrefix(types.GreetKey + id))

// returns the owner of a particular greeting 
func (k Keeper) GetGreetOwner(ctx sdk.Context, key string) string{
	return k.GetGreet(ctx, key).Owner

// returns all greetings from our store
func (k Keeper) GetAllGreet(ctx sdk.Context) (msgs []types.Greet){
	store := prefix.NewStore(ctx.KVStore(k.key), types.KeyPrefix(types.GreetKey))
	iterator := sdk.KVStorePrefixIterator(store, types.KeyPrefix(types.GreetKey))
	defer iterator.Close()
	for ; iterator.Valid(); iterator.Next() {
		var msg types.Greet
		k.cdc.Unmarshal(iterator.Value(), &msg)
		msgs =  append(msgs, msg)

We set up our store in the keeper, now we just have to add a few wrapper functions that will call these functions used for querying our store. Inside x/greet/query_greet.go:

package  keeper

import (
	sdk  "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
	sdkerrors  "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types/errors"

func  getGreet(ctx sdk.Context, id string, keeper Keeper, legacyQuerierCdc *codec.LegacyAmino) ([]byte, error) {
	msg := keeper.GetGreet(ctx, id)
	bz, err := codec.MarshalJSONIndent(legacyQuerierCdc, msg)
	if err !=  nil {
		return  nil, sdkerrors.Wrap(sdkerrors.ErrJSONMarshal, err.Error())
	return bz, nil
func  listGreet(ctx sdk.Context, keeper Keeper, legacyQuerierCdc *codec.LegacyAmino) ([]byte, error) {
	msgs := keeper.GetAllGreet(ctx)
	bz, err := codec.MarshalJSONIndent(legacyQuerierCdc, msgs)
	if err !=  nil {
		return  nil, sdkerrors.Wrap(sdkerrors.ErrJSONMarshal, err.Error())
	return bz, err

Now let's set up our querier inside which will call the two different functions getGreet & listGreet we defined above.

Inside x/greet/querier.go:

package  keeper

import (
sdk  "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
sdkerrors  "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types/errors"
abci  "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/abci/types"

func  NewQuerier(k Keeper, legacyQuerierCdc *codec.LegacyAmino) sdk.Querier {
		return  func(ctx sdk.Context, path []string, req abci.RequestQuery) (res []byte, err error) {
		switch path[0] {
		case types.QueryGetGreet:
		return  getGreet(ctx, path[1], k, legacyQuerierCdc)
		case types.QueryListGreet:
		return  listGreet(ctx, k, legacyQuerierCdc)
		return  nil, sdkerrors.Wrapf(sdkerrors.ErrUnknownRequest, "unknown %s query endpoint", types.ModuleName)

Now lets define these two queries inside x/greet/types/query.go:

package  types

const (
	QueryGetGreet =  "show-greet"
	QueryListGreet =  "list-greetings"


package  keeper

import (
sdk  "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"

func (k Keeper) GreetAll(c context.Context, req *types.QueryAllGreetRequest) (*types.QueryAllGreetResponse, error) {
	var greetings []*types.Greet
	ctx := sdk.UnwrapSDKContext(c)
	store := ctx.KVStore(k.key)
	greetStore := prefix.NewStore(store, types.KeyPrefix(types.GreetKey))

	pageRes, err := query.Paginate(greetStore, req.Pagination, func(key, value []byte) error {
	var greet types.Greet
	if err := k.cdc.Unmarshal(value, &greet); err !=  nil {
		return err
	greetings =  append(greetings, &greet)
	return  nil
	if err !=  nil {
		return  nil, status.Error(codes.Internal, err.Error())
	return  &types.QueryAllGreetResponse{Greetings: greetings, Pagination: pageRes}, nil


func (k Keeper) Greet(c context.Context, req *types.QueryGetGreetRequest) (*types.QueryGetGreetResponse, error) {
	if req ==  nil {
		return  nil, status.Error(codes.InvalidArgument, "invalid request")
	var greet types.Greet
	ctx := sdk.UnwrapSDKContext(c)
	store := prefix.NewStore(ctx.KVStore(k.key), types.KeyPrefix(types.GreetKey))
	k.cdc.MustUnmarshal(store.Get(types.KeyPrefix(types.GreetKey + req.Id)), &greet)
	return &types.QueryGetGreetResponse{Greeting: &greet}, nil


package  greet

import (
	 sdk  "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
	 sdkerrors  "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types/errors"

func  NewHandler(k keeper.Keeper) sdk.Handler{
	return  func(ctx sdk.Context, msg sdk.Msg) (*sdk.Result, error) {
		ctx = ctx.WithEventManager(sdk.NewEventManager())
		switch msg := msg.(type) {
		case  *types.MsgCreateGreet:
		return  handleMsgCreateGreet(ctx, k, msg)
		errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("unrecognized %s message type: %T", types.ModuleName, msg)
		return  nil, sdkerrors.Wrap(sdkerrors.ErrUnknownRequest, errMsg)

func  handleMsgCreateGreet(ctx sdk.Context, k keeper.Keeper, msg *types.MsgCreateGreet) (*sdk.Result, error) {
	k.CreateGreet(ctx, *msg)
	return  &sdk.Result{Events: ctx.EventManager().ABCIEvents()}, nil


package  greet

import (
	cdctypes  "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/codec/types"
	sdk  "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
	abci  "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/abci/types"


var (
	_ module.AppModule = AppModule{}
	_ module.AppModuleBasic = AppModuleBasic{}

type  AppModuleBasic  struct{} 
// Name get module name
func (AppModuleBasic) Name() string {
	return types.ModuleName

