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package identify
import (
logging "github.com/ipfs/go-log/v2"
ma "github.com/multiformats/go-multiaddr"
manet "github.com/multiformats/go-multiaddr/net"
msmux "github.com/multiformats/go-multistream"
//go:generate protoc --proto_path=$PWD:$PWD/../../.. --go_out=. --go_opt=Mpb/identify.proto=./pb pb/identify.proto
var log = logging.Logger("net/identify")
var Timeout = 30 * time.Second // timeout on all incoming Identify interactions
const (
// ID is the protocol.ID of version 1.0.0 of the identify service.
ID = "/ipfs/id/1.0.0"
// IDPush is the protocol.ID of the Identify push protocol.
// It sends full identify messages containing the current state of the peer.
IDPush = "/ipfs/id/push/1.0.0"
ServiceName = "libp2p.identify"
legacyIDSize = 2 * 1024
signedIDSize = 8 * 1024
maxOwnIdentifyMsgSize = 4 * 1024 // smaller than what we accept. This is 4k to be compatible with rust-libp2p
maxMessages = 10
maxPushConcurrency = 32
// number of addresses to keep for peers we have disconnected from for peerstore.RecentlyConnectedTTL time
// This number can be small as we already filter peer addresses based on whether the peer is connected to us over
// localhost, private IP or public IP address
recentlyConnectedPeerMaxAddrs = 20
connectedPeerMaxAddrs = 500
var defaultUserAgent = "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p"
type identifySnapshot struct {
seq uint64
protocols []protocol.ID
addrs []ma.Multiaddr
record *record.Envelope
// Equal says if two snapshots are identical.
// It does NOT compare the sequence number.
func (s identifySnapshot) Equal(other *identifySnapshot) bool {
hasRecord := s.record != nil
otherHasRecord := other.record != nil
if hasRecord != otherHasRecord {
return false
if hasRecord && !s.record.Equal(other.record) {
return false
if !slices.Equal(s.protocols, other.protocols) {
return false
if len(s.addrs) != len(other.addrs) {
return false
for i, a := range s.addrs {
if !a.Equal(other.addrs[i]) {
return false
return true
type IDService interface {
// IdentifyConn synchronously triggers an identify request on the connection and
// waits for it to complete. If the connection is being identified by another
// caller, this call will wait. If the connection has already been identified,
// it will return immediately.
// IdentifyWait triggers an identify (if the connection has not already been
// identified) and returns a channel that is closed when the identify protocol
// completes.
IdentifyWait(network.Conn) <-chan struct{}
// OwnObservedAddrs returns the addresses peers have reported we've dialed from
OwnObservedAddrs() []ma.Multiaddr
// ObservedAddrsFor returns the addresses peers have reported we've dialed from,
// for a specific local address.
ObservedAddrsFor(local ma.Multiaddr) []ma.Multiaddr
type identifyPushSupport uint8
const (
identifyPushSupportUnknown identifyPushSupport = iota
type entry struct {
// The IdentifyWaitChan is created when IdentifyWait is called for the first time.
// IdentifyWait closes this channel when the Identify request completes, or when it fails.
IdentifyWaitChan chan struct{}
// PushSupport saves our knowledge about the peer's support of the Identify Push protocol.
// Before the identify request returns, we don't know yet if the peer supports Identify Push.
PushSupport identifyPushSupport
// Sequence is the sequence number of the last snapshot we sent to this peer.
Sequence uint64
// idService is a structure that implements ProtocolIdentify.
// It is a trivial service that gives the other peer some
// useful information about the local peer. A sort of hello.
// The idService sends:
// - Our libp2p Protocol Version
// - Our libp2p Agent Version
// - Our public Listen Addresses
type idService struct {
Host host.Host
UserAgent string
ProtocolVersion string
metricsTracer MetricsTracer
setupCompleted chan struct{} // is closed when Start has finished setting up
ctx context.Context
ctxCancel context.CancelFunc
// track resources that need to be shut down before we shut down
refCount sync.WaitGroup
disableSignedPeerRecord bool
connsMu sync.RWMutex
// The conns map contains all connections we're currently handling.
