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// Copyright Coinbase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package v0
import (
type (
seedOtVerification = [kappa][32]byte
seedOtFinal = [kappa][2][32]byte
seedOtTransfer = [kappa]*curves.EcPoint
// seedOTSender stores state for the "sender" role in seed OT. see Protocol 7 in Appendix A of DKLs
type seedOTSender struct {
// Exported fields are marshaled
Rho seedOtFinal // this will store the (vectorized) outputs of kappa executions of (random) seed OT.
// Intermediate values that should not be marshaled
params *Params
b *big.Int // discrete log of B, which will be (re)used in _all_ executions of the seed OT.
pub *curves.EcPoint // the public key of b.
// seedOTReceiver stores state for the "receiver" role in seed OT. Protocol 7, Appendix A, of DKLs.
type seedOTReceiver struct {
// Exported fields are marshaled
Packed [kappa >> 3]byte // a packed version of the above vector; used later during cOT for performance reasons
Rho seedOtVerification // output of seed OT. for the receiver, there is just 1 output per execution
// Unexported fields don't get marshaled
params *Params
choice []int // choice vector represented as compact binary array. Initialed from Packed
pub *curves.EcPoint // i guess this is "B".
xi seedOtVerification // basically this just has to be kept between rounds for checking purposes, but won't be used outside
func (sender *seedOTSender) pubKey(w io.Writer) error {
// returns pub, as well as the schnorr proof. serialized / packed.
// since the return type here is exactly the same as DKG datatype, i am going to cheat and reuse that one.
enc := gob.NewEncoder(w)
var err error // https://github.com/golang/go/issues/6842
if sender.b, err = sender.params.Scalar.Random(); err != nil {
return err
if sender.pub, err = curves.NewScalarBaseMult(sender.params.Curve, sender.b); err != nil {
return err
proof := &Schnorr{params: sender.params, Pub: sender.pub}
if err = proof.Prove(sender.b); err != nil {
return err
if err = enc.Encode(proof); err != nil {
return err
if sender.pub.Y, err = core.Neg(sender.pub.Y, sender.params.Curve.Params().P); err != nil { // using Weierstrass
return err
// ^^^ this is basically a trick, we will only "use" B (i.e., pub) from this point forward by subtracting it from A
// so just do the negation once and then we can just "add" B from this point forward.
return err
func (receiver *seedOTReceiver) pubKey(r io.Reader) error {
dec := gob.NewDecoder(r)
var err error
input := &Schnorr{params: receiver.params}
if err = dec.Decode(input); err != nil {
return err
receiver.pub = input.Pub
if err = input.Verify(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Initializes the choice array from the Packed array
func (receiver *seedOTReceiver) initChoice() {
// unpack the random values in Packed into bits in Choice
receiver.choice = make([]int, kappa)
for i := 0; i < len(receiver.choice); i++ {
receiver.choice[i] = int(receiver.Packed[i>>3] >> (i & 0x07) & 0x01)
// padTransfer this is the receiver's "Pad Transfer" phase in seed OT; see p. 16 of https://eprint.iacr.org/2018/499.pdf.
// note that we "vectorize" this kappa times; all kappa executions are blocked in this function.
// any error returned by this function will come from "below", as opposed to from this function.
func (receiver *seedOTReceiver) padTransfer(w io.Writer) error {
enc := gob.NewEncoder(w)
// fill the seed OT choice vector with random bytes.
if _, err := rand.Read(receiver.Packed[:]); err != nil {
return err
// And unpack into Choice bits
result := &[kappa]*curves.EcPoint{}
for i := 0; i < kappa; i++ {
a, err := receiver.params.Scalar.Random()
if err != nil {
return err
if result[i], err = curves.NewScalarBaseMult(receiver.params.Curve, a); err != nil {
return err
temp := result[i].Bytes()
if result[i], err = result[i].Add(receiver.pub); err != nil {
return err
mask := result[i].Bytes()
subtle.ConstantTimeCopy(receiver.choice[i], temp, mask)
if result[i], err = curves.PointFromBytesUncompressed(receiver.params.Curve, temp); err != nil {
return err
rho, err := receiver.pub.ScalarMult(a)
if err != nil {
return err
receiver.Rho[i] = sha256.Sum256(append(rho.Bytes(), byte(i))) // check whether this cuts it as a "nonce"
return enc.Encode(result)
func (sender *seedOTSender) padTransfer(rw io.ReadWriter) error {
enc := gob.NewEncoder(rw)
dec := gob.NewDecoder(rw)
// returns the challenges xi, concated into a block.
