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// Copyright 2021 The LevelDB-Go and Pebble Authors. All rights reserved. Use
// of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in
// the LICENSE file.
package keyspan
import (
// A SpanMask may be used to configure an interleaving iterator to skip point
// keys that fall within the bounds of some spans.
type SpanMask interface {
// SpanChanged is invoked by an interleaving iterator whenever the current
// span changes. As the iterator passes into or out of a Span, it invokes
// SpanChanged, passing the new Span. When the iterator passes out of a
// span's boundaries and is no longer covered by any span, SpanChanged is
// invoked with a nil span.
// SpanChanged is invoked before SkipPoint, and callers may use SpanChanged
// to recalculate state used by SkipPoint for masking.
// SpanChanged may be invoked consecutively with identical spans under some
// circumstances, such as repeatedly absolutely positioning an iterator to
// positions covered by the same span, or while changing directions.
// SkipPoint is invoked by the interleaving iterator whenever the iterator
// encounters a point key covered by a Span. If SkipPoint returns true, the
// interleaving iterator skips the point key and all larger keys with the
// same prefix. This is used during range key iteration to skip over point
// keys 'masked' by range keys.
SkipPoint(userKey []byte) bool
// InterleavingIter combines an iterator over point keys with an iterator over
// key spans.
// Throughout Pebble, some keys apply at single discrete points within the user
// keyspace. Other keys apply over continuous spans of the user key space.
// Internally, iterators over point keys adhere to the base.InternalIterator
// interface, and iterators over spans adhere to the keyspan.FragmentIterator
// interface. The InterleavingIterator wraps a point iterator and span iterator,
// providing access to all the elements of both iterators.
// The InterleavingIterator implements the point base.InternalIterator
// interface. After any of the iterator's methods return a key, a caller may
// call Span to retrieve the span covering the returned key, if any. A span is
// considered to 'cover' a returned key if the span's [start, end) bounds
// include the key's user key.
// In addition to tracking the current covering span, InterleavingIter returns a
// special InternalKey at span start boundaries. Start boundaries are surfaced
// as a synthetic span marker: an InternalKey with the boundary as the user key,
// the infinite sequence number and a key kind selected from an arbitrary key
// the infinite sequence number and an arbitrary contained key's kind. Since
// which of the Span's key's kind is surfaced is undefined, the caller should
// not use the InternalKey's kind. The caller should only rely on the `Span`
// method for retrieving information about spanning keys. The interleaved
// synthetic keys have the infinite sequence number so that they're interleaved
// before any point keys with the same user key when iterating forward and after
// when iterating backward.
// Interleaving the synthetic start key boundaries at the maximum sequence
// number provides an opportunity for the higher-level, public Iterator to
// observe the Span, even if no live points keys exist within the boudns of the
// Span.
// When returning a synthetic marker key for a start boundary, InterleavingIter
// will truncate the span's start bound to the SeekGE or SeekPrefixGE search
// key. For example, a SeekGE("d") that finds a span [a, z) may return a
// synthetic span marker key `d#72057594037927935,21`.
// If bounds have been applied to the iterator through SetBounds,
// InterleavingIter will truncate the bounds of spans returned through Span to
// the set bounds. The bounds returned through Span are not truncated by a
// SeekGE or SeekPrefixGE search key. Consider, for example SetBounds('c', 'e'),
// with an iterator containing the Span [a,z):
// First() = `c#72057594037927935,21` Span() = [c,e)
// SeekGE('d') = `d#72057594037927935,21` Span() = [c,e)
// InterleavedIter does not interleave synthetic markers for spans that do not
// contain any keys.
// # SpanMask
// InterelavingIter takes a SpanMask parameter that may be used to configure the
// behavior of the iterator. See the documentation on the SpanMask type.
// All spans containing keys are exposed during iteration.
type InterleavingIter struct {
cmp base.Compare
comparer *base.Comparer
pointIter base.InternalIterator
keyspanIter FragmentIterator
mask SpanMask
// lower and upper hold the iteration bounds set through SetBounds.
lower, upper []byte
// keyBuf is used to copy SeekGE or SeekPrefixGE arguments when they're used
// to truncate a span. The byte slices backing a SeekGE/SeekPrefixGE search
// keys can come directly from the end user, so they're copied into keyBuf
// to ensure key stability.
keyBuf []byte
// nextPrefixBuf is used during SeekPrefixGE calls to store the truncated
// upper bound of the returned spans. SeekPrefixGE truncates the returned
// spans to an upper bound of the seeked prefix's immediate successor.
nextPrefixBuf []byte
pointKey *base.InternalKey
pointVal base.LazyValue
// err holds an iterator error from either pointIter or keyspanIter. It's
// reset to nil on seeks. An overview of error-handling mechanics:
// Whenever either pointIter or keyspanIter is respositioned and a nil
// key/span is returned, the code performing the positioning is responsible
// for checking the iterator's Error() value. This happens in savePoint and
// saveSpan[Forward,Backward].