// Connections are inserted as soon as they're available in the swarm
// Connections are removed from the map when the connection disconnects.
conns map[network.Conn]entry
addrMu sync.Mutex
// our own observed addresses.
observedAddrMgr *ObservedAddrManager
disableObservedAddrManager bool
emitters struct {
evtPeerProtocolsUpdated event.Emitter
evtPeerIdentificationCompleted event.Emitter
evtPeerIdentificationFailed event.Emitter
currentSnapshot struct {
snapshot identifySnapshot
natEmitter *natEmitter
type normalizer interface {
NormalizeMultiaddr(ma.Multiaddr) ma.Multiaddr
// NewIDService constructs a new *idService and activates it by
// attaching its stream handler to the given host.Host.
func NewIDService(h host.Host, opts ...Option) (*idService, error) {
var cfg config
for _, opt := range opts {
userAgent := defaultUserAgent
if cfg.userAgent != "" {
userAgent = cfg.userAgent
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
s := &idService{
Host: h,
UserAgent: userAgent,
ProtocolVersion: cfg.protocolVersion,
ctx: ctx,
ctxCancel: cancel,
conns: make(map[network.Conn]entry),
disableSignedPeerRecord: cfg.disableSignedPeerRecord,
setupCompleted: make(chan struct{}),
metricsTracer: cfg.metricsTracer,
var normalize func(ma.Multiaddr) ma.Multiaddr
if hn, ok := h.(normalizer); ok {
normalize = hn.NormalizeMultiaddr
var err error
if cfg.disableObservedAddrManager {
s.disableObservedAddrManager = true
} else {
observedAddrs, err := NewObservedAddrManager(h.Network().ListenAddresses,
h.Addrs, h.Network().InterfaceListenAddresses, normalize)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create observed address manager: %s", err)
natEmitter, err := newNATEmitter(h, observedAddrs, time.Minute)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create nat emitter: %s", err)
s.natEmitter = natEmitter
s.observedAddrMgr = observedAddrs
s.emitters.evtPeerProtocolsUpdated, err = h.EventBus().Emitter(&event.EvtPeerProtocolsUpdated{})
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("identify service not emitting peer protocol updates; err: %s", err)
s.emitters.evtPeerIdentificationCompleted, err = h.EventBus().Emitter(&event.EvtPeerIdentificationCompleted{})
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("identify service not emitting identification completed events; err: %s", err)
s.emitters.evtPeerIdentificationFailed, err = h.EventBus().Emitter(&event.EvtPeerIdentificationFailed{})
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("identify service not emitting identification failed events; err: %s", err)
return s, nil
func (ids *idService) Start() {
ids.Host.SetStreamHandler(ID, ids.handleIdentifyRequest)
ids.Host.SetStreamHandler(IDPush, ids.handlePush)
go ids.loop(ids.ctx)
func (ids *idService) loop(ctx context.Context) {
sub, err := ids.Host.EventBus().Subscribe(
[]any{&event.EvtLocalProtocolsUpdated{}, &event.EvtLocalAddressesUpdated{}},
eventbus.Name("identify (loop)"),
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to subscribe to events on the bus, err=%s", err)
// Send pushes from a separate Go routine.
// That way, we can end up with
// * this Go routine busy looping over all peers in sendPushes
// * another push being queued in the triggerPush channel
triggerPush := make(chan struct{}, 1)
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-triggerPush:
for {
select {
case e, ok := <-sub.Out():
if !ok {
if updated := ids.updateSnapshot(); !updated {
if ids.metricsTracer != nil {
select {
case triggerPush <- struct{}{}:
default: // we already have one more push queued, no need to queue another one
case <-ctx.Done():
func (ids *idService) sendPushes(ctx context.Context) {
conns := make([]network.Conn, 0, len(ids.conns))
for c, e := range ids.conns {
// Push even if we don't know if push is supported.
