mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 17:15:17 +00:00
228 lines
6.0 KiB
228 lines
6.0 KiB
package swarm
import (
ma "github.com/multiformats/go-multiaddr"
type dialResult struct {
Conn transport.CapableConn
Addr ma.Multiaddr
Err error
type dialJob struct {
addr ma.Multiaddr
peer peer.ID
ctx context.Context
resp chan dialResult
timeout time.Duration
func (dj *dialJob) cancelled() bool {
return dj.ctx.Err() != nil
type dialLimiter struct {
lk sync.Mutex
fdConsuming int
fdLimit int
waitingOnFd []*dialJob
dialFunc dialfunc
activePerPeer map[peer.ID]int
perPeerLimit int
waitingOnPeerLimit map[peer.ID][]*dialJob
type dialfunc func(context.Context, peer.ID, ma.Multiaddr) (transport.CapableConn, error)
func newDialLimiter(df dialfunc) *dialLimiter {
fd := ConcurrentFdDials
if env := os.Getenv("LIBP2P_SWARM_FD_LIMIT"); env != "" {
if n, err := strconv.ParseInt(env, 10, 32); err == nil {
fd = int(n)
return newDialLimiterWithParams(df, fd, DefaultPerPeerRateLimit)
func newDialLimiterWithParams(df dialfunc, fdLimit, perPeerLimit int) *dialLimiter {
return &dialLimiter{
fdLimit: fdLimit,
perPeerLimit: perPeerLimit,
waitingOnPeerLimit: make(map[peer.ID][]*dialJob),
activePerPeer: make(map[peer.ID]int),
dialFunc: df,
// freeFDToken frees FD token and if there are any schedules another waiting dialJob
// in it's place
func (dl *dialLimiter) freeFDToken() {
log.Debugf("[limiter] freeing FD token; waiting: %d; consuming: %d", len(dl.waitingOnFd), dl.fdConsuming)
for len(dl.waitingOnFd) > 0 {
next := dl.waitingOnFd[0]
dl.waitingOnFd[0] = nil // clear out memory
dl.waitingOnFd = dl.waitingOnFd[1:]
if len(dl.waitingOnFd) == 0 {
// clear out memory.
dl.waitingOnFd = nil
// Skip over canceled dials instead of queuing up a goroutine.
if next.cancelled() {
// we already have activePerPeer token at this point so we can just dial
go dl.executeDial(next)
func (dl *dialLimiter) freePeerToken(dj *dialJob) {
log.Debugf("[limiter] freeing peer token; peer %s; addr: %s; active for peer: %d; waiting on peer limit: %d",
dj.peer, dj.addr, dl.activePerPeer[dj.peer], len(dl.waitingOnPeerLimit[dj.peer]))
// release tokens in reverse order than we take them
if dl.activePerPeer[dj.peer] == 0 {
delete(dl.activePerPeer, dj.peer)
waitlist := dl.waitingOnPeerLimit[dj.peer]
for len(waitlist) > 0 {
next := waitlist[0]
waitlist[0] = nil // clear out memory
waitlist = waitlist[1:]
if len(waitlist) == 0 {
delete(dl.waitingOnPeerLimit, next.peer)
} else {
dl.waitingOnPeerLimit[next.peer] = waitlist
if next.cancelled() {
dl.activePerPeer[next.peer]++ // just kidding, we still want this token
func (dl *dialLimiter) finishedDial(dj *dialJob) {
defer dl.lk.Unlock()
if dl.shouldConsumeFd(dj.addr) {
func (dl *dialLimiter) shouldConsumeFd(addr ma.Multiaddr) bool {
// we don't consume FD's for relay addresses for now as they will be consumed when the Relay Transport
// actually dials the Relay server. That dial call will also pass through this limiter with
// the address of the relay server i.e. non-relay address.
_, err := addr.ValueForProtocol(ma.P_CIRCUIT)
isRelay := err == nil
return !isRelay && isFdConsumingAddr(addr)
func (dl *dialLimiter) addCheckFdLimit(dj *dialJob) {
if dl.shouldConsumeFd(dj.addr) {
if dl.fdConsuming >= dl.fdLimit {
log.Debugf("[limiter] blocked dial waiting on FD token; peer: %s; addr: %s; consuming: %d; "+
"limit: %d; waiting: %d", dj.peer, dj.addr, dl.fdConsuming, dl.fdLimit, len(dl.waitingOnFd))
dl.waitingOnFd = append(dl.waitingOnFd, dj)
log.Debugf("[limiter] taking FD token: peer: %s; addr: %s; prev consuming: %d",
dj.peer, dj.addr, dl.fdConsuming)
// take token
log.Debugf("[limiter] executing dial; peer: %s; addr: %s; FD consuming: %d; waiting: %d",
dj.peer, dj.addr, dl.fdConsuming, len(dl.waitingOnFd))
go dl.executeDial(dj)
func (dl *dialLimiter) addCheckPeerLimit(dj *dialJob) {
if dl.activePerPeer[dj.peer] >= dl.perPeerLimit {
log.Debugf("[limiter] blocked dial waiting on peer limit; peer: %s; addr: %s; active: %d; "+
"peer limit: %d; waiting: %d", dj.peer, dj.addr, dl.activePerPeer[dj.peer], dl.perPeerLimit,
wlist := dl.waitingOnPeerLimit[dj.peer]
dl.waitingOnPeerLimit[dj.peer] = append(wlist, dj)
// AddDialJob tries to take the needed tokens for starting the given dial job.
// If it acquires all needed tokens, it immediately starts the dial, otherwise
// it will put it on the waitlist for the requested token.
func (dl *dialLimiter) AddDialJob(dj *dialJob) {
defer dl.lk.Unlock()
log.Debugf("[limiter] adding a dial job through limiter: %v", dj.addr)
func (dl *dialLimiter) clearAllPeerDials(p peer.ID) {
defer dl.lk.Unlock()
delete(dl.waitingOnPeerLimit, p)
log.Debugf("[limiter] clearing all peer dials: %v", p)
// NB: the waitingOnFd list doesn't need to be cleaned out here, we will
// remove them as we encounter them because they are 'cancelled' at this
// point
// executeDial calls the dialFunc, and reports the result through the response
// channel when finished. Once the response is sent it also releases all tokens
// it held during the dial.
func (dl *dialLimiter) executeDial(j *dialJob) {
defer dl.finishedDial(j)
if j.cancelled() {
dctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(j.ctx, j.timeout)
defer cancel()
con, err := dl.dialFunc(dctx, j.peer, j.addr)
select {
case j.resp <- dialResult{Conn: con, Addr: j.addr, Err: err}:
case <-j.ctx.Done():
if con != nil {