// Once i.err is non-nil, the computation of i.pos must set i.pos =
// posExhausted. This happens in compute[Smallest|Largest]Pos and
// [next|prev]Pos. Setting i.pos to posExhausted ensures we'll yield nil to
// the caller, which they'll interpret as a signal they must check Error().
// i.err != nil => i.pos = posExhausted
err error
// prefix records the iterator's current prefix if the iterator is in prefix
// mode. During prefix mode, Pebble will truncate spans to the next prefix.
// If the iterator subsequently leaves prefix mode, the existing span cached
// in i.span must be invalidated because its bounds do not reflect the
// original span's true bounds.
prefix []byte
// span holds the span at the keyspanIter's current position. If the span is
// wholly contained within the iterator bounds, this span is directly
// returned to the iterator consumer through Span(). If either bound needed
// to be truncated to the iterator bounds, then truncated is set to true and
// Span() must return a pointer to truncatedSpan.
span *Span
// spanMarker holds the synthetic key that is returned when the iterator
// passes over a key span's start bound.
spanMarker base.InternalKey
// truncated indicates whether or not the span at the current position
// needed to be truncated. If it did, truncatedSpan holds the truncated
// span that should be returned.
truncatedSpan Span
truncated bool
// Keeping all of the bools/uint8s together reduces the sizeof the struct.
// pos encodes the current position of the iterator: exhausted, on the point
// key, on a keyspan start, or on a keyspan end.
pos interleavePos
// withinSpan indicates whether the iterator is currently positioned within
// the bounds of the current span (i.span). withinSpan must be updated
// whenever the interleaving iterator's position enters or exits the bounds
// of a span.
withinSpan bool
// spanMarkerTruncated is set by SeekGE/SeekPrefixGE calls that truncate a
// span's start bound marker to the search key. It's returned to false on
// the next repositioning of the keyspan iterator.
spanMarkerTruncated bool
// maskSpanChangedCalled records whether or not the last call to
// SpanMask.SpanChanged provided the current span (i.span) or not.
maskSpanChangedCalled bool
// dir indicates the direction of iteration: forward (+1) or backward (-1)
dir int8
// interleavePos indicates the iterator's current position. Note that both
// keyspanStart and keyspanEnd positions correspond to their user key boundaries
// with maximal sequence numbers. This means in the forward direction
// posKeyspanStart and posKeyspanEnd are always interleaved before a posPointKey
// with the same user key.
type interleavePos int8
const (
posUninitialized interleavePos = iota
// Assert that *InterleavingIter implements the InternalIterator interface.
var _ base.InternalIterator = &InterleavingIter{}
// InterleavingIterOpts holds options configuring the behavior of a
// InterleavingIter.
type InterleavingIterOpts struct {
Mask SpanMask
LowerBound, UpperBound []byte
// Init initializes the InterleavingIter to interleave point keys from pointIter
// with key spans from keyspanIter.
// The point iterator must already have the bounds provided on opts. Init does
// not propagate the bounds down the iterator stack.
func (i *InterleavingIter) Init(
comparer *base.Comparer,
pointIter base.InternalIterator,
keyspanIter FragmentIterator,
opts InterleavingIterOpts,
) {
*i = InterleavingIter{
cmp: comparer.Compare,
comparer: comparer,
pointIter: pointIter,
keyspanIter: keyspanIter,
mask: opts.Mask,
lower: opts.LowerBound,
upper: opts.UpperBound,
// InitSeekGE may be called after Init but before any positioning method.
// InitSeekGE initializes the current position of the point iterator and then
// performs a SeekGE on the keyspan iterator using the provided key. InitSeekGE
// returns whichever point or keyspan key is smaller. After InitSeekGE, the
// iterator is positioned and may be repositioned using relative positioning
// methods.
// This method is used specifically for lazily constructing combined iterators.
// It allows for seeding the iterator with the current position of the point
// iterator.
func (i *InterleavingIter) InitSeekGE(
prefix, key []byte, pointKey *base.InternalKey, pointValue base.LazyValue,
) (*base.InternalKey, base.LazyValue) {
i.dir = +1
i.prefix = prefix
i.savePoint(pointKey, pointValue)
// NB: This keyspanSeekGE call will truncate the span to the seek key if
// necessary. This truncation is important for cases where a switch to
// combined iteration is made during a user-initiated SeekGE.
i.keyspanSeekGE(key, prefix)
return i.yieldPosition(key, i.nextPos)
// InitSeekLT may be called after Init but before any positioning method.