// This will be only the case while the IdentifyWaitChan call is in flight.
if e.PushSupport == identifyPushSupported || e.PushSupport == identifyPushSupportUnknown {
conns = append(conns, c)
sem := make(chan struct{}, maxPushConcurrency)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, c := range conns {
// check if the connection is still alive
e, ok := ids.conns[c]
if !ok {
// check if we already sent the current snapshot to this peer
snapshot := ids.currentSnapshot.snapshot
if e.Sequence >= snapshot.seq {
log.Debugw("already sent this snapshot to peer", "peer", c.RemotePeer(), "seq", snapshot.seq)
// we haven't, send it now
sem <- struct{}{}
go func(c network.Conn) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 5*time.Second)
str, err := ids.Host.NewStream(ctx, c.RemotePeer(), IDPush)
if err != nil { // connection might have been closed recently
func() { <-sem }()
// TODO: find out if the peer supports push if we didn't have any information about push support
if err := ids.sendIdentifyResp(str, true); err != nil {
log.Debugw("failed to send identify push", "peer", c.RemotePeer(), "error", err)
func() { <-sem }()
// Close shuts down the idService
func (ids *idService) Close() error {
if !ids.disableObservedAddrManager {
return nil
func (ids *idService) OwnObservedAddrs() []ma.Multiaddr {
if ids.disableObservedAddrManager {
return nil
return ids.observedAddrMgr.Addrs()
func (ids *idService) ObservedAddrsFor(local ma.Multiaddr) []ma.Multiaddr {
if ids.disableObservedAddrManager {
return nil
return ids.observedAddrMgr.AddrsFor(local)
// IdentifyConn runs the Identify protocol on a connection.
// It returns when we've received the peer's Identify message (or the request fails).
// If successful, the peer store will contain the peer's addresses and supported protocols.
func (ids *idService) IdentifyConn(c network.Conn) {
// IdentifyWait runs the Identify protocol on a connection.
// It doesn't block and returns a channel that is closed when we receive
// the peer's Identify message (or the request fails).
// If successful, the peer store will contain the peer's addresses and supported protocols.
func (ids *idService) IdentifyWait(c network.Conn) <-chan struct{} {
e, found := ids.conns[c]
if !found {
// No entry found. We may have gotten an out of order notification. Check it we should have this conn (because we're still connected)
// We hold the ids.connsMu lock so this is safe since a disconnect event will be processed later if we are connected.
if c.IsClosed() {
log.Debugw("connection not found in identify service", "peer", c.RemotePeer())
ch := make(chan struct{})
return ch
} else {
if e.IdentifyWaitChan != nil {
return e.IdentifyWaitChan
// First call to IdentifyWait for this connection. Create the channel.
e.IdentifyWaitChan = make(chan struct{})
ids.conns[c] = e
// Spawn an identify. The connection may actually be closed
// already, but that doesn't really matter. We'll fail to open a
// stream then forget the connection.
go func() {
if err := ids.identifyConn(c); err != nil {
log.Warnf("failed to identify %s: %s", c.RemotePeer(), err)
ids.emitters.evtPeerIdentificationFailed.Emit(event.EvtPeerIdentificationFailed{Peer: c.RemotePeer(), Reason: err})
return e.IdentifyWaitChan
func (ids *idService) identifyConn(c network.Conn) error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), Timeout)
s, err := c.NewStream(network.WithAllowLimitedConn(ctx, "identify"))
if err != nil {
log.Debugw("error opening identify stream", "peer", c.RemotePeer(), "error", err)
return err
if err := s.SetProtocol(ID); err != nil {
log.Warnf("error setting identify protocol for stream: %s", err)
// ok give the response to our handler.
