2021-08-06 08:12:08 -06:00

6.1 KiB


Parameters and Genesis State

Parameters define the types of incentives that are available and the rewards that are available for each incentive.

// Params governance parameters for the incentive module
type Params struct {
	USDXMintingRewardPeriods RewardPeriods      `json:"usdx_minting_reward_periods" yaml:"usdx_minting_reward_periods"`
	HardSupplyRewardPeriods  MultiRewardPeriods `json:"hard_supply_reward_periods" yaml:"hard_supply_reward_periods"`
	HardBorrowRewardPeriods  MultiRewardPeriods `json:"hard_borrow_reward_periods" yaml:"hard_borrow_reward_periods"`
	DelegatorRewardPeriods   MultiRewardPeriods `json:"delegator_reward_periods" yaml:"delegator_reward_periods"`
	SwapRewardPeriods        MultiRewardPeriods `json:"swap_reward_periods" yaml:"swap_reward_periods"`
	ClaimMultipliers         Multipliers        `json:"claim_multipliers" yaml:"claim_multipliers"`
	ClaimEnd                 time.Time          `json:"claim_end" yaml:"claim_end"`

Each RewardPeriod defines a particular collateral for which rewards are eligible and the amount of rewards available.

// RewardPeriod stores the state of an ongoing reward
type RewardPeriod struct {
  Active           bool      `json:"active" yaml:"active"` // if the reward is active
  CollateralType   string    `json:"collateral_type" yaml:"collateral_type"` // the collateral type for which rewards apply
  Start            time.Time `json:"start" yaml:"start"` // when the rewards start
  End              time.Time `json:"end" yaml:"end"` // when the rewards end
  RewardsPerSecond sdk.Coin  `json:"rewards_per_second" yaml:"rewards_per_second"` // per second reward payouts

Each MultiRewardPeriod defines a particular collateral for which one or more reward tokens are eligible and the amount of rewards available

// MultiRewardPeriod supports multiple reward types
type MultiRewardPeriod struct {
  Active           bool      `json:"active" yaml:"active"`
  CollateralType   string    `json:"collateral_type" yaml:"collateral_type"`
  Start            time.Time `json:"start" yaml:"start"`
  End              time.Time `json:"end" yaml:"end"`
  RewardsPerSecond sdk.Coins `json:"rewards_per_second" yaml:"rewards_per_second"` // per second reward payouts

GenesisState defines the state that must be persisted when the blockchain stops/restarts in order for normal function of the incentive module to resume.

// GenesisState is the state that must be provided at genesis.
type GenesisState struct {
	Params Params `json:"params" yaml:"params"`

	USDXRewardState       GenesisRewardState `json:"usdx_reward_state" yaml:"usdx_reward_state"`
	HardSupplyRewardState GenesisRewardState `json:"hard_supply_reward_state" yaml:"hard_supply_reward_state"`
	HardBorrowRewardState GenesisRewardState `json:"hard_borrow_reward_state" yaml:"hard_borrow_reward_state"`
	DelegatorRewardState  GenesisRewardState `json:"delegator_reward_state" yaml:"delegator_reward_state"`
	SwapRewardState       GenesisRewardState `json:"swap_reward_state" yaml:"swap_reward_state"`

	USDXMintingClaims           USDXMintingClaims           `json:"usdx_minting_claims" yaml:"usdx_minting_claims"`
	HardLiquidityProviderClaims HardLiquidityProviderClaims `json:"hard_liquidity_provider_claims" yaml:"hard_liquidity_provider_claims"`
	DelegatorClaims             DelegatorClaims             `json:"delegator_claims" yaml:"delegator_claims"`
	SwapClaims                  SwapClaims                  `json:"swap_claims" yaml:"swap_claims"`


For complete details for how items are stored, see keys.go.

Claim Creation

When users take incentivized actions, the incentive module will create or update a Claim object in the store, which represents the amount of rewards that the user is eligible to claim. Each Claim object contains one or several RewardIndexes, which are used to calculate the amount of rewards a user can claim. There are four defined claim objects:

  • USDXMintingClaim
  • HardLiquidityProviderClaim
  • DelegatorClaim
  • SwapClaim

// Claim is an interface for handling common claim actions
type Claim interface {
	GetOwner() sdk.AccAddress
	GetReward() sdk.Coin
	GetType() string

// BaseClaim is a common type shared by all Claims
type BaseClaim struct {
	Owner  sdk.AccAddress `json:"owner" yaml:"owner"`
	Reward sdk.Coin       `json:"reward" yaml:"reward"`

// BaseMultiClaim is a common type shared by all Claims with multiple reward denoms
type BaseMultiClaim struct {
	Owner  sdk.AccAddress `json:"owner" yaml:"owner"`
	Reward sdk.Coins      `json:"reward" yaml:"reward"`

// RewardIndex stores reward accumulation information
type RewardIndex struct {
	CollateralType string  `json:"collateral_type" yaml:"collateral_type"`
	RewardFactor   sdk.Dec `json:"reward_factor" yaml:"reward_factor"`

// MultiRewardIndex stores reward accumulation information on multiple reward types
type MultiRewardIndex struct {
	CollateralType string        `json:"collateral_type" yaml:"collateral_type"`
	RewardIndexes  RewardIndexes `json:"reward_indexes" yaml:"reward_indexes"`

// USDXMintingClaim is for USDX minting rewards
type USDXMintingClaim struct {
	BaseClaim     `json:"base_claim" yaml:"base_claim"`
	RewardIndexes RewardIndexes `json:"reward_indexes" yaml:"reward_indexes"`

// HardLiquidityProviderClaim stores the hard liquidity provider rewards that can be claimed by owner
type HardLiquidityProviderClaim struct {
	BaseMultiClaim      `json:"base_claim" yaml:"base_claim"`
	SupplyRewardIndexes MultiRewardIndexes `json:"supply_reward_indexes" yaml:"supply_reward_indexes"`
	BorrowRewardIndexes MultiRewardIndexes `json:"borrow_reward_indexes" yaml:"borrow_reward_indexes"`

// DelegatorClaim stores delegation rewards that can be claimed by owner
type DelegatorClaim struct {
	BaseMultiClaim `json:"base_claim" yaml:"base_claim"`
	RewardIndexes  MultiRewardIndexes `json:"reward_indexes" yaml:"reward_indexes"`

// SwapClaim stores the swap rewards that can be claimed by owner
type SwapClaim struct {
	BaseMultiClaim `json:"base_claim" yaml:"base_claim"`
	RewardIndexes  MultiRewardIndexes `json:"reward_indexes" yaml:"reward_indexes"`