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// Copyright 2022 The LevelDB-Go and Pebble Authors. All rights reserved. Use
// of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in
// the LICENSE file.
package keyspan
import (
// LevelIter provides a merged view of spans from sstables in a level.
// It takes advantage of level invariants to only have one sstable span block
// open at one time, opened using the newIter function passed in.
type LevelIter struct {
cmp base.Compare
// Denotes the kind of key the level iterator should read. If the key type
// is KeyTypePoint, the level iterator will read range tombstones (which
// only affect point keys). If the key type is KeyTypeRange, the level
// iterator will read range keys. It is invalid to configure an iterator
// with the KeyTypePointAndRange key type.
// If key type is KeyTypePoint, no straddle spans are emitted between files,
// and point key bounds are used to find files instead of range key bounds.
// TODO(bilal): Straddle spans can safely be produced in rangedel mode once
// we can guarantee that we will never read sstables in a level that split
// user keys across them. This might be guaranteed in a future release, but
// as of CockroachDB 22.2 it is not guaranteed, so to be safe disable it when
// keyType == KeyTypePoint
keyType manifest.KeyType
// The LSM level this LevelIter is initialized for. Used in logging.
level manifest.Level
// The below fields are used to fill in gaps between adjacent files' range
// key spaces. This is an optimization to avoid unnecessarily loading files
// in cases where range keys are sparse and rare. dir is set by every
// positioning operation, straddleDir is set to dir whenever a straddling
// Span is synthesized and the last positioning operation returned a
// synthesized straddle span.
// Note that when a straddle span is initialized, iterFile is modified to
// point to the next file in the straddleDir direction. A change of direction
// on a straddle key therefore necessitates the value of iterFile to be
// reverted.
dir int
straddle Span
straddleDir int
// The iter for the current file (iterFile). It is nil under any of the
// following conditions:
// - files.Current() == nil
// - err != nil
// - straddleDir != 0, in which case iterFile is not nil and points to the
// next file (in the straddleDir direction).
// - some other constraint, like the bounds in opts, caused the file at index to not
// be relevant to the iteration.
iter FragmentIterator
// iterFile holds the current file.
// INVARIANT: iterFile = files.Current()
iterFile *manifest.FileMetadata
newIter TableNewSpanIter
files manifest.LevelIterator
err error
// The options that were passed in.
tableOpts SpanIterOptions
// TODO(bilal): Add InternalIteratorStats.
// LevelIter implements the keyspan.FragmentIterator interface.
var _ FragmentIterator = (*LevelIter)(nil)
// NewLevelIter returns a LevelIter.
func NewLevelIter(
opts SpanIterOptions,
cmp base.Compare,
newIter TableNewSpanIter,
files manifest.LevelIterator,
level manifest.Level,
keyType manifest.KeyType,
) *LevelIter {
l := &LevelIter{}
l.Init(opts, cmp, newIter, files, level, keyType)
return l
// Init initializes a LevelIter.
func (l *LevelIter) Init(
opts SpanIterOptions,
cmp base.Compare,
newIter TableNewSpanIter,
files manifest.LevelIterator,
level manifest.Level,
keyType manifest.KeyType,
) {
l.err = nil
l.level = level
l.tableOpts = opts
l.cmp = cmp
l.iterFile = nil
l.newIter = newIter
switch keyType {
case manifest.KeyTypePoint:
l.keyType = keyType
l.files = files.Filter(keyType)
case manifest.KeyTypeRange:
l.keyType = keyType
l.files = files.Filter(keyType)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported key type: %v", keyType))
func (l *LevelIter) findFileGE(key []byte) *manifest.FileMetadata {
// Find the earliest file whose largest key is >= key.
// If the earliest file has its largest key == key and that largest key is a
// range deletion sentinel, we know that we manufactured this sentinel to convert
// the exclusive range deletion end key into an inclusive key (reminder: [start, end)#seqnum
// is the form of a range deletion sentinel which can contribute a largest key = end#sentinel).
