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417 lines
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// Copyright 2021 The LevelDB-Go and Pebble Authors. All rights reserved. Use
// of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in
// the LICENSE file.
package rangekey
import (
func TestCoalesce(t *testing.T) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
eq := testkeys.Comparer.Equal
cmp := testkeys.Comparer.Compare
datadriven.RunTest(t, "testdata/coalesce", func(t *testing.T, td *datadriven.TestData) string {
switch td.Cmd {
case "coalesce":
span := keyspan.ParseSpan(td.Input)
coalesced := keyspan.Span{
Start: span.Start,
End: span.End,
if err := Coalesce(cmp, eq, span.Keys, &coalesced.Keys); err != nil {
return err.Error()
fmt.Fprintln(&buf, coalesced)
return buf.String()
return fmt.Sprintf("unrecognized command %q", td.Cmd)
func TestIter(t *testing.T) {
eq := testkeys.Comparer.Equal
cmp := testkeys.Comparer.Compare
var iter keyspan.MergingIter
var buf bytes.Buffer
datadriven.RunTest(t, "testdata/iter", func(t *testing.T, td *datadriven.TestData) string {
switch td.Cmd {
case "define":
visibleSeqNum := base.InternalKeySeqNumMax
for _, arg := range td.CmdArgs {
if arg.Key == "visible-seq-num" {
var err error
visibleSeqNum, err = strconv.ParseUint(arg.Vals[0], 10, 64)
require.NoError(t, err)
var spans []keyspan.Span
lines := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(td.Input), "\n")
for _, line := range lines {
spans = append(spans, keyspan.ParseSpan(line))
transform := keyspan.TransformerFunc(func(cmp base.Compare, s keyspan.Span, dst *keyspan.Span) error {
keysBySuffix := keyspan.KeysBySuffix{
Cmp: cmp,
Keys: dst.Keys[:0],
if err := coalesce(eq, &keysBySuffix, visibleSeqNum, s.Keys); err != nil {
return err
// Update the span with the (potentially reduced) keys slice. coalesce left
// the keys in *dst sorted by suffix. Re-sort them by trailer.
dst.Keys = keysBySuffix.Keys
dst.Start = s.Start
dst.End = s.End
return nil
iter.Init(cmp, transform, new(keyspan.MergingBuffers), keyspan.NewIter(cmp, spans))
return "OK"
case "iter":
lines := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(td.Input), "\n")
for _, line := range lines {
line = strings.TrimSpace(line)
i := strings.IndexByte(line, ' ')
iterCmd := line
if i > 0 {
iterCmd = string(line[:i])
var s *keyspan.Span
switch iterCmd {
case "first":
s = iter.First()
case "last":
s = iter.Last()
case "next":
s = iter.Next()
case "prev":
s = iter.Prev()
case "seek-ge":
s = iter.SeekGE([]byte(strings.TrimSpace(line[i:])))
case "seek-lt":
s = iter.SeekLT([]byte(strings.TrimSpace(line[i:])))
return fmt.Sprintf("unrecognized iter command %q", iterCmd)
require.NoError(t, iter.Error())
fmt.Fprint(&buf, s)
if buf.Len() > 0 {
return buf.String()
return fmt.Sprintf("unrecognized command %q", td.Cmd)
func TestDefragmenting(t *testing.T) {
cmp := testkeys.Comparer.Compare
var buf bytes.Buffer
var spans []keyspan.Span
var hasPrefix bool
var prefix []byte
datadriven.RunTest(t, "testdata/defragmenting_iter", func(t *testing.T, td *datadriven.TestData) string {
switch td.Cmd {
case "define":
spans = spans[:0]
lines := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(td.Input), "\n")
for _, line := range lines {
spans = append(spans, keyspan.ParseSpan(line))
return ""
case "iter":
var userIterCfg UserIteratorConfig
iter := userIterCfg.Init(testkeys.Comparer, base.InternalKeySeqNumMax,
nil /* lower */, nil, /* upper */
&hasPrefix, &prefix, false /* internalKeys */, new(Buffers),
keyspan.NewIter(cmp, spans))
for _, line := range strings.Split(td.Input, "\n") {
runIterOp(&buf, iter, line)
return strings.TrimSpace(buf.String())
return fmt.Sprintf("unrecognized command %q", td.Cmd)
func TestDefragmentingIter_Randomized(t *testing.T) {
seed := time.Now().UnixNano()
for i := int64(0); i < 100; i++ {
testDefragmentingIteRandomizedOnce(t, seed+i)
func TestDefragmentingIter_RandomizedFixedSeed(t *testing.T) {
const seed = 1648173101214881000
testDefragmentingIteRandomizedOnce(t, seed)
func testDefragmentingIteRandomizedOnce(t *testing.T, seed int64) {
cmp := testkeys.Comparer.Compare
formatKey := testkeys.Comparer.FormatKey
rng := rand.New(rand.NewSource(seed))
t.Logf("seed = %d", seed)
// Use a key space of alphanumeric strings, with a random max length between
// 1-2. Repeat keys are more common at the lower max lengths.