// InitSeekLT initializes the current position of the point iterator and then
// performs a SeekLT on the keyspan iterator using the provided key. InitSeekLT
// returns whichever point or keyspan key is larger. After InitSeekLT, the
// iterator is positioned and may be repositioned using relative positioning
// methods.
// This method is used specifically for lazily constructing combined iterators.
// It allows for seeding the iterator with the current position of the point
// iterator.
func (i *InterleavingIter) InitSeekLT(
key []byte, pointKey *base.InternalKey, pointValue base.LazyValue,
) (*base.InternalKey, base.LazyValue) {
i.dir = -1
i.savePoint(pointKey, pointValue)
return i.yieldPosition(i.lower, i.prevPos)
// SeekGE implements (base.InternalIterator).SeekGE.
// If there exists a span with a start key ≤ the first matching point key,
// SeekGE will return a synthetic span marker key for the span. If this span's
// start key is less than key, the returned marker will be truncated to key.
// Note that this search-key truncation of the marker's key is not applied to
// the span returned by Span.
// NB: In accordance with the base.InternalIterator contract:
// i.lower ≤ key
func (i *InterleavingIter) SeekGE(
key []byte, flags base.SeekGEFlags,
) (*base.InternalKey, base.LazyValue) {
i.err = nil
i.savePoint(i.pointIter.SeekGE(key, flags))
// We need to seek the keyspan iterator too. If the keyspan iterator was
// already positioned at a span, we might be able to avoid the seek if the
// seek key falls within the existing span's bounds.
if i.span != nil && i.cmp(key, i.span.End) < 0 && i.cmp(key, i.span.Start) >= 0 {
// We're seeking within the existing span's bounds. We still might need
// truncate the span to the iterator's bounds.
} else {
i.keyspanSeekGE(key, nil /* prefix */)
i.dir = +1
return i.yieldPosition(key, i.nextPos)
// SeekPrefixGE implements (base.InternalIterator).SeekPrefixGE.
// If there exists a span with a start key ≤ the first matching point key,
// SeekPrefixGE will return a synthetic span marker key for the span. If this
// span's start key is less than key, the returned marker will be truncated to
// key. Note that this search-key truncation of the marker's key is not applied
// to the span returned by Span.
// NB: In accordance with the base.InternalIterator contract:
// i.lower ≤ key
func (i *InterleavingIter) SeekPrefixGE(
prefix, key []byte, flags base.SeekGEFlags,
) (*base.InternalKey, base.LazyValue) {
i.err = nil
i.prefix = prefix
i.savePoint(i.pointIter.SeekPrefixGE(prefix, key, flags))
// We need to seek the keyspan iterator too. If the keyspan iterator was
// already positioned at a span, we might be able to avoid the seek if the
// entire seek prefix key falls within the existing span's bounds.
// During a SeekPrefixGE, Pebble defragments range keys within the bounds of
// the prefix. For example, a SeekPrefixGE('c', 'c@8') must defragment the
// any overlapping range keys within the bounds of [c,c\00).
// If range keys are fragmented within a prefix (eg, because a version
// within a prefix was chosen as an sstable boundary), then it's possible
// the seek key falls into the current i.span, but the current i.span does
// not wholly cover the seek prefix.
// For example, a SeekPrefixGE('d@5') may only defragment a range key to
// the bounds of [c@2,e). A subsequent SeekPrefixGE('c@0') must re-seek the
// keyspan iterator, because although 'c@0' is contained within [c@2,e), the
// full span of the prefix is not.
// Similarly, a SeekPrefixGE('a@3') may only defragment a range key to the
// bounds [a,c@8). A subsequent SeekPrefixGE('c@10') must re-seek the
// keyspan iterator, because although 'c@10' is contained within [a,c@8),
// the full span of the prefix is not.
seekKeyspanIter := true
if i.span != nil && i.cmp(prefix, i.span.Start) >= 0 {
if ei := i.comparer.Split(i.span.End); i.cmp(prefix, i.span.End[:ei]) < 0 {
// We're seeking within the existing span's bounds. We still might need
// truncate the span to the iterator's bounds.
seekKeyspanIter = false
if seekKeyspanIter {
i.keyspanSeekGE(key, prefix)
i.dir = +1
return i.yieldPosition(key, i.nextPos)
// SeekLT implements (base.InternalIterator).SeekLT.
func (i *InterleavingIter) SeekLT(
key []byte, flags base.SeekLTFlags,
) (*base.InternalKey, base.LazyValue) {
i.err = nil
i.savePoint(i.pointIter.SeekLT(key, flags))
// We need to seek the keyspan iterator too. If the keyspan iterator was
// already positioned at a span, we might be able to avoid the seek if the
// seek key falls within the existing span's bounds.
if i.span != nil && i.cmp(key, i.span.Start) > 0 && i.cmp(key, i.span.End) < 0 {
// We're seeking within the existing span's bounds. We still might need
// truncate the span to the iterator's bounds.