input := &seedOtTransfer{}
if err := dec.Decode(input); err != nil {
return err
result := &seedOtVerification{}
for i := 0; i < kappa; i++ {
d, err := input[i].ScalarMult(sender.b)
if err != nil {
return err
sender.Rho[i][0] = sha256.Sum256(append(d.Bytes(), byte(i)))
if input[i], err = input[i].Add(sender.pub); err != nil {
return err
} // caution: overwrite
d, err = input[i].ScalarMult(sender.b)
if err != nil {
return err
sender.Rho[i][1] = sha256.Sum256(append(d.Bytes(), byte(i)))
temp0 := sha256.Sum256(sender.Rho[i][0][:])
temp0 = sha256.Sum256(temp0[:])
temp1 := sha256.Sum256(sender.Rho[i][1][:])
temp1 = sha256.Sum256(temp1[:])
for j := 0; j < 32; j++ {
result[i][j] = temp0[j] ^ temp1[j]
return enc.Encode(result)
// verification corresponds to initial round of the receiver's "Verification" phase, see p. 16. cf. also "final" below.
// this is just the start of verification—in this round, the receiver outputs "rho'", which the sender will check.
func (receiver *seedOTReceiver) verification(rw io.ReadWriter) error {
enc := gob.NewEncoder(rw)
dec := gob.NewDecoder(rw)
if err := dec.Decode(&receiver.xi); err != nil {
return err
result := &seedOtVerification{}
for i := 0; i < kappa; i++ {
temp0 := sha256.Sum256(receiver.Rho[i][:])
temp0 = sha256.Sum256(temp0[:])
temp1 := [32]byte{}
for j := 0; j < 32; j++ {
temp1[j] = receiver.xi[i][j] ^ temp0[j]
subtle.ConstantTimeCopy(receiver.choice[i], temp0[:], temp1[:])
copy(result[i][:], temp0[:])
return enc.Encode(result) // this is "rho'", all in a block.
func (sender *seedOTSender) verification(rw io.ReadWriter) error {
// message is rho'. returns H(rho^0) || H(rho^1)
enc := gob.NewEncoder(rw)
dec := gob.NewDecoder(rw)
input := &seedOtVerification{}
if err := dec.Decode(&input); err != nil {
return err
result := &seedOtFinal{}
for i := 0; i < kappa; i++ {
temp0 := sha256.Sum256(sender.Rho[i][0][:])
temp1 := sha256.Sum256(temp0[:])
if subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(temp1[:], input[i][:]) != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("receiver's challenge response didn't match H(H(rho^0))")
temp2 := sha256.Sum256(sender.Rho[i][1][:])
copy(result[i][0][:], temp0[:])
copy(result[i][1][:], temp2[:])
return enc.Encode(result)
// final this is the _last_ part of the "Verification" phase of seed OT; see p. 16 of https://eprint.iacr.org/2018/499.pdf.
// message is (supposedly) the concatenation of all kappa `H(rho^0) || H(rho^1)`s; we will check them ourselves.
func (receiver *seedOTReceiver) final(r io.Reader) error {
dec := gob.NewDecoder(r)
input := &seedOtFinal{}
if err := dec.Decode(&input); err != nil {
return err
for i := 0; i < kappa; i++ {
temp0 := sha256.Sum256(receiver.Rho[i][:])
temp1 := [32]byte{}
subtle.ConstantTimeCopy(1-receiver.choice[i], temp1[:], input[i][0][:])
subtle.ConstantTimeCopy(receiver.choice[i], temp1[:], input[i][1][:])
if subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(temp0[:], temp1[:]) != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("sender's supposed H(rho^omega) doesn't match our own")
temp0 = sha256.Sum256(input[i][0][:])
temp1 = sha256.Sum256(input[i][1][:])
for j := 0; j < 32; j++ {
temp0[j] ^= temp1[j]
if subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(temp0[:], receiver.xi[i][:]) != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("sender's openings H(rho^0) and H(rho^1) didn't decommit to its prior message xi")
return nil
func (receiver *seedOTReceiver) kosSetup(rw io.ReadWriter) error {
// this is an illustrative high-level helper method which goes through the full flow of the KOS seed OT protocol.
