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package connmgr
import (
tu "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p/core/test"
const TestResolution = 50 * time.Millisecond
func waitForTag(t *testing.T, mgr *BasicConnMgr, id peer.ID) {
require.Eventually(t, func() bool { return mgr.GetTagInfo(id) != nil }, 500*time.Millisecond, 10*time.Millisecond)
func TestDecayExpire(t *testing.T) {
id := tu.RandPeerIDFatal(t)
mgr, decay, mockClock := testDecayTracker(t)
tag, err := decay.RegisterDecayingTag("pop", 250*time.Millisecond, connmgr.DecayExpireWhenInactive(1*time.Second), connmgr.BumpSumUnbounded())
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, tag.Bump(id, 10))
waitForTag(t, mgr, id)
require.Equal(t, 10, mgr.GetTagInfo(id).Value)
mockClock.Add(250 * time.Millisecond)
mockClock.Add(250 * time.Millisecond)
mockClock.Add(250 * time.Millisecond)
mockClock.Add(250 * time.Millisecond)
eventuallyEqual(t, func() int { return mgr.GetTagInfo(id).Value }, 0)
func TestMultipleBumps(t *testing.T) {
id := tu.RandPeerIDFatal(t)
mgr, decay, _ := testDecayTracker(t)
tag, err := decay.RegisterDecayingTag("pop", 250*time.Millisecond, connmgr.DecayExpireWhenInactive(1*time.Second), connmgr.BumpSumBounded(10, 20))
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, tag.Bump(id, 5))
waitForTag(t, mgr, id)
require.Equal(t, 10, mgr.GetTagInfo(id).Value)
require.NoError(t, tag.Bump(id, 100))
require.Eventually(t, func() bool { return mgr.GetTagInfo(id).Value == 20 }, 100*time.Millisecond, 10*time.Millisecond, "expected tag value to decay to 20")
func TestMultipleTagsNoDecay(t *testing.T) {
id := tu.RandPeerIDFatal(t)
mgr, decay, _ := testDecayTracker(t)
tag1, err := decay.RegisterDecayingTag("beep", 250*time.Millisecond, connmgr.DecayNone(), connmgr.BumpSumBounded(0, 100))
require.NoError(t, err)
tag2, err := decay.RegisterDecayingTag("bop", 250*time.Millisecond, connmgr.DecayNone(), connmgr.BumpSumBounded(0, 100))
require.NoError(t, err)
tag3, err := decay.RegisterDecayingTag("foo", 250*time.Millisecond, connmgr.DecayNone(), connmgr.BumpSumBounded(0, 100))
require.NoError(t, err)
_ = tag1.Bump(id, 100)
_ = tag2.Bump(id, 100)
_ = tag3.Bump(id, 100)
_ = tag1.Bump(id, 100)
_ = tag2.Bump(id, 100)
_ = tag3.Bump(id, 100)
waitForTag(t, mgr, id)
// all tags are upper-bounded, so the score must be 300
ti := mgr.GetTagInfo(id)
require.Equal(t, 300, ti.Value)
for _, s := range []string{"beep", "bop", "foo"} {
if v, ok := ti.Tags[s]; !ok || v != 100 {
t.Fatalf("expected tag %s to be 100; was = %d", s, v)
func TestCustomFunctions(t *testing.T) {
id := tu.RandPeerIDFatal(t)
mgr, decay, mockClock := testDecayTracker(t)
tag1, err := decay.RegisterDecayingTag("beep", 250*time.Millisecond, connmgr.DecayFixed(10), connmgr.BumpSumUnbounded())
require.NoError(t, err)
tag2, err := decay.RegisterDecayingTag("bop", 100*time.Millisecond, connmgr.DecayFixed(5), connmgr.BumpSumUnbounded())
require.NoError(t, err)
tag3, err := decay.RegisterDecayingTag("foo", 50*time.Millisecond, connmgr.DecayFixed(1), connmgr.BumpSumUnbounded())
require.NoError(t, err)
_ = tag1.Bump(id, 1000)
_ = tag2.Bump(id, 1000)
_ = tag3.Bump(id, 1000)
waitForTag(t, mgr, id)
// no decay has occurred yet, so score must be 3000.
require.Equal(t, 3000, mgr.GetTagInfo(id).Value)
// only tag3 should tick.
mockClock.Add(50 * time.Millisecond)
eventuallyEqual(t, func() int { return mgr.GetTagInfo(id).Value }, 2999)
// tag3 will tick thrice, tag2 will tick twice.
mockClock.Add(150 * time.Millisecond)
eventuallyEqual(t, func() int { return mgr.GetTagInfo(id).Value }, 2986)
// tag3 will tick once, tag1 will tick once.
