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package dht
import (
dhtcfg "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-kad-dht/internal/config"
pb "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-kad-dht/pb"
kb "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-kbucket"
record "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-record"
recpb "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-record/pb"
ds "github.com/ipfs/go-datastore"
logging "github.com/ipfs/go-log/v2"
ma "github.com/multiformats/go-multiaddr"
const tracer = tracing.Tracer("go-libp2p-kad-dht")
const dhtName = "IpfsDHT"
var (
logger = logging.Logger("dht")
baseLogger = logger.Desugar()
rtFreezeTimeout = 1 * time.Minute
const (
// BaseConnMgrScore is the base of the score set on the connection
// manager "kbucket" tag. It is added with the common prefix length
// between two peer IDs.
baseConnMgrScore = 5
type mode int
const (
modeServer mode = iota + 1
const (
kad1 protocol.ID = "/kad/1.0.0"
const (
kbucketTag = "kbucket"
protectedBuckets = 2
// IpfsDHT is an implementation of Kademlia with S/Kademlia modifications.
// It is used to implement the base Routing module.
type IpfsDHT struct {
host host.Host // the network services we need
self peer.ID // Local peer (yourself)
selfKey kb.ID
peerstore peerstore.Peerstore // Peer Registry
datastore ds.Datastore // Local data
routingTable *kb.RoutingTable // Array of routing tables for differently distanced nodes
// providerStore stores & manages the provider records for this Dht peer.
providerStore providers.ProviderStore
// manages Routing Table refresh
rtRefreshManager *rtrefresh.RtRefreshManager
birth time.Time // When this peer started up
Validator record.Validator
ctx context.Context
cancel context.CancelFunc
wg sync.WaitGroup
protoMessenger *pb.ProtocolMessenger
msgSender pb.MessageSenderWithDisconnect
stripedPutLocks [256]sync.Mutex
// DHT protocols we query with. We'll only add peers to our routing
// table if they speak these protocols.
protocols []protocol.ID
// DHT protocols we can respond to.
serverProtocols []protocol.ID
auto ModeOpt
mode mode
modeLk sync.Mutex
bucketSize int
alpha int // The concurrency parameter per path
beta int // The number of peers closest to a target that must have responded for a query path to terminate
queryPeerFilter QueryFilterFunc
routingTablePeerFilter RouteTableFilterFunc
rtPeerDiversityFilter peerdiversity.PeerIPGroupFilter
autoRefresh bool
// timeout for the lookupCheck operation
lookupCheckTimeout time.Duration
// number of concurrent lookupCheck operations
lookupCheckCapacity int
lookupChecksLk sync.Mutex
// A function returning a set of bootstrap peers to fallback on if all other attempts to fix
// the routing table fail (or, e.g., this is the first time this node is
// connecting to the network).
bootstrapPeers func() []peer.AddrInfo
maxRecordAge time.Duration
// Allows disabling dht subsystems. These should _only_ be set on
// "forked" DHTs (e.g., DHTs with custom protocols and/or private
// networks).
enableProviders, enableValues bool
disableFixLowPeers bool
fixLowPeersChan chan struct{}
addPeerToRTChan chan peer.ID
refreshFinishedCh chan struct{}
rtFreezeTimeout time.Duration
// network size estimator
nsEstimator *netsize.Estimator
enableOptProv bool
// a bound channel to limit asynchronicity of in-flight ADD_PROVIDER RPCs
optProvJobsPool chan struct{}
// configuration variables for tests
testAddressUpdateProcessing bool
// addrFilter is used to filter the addresses we put into the peer store.