// all it does it call all the right stages in the right order, and send and receive the messages to the other party
if err := receiver.pubKey(rw); err != nil {
return err
if err := receiver.padTransfer(rw); err != nil {
return err
if err := receiver.verification(rw); err != nil {
return err
return receiver.final(rw)
func (sender *seedOTSender) kosSetup(rw io.ReadWriter) error {
// again a high-level helper method showing the overall flow, this time for the sender.
if err := sender.pubKey(rw); err != nil {
return err
if err := sender.padTransfer(rw); err != nil {
return err
return sender.verification(rw)
type cOTReceiver struct {
sender *seedOTSender // kinda-sorta reversed?!?
w []byte // storage for choice vector || gamma^{ext}, packed.
psi [][kappa >> 3]byte // transpose of v^0. gets retained between messages
tB []*big.Int // [2 * Multiplicity]*big.Int
tBOT [2 * s][]*big.Int // [2 * s][Multiplicity]*big.Int
l int
lPrime int
multiplicity int
type cOTSender struct {
receiver *seedOTReceiver // kinda-sorta reversed?!?
tA []*big.Int // ultimate output received. basically just the "pads"
tAOT [2 * s][]*big.Int // [2 * s][Multiplicity]*big.Int
l int
lPrime int
multiplicity int
func newCOTReceiver(multiplicity int, sender *seedOTSender) *cOTReceiver {
l := 2*multiplicity*kappa + 2*s
lPrime := l + kappaOT
var tBOT [2 * s][]*big.Int
for i := 0; i < 2*s; i++ {
tBOT[i] = make([]*big.Int, multiplicity)
return &cOTReceiver{
sender: sender,
w: make([]byte, lPrime>>3),
psi: make([][kappa >> 3]byte, lPrime),
tB: make([]*big.Int, 2*kappa*multiplicity),
l: l,
lPrime: lPrime,
multiplicity: multiplicity,
func newCOTSender(multiplicity int, receiver *seedOTReceiver) *cOTSender {
l := 2*multiplicity*kappa + 2*s
lPrime := l + kappaOT
var tAOT [2 * s][]*big.Int
for i := 0; i < 2*s; i++ {
tAOT[i] = make([]*big.Int, multiplicity)
return &cOTSender{
receiver: receiver,
tA: make([]*big.Int, 2*kappa*multiplicity),
l: l,
lPrime: lPrime,
multiplicity: multiplicity,
type cOTInitStorage struct {
WPrime [32]byte
VPrime [32]byte
U [kappa][]byte
type cOTStorage struct {
TauMain []*big.Int
TauOT [2 * s][]*big.Int
func (receiver *cOTReceiver) init(idExt [32]byte, choice []byte, w io.Writer) error {
// input choice vector is "packed".
copy(receiver.w[0:receiver.l>>3], choice[:]) // write the input choice vector into our local data.
if _, err := rand.Read(receiver.w[receiver.l>>3:]); err != nil { // fill the rest with random bytes; this is "gamma^{ext}"
return err
hash := sha256.New() // basically this will contain a hash of the matrix U.
v := [2][kappa][]byte{} // kappa * l array of _bits_, in "dense" form. contains _both_ v_0 and v_1.
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
for j := 0; j < kappa; j++ {
v[i][j] = make([]byte, receiver.lPrime>>3) // annoying
result := &cOTInitStorage{}
enc := gob.NewEncoder(w)
for i := 0; i < kappa; i++ {
result.U[i] = make([]byte, receiver.lPrime>>3)
for i := 0; i < kappa; i++ {
for j := 0; j < 2; j++ {
row, err := core.ExpandMessageXmd(sha256.New, receiver.sender.Rho[i][j][:], idExt[:], receiver.lPrime>>3)
if err != nil {
return err
// this is the core pseudorandom expansion of the secret OT input seeds s_i^0 and s_i^1
// see Extension, 2), in Protocol 9, page 17 of DKLs https://eprint.iacr.org/2018/499.pdf
// use the idExt as the "domain separator", and the _secret_ seed rho as the input!
copy(v[j][i][:], row) // could easily use a shake3 and "Read" it directly in.
for j := 0; j < receiver.lPrime>>3; j++ {
result.U[i][j] = v[0][i][j] ^ v[1][i][j] ^ receiver.w[j]
// U := v_i^0 ^ v_i^1 ^ w. note: in step 4) of Prot. 9, i think `w` should be bolded?
for k := 0; k < 8; k++ {
receiver.psi[j<<3+k][i>>3] |= v[0][i][j] >> k & 0x01 << (i & 0x07)
// this is fairly tricky. basically, this is assigning psi to be the transpose of the boolean matrix v_0.