// The span's start key is still not guaranteed to be less than key,
// because of the bounds enforcement. Consider the following example:
// Bounds are set to [d,e). The user performs a SeekLT(d). The
// FragmentIterator.SeekLT lands on a span [b,f). This span has a start
// key less than d, as expected. Above, saveSpanBackward truncates the
// span to match the iterator's current bounds, modifying the span to
// [d,e), which does not overlap the search space of [-∞, d).
// This problem is a consequence of the SeekLT's exclusive search key
// and the fact that we don't perform bounds truncation at every leaf
// iterator.
if i.span != nil && i.truncated && i.cmp(i.truncatedSpan.Start, key) >= 0 {
i.span = nil
} else {
i.dir = -1
return i.yieldPosition(i.lower, i.prevPos)
// First implements (base.InternalIterator).First.
func (i *InterleavingIter) First() (*base.InternalKey, base.LazyValue) {
i.err = nil
i.dir = +1
return i.yieldPosition(i.lower, i.nextPos)
// Last implements (base.InternalIterator).Last.
func (i *InterleavingIter) Last() (*base.InternalKey, base.LazyValue) {
i.err = nil
i.dir = -1
return i.yieldPosition(i.lower, i.prevPos)
// Next implements (base.InternalIterator).Next.
func (i *InterleavingIter) Next() (*base.InternalKey, base.LazyValue) {
if i.dir == -1 {
// Switching directions.
i.dir = +1
if i.mask != nil {
// Clear the mask while we reposition the point iterator. While
// switching directions, we may move the point iterator outside of
// i.span's bounds.
// When switching directions, iterator state corresponding to the
// current iterator position (as indicated by i.pos) is already correct.
// However any state that has yet to be interleaved describes a position
// behind the current iterator position and needs to be updated to
// describe the position ahead of the current iterator position.
switch i.pos {
case posExhausted:
// Nothing to do. The below nextPos call will move both the point
// key and span to their next positions and return
// MIN(point,s.Start).
case posPointKey:
// If we're currently on a point key, the below nextPos will
// correctly Next the point key iterator to the next point key.
// Do we need to move the span forwards? If the current span lies
// entirely behind the current key (!i.withinSpan), then we
// need to move it to the first span in the forward direction.
if !i.withinSpan {
case posKeyspanStart:
i.withinSpan = true
// Since we're positioned on a Span, the pointIter is positioned
// entirely behind the current iterator position. Reposition it
// ahead of the current iterator position.
case posKeyspanEnd:
// Since we're positioned on a Span, the pointIter is positioned
// entirely behind of the current iterator position. Reposition it
// ahead the current iterator position.
// Fallthrough to calling i.nextPos.
return i.yieldPosition(i.lower, i.nextPos)
// NextPrefix implements (base.InternalIterator).NextPrefix.
func (i *InterleavingIter) NextPrefix(succKey []byte) (*base.InternalKey, base.LazyValue) {
if i.dir == -1 {
panic("pebble: cannot switch directions with NextPrefix")
switch i.pos {
case posExhausted:
return nil, base.LazyValue{}
case posPointKey:
if i.withinSpan {
if i.pointKey == nil || i.cmp(i.span.End, i.pointKey.UserKey) <= 0 {
i.pos = posKeyspanEnd
} else {
i.pos = posPointKey
} else {
case posKeyspanStart, posKeyspanEnd:
return i.yieldPosition(i.lower, i.nextPos)
// Prev implements (base.InternalIterator).Prev.
func (i *InterleavingIter) Prev() (*base.InternalKey, base.LazyValue) {
if i.dir == +1 {
// Switching directions.
i.dir = -1
if i.mask != nil {
// Clear the mask while we reposition the point iterator. While
// switching directions, we may move the point iterator outside of
// i.span's bounds.
// When switching directions, iterator state corresponding to the
// current iterator position (as indicated by i.pos) is already correct.