if err := msmux.SelectProtoOrFail(ID, s); err != nil {
log.Infow("failed negotiate identify protocol with peer", "peer", c.RemotePeer(), "error", err)
return err
err = ids.handleIdentifyResponse(s, false)
return err
// handlePush handles incoming identify push streams
func (ids *idService) handlePush(s network.Stream) {
ids.handleIdentifyResponse(s, true)
func (ids *idService) handleIdentifyRequest(s network.Stream) {
_ = ids.sendIdentifyResp(s, false)
func (ids *idService) sendIdentifyResp(s network.Stream, isPush bool) error {
if err := s.Scope().SetService(ServiceName); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to attaching stream to identify service: %w", err)
snapshot := ids.currentSnapshot.snapshot
log.Debugw("sending snapshot", "seq", snapshot.seq, "protocols", snapshot.protocols, "addrs", snapshot.addrs)
mes := ids.createBaseIdentifyResponse(s.Conn(), &snapshot)
mes.SignedPeerRecord = ids.getSignedRecord(&snapshot)
log.Debugf("%s sending message to %s %s", ID, s.Conn().RemotePeer(), s.Conn().RemoteMultiaddr())
if err := ids.writeChunkedIdentifyMsg(s, mes); err != nil {
return err
if ids.metricsTracer != nil {
ids.metricsTracer.IdentifySent(isPush, len(mes.Protocols), len(mes.ListenAddrs))
e, ok := ids.conns[s.Conn()]
// The connection might already have been closed.
// We *should* receive the Connected notification from the swarm before we're able to accept the peer's
// Identify stream, but if that for some reason doesn't work, we also wouldn't have a map entry here.
// The only consequence would be that we send a spurious Push to that peer later.
if !ok {
return nil
e.Sequence = snapshot.seq
ids.conns[s.Conn()] = e
return nil
func (ids *idService) handleIdentifyResponse(s network.Stream, isPush bool) error {
if err := s.Scope().SetService(ServiceName); err != nil {
log.Warnf("error attaching stream to identify service: %s", err)
return err
if err := s.Scope().ReserveMemory(signedIDSize, network.ReservationPriorityAlways); err != nil {
log.Warnf("error reserving memory for identify stream: %s", err)
return err
c := s.Conn()
r := pbio.NewDelimitedReader(s, signedIDSize)
mes := &pb.Identify{}
if err := readAllIDMessages(r, mes); err != nil {
log.Warn("error reading identify message: ", err)
return err
log.Debugf("%s received message from %s %s", s.Protocol(), c.RemotePeer(), c.RemoteMultiaddr())
ids.consumeMessage(mes, c, isPush)
if ids.metricsTracer != nil {
ids.metricsTracer.IdentifyReceived(isPush, len(mes.Protocols), len(mes.ListenAddrs))
e, ok := ids.conns[c]
if !ok { // might already have disconnected
return nil
sup, err := ids.Host.Peerstore().SupportsProtocols(c.RemotePeer(), IDPush)
if supportsIdentifyPush := err == nil && len(sup) > 0; supportsIdentifyPush {
e.PushSupport = identifyPushSupported
} else {
e.PushSupport = identifyPushUnsupported
if ids.metricsTracer != nil {
ids.conns[c] = e
return nil
func readAllIDMessages(r pbio.Reader, finalMsg proto.Message) error {
mes := &pb.Identify{}
for i := 0; i < maxMessages; i++ {
switch err := r.ReadMsg(mes); err {
case io.EOF:
return nil
case nil:
proto.Merge(finalMsg, mes)
return err
return fmt.Errorf("too many parts")
func (ids *idService) updateSnapshot() (updated bool) {
protos := ids.Host.Mux().Protocols()
addrs := ids.Host.Addrs()
slices.SortFunc(addrs, func(a, b ma.Multiaddr) int { return bytes.Compare(a.Bytes(), b.Bytes()) })
usedSpace := len(ids.ProtocolVersion) + len(ids.UserAgent)
for i := 0; i < len(protos); i++ {
usedSpace += len(protos[i])
addrs = trimHostAddrList(addrs, maxOwnIdentifyMsgSize-usedSpace-256) // 256 bytes of buffer
snapshot := identifySnapshot{
addrs: addrs,
protocols: protos,
