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// Copyright 2023 The LevelDB-Go and Pebble Authors. All rights reserved. Use
// of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in
// the LICENSE file.
package keyspan
import (
// This file contains testing facilities for Spans and FragmentIterators. It's
// defined here so that it may be used by the keyspan package to test its
// various FragmentIterator implementations.
// TODO(jackson): Move keyspan.{Span,Key,FragmentIterator} into internal/base,
// and then move the testing facilities to an independent package, eg
// internal/itertest.
// probe defines an interface for probes that may inspect or mutate internal
// span iterator behavior.
type probe interface {
// probe inspects, and possibly manipulates, iterator operations' results.
func parseProbes(probeDSLs ...string) []probe {
probes := make([]probe, len(probeDSLs))
var err error
for i := range probeDSLs {
probes[i], err = probeParser.Parse(probeDSLs[i])
if err != nil {
return probes
func attachProbes(iter FragmentIterator, pctx probeContext, probes ...probe) FragmentIterator {
if pctx.log == nil {
pctx.log = io.Discard
for i := range probes {
iter = &probeIterator{
iter: iter,
probe: probes[i],
probeCtx: pctx,
return iter
// probeContext provides the context within which a probe is run. It includes
// information about the iterator operation in progress.
type probeContext struct {
log io.Writer
type op struct {
Kind OpKind
SeekKey []byte
Span *Span
Err error
// ErrInjected is an error artificially injected for testing.
var ErrInjected = &errorProbe{name: "ErrInjected", err: errors.New("injected error")}
var probeParser = func() *dsl.Parser[probe] {
valuerParser := dsl.NewParser[valuer]()
valuerParser.DefineConstant("StartKey", func() valuer { return startKey{} })
func(p *dsl.Parser[valuer], s *dsl.Scanner) valuer {
v := bytesConstant{bytes: []byte(s.ConsumeString())}
return v
predicateParser := dsl.NewPredicateParser[*probeContext]()
func(p *dsl.Parser[dsl.Predicate[*probeContext]], s *dsl.Scanner) dsl.Predicate[*probeContext] {
eq := equal{
valuerParser.ParseFromPos(s, s.Scan()),
valuerParser.ParseFromPos(s, s.Scan()),
return eq
for i, name := range opNames {
opKind := OpKind(i)
predicateParser.DefineConstant(name, func() dsl.Predicate[*probeContext] {
// An OpKind implements dsl.Predicate[*probeContext].
return opKind
probeParser := dsl.NewParser[probe]()
probeParser.DefineConstant("ErrInjected", func() probe { return ErrInjected })
probeParser.DefineConstant("noop", func() probe { return noop{} })
func(p *dsl.Parser[probe], s *dsl.Scanner) probe {
probe := ifProbe{
predicateParser.ParseFromPos(s, s.Scan()),
probeParser.ParseFromPos(s, s.Scan()),
probeParser.ParseFromPos(s, s.Scan()),
return probe
func(p *dsl.Parser[probe], s *dsl.Scanner) (ret probe) {
switch tok := s.Scan(); tok.Kind {
case token.STRING:
str, err := strconv.Unquote(tok.Lit)
if err != nil {
span := ParseSpan(str)
ret = returnSpan{s: &span}
case token.IDENT:
switch tok.Lit {
case "nil":
ret = returnSpan{s: nil}
panic(errors.Newf("unrecognized return value %q", tok.Lit))
return ret
func(p *dsl.Parser[probe], s *dsl.Scanner) (ret probe) {
ret = loggingProbe{prefix: s.ConsumeString()}
return ret
return probeParser
// probe implementations
type errorProbe struct {
name string
err error
func (p *errorProbe) String() string { return p.name }
func (p *errorProbe) Error() error { return p.err }
func (p *errorProbe) probe(pctx *probeContext) {
pctx.op.Err = p.err
pctx.op.Span = nil
// ifProbe is a conditional probe. If its predicate evaluates to true, it probes
// using its Then probe. If its predicate evalutes to false, it probes using its
// Else probe.
type ifProbe struct {
Predicate dsl.Predicate[*probeContext]
Then probe
Else probe
func (p ifProbe) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("(If %s %s %s)", p.Predicate, p.Then, p.Else) }
func (p ifProbe) probe(pctx *probeContext) {
if p.Predicate.Evaluate(pctx) {
} else {
type returnSpan struct {
s *Span
func (p returnSpan) String() string {
if p.s == nil {
return "(Return nil)"
return fmt.Sprintf("(Return %q)", p.s.String())
func (p returnSpan) probe(pctx *probeContext) {
pctx.op.Span = p.s
pctx.op.Err = nil
type noop struct{}
func (noop) String() string { return "Noop" }
func (noop) probe(pctx *probeContext) {}
type loggingProbe struct {
prefix string
func (lp loggingProbe) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("(Log %q)", lp.prefix) }
func (lp loggingProbe) probe(pctx *probeContext) {
opStr := strings.TrimPrefix(pctx.op.Kind.String(), "Op")
fmt.Fprintf(pctx.log, "%s%s(", lp.prefix, opStr)
if pctx.op.SeekKey != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(pctx.log, "%q", pctx.op.SeekKey)
fmt.Fprint(pctx.log, ") = ")
if pctx.op.Span == nil {
fmt.Fprint(pctx.log, "nil")
if pctx.op.Err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(pctx.log, " <err=%q>", pctx.op.Err)
} else {
fmt.Fprint(pctx.log, pctx.op.Span.String())
// dsl.Predicate[*probeContext] implementations.