// However any state that has yet to be interleaved describes a position
// ahead of the current iterator position and needs to be updated to
// describe the position behind the current iterator position.
switch i.pos {
case posExhausted:
// Nothing to do. The below prevPos call will move both the point
// key and span to previous positions and return MAX(point, s.End).
case posPointKey:
// If we're currently on a point key, the point iterator is in the
// right place and the call to prevPos will correctly Prev the point
// key iterator to the previous point key. Do we need to move the
// span backwards? If the current span lies entirely ahead of the
// current key (!i.withinSpan), then we need to move it to the first
// span in the reverse direction.
if !i.withinSpan {
case posKeyspanStart:
// Since we're positioned on a Span, the pointIter is positioned
// entirely ahead of the current iterator position. Reposition it
// behind the current iterator position.
// Without considering truncation of spans to seek keys, the keyspan
// iterator is already in the right place. But consider span [a, z)
// and this sequence of iterator calls:
// SeekGE('c') = c.RANGEKEYSET#72057594037927935
// Prev() = a.RANGEKEYSET#72057594037927935
// If the current span's start key was last surfaced truncated due
// to a SeekGE or SeekPrefixGE call, then it's still relevant in the
// reverse direction with an untruncated start key.
if i.spanMarkerTruncated {
// When we fallthrough to calling prevPos, we want to move to
// MAX(point, span.Start). We cheat here by claiming we're
// currently on the end boundary, so that we'll move on to the
// untruncated start key if necessary.
i.pos = posKeyspanEnd
case posKeyspanEnd:
// Since we're positioned on a Span, the pointIter is positioned
// entirely ahead of the current iterator position. Reposition it
// behind the current iterator position.
if i.spanMarkerTruncated {
// Save the keyspan again to clear truncation.
// Fallthrough to calling i.prevPos.
return i.yieldPosition(i.lower, i.prevPos)
// computeSmallestPos sets i.{pos,withinSpan} to:
// MIN(i.pointKey, i.span.Start)
func (i *InterleavingIter) computeSmallestPos() {
if i.err == nil {
if i.span != nil && (i.pointKey == nil || i.cmp(i.startKey(), i.pointKey.UserKey) <= 0) {
i.withinSpan = true
i.pos = posKeyspanStart
i.withinSpan = false
if i.pointKey != nil {
i.pos = posPointKey
i.pos = posExhausted
// computeLargestPos sets i.{pos,withinSpan} to:
// MAX(i.pointKey, i.span.End)
func (i *InterleavingIter) computeLargestPos() {
if i.err == nil {
if i.span != nil && (i.pointKey == nil || i.cmp(i.span.End, i.pointKey.UserKey) > 0) {
i.withinSpan = true
i.pos = posKeyspanEnd
i.withinSpan = false
if i.pointKey != nil {
i.pos = posPointKey
i.pos = posExhausted
// nextPos advances the iterator one position in the forward direction.
func (i *InterleavingIter) nextPos() {
if invariants.Enabled {
defer func() {
if i.err != nil && i.pos != posExhausted {
panic(errors.AssertionFailedf("iterator has accumulated error but i.pos = %d", i.pos))
// NB: If i.err != nil or any of the positioning methods performed in this
// function result in i.err != nil, we must set i.pos = posExhausted. We
// perform this check explicitly here, but if any of the branches below
// advance either iterator, they must also check i.err and set posExhausted
// if necessary.
if i.err != nil {
i.pos = posExhausted
switch i.pos {
case posExhausted:
case posPointKey:
if i.err != nil {
i.pos = posExhausted
// If we're not currently within the span, we want to chose the
// MIN(pointKey,span.Start), which is exactly the calculation performed
// by computeSmallestPos.
if !i.withinSpan {
// i.withinSpan=true
// Since we previously were within the span, we want to choose the
// MIN(pointKey,span.End).
switch {
case i.span == nil:
panic("i.withinSpan=true and i.span=nil")
case i.pointKey == nil:
// Since i.withinSpan=true, we step onto the end boundary of the
// keyspan.
i.pos = posKeyspanEnd
// i.withinSpan && i.pointKey != nil && i.span != nil
if i.cmp(i.span.End, i.pointKey.UserKey) <= 0 {
i.pos = posKeyspanEnd
} else {
i.pos = posPointKey
case posKeyspanStart:
// Either a point key or the span's end key comes next.
if i.pointKey != nil && i.cmp(i.pointKey.UserKey, i.span.End) < 0 {
i.pos = posPointKey
} else {
i.pos = posKeyspanEnd
case posKeyspanEnd:
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected pos=%d", i.pos))
// prevPos advances the iterator one position in the reverse direction.
func (i *InterleavingIter) prevPos() {
if invariants.Enabled {
defer func() {
if i.err != nil && i.pos != posExhausted {
panic(errors.AssertionFailedf("iterator has accumulated error but i.pos = %d", i.pos))
// NB: If i.err != nil or any of the positioning methods performed in this
// function result in i.err != nil, we must set i.pos = posExhausted. We
// perform this check explicitly here, but if any of the branches below
// advance either iterator, they must also check i.err and set posExhausted
// if necessary.