// Mostly used to filter out localhost and local addresses.
addrFilter func([]ma.Multiaddr) []ma.Multiaddr
// Assert that IPFS assumptions about interfaces aren't broken. These aren't a
// guarantee, but we can use them to aid refactoring.
var (
_ routing.ContentRouting = (*IpfsDHT)(nil)
_ routing.Routing = (*IpfsDHT)(nil)
_ routing.PeerRouting = (*IpfsDHT)(nil)
_ routing.PubKeyFetcher = (*IpfsDHT)(nil)
_ routing.ValueStore = (*IpfsDHT)(nil)
// New creates a new DHT with the specified host and options.
// Please note that being connected to a DHT peer does not necessarily imply that it's also in the DHT Routing Table.
// If the Routing Table has more than "minRTRefreshThreshold" peers, we consider a peer as a Routing Table candidate ONLY when
// we successfully get a query response from it OR if it send us a query.
func New(ctx context.Context, h host.Host, options ...Option) (*IpfsDHT, error) {
var cfg dhtcfg.Config
if err := cfg.Apply(append([]Option{dhtcfg.Defaults}, options...)...); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := cfg.ApplyFallbacks(h); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := cfg.Validate(); err != nil {
return nil, err
dht, err := makeDHT(h, cfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create DHT, err=%s", err)
dht.autoRefresh = cfg.RoutingTable.AutoRefresh
dht.maxRecordAge = cfg.MaxRecordAge
dht.enableProviders = cfg.EnableProviders
dht.enableValues = cfg.EnableValues
dht.disableFixLowPeers = cfg.DisableFixLowPeers
dht.Validator = cfg.Validator
dht.msgSender = net.NewMessageSenderImpl(h, dht.protocols)
dht.protoMessenger, err = pb.NewProtocolMessenger(dht.msgSender)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
dht.testAddressUpdateProcessing = cfg.TestAddressUpdateProcessing
dht.auto = cfg.Mode
switch cfg.Mode {
case ModeAuto, ModeClient:
dht.mode = modeClient
case ModeAutoServer, ModeServer:
dht.mode = modeServer
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid dht mode %d", cfg.Mode)
if dht.mode == modeServer {
if err := dht.moveToServerMode(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// register for event bus and network notifications
if err := dht.startNetworkSubscriber(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// go-routine to make sure we ALWAYS have RT peer addresses in the peerstore
// since RT membership is decoupled from connectivity
go dht.persistRTPeersInPeerStore()
// Fill routing table with currently connected peers that are DHT servers
for _, p := range dht.host.Network().Peers() {
// listens to the fix low peers chan and tries to fix the Routing Table
if !dht.disableFixLowPeers {
return dht, nil
// NewDHT creates a new DHT object with the given peer as the 'local' host.
// IpfsDHT's initialized with this function will respond to DHT requests,
// whereas IpfsDHT's initialized with NewDHTClient will not.
func NewDHT(ctx context.Context, h host.Host, dstore ds.Batching) *IpfsDHT {
dht, err := New(ctx, h, Datastore(dstore))
if err != nil {
return dht
// NewDHTClient creates a new DHT object with the given peer as the 'local'
// host. IpfsDHT clients initialized with this function will not respond to DHT
// requests. If you need a peer to respond to DHT requests, use NewDHT instead.
func NewDHTClient(ctx context.Context, h host.Host, dstore ds.Batching) *IpfsDHT {
dht, err := New(ctx, h, Datastore(dstore), Mode(ModeClient))
if err != nil {
return dht
func makeDHT(h host.Host, cfg dhtcfg.Config) (*IpfsDHT, error) {
var protocols, serverProtocols []protocol.ID
v1proto := cfg.ProtocolPrefix + kad1
if cfg.V1ProtocolOverride != "" {
v1proto = cfg.V1ProtocolOverride
protocols = []protocol.ID{v1proto}
serverProtocols = []protocol.ID{v1proto}
dht := &IpfsDHT{
datastore: cfg.Datastore,
self: h.ID(),
selfKey: kb.ConvertPeerID(h.ID()),
peerstore: h.Peerstore(),
host: h,
birth: time.Now(),
protocols: protocols,
serverProtocols: serverProtocols,
bucketSize: cfg.BucketSize,
alpha: cfg.Concurrency,
beta: cfg.Resiliency,
lookupCheckCapacity: cfg.LookupCheckConcurrency,
queryPeerFilter: cfg.QueryPeerFilter,
routingTablePeerFilter: cfg.RoutingTable.PeerFilter,
rtPeerDiversityFilter: cfg.RoutingTable.DiversityFilter,
addrFilter: cfg.AddressFilter,
fixLowPeersChan: make(chan struct{}, 1),
addPeerToRTChan: make(chan peer.ID),
refreshFinishedCh: make(chan struct{}),
enableOptProv: cfg.EnableOptimisticProvide,
optProvJobsPool: nil,
var maxLastSuccessfulOutboundThreshold time.Duration
// The threshold is calculated based on the expected amount of time that should pass before we
// query a peer as part of our refresh cycle.