type equal struct {
a, b valuer
func (e equal) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("(Equal %s %s)", e.a, e.b) }
func (e equal) Evaluate(pctx *probeContext) bool {
return reflect.DeepEqual(e.a.value(pctx), e.b.value(pctx))
// OpKind indicates the type of iterator operation being performed.
type OpKind int8
const (
OpSeekGE OpKind = iota
func (o OpKind) String() string { return opNames[o] }
func (o OpKind) Evaluate(pctx *probeContext) bool { return pctx.op.Kind == o }
var opNames = [numOpKinds]string{
OpSeekGE: "OpSeekGE",
OpSeekLT: "OpSeekLT",
OpFirst: "OpFirst",
OpLast: "OpLast",
OpNext: "OpNext",
OpPrev: "OpPrev",
OpClose: "OpClose",
// valuer implementations
type valuer interface {
value(pctx *probeContext) any
type bytesConstant struct {
bytes []byte
func (b bytesConstant) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%q", string(b.bytes)) }
func (b bytesConstant) value(pctx *probeContext) any { return b.bytes }
type startKey struct{}
func (s startKey) String() string { return "StartKey" }
func (s startKey) value(pctx *probeContext) any {
if pctx.op.Span == nil {
return nil
return pctx.op.Span.Start
type probeIterator struct {
iter FragmentIterator
err error
probe probe
probeCtx probeContext
// Assert that probeIterator implements the fragment iterator interface.
var _ FragmentIterator = (*probeIterator)(nil)
func (p *probeIterator) handleOp(preProbeOp op) *Span {
p.probeCtx.op = preProbeOp
if preProbeOp.Span == nil && p.iter != nil {
p.probeCtx.op.Err = p.iter.Error()
p.err = p.probeCtx.op.Err
return p.probeCtx.op.Span
func (p *probeIterator) SeekGE(key []byte) *Span {
op := op{
Kind: OpSeekGE,
SeekKey: key,
if p.iter != nil {
op.Span = p.iter.SeekGE(key)
return p.handleOp(op)
func (p *probeIterator) SeekLT(key []byte) *Span {
op := op{
Kind: OpSeekLT,
SeekKey: key,
if p.iter != nil {
op.Span = p.iter.SeekLT(key)
return p.handleOp(op)
func (p *probeIterator) First() *Span {
op := op{Kind: OpFirst}
if p.iter != nil {
op.Span = p.iter.First()
return p.handleOp(op)
func (p *probeIterator) Last() *Span {
op := op{Kind: OpLast}
if p.iter != nil {
op.Span = p.iter.Last()
return p.handleOp(op)
func (p *probeIterator) Next() *Span {
op := op{Kind: OpNext}
if p.iter != nil {
op.Span = p.iter.Next()
return p.handleOp(op)
func (p *probeIterator) Prev() *Span {
op := op{Kind: OpPrev}
if p.iter != nil {
op.Span = p.iter.Prev()
return p.handleOp(op)
func (p *probeIterator) Error() error {
return p.err
func (p *probeIterator) Close() error {
op := op{Kind: OpClose}
if p.iter != nil {
op.Err = p.iter.Close()
p.probeCtx.op = op
p.err = p.probeCtx.op.Err
return p.err
// runIterCmd evaluates a datadriven command controlling an internal
// keyspan.FragmentIterator, writing the results of the iterator operations to
// the provided writer.
func runIterCmd(t *testing.T, td *datadriven.TestData, iter FragmentIterator, w io.Writer) {
lines := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(td.Input), "\n")
for i, line := range lines {
if i > 0 {
line = strings.TrimSpace(line)
i := strings.IndexByte(line, '#')
iterCmd := line
if i > 0 {
iterCmd = string(line[:i])
runIterOp(w, iter, iterCmd)
var iterDelim = map[rune]bool{',': true, ' ': true, '(': true, ')': true, '"': true}
func runIterOp(w io.Writer, it FragmentIterator, op string) {
fields := strings.FieldsFunc(op, func(r rune) bool { return iterDelim[r] })
var s *Span
switch strings.ToLower(fields[0]) {
case "first":
s = it.First()
case "last":
s = it.Last()
case "seekge", "seek-ge":
if len(fields) == 1 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unable to parse iter op %q", op))
s = it.SeekGE([]byte(fields[1]))
case "seeklt", "seek-lt":
if len(fields) == 1 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unable to parse iter op %q", op))
s = it.SeekLT([]byte(fields[1]))
case "next":
s = it.Next()
case "prev":
s = it.Prev()
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unrecognized iter op %q", fields[0]))
if s == nil {
fmt.Fprint(w, "<nil>")
if err := it.Error(); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " err=<%s>", it.Error())
fmt.Fprint(w, s)