// In this case we don't return this as the earliest file since there is nothing actually
// equal to key in it.
m := l.files.SeekGE(l.cmp, key)
for m != nil {
largestKey := m.LargestRangeKey
if l.keyType == manifest.KeyTypePoint {
largestKey = m.LargestPointKey
if !largestKey.IsExclusiveSentinel() || l.cmp(largestKey.UserKey, key) != 0 {
m = l.files.Next()
return m
func (l *LevelIter) findFileLT(key []byte) *manifest.FileMetadata {
// Find the last file whose smallest key is < key.
return l.files.SeekLT(l.cmp, key)
type loadFileReturnIndicator int8
const (
noFileLoaded loadFileReturnIndicator = iota
func (l *LevelIter) loadFile(file *manifest.FileMetadata, dir int) loadFileReturnIndicator {
indicator := noFileLoaded
if l.iterFile == file {
if l.err != nil {
return noFileLoaded
if l.iter != nil {
// We are already at the file, but we would need to check for bounds.
// Set indicator accordingly.
indicator = fileAlreadyLoaded
// We were already at file, but don't have an iterator, probably because the file was
// beyond the iteration bounds. It may still be, but it is also possible that the bounds
// have changed. We handle that below.
// Note that LevelIter.Close() can be called multiple times.
if indicator != fileAlreadyLoaded {
if err := l.Close(); err != nil {
return noFileLoaded
l.iterFile = file
if file == nil {
return noFileLoaded
if indicator != fileAlreadyLoaded {
l.iter, l.err = l.newIter(file, l.tableOpts)
indicator = newFileLoaded
if l.err != nil {
return noFileLoaded
return indicator
// SeekGE implements keyspan.FragmentIterator.
func (l *LevelIter) SeekGE(key []byte) *Span {
l.dir = +1
l.straddle = Span{}
l.straddleDir = 0
l.err = nil // clear cached iteration error
f := l.findFileGE(key)
if f != nil && l.keyType == manifest.KeyTypeRange && l.cmp(key, f.SmallestRangeKey.UserKey) < 0 {
// Peek at the previous file.
prevFile := l.files.Prev()
if prevFile != nil {
// We could unconditionally return an empty span between the seek key and
// f.SmallestRangeKey, however if this span is to the left of all range
// keys on this level, it could lead to inconsistent behaviour in relative
// positioning operations. Consider this example, with a b-c range key:
// SeekGE(a) -> a-b:{}
// Next() -> b-c{(#5,RANGEKEYSET,@4,foo)}
// Prev() -> nil
// Iterators higher up in the iterator stack rely on this sort of relative
// positioning consistency.
// TODO(bilal): Investigate ways to be able to return straddle spans in
// cases similar to the above, while still retaining correctness.
// Return a straddling key instead of loading the file.
l.iterFile = f
if err := l.Close(); err != nil {
return l.verify(nil)
l.straddleDir = +1
l.straddle = Span{
Start: prevFile.LargestRangeKey.UserKey,
End: f.SmallestRangeKey.UserKey,
Keys: nil,
return l.verify(&l.straddle)
loadFileIndicator := l.loadFile(f, +1)
if loadFileIndicator == noFileLoaded {
return l.verify(nil)
if span := l.iter.SeekGE(key); span != nil {
return l.verify(span)
return l.skipEmptyFileForward()
// SeekLT implements keyspan.FragmentIterator.
func (l *LevelIter) SeekLT(key []byte) *Span {
l.dir = -1
l.straddle = Span{}
l.straddleDir = 0
l.err = nil // clear cached iteration error
f := l.findFileLT(key)
if f != nil && l.keyType == manifest.KeyTypeRange && l.cmp(f.LargestRangeKey.UserKey, key) < 0 {
// Peek at the next file.
nextFile := l.files.Next()
if nextFile != nil {
// We could unconditionally return an empty span between f.LargestRangeKey
// and the seek key, however if this span is to the right of all range keys
// on this level, it could lead to inconsistent behaviour in relative
// positioning operations. Consider this example, with a b-c range key:
// SeekLT(d) -> c-d:{}
// Prev() -> b-c{(#5,RANGEKEYSET,@4,foo)}
// Next() -> nil
// Iterators higher up in the iterator stack rely on this sort of relative
// positioning consistency.
