
108 lines
3.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2018-12-06 15:59:57 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# _*_ coding:utf-8 _*_
import os
import json
import hashlib
import codecs
from shutil import copyfile
import sys
stage = "stage1"
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
stage = sys.argv[1]
curr_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
parent_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(curr_path, ".."))
to_remove = None
def md5sum(full_path):
with open(full_path, 'rb') as rf:
return hashlib.md5(rf.read()).hexdigest()
def work_paths_by_walk():
index = 0
for root,subdirs,files in os.walk(parent_path):
index += 1
for filepath in files:
print os.path.join(root,filepath)
for sub in subdirs:
print os.path.join(root,sub)
def work_parent():
2019-01-15 04:47:56 +00:00
ignore_paths = frozenset(["maintain_files", "softcenter", "v2ray", "adbyby", "ddnspod", "gdddns"])
2018-12-06 15:59:57 +00:00
for fname in os.listdir(parent_path):
if fname[0] == "." or fname in ignore_paths:
path = os.path.join(parent_path, fname)
if os.path.isdir(path):
#print fname
#print path
yield fname, path
def work_files(parent, ext):
for fname in os.listdir(parent):
path = os.path.join(parent, fname)
if os.path.isfile(path):
yield path
def check_subdir(module, path, name, ext, target_path):
script_path = os.path.join(path, module, name)
if os.path.isdir(script_path):
for f in work_files(script_path, ext):
target_file = os.path.join(target_path, os.path.basename(f))
#print "copy", f, "-->", target_file
copyfile(f, target_file)
if not target_file.endswith(".png") and to_remove:
def check_and_cp():
for module, path in work_parent():
#check_subdir(module, path, "scripts", ".sh", os.path.join(curr_path, "softcenter", "scripts"))
#check_subdir(module, path, "webs", ".asp", os.path.join(curr_path, "softcenter", "webs"))
#check_subdir(module, path, "scripts", ".sh", os.path.join(curr_path, "softcenter", "scripts"))
check_subdir(module, path, "res", "*", os.path.join(curr_path, "softcenter", "res"))
def gen_modules(modules):
for module, path in work_parent():
conf = os.path.join(path, "config.json.js")
m = None
with codecs.open(conf, "r", "utf-8") as fc:
m = json.loads(fc.read())
if m:
m["name"] = module
if "tar_url" not in m:
m["tar_url"] = module + "/" + module + ".tar.gz"
if "home_url" not in m:
m["home_url"] = "Module_" + module + ".asp"
if not m:
m = {"name":module, "title":module, "tar_url": module + "/" + module + ".tar.gz"}
if stage == "stage1":
to_remove = open(os.path.join(curr_path, "to_remove.txt"), "w")
gmodules = None
with codecs.open(os.path.join(curr_path, "app.template.json.js"), "r", "utf-8") as fg:
gmodules = json.loads(fg.read())
gmodules["apps"] = []
with codecs.open(os.path.join(curr_path, "config.json.js"), "r", "utf-8") as fc:
conf = json.loads(fc.read())
gmodules["version"] = conf["version"]
gmodules["md5"] = conf["md5"]
with codecs.open(os.path.join(curr_path, "app.json.js"), "w", "utf-8") as fw:
json.dump(gmodules, fw, sort_keys = True, indent = 4, ensure_ascii=False, encoding='utf8')