#!/bin/bash # 定义版本 VERSION="1.0.2" # 定义颜色 RED='\033[0;31m' GREEN='\033[0;32m' YELLOW='\033[1;33m' NC='\033[0m' # No Color # 检查 root 权限并获取 sudo 权限 check_root() { if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then echo "此脚本需要 root 权限运行。" if ! sudo -v; then echo "无法获取 sudo 权限,退出脚本。" exit 1 fi echo "已获取 sudo 权限。" fi } # 检查并安装依赖 install_dependencies() { echo -e "${YELLOW}正在检查并安装必要的依赖项...${NC}" # 更新包列表 if ! sudo apt-get update; then echo -e "${RED}无法更新包列表。请检查您的网络连接和系统设置。${NC}" exit 1 fi # 安装依赖 local dependencies=( "curl" "wget" "iperf3" ) for dep in "${dependencies[@]}"; do if ! command -v "$dep" &> /dev/null; then echo -e "${YELLOW}正在安装 $dep...${NC}" if ! sudo apt-get install -y "$dep"; then echo -e "${RED}无法安装 $dep。请手动安装此依赖项。${NC}" fi else echo -e "${GREEN}$dep 已安装。${NC}" fi done echo -e "${GREEN}依赖项检查和安装完成。${NC}" } # 获取IP地址 ip_address() { ipv4_address=$(curl -s --max-time 5 ipv4.ip.sb) if [ -z "$ipv4_address" ]; then ipv4_address=$(ip -4 addr show | grep -oP '(?<=inet\s)\d+(\.\d+){3}' | grep -v '' | head -n1) fi ipv6_address=$(curl -s --max-time 5 ipv6.ip.sb) if [ -z "$ipv6_address" ]; then ipv6_address=$(ip -6 addr show | grep -oP '(?<=inet6\s)[\da-f:]+' | grep -v '^::1' | grep -v '^fe80' | head -n1) fi } # 检测VPS地理位置 detect_region() { local country country=$(curl -s ipinfo.io/country) case $country in "TW") echo "1" ;; # 台湾 "HK") echo "2" ;; # 香港 "JP") echo "3" ;; # 日本 "US" | "CA") echo "4" ;; # 北美 "BR" | "AR" | "CL") echo "5" ;; # 南美 "GB" | "DE" | "FR" | "NL" | "SE" | "NO" | "FI" | "DK" | "IT" | "ES" | "CH" | "AT" | "BE" | "IE" | "PT" | "GR" | "PL" | "CZ" | "HU" | "RO" | "BG" | "HR" | "SI" | "SK" | "LT" | "LV" | "EE") echo "6" ;; # 欧洲 "AU" | "NZ") echo "7" ;; # 大洋洲 "KR") echo "8" ;; # 韩国 "SG" | "MY" | "TH" | "ID" | "PH" | "VN") echo "9" ;; # 东南亚 "IN") echo "10" ;; # 印度 "ZA" | "NG" | "EG" | "KE" | "MA" | "TN" | "GH" | "CI" | "SN" | "UG" | "ET" | "MZ" | "ZM" | "ZW" | "BW" | "MW" | "NA" | "RW" | "SD" | "DJ" | "CM" | "AO") echo "11" ;; # 非洲 *) echo "0" ;; # 跨国平台 esac } # 统计使用次数 sum_run_times() { local COUNT COUNT=$(wget --no-check-certificate -qO- --tries=2 --timeout=2 "https://hits.seeyoufarm.com/api/count/incr/badge.svg?url=https://github.com/everett7623/nodeloc_vps_test/edit/main/Nlbench.sh" 2>&1 | grep -m1 -oE "[0-9]+[ ]+/[ ]+[0-9]+") if [[ -n "$COUNT" ]]; then daily_count=$(cut -d " " -f1 <<< "$COUNT") total_count=$(cut -d " " -f3 <<< "$COUNT") else echo "Failed to fetch usage counts." daily_count=0 total_count=0 fi } # 去除Yabs板块ANSI转义码 yabs_process_output() { local input="$1" echo "$input" | sed -E 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z]//g' } # 去除融合怪板块ANSI转义码并截取 fusion_process_output() { local input="$1" echo "$input" | sed -E 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z]//g' | awk '/A Bench Script/{f=1} f; /短链/{f=0}' } # 去除IP质量板块ANSI转义码并截取 ip_process_output() { local input="$1" local start_line=$(echo "$input" | grep -n '正在检测黑名单数据库' | tail -n 1 | cut -d ':' -f 1) start_line=$((start_line + 1)) # 移动到下一行 local end_line=$(echo "$input" | grep -n '按回车键返回主菜单' | head -n 1 | cut -d ':' -f 1) if [ -n "$start_line" ] && [ -n "$end_line" ]; then tail -n +"$start_line" <<< "$input" | head -n $(($end_line - $start_line)) | sed -E 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z]//g' elif [ -n "$start_line" ]; then tail -n +"$start_line" <<< "$input" | sed -E 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z]//g' else echo "未找到合适的日志内容。" fi } # 去除流媒体板块ANSI转义码并截取 streaming_process_output() { local input="$1" echo "$input" | sed -E 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z]//g' | awk '/项目地址/{f=1} f; /检测脚本当天运行次数/{f=0}' } # 去除响应板块ANSI转义码 response_process_output() { local input="$1" echo "$input" | sed -E 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z]//g' } # 去除三网测速板块ANSI转义码并截取 speedtest_process_output() { local input="$1" echo "$input" | sed -E 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z]//g' } # 去除回程路由板块ANSI转义码并截取 autotrace_process_output() { local input="$1" echo "$input" | sed -E 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z]//g' | awk '/No:1\/9 Traceroute to 中国/{f=1} f; /\[信息\] 已删除 Nexttrace 文件/{f=0}' } # 执行测试脚本并保存结果 run_test() { local script=$1 local output_file=$2 local temp_file=$(mktemp) case $script in 1) echo "执行 Yabs 测试..." wget -qO- yabs.sh | bash > "$temp_file" 2>&1 yabs_process_output "$(cat "$temp_file")" > "${output_file}_yabs" ;; 2) echo "执行融合怪测试..." curl -L https://gitlab.com/spiritysdx/za/-/raw/main/ecs.sh -o ecs.sh && chmod +x ecs.sh && bash ecs.sh > "$temp_file" 2>&1 fusion_process_output "$(cat "$temp_file")" > "${output_file}_ecs" ;; 3) echo "执行 IP 质量测试..." bash <(curl -Ls IP.Check.Place) > "$temp_file" 2>&1 ip_process_output "$(cat "$temp_file")" > "${output_file}_ip_quality" ;; 4) echo "执行流媒体解锁测试..." region=$(detect_region) bash <(curl -L -s media.ispvps.com) <<< "$region" > "$temp_file" 2>&1 streaming_process_output "$(cat "$temp_file")" > "${output_file}_streaming" ;; 5) echo "执行响应测试..." bash <(curl -sL https://nodebench.mereith.com/scripts/curltime.sh) > "$temp_file" 2>&1 response_process_output "$(cat "$temp_file")" > "${output_file}_response" ;; 6) echo "执行三网测速(多线程)..." bash <(curl -sL bash.icu/speedtest) <<< "1" > "$temp_file" 2>&1 speedtest_process_output "$(cat "$temp_file")" > "${output_file}_multi_thread" ;; 7) echo "执行三网测速(单线程)..." bash <(curl -sL bash.icu/speedtest) <<< "2" > "$temp_file" 2>&1 speedtest_process_output "$(cat "$temp_file")" > "${output_file}_single_thread" ;; 8) echo "执行回程路由测试..." wget -N --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Chennhaoo/Shell_Bash/master/AutoTrace.sh && chmod +x AutoTrace.sh && bash AutoTrace.sh <<< "1" > "$temp_file" 2>&1 autotrace_process_output "$(cat "$temp_file")" > "${output_file}_route" ;; esac rm "$temp_file" } # 格式化结果为 Markdown format_results() { local output_file=$1 local processed_yabs_result=$(yabs_process_output "$(cat "${output_file}_yabs")") local processed_fusion_result=$(fusion_process_output "$(cat "${output_file}_ecs")") local processed_ip_result=$(ip_process_output "$(cat "${output_file}_ip_quality")") local processed_streaming_result=$(streaming_process_output "$(cat "${output_file}_streaming")") local processed_response_result=$(response_process_output "$(cat "${output_file}_response")") local processed_speedtest_multi_result=$(speedtest_process_output "$(cat "${output_file}_multi_thread")") local processed_speedtest_single_result=$(speedtest_process_output "$(cat "${output_file}_single_thread")") local