// To grok the Math Wizardy that produced these exact equations, please be patient as a document explaining it will
// be published soon.
if cfg.Concurrency < cfg.BucketSize { // (alpha < K)
l1 := math.Log(float64(1) / float64(cfg.BucketSize)) // (Log(1/K))
l2 := math.Log(float64(1) - (float64(cfg.Concurrency) / float64(cfg.BucketSize))) // Log(1 - (alpha / K))
maxLastSuccessfulOutboundThreshold = time.Duration(l1 / l2 * float64(cfg.RoutingTable.RefreshInterval))
} else {
maxLastSuccessfulOutboundThreshold = cfg.RoutingTable.RefreshInterval
// construct routing table
// use twice the theoritical usefulness threhold to keep older peers around longer
rt, err := makeRoutingTable(dht, cfg, 2*maxLastSuccessfulOutboundThreshold)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to construct routing table,err=%s", err)
dht.routingTable = rt
dht.bootstrapPeers = cfg.BootstrapPeers
dht.lookupCheckTimeout = cfg.RoutingTable.RefreshQueryTimeout
// init network size estimator
dht.nsEstimator = netsize.NewEstimator(h.ID(), rt, cfg.BucketSize)
if dht.enableOptProv {
dht.optProvJobsPool = make(chan struct{}, cfg.OptimisticProvideJobsPoolSize)
// rt refresh manager
dht.rtRefreshManager, err = makeRtRefreshManager(dht, cfg, maxLastSuccessfulOutboundThreshold)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to construct RT Refresh Manager,err=%s", err)
// create a tagged context derived from the original context
// the DHT context should be done when the process is closed
dht.ctx, dht.cancel = context.WithCancel(dht.newContextWithLocalTags(context.Background()))
if cfg.ProviderStore != nil {
dht.providerStore = cfg.ProviderStore
} else {
dht.providerStore, err = providers.NewProviderManager(h.ID(), dht.peerstore, cfg.Datastore)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("initializing default provider manager (%v)", err)
dht.rtFreezeTimeout = rtFreezeTimeout
return dht, nil
// lookupCheck performs a lookup request to a remote peer.ID, verifying that it is able to
// answer it correctly
func (dht *IpfsDHT) lookupCheck(ctx context.Context, p peer.ID) error {
// lookup request to p requesting for its own peer.ID
peerids, err := dht.protoMessenger.GetClosestPeers(ctx, p, p)
// p is expected to return at least 1 peer id, unless our routing table has
// less than bucketSize peers, in which case we aren't picky about who we
// add to the routing table.