if !ids.disableSignedPeerRecord {
if cab, ok := peerstore.GetCertifiedAddrBook(ids.Host.Peerstore()); ok {
snapshot.record = cab.GetPeerRecord(ids.Host.ID())
if ids.currentSnapshot.snapshot.Equal(&snapshot) {
return false
snapshot.seq = ids.currentSnapshot.snapshot.seq + 1
ids.currentSnapshot.snapshot = snapshot
log.Debugw("updating snapshot", "seq", snapshot.seq, "addrs", snapshot.addrs)
return true
func (ids *idService) writeChunkedIdentifyMsg(s network.Stream, mes *pb.Identify) error {
writer := pbio.NewDelimitedWriter(s)
if mes.SignedPeerRecord == nil || proto.Size(mes) <= legacyIDSize {
return writer.WriteMsg(mes)
sr := mes.SignedPeerRecord
mes.SignedPeerRecord = nil
if err := writer.WriteMsg(mes); err != nil {
return err
// then write just the signed record
return writer.WriteMsg(&pb.Identify{SignedPeerRecord: sr})
func (ids *idService) createBaseIdentifyResponse(conn network.Conn, snapshot *identifySnapshot) *pb.Identify {
mes := &pb.Identify{}
remoteAddr := conn.RemoteMultiaddr()
localAddr := conn.LocalMultiaddr()
// set protocols this node is currently handling
mes.Protocols = protocol.ConvertToStrings(snapshot.protocols)
// observed address so other side is informed of their
// "public" address, at least in relation to us.
mes.ObservedAddr = remoteAddr.Bytes()
// populate unsigned addresses.
// peers that do not yet support signed addresses will need this.
// Note: LocalMultiaddr is sometimes
viaLoopback := manet.IsIPLoopback(localAddr) || manet.IsIPLoopback(remoteAddr)
mes.ListenAddrs = make([][]byte, 0, len(snapshot.addrs))
for _, addr := range snapshot.addrs {
if !viaLoopback && manet.IsIPLoopback(addr) {
mes.ListenAddrs = append(mes.ListenAddrs, addr.Bytes())
// set our public key
ownKey := ids.Host.Peerstore().PubKey(ids.Host.ID())
// check if we even have a public key.
if ownKey == nil {
// public key is nil. We are either using insecure transport or something erratic happened.
// check if we're even operating in "secure mode"
if ids.Host.Peerstore().PrivKey(ids.Host.ID()) != nil {
// private key is present. But NO public key. Something bad happened.
log.Errorf("did not have own public key in Peerstore")
// if neither of the key is present it is safe to assume that we are using an insecure transport.
} else {
// public key is present. Safe to proceed.
if kb, err := crypto.MarshalPublicKey(ownKey); err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to convert key to bytes")
} else {
mes.PublicKey = kb
// set protocol versions
mes.ProtocolVersion = &ids.ProtocolVersion
mes.AgentVersion = &ids.UserAgent
return mes
func (ids *idService) getSignedRecord(snapshot *identifySnapshot) []byte {
if ids.disableSignedPeerRecord || snapshot.record == nil {
return nil
recBytes, err := snapshot.record.Marshal()
if err != nil {
log.Errorw("failed to marshal signed record", "err", err)
return nil
return recBytes
// diff takes two slices of strings (a and b) and computes which elements were added and removed in b
func diff(a, b []protocol.ID) (added, removed []protocol.ID) {
// This is O(n^2), but it's fine because the slices are small.
for _, x := range b {
var found bool
for _, y := range a {
if x == y {
found = true
if !found {
added = append(added, x)
for _, x := range a {
var found bool
for _, y := range b {
if x == y {
found = true
if !found {
removed = append(removed, x)
func (ids *idService) consumeMessage(mes *pb.Identify, c network.Conn, isPush bool) {
p := c.RemotePeer()
supported, _ := ids.Host.Peerstore().GetProtocols(p)
mesProtocols := protocol.ConvertFromStrings(mes.Protocols)
added, removed := diff(supported, mesProtocols)
ids.Host.Peerstore().SetProtocols(p, mesProtocols...)