// but because both matrices are densely packed (represented as bytes), we have to do some bitwise tricks.
if _, err := hash.Write(result.U[i][:]); err != nil {
return err
digest := hash.Sum(nil) // go ahead and record this, so that we only have to hash the big matrix U once.
for j := 0; j < receiver.lPrime; j++ {
chiJ := sha256.Sum256(append(digest, byte(j&0x07), byte(j>>3))) // represent j = (j % 8, j // 8) as 2 bytes.
wJ := receiver.w[j>>3] >> (j & 0x07) & 0x01 // extract j^th bit from vector of bytes w.
wJ = ^(wJ - 0x01) // convert it into a bitmask (all 1s if true, all 0s if false).
for k := 0; k < kappa>>3; k++ {
result.WPrime[k] ^= wJ & chiJ[k]
result.VPrime[k] ^= receiver.psi[j][k] & chiJ[k]
// result is the concatenation of WPrime, VPrime, then the entire matrix U (row-flattened).
return enc.Encode(result)
func (sender *cOTSender) transfer(idExt [32]byte, inputMain []*big.Int, inputOT [2 * s][]*big.Int, rw io.ReadWriter) error {
// input message: Bob's values WPrime, VPrime, and U. output: tau.
enc := gob.NewEncoder(rw)
dec := gob.NewDecoder(rw)
input := &cOTInitStorage{}
if err := dec.Decode(input); err != nil {
return err
z := [kappa][]byte{}
for i := 0; i < kappa; i++ {
z[i] = make([]byte, sender.lPrime>>3)
zeta := make([][kappa >> 3]byte, sender.lPrime)
hash := sha256.New() // basically this will contain a hash of the matrix U.
// Unpack the random bytes in Packed into the choice array in the receiver
for i := 0; i < kappa; i++ {
row, err := core.ExpandMessageXmd(sha256.New, sender.receiver.Rho[i][:], idExt[:], sender.lPrime>>3)
if err != nil {
return err
// use the idExt as the domain separator, and the _secret_ seed rho as the input!
v := make([]byte, sender.lPrime>>3) // we only need to retain one row of v at a time.
copy(v[:], row)
mask := byte(^(sender.receiver.choice[i] - 1))
for j := 0; j < sender.lPrime>>3; j++ {
z[i][j] = v[j] ^ mask&input.U[i][j]
// U := v_i^0 ^ v_i^1 ^ w. note: in step 4) of Prot. 9, i think `w` should be bolded?
for k := 0; k < 8; k++ {
zeta[j<<3+k][i>>3] |= z[i][j] >> k & 0x01 << (i & 0x07)
// assigning to zeta the matrix transposition of z. see notes above.
if _, err = hash.Write(input.U[i][:]); err != nil {
return err
digest := hash.Sum(nil) // go ahead and record this, so that we only have to hash the big matrix U once.
zPrime := [32]byte{}
for j := 0; j < sender.lPrime; j++ {
chiJ := sha256.Sum256(append(digest, byte(j&0x07), byte(j>>3))) // represent j = (j % 8, j // 8) as 2 bytes.
for k := 0; k < kappa>>3; k++ {
zPrime[k] ^= zeta[j][k] & chiJ[k]
rhs := [32]byte{}
for i := 0; i < 32; i++ {
rhs[i] = input.VPrime[i] ^ sender.receiver.Packed[i]&input.WPrime[i]
if subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(zPrime[:], rhs[:]) != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("receiver's initial cOT message failed to verify")
result := &cOTStorage{}
result.TauMain = make([]*big.Int, 2*kappa*sender.multiplicity)
for j := 0; j < 2*kappa*sender.multiplicity; j++ {
column := sha256.Sum256(append(zeta[j][:], byte(j&0x07), byte(j>>3)))
sender.tA[j] = new(big.Int).SetBytes(column[:]) // not bothering to mod this. shouldn't be necessary.