if err == nil && len(peerids) == 0 && dht.routingTable.Size() >= dht.bucketSize {
return fmt.Errorf("peer %s failed to return its closest peers, got %d", p, len(peerids))
return err
func makeRtRefreshManager(dht *IpfsDHT, cfg dhtcfg.Config, maxLastSuccessfulOutboundThreshold time.Duration) (*rtrefresh.RtRefreshManager, error) {
keyGenFnc := func(cpl uint) (string, error) {
p, err := dht.routingTable.GenRandPeerID(cpl)
return string(p), err
queryFnc := func(ctx context.Context, key string) error {
_, err := dht.GetClosestPeers(ctx, key)
return err
r, err := rtrefresh.NewRtRefreshManager(
dht.host, dht.routingTable, cfg.RoutingTable.AutoRefresh,
return r, err
func makeRoutingTable(dht *IpfsDHT, cfg dhtcfg.Config, maxLastSuccessfulOutboundThreshold time.Duration) (*kb.RoutingTable, error) {
// make a Routing Table Diversity Filter
var filter *peerdiversity.Filter
if dht.rtPeerDiversityFilter != nil {
df, err := peerdiversity.NewFilter(dht.rtPeerDiversityFilter, "rt/diversity", func(p peer.ID) int {
return kb.CommonPrefixLen(dht.selfKey, kb.ConvertPeerID(p))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to construct peer diversity filter: %w", err)
filter = df
rt, err := kb.NewRoutingTable(cfg.BucketSize, dht.selfKey, time.Minute, dht.host.Peerstore(), maxLastSuccessfulOutboundThreshold, filter)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cmgr := dht.host.ConnManager()
rt.PeerAdded = func(p peer.ID) {
commonPrefixLen := kb.CommonPrefixLen(dht.selfKey, kb.ConvertPeerID(p))
if commonPrefixLen < protectedBuckets {
cmgr.Protect(p, kbucketTag)
} else {
cmgr.TagPeer(p, kbucketTag, baseConnMgrScore)
rt.PeerRemoved = func(p peer.ID) {
cmgr.Unprotect(p, kbucketTag)
cmgr.UntagPeer(p, kbucketTag)
// try to fix the RT
return rt, err
// ProviderStore returns the provider storage object for storing and retrieving provider records.
func (dht *IpfsDHT) ProviderStore() providers.ProviderStore {
return dht.providerStore
// GetRoutingTableDiversityStats returns the diversity stats for the Routing Table.
func (dht *IpfsDHT) GetRoutingTableDiversityStats() []peerdiversity.CplDiversityStats {
return dht.routingTable.GetDiversityStats()
// Mode allows introspection of the operation mode of the DHT
func (dht *IpfsDHT) Mode() ModeOpt {
return dht.auto
// runFixLowPeersLoop manages simultaneous requests to fixLowPeers
func (dht *IpfsDHT) runFixLowPeersLoop() {
go func() {
defer dht.wg.Done()
ticker := time.NewTicker(periodicBootstrapInterval)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-dht.fixLowPeersChan:
case <-ticker.C:
case <-dht.ctx.Done():
// fixLowPeers tries to get more peers into the routing table if we're below the threshold
func (dht *IpfsDHT) fixLowPeers() {
if dht.routingTable.Size() > minRTRefreshThreshold {
// we try to add all peers we are connected to to the Routing Table
// in case they aren't already there.
for _, p := range dht.host.Network().Peers() {
// TODO Active Bootstrapping
// We should first use non-bootstrap peers we knew of from previous
// snapshots of the Routing Table before we connect to the bootstrappers.
// See https://github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-kad-dht/issues/387.
if dht.routingTable.Size() == 0 && dht.bootstrapPeers != nil {
bootstrapPeers := dht.bootstrapPeers()
if len(bootstrapPeers) == 0 {
// No point in continuing, we have no peers!
found := 0
for _, i := range rand.Perm(len(bootstrapPeers)) {
ai := bootstrapPeers[i]
err := dht.Host().Connect(dht.ctx, ai)
if err == nil {
} else {
logger.Warnw("failed to bootstrap", "peer", ai.ID, "error", err)
// Wait for two bootstrap peers, or try them all.
// Why two? In theory, one should be enough
// normally. However, if the network were to
// restart and everyone connected to just one
// bootstrapper, we'll end up with a mostly
// partitioned network.