// RegisterLegacyAminoCodec register module codec
func (AppModuleBasic) RegisterLegacyAminoCodec(cdc *codec.LegacyAmino) {


// DefaultGenesis default genesis state
func (AppModuleBasic) DefaultGenesis(cdc codec.JSONCodec) json.RawMessage {
	gs := types.DefaultGenesisState()
	return cdc.MustMarshalJSON(&gs)

func (AppModuleBasic) ValidateGenesis(cdc codec.JSONCodec, config client.TxEncodingConfig, bz json.RawMessage) error {
	var gs types.GenesisState
	err := cdc.UnmarshalJSON(bz, &gs)
	if err !=  nil {
		return err
	return gs.Validate()

// RegisterInterfaces implements InterfaceModule.RegisterInterfaces
func (a AppModuleBasic) RegisterInterfaces(registry cdctypes.InterfaceRegistry) {

func (a AppModuleBasic) RegisterRESTRoutes(clientCtx client.Context, rtr *mux.Router) {
	rest.RegisterRoutes(clientCtx, rtr)


// RegisterGRPCGatewayRoutes registers the gRPC Gateway routes for the gov module.
func (a AppModuleBasic) RegisterGRPCGatewayRoutes(clientCtx client.Context, mux *runtime.ServeMux) {
	if err := types.RegisterQueryHandlerClient(context.Background(), mux, types.NewQueryClient(clientCtx)); err !=  nil {


// GetTxCmd returns the root tx command for the swap module.
func (AppModuleBasic) GetTxCmd() *cobra.Command {
	return cli.GetTxCmd()


// GetQueryCmd returns no root query command for the swap module.
func (AppModuleBasic) GetQueryCmd() *cobra.Command {
	return cli.GetQueryCmd(types.StoreKey)

// AppModule app module type
type  AppModule  struct {
	keeper keeper.Keeper

func  NewAppModule(keeper keeper.Keeper) AppModule {
	return AppModule{
		AppModuleBasic: AppModuleBasic{},
		keeper: keeper,

// Name module name
func (am AppModule) Name() string {
	return am.AppModuleBasic.Name()

// RegisterInvariants register module invariants
func (am AppModule) RegisterInvariants(ir sdk.InvariantRegistry) { }

func (am AppModule) Route() sdk.Route {
	return sdk.Route{}

func (AppModule) QuerierRoute() string {
	return types.QuerierRoute


func (am AppModule) LegacyQuerierHandler(legacyQuerierCdc *codec.LegacyAmino) sdk.Querier {
	return keeper.NewQuerier(am.keeper, legacyQuerierCdc)


func (AppModule) ConsensusVersion() uint64 {
	return  1


// RegisterServices registers module services.
func (am AppModule) RegisterServices(cfg module.Configurator) {
	types.RegisterMsgServer(cfg.MsgServer(), NewMsgServerImpl(am.keeper))
	types.RegisterQueryServer(cfg.QueryServer(), am.keeper)


func (am AppModule) InitGenesis(ctx sdk.Context, cdc codec.JSONCodec, gs json.RawMessage) []abci.ValidatorUpdate {
	var genState types.GenesisState
	cdc.MustUnmarshalJSON(gs, &genState)
	InitGenesis(ctx, am.keeper, genState)
	return []abci.ValidatorUpdate{}


func (am AppModule) ExportGenesis(ctx sdk.Context, cdc codec.JSONCodec) json.RawMessage {
	gs :=  ExportGenesis(ctx, am.keeper)
	return cdc.MustMarshalJSON(&gs)


func (am AppModule) BeginBlock(_ sdk.Context, _ abci.RequestBeginBlock) {	}

// EndBlock module end-block
func (am AppModule) EndBlock(_ sdk.Context, _ abci.RequestEndBlock) []abci.ValidatorUpdate {
	return []abci.ValidatorUpdate{}


package  greet

import (
	sdk  "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"


type  msgServer  struct {
	keeper keeper.Keeper

func (m msgServer) CreateGreet(c context.Context, msg *types.MsgCreateGreet) (*types.MsgCreateGreetResponse, error) {
	ctx := sdk.UnwrapSDKContext(c)
	m.keeper.CreateGreet(ctx, types.MsgCreateGreet{Owner: msg.Owner, Message: msg.Message})
	return  &types.MsgCreateGreetResponse{}, nil

func  NewMsgServerImpl(keeper keeper.Keeper) types.MsgServer {
	return  &msgServer{keeper: keeper}

var _ types.MsgServer = msgServer{}