ks := testkeys.Alpha(rng.Intn(2) + 1)
// Generate between 1-15 range keys.
const maxRangeKeys = 15
var original, fragmented []keyspan.Span
numRangeKeys := 1 + rng.Intn(maxRangeKeys)
for i := 0; i < numRangeKeys; i++ {
startIdx := rng.Int63n(ks.Count())
endIdx := rng.Int63n(ks.Count())
for startIdx == endIdx {
endIdx = rng.Int63n(ks.Count())
if startIdx > endIdx {
startIdx, endIdx = endIdx, startIdx
key := keyspan.Key{
Trailer: base.MakeTrailer(uint64(i), base.InternalKeyKindRangeKeySet),
Value: []byte(fmt.Sprintf("v%d", rng.Intn(3))),
// Generate suffixes 0, 1, 2, or 3 with 0 indicating none.
if suffix := rng.Int63n(4); suffix > 0 {
key.Suffix = testkeys.Suffix(suffix)
original = append(original, keyspan.Span{
Start: testkeys.Key(ks, startIdx),
End: testkeys.Key(ks, endIdx),
Keys: []keyspan.Key{key},
for startIdx < endIdx {
width := rng.Int63n(endIdx-startIdx) + 1
fragmented = append(fragmented, keyspan.Span{
Start: testkeys.Key(ks, startIdx),
End: testkeys.Key(ks, startIdx+width),
Keys: []keyspan.Key{key},
startIdx += width
// Both the original and the deliberately fragmented spans may contain
// overlaps, so we need to sort and fragment them.
original = fragment(cmp, formatKey, original)
fragmented = fragment(cmp, formatKey, fragmented)
var referenceCfg, fragmentedCfg UserIteratorConfig
referenceIter := referenceCfg.Init(testkeys.Comparer, base.InternalKeySeqNumMax,
nil /* lower */, nil, /* upper */
new(bool), new([]byte), false /* internalKeys */, new(Buffers),
keyspan.NewIter(cmp, original))
fragmentedIter := fragmentedCfg.Init(testkeys.Comparer, base.InternalKeySeqNumMax,
nil /* lower */, nil, /* upper */
new(bool), new([]byte), false /* internalKeys */, new(Buffers),
keyspan.NewIter(cmp, fragmented))
// Generate 100 random operations and run them against both iterators.
const numIterOps = 100
type opKind struct {
weight int
fn func() string
ops := []opKind{
{weight: 2, fn: func() string { return "first" }},
{weight: 2, fn: func() string { return "last" }},
{weight: 50, fn: func() string { return "next" }},
{weight: 50, fn: func() string { return "prev" }},
{weight: 5, fn: func() string {
k := testkeys.Key(ks, rng.Int63n(ks.Count()))
return fmt.Sprintf("seekge(%s)", k)
{weight: 5, fn: func() string {
k := testkeys.Key(ks, rng.Int63n(ks.Count()))
return fmt.Sprintf("seeklt(%s)", k)
var totalWeight int
for _, op := range ops {
totalWeight += op.weight
var referenceHistory, fragmentedHistory bytes.Buffer
for i := 0; i < numIterOps; i++ {
p := rng.Intn(totalWeight)
opIndex := 0
if i == 0 {
// First op is always a First().