if isPush {
Peer: p,
Added: added,
Removed: removed,
obsAddr, err := ma.NewMultiaddrBytes(mes.GetObservedAddr())
if err != nil {
log.Debugf("error parsing received observed addr for %s: %s", c, err)
obsAddr = nil
if obsAddr != nil && !ids.disableObservedAddrManager {
// TODO refactor this to use the emitted events instead of having this func call explicitly.
ids.observedAddrMgr.Record(c, obsAddr)
// mes.ListenAddrs
laddrs := mes.GetListenAddrs()
lmaddrs := make([]ma.Multiaddr, 0, len(laddrs))
for _, addr := range laddrs {
maddr, err := ma.NewMultiaddrBytes(addr)
if err != nil {
log.Debugf("%s failed to parse multiaddr from %s %s", ID,
p, c.RemoteMultiaddr())
lmaddrs = append(lmaddrs, maddr)
// NOTE: Do not add `c.RemoteMultiaddr()` to the peerstore if the remote
// peer doesn't tell us to do so. Otherwise, we'll advertise it.
// This can cause an "addr-splosion" issue where the network will slowly
// gossip and collect observed but unadvertised addresses. Given a NAT
// that picks random source ports, this can cause DHT nodes to collect
// many undialable addresses for other peers.
// add certified addresses for the peer, if they sent us a signed peer record
// otherwise use the unsigned addresses.
signedPeerRecord, err := signedPeerRecordFromMessage(mes)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error getting peer record from Identify message: %v", err)
// Extend the TTLs on the known (probably) good addresses.
// Taking the lock ensures that we don't concurrently process a disconnect.
ttl := peerstore.RecentlyConnectedAddrTTL
switch ids.Host.Network().Connectedness(p) {
case network.Limited, network.Connected:
ttl = peerstore.ConnectedAddrTTL
// Downgrade connected and recently connected addrs to a temporary TTL.
for _, ttl := range []time.Duration{
} {
ids.Host.Peerstore().UpdateAddrs(p, ttl, peerstore.TempAddrTTL)
var addrs []ma.Multiaddr
if signedPeerRecord != nil {
signedAddrs, err := ids.consumeSignedPeerRecord(c.RemotePeer(), signedPeerRecord)
if err != nil {
log.Debugf("failed to consume signed peer record: %s", err)
signedPeerRecord = nil
} else {
addrs = signedAddrs
} else {
addrs = lmaddrs
addrs = filterAddrs(addrs, c.RemoteMultiaddr())
if len(addrs) > connectedPeerMaxAddrs {
addrs = addrs[:connectedPeerMaxAddrs]
ids.Host.Peerstore().AddAddrs(p, addrs, ttl)
// Finally, expire all temporary addrs.
ids.Host.Peerstore().UpdateAddrs(p, peerstore.TempAddrTTL, 0)
log.Debugf("%s received listen addrs for %s: %s", c.LocalPeer(), c.RemotePeer(), lmaddrs)
// get protocol versions
pv := mes.GetProtocolVersion()
av := mes.GetAgentVersion()
ids.Host.Peerstore().Put(p, "ProtocolVersion", pv)
ids.Host.Peerstore().Put(p, "AgentVersion", av)
// get the key from the other side. we may not have it (no-auth transport)
ids.consumeReceivedPubKey(c, mes.PublicKey)
Peer: c.RemotePeer(),
Conn: c,
ListenAddrs: lmaddrs,
Protocols: mesProtocols,
SignedPeerRecord: signedPeerRecord,
ObservedAddr: obsAddr,
ProtocolVersion: pv,
AgentVersion: av,
func (ids *idService) consumeSignedPeerRecord(p peer.ID, signedPeerRecord *record.Envelope) ([]ma.Multiaddr, error) {
if signedPeerRecord.PublicKey == nil {
return nil, errors.New("missing pubkey")
id, err := peer.IDFromPublicKey(signedPeerRecord.PublicKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to derive peer ID: %s", err)
if id != p {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("received signed peer record envelope for unexpected peer ID. expected %s, got %s", p, id)
r, err := signedPeerRecord.Record()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to obtain record: %w", err)
rec, ok := r.(*peer.PeerRecord)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("not a peer record")
if rec.PeerID != p {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("received signed peer record for unexpected peer ID. expected %s, got %s", p, rec.PeerID)
// Don't put the signed peer record into the peer store.