mockClock.Add(50 * time.Millisecond)
eventuallyEqual(t, func() int { return mgr.GetTagInfo(id).Value }, 2975)
func TestMultiplePeers(t *testing.T) {
ids := []peer.ID{tu.RandPeerIDFatal(t), tu.RandPeerIDFatal(t), tu.RandPeerIDFatal(t)}
mgr, decay, mockClock := testDecayTracker(t)
tag1, err := decay.RegisterDecayingTag("beep", 250*time.Millisecond, connmgr.DecayFixed(10), connmgr.BumpSumUnbounded())
require.NoError(t, err)
tag2, err := decay.RegisterDecayingTag("bop", 100*time.Millisecond, connmgr.DecayFixed(5), connmgr.BumpSumUnbounded())
require.NoError(t, err)
tag3, err := decay.RegisterDecayingTag("foo", 50*time.Millisecond, connmgr.DecayFixed(1), connmgr.BumpSumUnbounded())
require.NoError(t, err)
_ = tag1.Bump(ids[0], 1000)
_ = tag2.Bump(ids[0], 1000)
_ = tag3.Bump(ids[0], 1000)
_ = tag1.Bump(ids[1], 500)
_ = tag2.Bump(ids[1], 500)
_ = tag3.Bump(ids[1], 500)
_ = tag1.Bump(ids[2], 100)
_ = tag2.Bump(ids[2], 100)
_ = tag3.Bump(ids[2], 100)
// allow the background goroutine to process bumps.
waitFor := 100 * time.Millisecond
tick := 10 * time.Millisecond
if os.Getenv("CI") != "" {
waitFor *= 10
tick *= 10
require.Eventually(t, func() bool {
return mgr.GetTagInfo(ids[0]) != nil && mgr.GetTagInfo(ids[1]) != nil && mgr.GetTagInfo(ids[2]) != nil
}, waitFor, tick)
mockClock.Add(3 * time.Second)
waitFor = 500 * time.Millisecond
if os.Getenv("CI") != "" {
waitFor *= 10
require.Eventually(t, func() bool { return mgr.GetTagInfo(ids[0]).Value == 2670 }, waitFor, tick)
require.Equal(t, 1170, mgr.GetTagInfo(ids[1]).Value)
require.Equal(t, 40, mgr.GetTagInfo(ids[2]).Value)
func eventuallyEqual(t *testing.T, f func() int, val int) {
require.Eventually(t, func() bool {
v := f()
if v == val {
return true
t.Log("f() was", v, "expected", val, "retrying...")
return false
}, 1*time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond)
func TestLinearDecayOverwrite(t *testing.T) {
id := tu.RandPeerIDFatal(t)
mgr, decay, mockClock := testDecayTracker(t)
tag1, err := decay.RegisterDecayingTag("beep", 250*time.Millisecond, connmgr.DecayLinear(0.5), connmgr.BumpOverwrite())
require.NoError(t, err)
_ = tag1.Bump(id, 1000)
waitForTag(t, mgr, id)
eventuallyEqual(t, func() int { return mgr.GetTagInfo(id).Value }, 1000)
mockClock.Add(250 * time.Millisecond)
eventuallyEqual(t, func() int { return mgr.GetTagInfo(id).Value }, 500)
mockClock.Add(250 * time.Millisecond)
eventuallyEqual(t, func() int { return mgr.GetTagInfo(id).Value }, 250)
_ = tag1.Bump(id, 1000)
eventuallyEqual(t, func() int { return mgr.GetTagInfo(id).Value }, 1000)
func TestResolutionMisaligned(t *testing.T) {
var (
id = tu.RandPeerIDFatal(t)
mgr, decay, mockClock = testDecayTracker(t)
require = require.New(t)
tag1, err := decay.RegisterDecayingTag("beep", time.Duration(float64(TestResolution)*1.4), connmgr.DecayFixed(1), connmgr.BumpOverwrite())
tag2, err := decay.RegisterDecayingTag("bop", time.Duration(float64(TestResolution)*2.4), connmgr.DecayFixed(1), connmgr.BumpOverwrite())
_ = tag1.Bump(id, 1000)
_ = tag2.Bump(id, 1000)
// allow the background goroutine to process bumps.