} else {
for i, op := range ops {
if p < op.weight {
opIndex = i
p -= op.weight
op := ops[opIndex].fn()
runIterOp(&referenceHistory, referenceIter, op)
runIterOp(&fragmentedHistory, fragmentedIter, op)
if !bytes.Equal(referenceHistory.Bytes(), fragmentedHistory.Bytes()) {
t.Fatal(debugContext(cmp, formatKey, original, fragmented,
referenceHistory.String(), fragmentedHistory.String()))
func fragment(cmp base.Compare, formatKey base.FormatKey, spans []keyspan.Span) []keyspan.Span {
keyspan.Sort(cmp, spans)
var fragments []keyspan.Span
f := keyspan.Fragmenter{
Cmp: cmp,
Format: formatKey,
Emit: func(f keyspan.Span) {
fragments = append(fragments, f)
for _, s := range spans {
return fragments
func debugContext(
cmp base.Compare,
formatKey base.FormatKey,
original, fragmented []keyspan.Span,
refHistory, fragHistory string,
) string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintln(&buf, "Reference:")
for _, s := range original {
fmt.Fprintln(&buf, s)
fmt.Fprintln(&buf, "Fragmented:")
for _, s := range fragmented {
fmt.Fprintln(&buf, s)
fmt.Fprintln(&buf, "\nOperations diff:")
diff, err := difflib.GetUnifiedDiffString(difflib.UnifiedDiff{
A: difflib.SplitLines(refHistory),
B: difflib.SplitLines(fragHistory),
Context: 5,
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(&buf, diff)
return buf.String()
var iterDelim = map[rune]bool{',': true, ' ': true, '(': true, ')': true, '"': true}
func runIterOp(w io.Writer, it keyspan.FragmentIterator, op string) {
fields := strings.FieldsFunc(op, func(r rune) bool { return iterDelim[r] })
var s *keyspan.Span
switch strings.ToLower(fields[0]) {
case "first":
s = it.First()
case "last":
s = it.Last()
case "seekge":
s = it.SeekGE([]byte(fields[1]))
case "seeklt":
s = it.SeekLT([]byte(fields[1]))
case "next":
s = it.Next()
case "prev":
s = it.Prev()
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unrecognized iter op %q", fields[0]))
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%-10s", op)
if s == nil {
fmt.Fprintln(w, ".")
fmt.Fprintln(w, s)
func BenchmarkTransform(b *testing.B) {
var bufs Buffers
var ui UserIteratorConfig
reinit := func() {
_ = ui.Init(testkeys.Comparer, math.MaxUint64, nil, nil, new(bool), nil, true /* internalKeys */, &bufs)
for _, shadowing := range []bool{false, true} {
b.Run(fmt.Sprintf("shadowing=%t", shadowing), func(b *testing.B) {
for n := 1; n <= 128; n *= 2 {
b.Run(fmt.Sprintf("keys=%d", n), func(b *testing.B) {
rng := rand.New(rand.NewSource(233473048763))
suffixes := make([][]byte, n)
for s := range suffixes {
if shadowing {
suffixes[s] = testkeys.Suffix(int64(rng.Intn(n)))
} else {
suffixes[s] = testkeys.Suffix(int64(s))
rng.Shuffle(len(suffixes), func(i, j int) {
suffixes[i], suffixes[j] = suffixes[j], suffixes[i]
var keys []keyspan.Key
for k := 0; k < n; k++ {
keys = append(keys, keyspan.Key{
Trailer: base.MakeTrailer(uint64(n-k), base.InternalKeyKindRangeKeySet),
Suffix: suffixes[k],
dst := keyspan.Span{Keys: make([]keyspan.Key, 0, len(keys))}
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
err := ui.Transform(testkeys.Comparer.Compare, keyspan.Span{Keys: keys}, &dst)
if err != nil {
dst.Keys = dst.Keys[:0]