for i := 0; i < 32; i++ {
zeta[j][i] ^= sender.receiver.Packed[i] // warning: overwrites zeta_j!!!!!! just using it as a place to store
column = sha256.Sum256(append(zeta[j][:], byte(j&0x07), byte(j>>3)))
result.TauMain[j] = new(big.Int).SetBytes(column[:])
result.TauMain[j] = sender.receiver.params.Scalar.Sub(result.TauMain[j], sender.tA[j])
result.TauMain[j] = sender.receiver.params.Scalar.Add(result.TauMain[j], inputMain[j])
length := 32 * sender.multiplicity
for j := 0; j < 2*s; j++ {
result.TauOT[j] = make([]*big.Int, sender.multiplicity)
column, err := core.ExpandMessageXmd(sha256.New, append(zeta[2*kappa*sender.multiplicity+j][:], byte(j&0x07), byte(j>>3)), []byte("Coinbase_tECDSA"), length)
if err != nil {
return err
for k := 0; k < sender.multiplicity; k++ {
sender.tAOT[j][k] = new(big.Int).SetBytes(column[k*32 : (k+1)*32]) // not bothering to mod this. shouldn't be necessary.
for i := 0; i < 32; i++ {
zeta[2*kappa*sender.multiplicity+j][i] ^= sender.receiver.Packed[i] // warning: overwrites zeta_j!!!!!! just using it as a place to store
column, err = core.ExpandMessageXmd(sha256.New, append(zeta[2*kappa*sender.multiplicity+j][:], byte(j&0x07), byte(j>>3)), []byte("Coinbase_tECDSA"), length)
if err != nil {
return err
for k := 0; k < sender.multiplicity; k++ {
result.TauOT[j][k] = new(big.Int).SetBytes(column[k*32 : (k+1)*32])
result.TauOT[j][k] = sender.receiver.params.Scalar.Sub(result.TauOT[j][k], sender.tAOT[j][k])
result.TauOT[j][k] = sender.receiver.params.Scalar.Add(result.TauOT[j][k], inputOT[j][k])
return enc.Encode(result)
func (receiver *cOTReceiver) transfer(r io.Reader) error {
dec := gob.NewDecoder(r)
input := &cOTStorage{}
if err := dec.Decode(input); err != nil {
return err
for j := 0; j < 2*kappa*receiver.multiplicity; j++ {
column := sha256.Sum256(append(receiver.psi[j][:], byte(j&0x07), byte(j>>3)))
bit := int(receiver.w[j>>3]) >> (j & 0x07) & 0x01
receiver.tB[j] = new(big.Int).SetBytes(column[:])
receiver.tB[j] = receiver.sender.params.Scalar.Neg(receiver.tB[j])
wj0 := receiver.sender.params.Scalar.Bytes(receiver.tB[j])
wj1 := receiver.sender.params.Scalar.Bytes(receiver.sender.params.Scalar.Add(receiver.tB[j], input.TauMain[j]))
subtle.ConstantTimeCopy(bit, wj0, wj1)
length := 32 * receiver.multiplicity
for j := 0; j < 2*s; j++ {
column, err := core.ExpandMessageXmd(sha256.New, append(receiver.psi[2*kappa*receiver.multiplicity+j][:], byte(j&0x07), byte(j>>3)), []byte("Coinbase_tECDSA"), length)
if err != nil {
return err
bit := int(receiver.w[(2*kappa*receiver.multiplicity+j)>>3]) >> (j & 0x07) & 0x01
for k := 0; k < receiver.multiplicity; k++ {
receiver.tBOT[j][k] = new(big.Int).SetBytes(column[k*32 : (k+1)*32])
receiver.tBOT[j][k] = receiver.sender.params.Scalar.Neg(receiver.tBOT[j][k])
wj0 := receiver.sender.params.Scalar.Bytes(receiver.tBOT[j][k])
wj1 := receiver.sender.params.Scalar.Bytes(receiver.sender.params.Scalar.Add(receiver.tBOT[j][k], input.TauOT[j][k]))
subtle.ConstantTimeCopy(bit, wj0, wj1)
return nil
func (receiver *cOTReceiver) cOT(idExt [32]byte, choice []byte, rw io.ReadWriter) error {
if err := receiver.init(idExt, choice, rw); err != nil {
return err
return receiver.transfer(rw)
func (sender *cOTSender) cOT(idExt [32]byte, input []*big.Int, inputOT [2 * s][]*big.Int, rw io.ReadWriter) error {
return sender.transfer(idExt, input, inputOT, rw)