// They're not used anywhere.
// All we care about are the addresses.
return rec.Addrs, nil
func (ids *idService) consumeReceivedPubKey(c network.Conn, kb []byte) {
lp := c.LocalPeer()
rp := c.RemotePeer()
if kb == nil {
log.Debugf("%s did not receive public key for remote peer: %s", lp, rp)
newKey, err := crypto.UnmarshalPublicKey(kb)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("%s cannot unmarshal key from remote peer: %s, %s", lp, rp, err)
// verify key matches peer.ID
np, err := peer.IDFromPublicKey(newKey)
if err != nil {
log.Debugf("%s cannot get peer.ID from key of remote peer: %s, %s", lp, rp, err)
if np != rp {
// if the newKey's peer.ID does not match known peer.ID...
if rp == "" && np != "" {
// if local peerid is empty, then use the new, sent key.
err := ids.Host.Peerstore().AddPubKey(rp, newKey)
if err != nil {
log.Debugf("%s could not add key for %s to peerstore: %s", lp, rp, err)
} else {
// we have a local peer.ID and it does not match the sent key... error.
log.Errorf("%s received key for remote peer %s mismatch: %s", lp, rp, np)
currKey := ids.Host.Peerstore().PubKey(rp)
if currKey == nil {
// no key? no auth transport. set this one.
err := ids.Host.Peerstore().AddPubKey(rp, newKey)
if err != nil {
log.Debugf("%s could not add key for %s to peerstore: %s", lp, rp, err)
// ok, we have a local key, we should verify they match.
if currKey.Equals(newKey) {
return // ok great. we're done.
// weird, got a different key... but the different key MATCHES the peer.ID.
// this odd. let's log error and investigate. this should basically never happen
// and it means we have something funky going on and possibly a bug.
log.Errorf("%s identify got a different key for: %s", lp, rp)
// okay... does ours NOT match the remote peer.ID?
cp, err := peer.IDFromPublicKey(currKey)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("%s cannot get peer.ID from local key of remote peer: %s, %s", lp, rp, err)
if cp != rp {
log.Errorf("%s local key for remote peer %s yields different peer.ID: %s", lp, rp, cp)
// okay... curr key DOES NOT match new key. both match peer.ID. wat?
log.Errorf("%s local key and received key for %s do not match, but match peer.ID", lp, rp)
// HasConsistentTransport returns true if the address 'a' shares a
// protocol set with any address in the green set. This is used
// to check if a given address might be one of the addresses a peer is
// listening on.
func HasConsistentTransport(a ma.Multiaddr, green []ma.Multiaddr) bool {
protosMatch := func(a, b []ma.Protocol) bool {
if len(a) != len(b) {
return false
for i, p := range a {
if b[i].Code != p.Code {
return false
return true
protos := a.Protocols()
for _, ga := range green {
if protosMatch(protos, ga.Protocols()) {
return true
return false
// addConnWithLock assuems caller holds the connsMu lock
func (ids *idService) addConnWithLock(c network.Conn) {
_, found := ids.conns[c]
if !found {
ids.conns[c] = entry{}
func signedPeerRecordFromMessage(msg *pb.Identify) (*record.Envelope, error) {
if msg.SignedPeerRecord == nil || len(msg.SignedPeerRecord) == 0 {
return nil, nil
env, _, err := record.ConsumeEnvelope(msg.SignedPeerRecord, peer.PeerRecordEnvelopeDomain)
return env, err
// netNotifiee defines methods to be used with the swarm
type netNotifiee idService
func (nn *netNotifiee) IDService() *idService {
return (*idService)(nn)
func (nn *netNotifiee) Connected(_ network.Network, c network.Conn) {
ids := nn.IDService()
func (nn *netNotifiee) Disconnected(_ network.Network, c network.Conn) {
ids := nn.IDService()
// Stop tracking the connection.