// So we always bootstrap with two random peers.
if found == maxNBoostrappers {
// if we still don't have peers in our routing table(probably because Identify hasn't completed),
// there is no point in triggering a Refresh.
if dht.routingTable.Size() == 0 {
if dht.autoRefresh {
// TODO This is hacky, horrible and the programmer needs to have his mother called a hamster.
// SHOULD be removed once https://github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p/issues/800 goes in.
func (dht *IpfsDHT) persistRTPeersInPeerStore() {
tickr := time.NewTicker(peerstore.RecentlyConnectedAddrTTL / 3)
defer tickr.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-tickr.C:
ps := dht.routingTable.ListPeers()
for _, p := range ps {
dht.peerstore.UpdateAddrs(p, peerstore.RecentlyConnectedAddrTTL, peerstore.RecentlyConnectedAddrTTL)
case <-dht.ctx.Done():
// getLocal attempts to retrieve the value from the datastore.
// returns nil, nil when either nothing is found or the value found doesn't properly validate.
// returns nil, some_error when there's a *datastore* error (i.e., something goes very wrong)
func (dht *IpfsDHT) getLocal(ctx context.Context, key string) (*recpb.Record, error) {
logger.Debugw("finding value in datastore", "key", internal.LoggableRecordKeyString(key))
rec, err := dht.getRecordFromDatastore(ctx, mkDsKey(key))
if err != nil {
logger.Warnw("get local failed", "key", internal.LoggableRecordKeyString(key), "error", err)
return nil, err
// Double check the key. Can't hurt.
if rec != nil && string(rec.GetKey()) != key {
logger.Errorw("BUG: found a DHT record that didn't match it's key", "expected", internal.LoggableRecordKeyString(key), "got", rec.GetKey())
return nil, nil
return rec, nil
// putLocal stores the key value pair in the datastore
func (dht *IpfsDHT) putLocal(ctx context.Context, key string, rec *recpb.Record) error {
data, err := proto.Marshal(rec)
if err != nil {
logger.Warnw("failed to put marshal record for local put", "error", err, "key", internal.LoggableRecordKeyString(key))
return err
return dht.datastore.Put(ctx, mkDsKey(key), data)
func (dht *IpfsDHT) rtPeerLoop() {
go func() {
defer dht.wg.Done()
var bootstrapCount uint
var isBootsrapping bool
var timerCh <-chan time.Time
for {
select {
case <-timerCh:
case p := <-dht.addPeerToRTChan:
if dht.routingTable.Size() == 0 {
isBootsrapping = true
bootstrapCount = 0
timerCh = nil
// queryPeer set to true as we only try to add queried peers to the RT
newlyAdded, err := dht.routingTable.TryAddPeer(p, true, isBootsrapping)
if err != nil {
// peer not added.
if newlyAdded {
// peer was added to the RT, it can now be fixed if needed.
} else {
// the peer is already in our RT, but we just successfully queried it and so let's give it a
// bump on the query time so we don't ping it too soon for a liveliness check.
dht.routingTable.UpdateLastSuccessfulOutboundQueryAt(p, time.Now())
case <-dht.refreshFinishedCh:
bootstrapCount = bootstrapCount + 1
if bootstrapCount == 2 {
timerCh = time.NewTimer(dht.rtFreezeTimeout).C
old := isBootsrapping
isBootsrapping = false
if old {
case <-dht.ctx.Done():
// peerFound verifies whether the found peer advertises DHT protocols
// and probe it to make sure it answers DHT queries as expected. If
// it fails to answer, it isn't added to the routingTable.