processed_autotrace_result=$(autotrace_process_output "$(cat "${output_file}_route")") # Tabs分栏输出结果,用于复制到Nodeloc论坛 result="[tabs] [tab=\"YABS\"] \`\`\` $processed_yabs_result \`\`\` [/tab] [tab=\"融合怪\"] \`\`\` $processed_fusion_result \`\`\` [/tab] [tab=\"IP质量\"] \`\`\` ######################################################################## $processed_ip_result \`\`\` [/tab] [tab=\"流媒体\"] \`\`\` $processed_streaming_result \`\`\` [/tab] [tab=\"响应\"] \`\`\` $processed_response_result \`\`\` [/tab] [tab=\"多线程测速\"] \`\`\` $processed_speedtest_multi_result \`\`\` [/tab] [tab=\"单线程测速\"] \`\`\` $processed_speedtest_single_result \`\`\` [/tab] [tab=\"回程路由\"] \`\`\` $processed_autotrace_result \`\`\` [/tab] [tab=\"去程路由\"] [/tab] [tab=\"iperf3\"] \`\`\` $(iperf3 -c iperf.online -P 8 -t 10) \`\`\` [/tab] [tab=\"Ping.pe\"] \`\`\` $(curl -s https://ping.pe/$ipv4_address | grep -E 'AS|Country|City') \`\`\` [/tab] [tab=\"哪吒 ICMP\"] [/tab] [tab=\"其他\"] [/tab] [/tabs]" echo "$result" > "${output_file}.md" echo -e "${YELLOW}结果已保存到 ${output_file}.md 文件中。${NC}" } # 主函数 main() { check_root install_dependencies sum_run_times ip_address # 创建输出文件 output_file="nodeloc_vps_test_$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)" # 显示欢迎信息 clear echo -e "${RED}---------------------------------By'Jensfrank---------------------------------${NC}" echo "" echo "Nodeloc_VPS_自动脚本测试 $VERSION" echo "GitHub地址: https://github.com/everett7623/nodeloc_vps_test" echo "VPS选购: https://www.nodeloc.com/vps" echo "" echo -e "${YELLOW}# # ##### #### ###### # #### #### # # #### ####${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}# # # # # # # ##### # # # # # # #### ####${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}# ## ##### #### ###### ###### #### #### #### # ####${NC}" echo "" echo "支持Ubuntu/Debian" echo "" echo -e "今日运行次数: ${RED}$daily_count${NC} 次,累计运行次数: ${RED}$total_count${NC} 次" echo "" echo -e "${RED}---------------------------------By'Jensfrank---------------------------------${NC}" echo "" # 用户选择 echo "请选择测试模式:" echo "1. 测试全部脚本" echo "2. 选择特定脚本测试" read -p "输入选择 (1 或 2): " mode_choice if [ "$mode_choice" == "1" ]; then echo "您选择了测试全部脚本。测试将按以下顺序进行:" echo "1. Yabs" echo "2. 融合怪" echo "3. IP质量" echo "4. 流媒体解锁" echo "5. 响应测试" echo "6. 三网测速(多线程)" echo "7. 三网测速(单线程)" echo "8. 回程路由" echo "请耐心等待,测试可能需要一些时间..." for i in {1..8}; do run_test $i "$output_file" done elif [ "$mode_choice" == "2" ]; then echo "输入要测试的脚本编号(用逗号分隔,如 1,2,3):" echo "1. Yabs" echo "2. 融合怪" echo "3. IP质量" echo "4. 流媒体解锁" echo "5. 响应测试" echo "6. 三网测速(多线程)" echo "7. 三网测速(单线程)" echo "8. 回程路由" read -p "输入选择: " script_choices echo "您选择了以下测试:" IFS=',' read -ra ADDR <<< "$script_choices" for i in "${ADDR[@]}"; do case $i in 1) echo "- Yabs" ;; 2) echo "- 融合怪" ;; 3) echo "- IP质量" ;; 4) echo "- 流媒体解锁" ;; 5) echo "- 响应测试" ;; 6) echo "- 三网测速(多线程)" ;; 7) echo "- 三网测速(单线程)" ;; 8) echo "- 回程路由" ;; *) echo "- 无效选择: $i" ;; esac done echo "请耐心等待,测试可能需要一些时间..." for i in "${ADDR[@]}"; do if [[ $i =~ ^[1-8]$ ]]; then run_test $i "$output_file" else echo "跳过无效选择: $i" fi done else echo "无效选择,退出程序。" exit 1 fi # 生成最终输出 format_results "$output_file" # 清理临时文件 rm -f "${output_file}_"* echo "测试完成,结果已保存到 ${output_file}.md" echo "您可以使用文本编辑器打开该文件查看详细结果。" } # 运行主函数 main