// TODO(bilal): Investigate ways to be able to return straddle spans in
// cases similar to the above, while still retaining correctness.
// Return a straddling key instead of loading the file.
l.iterFile = f
if err := l.Close(); err != nil {
return l.verify(nil)
l.straddleDir = -1
l.straddle = Span{
Start: f.LargestRangeKey.UserKey,
End: nextFile.SmallestRangeKey.UserKey,
Keys: nil,
return l.verify(&l.straddle)
if l.loadFile(f, -1) == noFileLoaded {
return l.verify(nil)
if span := l.iter.SeekLT(key); span != nil {
return l.verify(span)
return l.skipEmptyFileBackward()
// First implements keyspan.FragmentIterator.
func (l *LevelIter) First() *Span {
l.dir = +1
l.straddle = Span{}
l.straddleDir = 0
l.err = nil // clear cached iteration error
if l.loadFile(l.files.First(), +1) == noFileLoaded {
return l.verify(nil)
if span := l.iter.First(); span != nil {
return l.verify(span)
return l.skipEmptyFileForward()
// Last implements keyspan.FragmentIterator.
func (l *LevelIter) Last() *Span {
l.dir = -1
l.straddle = Span{}
l.straddleDir = 0
l.err = nil // clear cached iteration error
if l.loadFile(l.files.Last(), -1) == noFileLoaded {
return l.verify(nil)
if span := l.iter.Last(); span != nil {
return l.verify(span)
return l.skipEmptyFileBackward()
// Next implements keyspan.FragmentIterator.
func (l *LevelIter) Next() *Span {
if l.err != nil || (l.iter == nil && l.iterFile == nil && l.dir > 0) {
return l.verify(nil)
if l.iter == nil && l.iterFile == nil {
// l.dir <= 0
return l.First()
l.dir = +1
if l.iter != nil {
if span := l.iter.Next(); span != nil {
return l.verify(span)
return l.skipEmptyFileForward()
// Prev implements keyspan.FragmentIterator.
func (l *LevelIter) Prev() *Span {
if l.err != nil || (l.iter == nil && l.iterFile == nil && l.dir < 0) {
return l.verify(nil)
if l.iter == nil && l.iterFile == nil {
// l.dir >= 0
return l.Last()
l.dir = -1
if l.iter != nil {
if span := l.iter.Prev(); span != nil {
return l.verify(span)
return l.skipEmptyFileBackward()
func (l *LevelIter) skipEmptyFileForward() *Span {
if l.straddleDir == 0 && l.keyType == manifest.KeyTypeRange &&
l.iterFile != nil && l.iter != nil {
// We were at a file that had spans. Check if the next file that has
// spans is not directly adjacent to the current file i.e. there is a
// gap in the span keyspace between the two files. In that case, synthesize
// a "straddle span" in l.straddle and return that.
// Straddle spans are not created in rangedel mode.
if err := l.Close(); err != nil {
l.err = err
return l.verify(nil)
startKey := l.iterFile.LargestRangeKey.UserKey
// Resetting l.iterFile without loading the file into l.iter is okay and
// does not change the logic in loadFile() as long as l.iter is also nil;
// which it should be due to the Close() call above.
l.iterFile = l.files.Next()
if l.iterFile == nil {
return l.verify(nil)
endKey := l.iterFile.SmallestRangeKey.UserKey
if l.cmp(startKey, endKey) < 0 {
// There is a gap between the two files. Synthesize a straddling span
// to avoid unnecessarily loading the next file.