func (dht *IpfsDHT) peerFound(p peer.ID) {
// if the peer is already in the routing table or the appropriate bucket is
// already full, don't try to add the new peer.ID
if !dht.routingTable.UsefulNewPeer(p) {
// verify whether the remote peer advertises the right dht protocol
b, err := dht.validRTPeer(p)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorw("failed to validate if peer is a DHT peer", "peer", p, "error", err)
} else if b {
// check if the maximal number of concurrent lookup checks is reached
if dht.lookupCheckCapacity == 0 {
// drop the new peer.ID if the maximal number of concurrent lookup
// checks is reached
go func() {
livelinessCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(dht.ctx, dht.lookupCheckTimeout)
defer cancel()
// performing a FIND_NODE query
err := dht.lookupCheck(livelinessCtx, p)
if err != nil {
logger.Debugw("connected peer not answering DHT request as expected", "peer", p, "error", err)
// if the FIND_NODE succeeded, the peer is considered as valid
// validPeerFound signals the routingTable that we've found a peer that
// supports the DHT protocol, and just answered correctly to a DHT FindPeers
func (dht *IpfsDHT) validPeerFound(p peer.ID) {
if c := baseLogger.Check(zap.DebugLevel, "peer found"); c != nil {
c.Write(zap.String("peer", p.String()))
select {
case dht.addPeerToRTChan <- p:
case <-dht.ctx.Done():
// peerStoppedDHT signals the routing table that a peer is unable to responsd to DHT queries anymore.
func (dht *IpfsDHT) peerStoppedDHT(p peer.ID) {
logger.Debugw("peer stopped dht", "peer", p)
// A peer that does not support the DHT protocol is dead for us.
// There's no point in talking to anymore till it starts supporting the DHT protocol again.
func (dht *IpfsDHT) fixRTIfNeeded() {
select {
case dht.fixLowPeersChan <- struct{}{}:
// FindLocal looks for a peer with a given ID connected to this dht and returns the peer and the table it was found in.
func (dht *IpfsDHT) FindLocal(ctx context.Context, id peer.ID) peer.AddrInfo {
_, span := internal.StartSpan(ctx, "IpfsDHT.FindLocal", trace.WithAttributes(attribute.Stringer("PeerID", id)))
defer span.End()
switch dht.host.Network().Connectedness(id) {
case network.Connected, network.CanConnect:
return dht.peerstore.PeerInfo(id)
return peer.AddrInfo{}
// nearestPeersToQuery returns the routing tables closest peers.
func (dht *IpfsDHT) nearestPeersToQuery(pmes *pb.Message, count int) []peer.ID {
closer := dht.routingTable.NearestPeers(kb.ConvertKey(string(pmes.GetKey())), count)
return closer
// betterPeersToQuery returns nearestPeersToQuery with some additional filtering
func (dht *IpfsDHT) betterPeersToQuery(pmes *pb.Message, from peer.ID, count int) []peer.ID {
closer := dht.nearestPeersToQuery(pmes, count)
// no node? nil
if closer == nil {
logger.Infow("no closer peers to send", from)
return nil
filtered := make([]peer.ID, 0, len(closer))
for _, clp := range closer {
// == to self? thats bad
if clp == dht.self {
logger.Error("BUG betterPeersToQuery: attempted to return self! this shouldn't happen...")
return nil
// Dont send a peer back themselves
if clp == from {
filtered = append(filtered, clp)
// ok seems like closer nodes
return filtered
func (dht *IpfsDHT) setMode(m mode) error {
defer dht.modeLk.Unlock()
if m == dht.mode {
return nil
switch m {
case modeServer:
return dht.moveToServerMode()
case modeClient:
return dht.moveToClientMode()
return fmt.Errorf("unrecognized dht mode: %d", m)
// moveToServerMode advertises (via libp2p identify updates) that we are able to respond to DHT queries and sets the appropriate stream handlers.
// Note: We may support responding to queries with protocols aside from our primary ones in order to support
// interoperability with older versions of the DHT protocol.
func (dht *IpfsDHT) moveToServerMode() error {
dht.mode = modeServer
for _, p := range dht.serverProtocols {
dht.host.SetStreamHandler(p, dht.handleNewStream)
return nil
// moveToClientMode stops advertising (and rescinds advertisements via libp2p identify updates) that we are able to
// respond to DHT queries and removes the appropriate stream handlers. We also kill all inbound streams that were
// utilizing the handled protocols.