if i.err != nil {
i.pos = posExhausted
switch i.pos {
case posExhausted:
case posPointKey:
if i.err != nil {
i.pos = posExhausted
// If we're not currently covered by the span, we want to chose the
// MAX(pointKey,span.End), which is exactly the calculation performed
// by computeLargestPos.
if !i.withinSpan {
switch {
case i.span == nil:
panic("withinSpan=true, but i.span == nil")
case i.pointKey == nil:
i.pos = posKeyspanEnd
// i.withinSpan && i.pointKey != nil && i.span != nil
if i.cmp(i.span.Start, i.pointKey.UserKey) > 0 {
i.pos = posKeyspanStart
} else {
i.pos = posPointKey
case posKeyspanStart:
case posKeyspanEnd:
// Either a point key or the span's start key is previous.
if i.pointKey != nil && i.cmp(i.pointKey.UserKey, i.span.Start) >= 0 {
i.pos = posPointKey
} else {
i.pos = posKeyspanStart
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected pos=%d", i.pos))
func (i *InterleavingIter) yieldPosition(
lowerBound []byte, advance func(),
) (*base.InternalKey, base.LazyValue) {
// This loop returns the first visible position in the current iteration
// direction. Some positions are not visible and skipped. For example, if
// masking is enabled and the iterator is positioned over a masked point
// key, this loop skips the position. If a span's start key should be
// interleaved next, but the span is empty, the loop continues to the next
// key. Currently, span end keys are also always skipped, and are used only
// for maintaining internal state.
for {
switch i.pos {
case posExhausted:
return i.yieldNil()
case posPointKey:
if i.pointKey == nil {
panic("i.pointKey is nil")
if i.mask != nil {
if i.withinSpan && i.mask.SkipPoint(i.pointKey.UserKey) {
// The span covers the point key. If a SkipPoint hook is
// configured, ask it if we should skip this point key.
if i.prefix != nil {
// During prefix-iteration node, once a point is masked,
// all subsequent keys with the same prefix must also be
// masked according to the key ordering. We can stop and
// return nil.
// NB: The above is not just an optimization. During
// prefix-iteration mode, the internal iterator contract
// prohibits us from Next-ing beyond the first key
// beyond the iteration prefix. If we didn't already
// stop early, we would need to check if this masked
// point is already beyond the prefix.
return i.yieldNil()
// TODO(jackson): If we thread a base.Comparer through to
// InterleavingIter so that we have access to
// ImmediateSuccessor, we could use NextPrefix. We'd need to
// tweak the SpanMask interface slightly.
// Advance beyond the masked point key.
return i.yieldPointKey()
case posKeyspanEnd:
// Don't interleave end keys; just advance.
case posKeyspanStart:
// Don't interleave an empty span.
if i.span.Empty() {
return i.yieldSyntheticSpanMarker(lowerBound)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected interleavePos=%d", i.pos))
// keyspanSeekGE seeks the keyspan iterator to the first span covering a key ≥ k.
func (i *InterleavingIter) keyspanSeekGE(k []byte, prefix []byte) {
// keyspanSeekLT seeks the keyspan iterator to the last span covering a key < k.
func (i *InterleavingIter) keyspanSeekLT(k []byte) {
// The current span's start key is not guaranteed to be less than key,
// because of the bounds enforcement. Consider the following example:
// Bounds are set to [d,e). The user performs a SeekLT(d). The
// FragmentIterator.SeekLT lands on a span [b,f). This span has a start key
// less than d, as expected. Above, saveSpanBackward truncates the span to
// match the iterator's current bounds, modifying the span to [d,e), which
// does not overlap the search space of [-∞, d).
// This problem is a consequence of the SeekLT's exclusive search key and
// the fact that we don't perform bounds truncation at every leaf iterator.
if i.span != nil && i.truncated && i.cmp(i.truncatedSpan.Start, k) >= 0 {
i.span = nil
func (i *InterleavingIter) saveSpanForward(span *Span) {
i.span = span
i.truncated = false
i.truncatedSpan = Span{}
if i.span == nil {
i.err = firstError(i.err, i.keyspanIter.Error())
if invariants.Enabled {
if err := i.keyspanIter.Error(); err != nil {
errors.AssertionFailedf("pebble: %T keyspan iterator returned non-nil span %s while iter has error", i.keyspanIter, i.span),
// Check the upper bound if we have one.
if i.upper != nil && i.cmp(i.span.Start, i.upper) >= 0 {
i.span = nil
// TODO(jackson): The key comparisons below truncate bounds whenever the
// keyspan iterator is repositioned. We could perform this lazily, and do it
// the first time the user actually asks for this span's bounds in
// SpanBounds. This would reduce work in the case where there's no span
// covering the point and the keyspan iterator is non-empty.