l.straddle = Span{
Start: startKey,
End: endKey,
l.straddleDir = +1
return l.verify(&l.straddle)
} else if l.straddleDir < 0 {
// We were at a straddle key, but are now changing directions. l.iterFile
// was already moved backward by skipEmptyFileBackward, so advance it
// forward.
l.iterFile = l.files.Next()
l.straddle = Span{}
l.straddleDir = 0
var span *Span
for span.Empty() {
fileToLoad := l.iterFile
if l.keyType == manifest.KeyTypePoint {
// We haven't iterated to the next file yet if we're in point key
// (rangedel) mode.
fileToLoad = l.files.Next()
if l.loadFile(fileToLoad, +1) == noFileLoaded {
return l.verify(nil)
span = l.iter.First()
// In rangedel mode, we can expect to get empty files that we'd need to
// skip over, but not in range key mode.
if l.keyType == manifest.KeyTypeRange {
return l.verify(span)
func (l *LevelIter) skipEmptyFileBackward() *Span {
// We were at a file that had spans. Check if the previous file that has
// spans is not directly adjacent to the current file i.e. there is a
// gap in the span keyspace between the two files. In that case, synthesize
// a "straddle span" in l.straddle and return that.
// Straddle spans are not created in rangedel mode.
if l.straddleDir == 0 && l.keyType == manifest.KeyTypeRange &&
l.iterFile != nil && l.iter != nil {
if err := l.Close(); err != nil {
l.err = err
return l.verify(nil)
endKey := l.iterFile.SmallestRangeKey.UserKey
// Resetting l.iterFile without loading the file into l.iter is okay and
// does not change the logic in loadFile() as long as l.iter is also nil;
// which it should be due to the Close() call above.
l.iterFile = l.files.Prev()
if l.iterFile == nil {
return l.verify(nil)
startKey := l.iterFile.LargestRangeKey.UserKey
if l.cmp(startKey, endKey) < 0 {
// There is a gap between the two files. Synthesize a straddling span
// to avoid unnecessarily loading the next file.
l.straddle = Span{
Start: startKey,
End: endKey,
l.straddleDir = -1
return l.verify(&l.straddle)
} else if l.straddleDir > 0 {
// We were at a straddle key, but are now changing directions. l.iterFile
// was already advanced forward by skipEmptyFileForward, so move it
// backward.
l.iterFile = l.files.Prev()
l.straddle = Span{}
l.straddleDir = 0
var span *Span
for span.Empty() {
fileToLoad := l.iterFile
if l.keyType == manifest.KeyTypePoint {
fileToLoad = l.files.Prev()
if l.loadFile(fileToLoad, -1) == noFileLoaded {
return l.verify(nil)
span = l.iter.Last()
// In rangedel mode, we can expect to get empty files that we'd need to
// skip over, but not in range key mode as the filter on the FileMetadata
// should guarantee we always get a non-empty file.
if l.keyType == manifest.KeyTypeRange {
return l.verify(span)
// verify is invoked whenever a span is returned from an iterator positioning
// method to a caller. During invariant builds, it asserts invariants to the
// caller.
func (l *LevelIter) verify(s *Span) *Span {
// NB: Do not add any logic outside the invariants.Enabled conditional to
// ensure that verify is always compiled away in production builds.
if invariants.Enabled {
if f := l.files.Current(); f != l.iterFile {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("LevelIter.files.Current (%s) and l.iterFile (%s) diverged",
f, l.iterFile))
return s
// Error implements keyspan.FragmentIterator.
func (l *LevelIter) Error() error {
if l.err != nil || l.iter == nil {
return l.err
return l.iter.Error()
// Close implements keyspan.FragmentIterator.
func (l *LevelIter) Close() error {
if l.iter != nil {
l.err = l.iter.Close()
l.iter = nil
return l.err
// String implements keyspan.FragmentIterator.
func (l *LevelIter) String() string {
if l.iterFile != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s: fileNum=%s", l.level, l.iterFile.FileNum)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s: fileNum=<nil>", l.level)