// Note: We may support responding to queries with protocols aside from our primary ones in order to support
// interoperability with older versions of the DHT protocol.
func (dht *IpfsDHT) moveToClientMode() error {
dht.mode = modeClient
for _, p := range dht.serverProtocols {
pset := make(map[protocol.ID]bool)
for _, p := range dht.serverProtocols {
pset[p] = true
for _, c := range dht.host.Network().Conns() {
for _, s := range c.GetStreams() {
if pset[s.Protocol()] {
if s.Stat().Direction == network.DirInbound {
_ = s.Reset()
return nil
func (dht *IpfsDHT) getMode() mode {
defer dht.modeLk.Unlock()
return dht.mode
// Context returns the DHT's context.
func (dht *IpfsDHT) Context() context.Context {
return dht.ctx
// RoutingTable returns the DHT's routingTable.
func (dht *IpfsDHT) RoutingTable() *kb.RoutingTable {
return dht.routingTable
// Close calls Process Close.
func (dht *IpfsDHT) Close() error {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
closes := [...]func() error{
var errors [len(closes)]error
for i, c := range closes {
go func(i int, c func() error) {
defer wg.Done()
errors[i] = c()
}(i, c)
return multierr.Combine(errors[:]...)
func mkDsKey(s string) ds.Key {
return ds.NewKey(base32.RawStdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(s)))
// PeerID returns the DHT node's Peer ID.
func (dht *IpfsDHT) PeerID() peer.ID {
return dht.self
// PeerKey returns a DHT key, converted from the DHT node's Peer ID.
func (dht *IpfsDHT) PeerKey() []byte {
return kb.ConvertPeerID(dht.self)
// Host returns the libp2p host this DHT is operating with.
func (dht *IpfsDHT) Host() host.Host {
return dht.host
// Ping sends a ping message to the passed peer and waits for a response.
func (dht *IpfsDHT) Ping(ctx context.Context, p peer.ID) error {
ctx, span := internal.StartSpan(ctx, "IpfsDHT.Ping", trace.WithAttributes(attribute.Stringer("PeerID", p)))
defer span.End()
return dht.protoMessenger.Ping(ctx, p)
// NetworkSize returns the most recent estimation of the DHT network size.
// EXPERIMENTAL: We do not provide any guarantees that this method will
// continue to exist in the codebase. Use it at your own risk.
func (dht *IpfsDHT) NetworkSize() (int32, error) {
return dht.nsEstimator.NetworkSize()
// newContextWithLocalTags returns a new context.Context with the InstanceID and
// PeerID keys populated. It will also take any extra tags that need adding to
// the context as tag.Mutators.
func (dht *IpfsDHT) newContextWithLocalTags(ctx context.Context, extraTags ...tag.Mutator) context.Context {
extraTags = append(
tag.Upsert(metrics.KeyPeerID, dht.self.String()),
tag.Upsert(metrics.KeyInstanceID, fmt.Sprintf("%p", dht)),
ctx, _ = tag.New(
) // ignoring error as it is unrelated to the actual function of this code.
return ctx
func (dht *IpfsDHT) maybeAddAddrs(p peer.ID, addrs []ma.Multiaddr, ttl time.Duration) {
// Don't add addresses for self or our connected peers. We have better ones.
if p == dht.self || dht.host.Network().Connectedness(p) == network.Connected {
dht.peerstore.AddAddrs(p, dht.filterAddrs(addrs), ttl)
func (dht *IpfsDHT) filterAddrs(addrs []ma.Multiaddr) []ma.Multiaddr {
if f := dht.addrFilter; f != nil {
return f(addrs)
return addrs