delete(ids.conns, c)
if !ids.disableObservedAddrManager {
// Last disconnect.
// Undo the setting of addresses to peer.ConnectedAddrTTL we did
// This check MUST happen after acquiring the Lock as identify on a different connection
// might be trying to add addresses.
switch ids.Host.Network().Connectedness(c.RemotePeer()) {
case network.Connected, network.Limited:
// peerstore returns the elements in a random order as it uses a map to store the addresses
addrs := ids.Host.Peerstore().Addrs(c.RemotePeer())
n := len(addrs)
if n > recentlyConnectedPeerMaxAddrs {
// We want to always save the address we are connected to
for i, a := range addrs {
if a.Equal(c.RemoteMultiaddr()) {
addrs[i], addrs[0] = addrs[0], addrs[i]
n = recentlyConnectedPeerMaxAddrs
ids.Host.Peerstore().UpdateAddrs(c.RemotePeer(), peerstore.ConnectedAddrTTL, peerstore.TempAddrTTL)
ids.Host.Peerstore().AddAddrs(c.RemotePeer(), addrs[:n], peerstore.RecentlyConnectedAddrTTL)
ids.Host.Peerstore().UpdateAddrs(c.RemotePeer(), peerstore.TempAddrTTL, 0)
func (nn *netNotifiee) Listen(n network.Network, a ma.Multiaddr) {}
func (nn *netNotifiee) ListenClose(n network.Network, a ma.Multiaddr) {}
// filterAddrs filters the address slice based on the remove multiaddr:
// * if it's a localhost address, no filtering is applied
// * if it's a local network address, all localhost addresses are filtered out
// * if it's a public address, all localhost and local network addresses are filtered out
func filterAddrs(addrs []ma.Multiaddr, remote ma.Multiaddr) []ma.Multiaddr {
if manet.IsIPLoopback(remote) {
return addrs
if is, err := manet.IsPrivateAddr(remote); is && err == nil {
return ma.FilterAddrs(addrs, func(a ma.Multiaddr) bool { return !manet.IsIPLoopback(a) })
return ma.FilterAddrs(addrs, func(a ma.Multiaddr) bool { is, err := manet.IsPublicAddr(a); return is && err == nil })
func trimHostAddrList(addrs []ma.Multiaddr, maxSize int) []ma.Multiaddr {
totalSize := 0
for _, a := range addrs {
totalSize += len(a.Bytes())
if totalSize <= maxSize {
return addrs
score := func(addr ma.Multiaddr) int {
var res int
if is, err := manet.IsPublicAddr(addr); is && err == nil {
res |= 1 << 12
} else if !manet.IsIPLoopback(addr) {
res |= 1 << 11
var protocolWeight int
ma.ForEach(addr, func(c ma.Component, e error) bool {
if e != nil {
return false
switch c.Protocol().Code {
case ma.P_QUIC_V1:
protocolWeight = 5
case ma.P_TCP:
protocolWeight = 4
case ma.P_WSS:
protocolWeight = 3
protocolWeight = 2
protocolWeight = 1
case ma.P_P2P:
return false
return true
res |= 1 << protocolWeight
return res
slices.SortStableFunc(addrs, func(a, b ma.Multiaddr) int {
return score(b) - score(a) // b-a for reverse order
totalSize = 0
for i, a := range addrs {
totalSize += len(a.Bytes())
if totalSize > maxSize {
addrs = addrs[:i]
return addrs