<-time.After(500 * time.Millisecond)
// first tick.
eventuallyEqual(t, func() int { return mgr.GetTagInfo(id).Tags["beep"] }, 1000)
require.Equal(1000, mgr.GetTagInfo(id).Tags["bop"])
// next tick; tag1 would've ticked.
eventuallyEqual(t, func() int { return mgr.GetTagInfo(id).Tags["beep"] }, 999)
require.Equal(1000, mgr.GetTagInfo(id).Tags["bop"])
// next tick; tag1 would've ticked twice, tag2 once.
eventuallyEqual(t, func() int { return mgr.GetTagInfo(id).Tags["beep"] }, 998)
require.Equal(999, mgr.GetTagInfo(id).Tags["bop"])
require.Equal(1997, mgr.GetTagInfo(id).Value)
func TestTagRemoval(t *testing.T) {
id1, id2 := tu.RandPeerIDFatal(t), tu.RandPeerIDFatal(t)
mgr, decay, mockClock := testDecayTracker(t)
tag1, err := decay.RegisterDecayingTag("beep", TestResolution, connmgr.DecayFixed(1), connmgr.BumpOverwrite())
require.NoError(t, err)
tag2, err := decay.RegisterDecayingTag("bop", TestResolution, connmgr.DecayFixed(1), connmgr.BumpOverwrite())
require.NoError(t, err)
// id1 has both tags; id2 only has the first tag.
_ = tag1.Bump(id1, 1000)
_ = tag2.Bump(id1, 1000)
_ = tag1.Bump(id2, 1000)
waitForTag(t, mgr, id1)
waitForTag(t, mgr, id2)
// first tick.
eventuallyEqual(t, func() int { return mgr.GetTagInfo(id1).Tags["beep"] }, 999)
require.Equal(t, 999, mgr.GetTagInfo(id1).Tags["bop"])
require.Equal(t, 999, mgr.GetTagInfo(id2).Tags["beep"])
require.Equal(t, 999*2, mgr.GetTagInfo(id1).Value)
require.Equal(t, 999, mgr.GetTagInfo(id2).Value)
// remove tag1 from p1.
require.NoError(t, tag1.Remove(id1))
// next tick. both peers only have 1 tag, both at 998 value.
require.Eventually(t, func() bool { return mgr.GetTagInfo(id1).Tags["beep"] == 0 }, 500*time.Millisecond, 10*time.Millisecond)
require.Equal(t, 998, mgr.GetTagInfo(id1).Tags["bop"])
require.Equal(t, 998, mgr.GetTagInfo(id2).Tags["beep"])
require.Equal(t, 998, mgr.GetTagInfo(id1).Value)
require.Equal(t, 998, mgr.GetTagInfo(id2).Value)
// remove tag1 from p1 again; no error.
require.NoError(t, tag1.Remove(id1))
func TestTagClosure(t *testing.T) {
id := tu.RandPeerIDFatal(t)
mgr, decay, mockClock := testDecayTracker(t)
tag1, err := decay.RegisterDecayingTag("beep", TestResolution, connmgr.DecayFixed(1), connmgr.BumpOverwrite())
require.NoError(t, err)
tag2, err := decay.RegisterDecayingTag("bop", TestResolution, connmgr.DecayFixed(1), connmgr.BumpOverwrite())
require.NoError(t, err)
_ = tag1.Bump(id, 1000)
_ = tag2.Bump(id, 1000)
waitForTag(t, mgr, id)
// nothing has happened.
eventuallyEqual(t, func() int { return mgr.GetTagInfo(id).Tags["beep"] }, 999)
require.Equal(t, 999, mgr.GetTagInfo(id).Tags["bop"])
require.Equal(t, 999*2, mgr.GetTagInfo(id).Value)
// next tick; tag1 would've ticked.
eventuallyEqual(t, func() int { return mgr.GetTagInfo(id).Tags["beep"] }, 998)
require.Equal(t, 998, mgr.GetTagInfo(id).Tags["bop"])
require.Equal(t, 998*2, mgr.GetTagInfo(id).Value)
// close the tag.
require.NoError(t, tag1.Close())
// allow the background goroutine to process the closure.
require.Eventually(t, func() bool { return mgr.GetTagInfo(id).Value == 998 }, 500*time.Millisecond, 10*time.Millisecond)
// a second closure should not error.
require.NoError(t, tag1.Close())
// bumping a tag after it's been closed should error.
require.Error(t, tag1.Bump(id, 5))
func testDecayTracker(tb testing.TB) (*BasicConnMgr, connmgr.Decayer, *clock.Mock) {
mockClock := clock.NewMock()
cfg := &DecayerCfg{
Resolution: TestResolution,
Clock: mockClock,
mgr, err := NewConnManager(10, 10, WithGracePeriod(time.Second), DecayerConfig(cfg))
require.NoError(tb, err)
decay, ok := connmgr.SupportsDecay(mgr)
if !ok {
tb.Fatalf("connmgr does not support decay")
tb.Cleanup(func() {
return mgr, decay, mockClock