// NB: These truncations don't require setting `keyspanMarkerTruncated`:
// That flag only applies to truncated span marker keys.
if i.lower != nil && i.cmp(i.span.Start, i.lower) < 0 {
i.truncated = true
i.truncatedSpan = *i.span
i.truncatedSpan.Start = i.lower
if i.upper != nil && i.cmp(i.upper, i.span.End) < 0 {
if !i.truncated {
i.truncated = true
i.truncatedSpan = *i.span
i.truncatedSpan.End = i.upper
// If this is a part of a SeekPrefixGE call, we may also need to truncate to
// the prefix's bounds.
if i.prefix != nil {
if !i.truncated {
i.truncated = true
i.truncatedSpan = *i.span
if i.cmp(i.prefix, i.truncatedSpan.Start) > 0 {
i.truncatedSpan.Start = i.prefix
i.nextPrefixBuf = i.comparer.ImmediateSuccessor(i.nextPrefixBuf[:0], i.prefix)
if i.truncated && i.cmp(i.nextPrefixBuf, i.truncatedSpan.End) < 0 {
i.truncatedSpan.End = i.nextPrefixBuf
if i.truncated && i.comparer.Equal(i.truncatedSpan.Start, i.truncatedSpan.End) {
i.span = nil
func (i *InterleavingIter) saveSpanBackward(span *Span) {
i.span = span
i.truncated = false
i.truncatedSpan = Span{}
if i.span == nil {
i.err = firstError(i.err, i.keyspanIter.Error())
if invariants.Enabled {
if err := i.keyspanIter.Error(); err != nil {
errors.AssertionFailedf("pebble: %T keyspan iterator returned non-nil span %s while iter has error", i.keyspanIter, i.span),
// Check the lower bound if we have one.
if i.lower != nil && i.cmp(i.span.End, i.lower) <= 0 {
i.span = nil
// TODO(jackson): The key comparisons below truncate bounds whenever the
// keyspan iterator is repositioned. We could perform this lazily, and do it
// the first time the user actually asks for this span's bounds in
// SpanBounds. This would reduce work in the case where there's no span
// covering the point and the keyspan iterator is non-empty.
// NB: These truncations don't require setting `keyspanMarkerTruncated`:
// That flag only applies to truncated span marker keys.
if i.lower != nil && i.cmp(i.span.Start, i.lower) < 0 {
i.truncated = true
i.truncatedSpan = *i.span
i.truncatedSpan.Start = i.lower
if i.upper != nil && i.cmp(i.upper, i.span.End) < 0 {
if !i.truncated {
i.truncated = true
i.truncatedSpan = *i.span
i.truncatedSpan.End = i.upper
if i.truncated && i.comparer.Equal(i.truncatedSpan.Start, i.truncatedSpan.End) {
i.span = nil
func (i *InterleavingIter) yieldNil() (*base.InternalKey, base.LazyValue) {
i.withinSpan = false
return i.verify(nil, base.LazyValue{})
func (i *InterleavingIter) yieldPointKey() (*base.InternalKey, base.LazyValue) {
return i.verify(i.pointKey, i.pointVal)
func (i *InterleavingIter) yieldSyntheticSpanMarker(
lowerBound []byte,
) (*base.InternalKey, base.LazyValue) {
i.spanMarker.UserKey = i.startKey()
i.spanMarker.Trailer = base.MakeTrailer(base.InternalKeySeqNumMax, i.span.Keys[0].Kind())
// Truncate the key we return to our lower bound if we have one. Note that
// we use the lowerBound function parameter, not i.lower. The lowerBound
// argument is guaranteed to be ≥ i.lower. It may be equal to the SetBounds
// lower bound, or it could come from a SeekGE or SeekPrefixGE search key.
if lowerBound != nil && i.cmp(lowerBound, i.startKey()) > 0 {
// Truncating to the lower bound may violate the upper bound if
// lowerBound == i.upper. For example, a SeekGE(k) uses k as a lower
// bound for truncating a span. The span a-z will be truncated to [k,
// z). If i.upper == k, we'd mistakenly try to return a span [k, k), an
// invariant violation.
if i.comparer.Equal(lowerBound, i.upper) {
return i.yieldNil()
// If the lowerBound argument came from a SeekGE or SeekPrefixGE
// call, and it may be backed by a user-provided byte slice that is not
// guaranteed to be stable.
// If the lowerBound argument is the lower bound set by SetBounds,
// Pebble owns the slice's memory. However, consider two successive
// calls to SetBounds(). The second may overwrite the lower bound.
// Although the external contract requires a seek after a SetBounds,
// Pebble's tests don't always. For this reason and to simplify
// reasoning around lifetimes, always copy the bound into keyBuf when
// truncating.
i.keyBuf = append(i.keyBuf[:0], lowerBound...)
i.spanMarker.UserKey = i.keyBuf
i.spanMarkerTruncated = true
return i.verify(&i.spanMarker, base.LazyValue{})
func (i *InterleavingIter) disablePrefixMode() {
if i.prefix != nil {
i.prefix = nil
// Clear the existing span. It may not hold the true end bound of the
// underlying span.
i.span = nil
func (i *InterleavingIter) verify(
k *base.InternalKey, v base.LazyValue,
) (*base.InternalKey, base.LazyValue) {
// Wrap the entire function body in the invariants build tag, so that
// production builds elide this entire function.
if invariants.Enabled {
switch {
case i.dir == -1 && i.spanMarkerTruncated:
panic("pebble: invariant violation: truncated span key in reverse iteration")
case k != nil && i.lower != nil && i.cmp(k.UserKey, i.lower) < 0:
panic("pebble: invariant violation: key < lower bound")
case k != nil && i.upper != nil && i.cmp(k.UserKey, i.upper) >= 0:
panic("pebble: invariant violation: key ≥ upper bound")
case i.err != nil && k != nil:
panic("pebble: invariant violation: accumulated error swallowed")
case i.err == nil && i.pointIter.Error() != nil:
panic("pebble: invariant violation: pointIter swallowed")
case i.err == nil && i.keyspanIter.Error() != nil:
panic("pebble: invariant violation: keyspanIter error swallowed")
return k, v
func (i *InterleavingIter) savedKeyspan() {
i.spanMarkerTruncated = false
i.maskSpanChangedCalled = false
// updateMask updates the current mask, if a mask is configured and the mask
// hasn't been updated with the current keyspan yet.
func (i *InterleavingIter) maybeUpdateMask() {
switch {
case i.mask == nil, i.maskSpanChangedCalled:
case !i.withinSpan || i.span.Empty():
case i.truncated:
i.maskSpanChangedCalled = true
i.maskSpanChangedCalled = true
// clearMask clears the current mask, if a mask is configured and no mask should
// be active.
func (i *InterleavingIter) clearMask() {
if i.mask != nil {
i.maskSpanChangedCalled = false
func (i *InterleavingIter) startKey() []byte {
if i.truncated {
return i.truncatedSpan.Start
return i.span.Start
func (i *InterleavingIter) savePoint(key *base.InternalKey, value base.LazyValue) {
i.pointKey, i.pointVal = key, value
if key == nil {
i.err = firstError(i.err, i.pointIter.Error())
if invariants.Enabled {
if err := i.pointIter.Error(); key != nil && err != nil {
errors.AssertionFailedf("pebble: %T point iterator returned non-nil key %q while iter has error", i.pointIter, key),
// Span returns the span covering the last key returned, if any. A span key is
// considered to 'cover' a key if the key falls within the span's user key
// bounds. The returned span is owned by the InterleavingIter. The caller is
// responsible for copying if stability is required.
// Span will never return an invalid or empty span.
func (i *InterleavingIter) Span() *Span {
if !i.withinSpan || len(i.span.Keys) == 0 {
return nil
} else if i.truncated {
return &i.truncatedSpan
return i.span
// SetBounds implements (base.InternalIterator).SetBounds.
func (i *InterleavingIter) SetBounds(lower, upper []byte) {
i.lower, i.upper = lower, upper
i.pointIter.SetBounds(lower, upper)
// SetContext implements (base.InternalIterator).SetContext.
func (i *InterleavingIter) SetContext(ctx context.Context) {
// Invalidate invalidates the interleaving iterator's current position, clearing
// its state. This prevents optimizations such as reusing the current span on
// seek.
func (i *InterleavingIter) Invalidate() {
i.span = nil
i.pointKey = nil
i.pointVal = base.LazyValue{}
// Error implements (base.InternalIterator).Error.
func (i *InterleavingIter) Error() error {
return i.err
// Close implements (base.InternalIterator).Close.
func (i *InterleavingIter) Close() error {
perr := i.pointIter.Close()
rerr := i.keyspanIter.Close()
return firstError(perr, rerr)
// String implements (base.InternalIterator).String.
func (i *InterleavingIter) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("keyspan-interleaving(%q)", i.pointIter.String())
func firstError(err0, err1 error) error {
if err0 != nil {
return err0
return err1