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// Copyright 2023 The LevelDB-Go and Pebble Authors. All rights reserved. Use
// of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in
// the LICENSE file.
// Package metaflags defines command-line flags for the metamorphic tests and
// provides functionality to construct the respective
// metamorphic.RunOptions/RunOnceOptions.
package metaflags
import (
// CommonFlags contains flags that apply to both metamorphic.Run and
// metamorphic.RunOnce/Compare.
type CommonFlags struct {
// Dir is the directory storing test state. See "dir" flag below.
Dir string
// Seed for generation of random operations. See "seed" flag below.
Seed uint64
// ErrorRate is the rate of injected filesystem errors. See "error-rate" flag
// below.
ErrorRate float64
// FailRE causes the test to fail if the output matches this regex. See "fail"
// flag below.
FailRE string
// Keep determines if the DB directory is kept on successful runs. See "keep"
// flag below.
Keep bool
// MaxThreads used by a single run. See "max-threads" flag below.
MaxThreads int
// NumInstances is the number of Pebble instances to create in one run. See
// "num-instances" flag below.
NumInstances int
func initCommonFlags() *CommonFlags {
c := &CommonFlags{}
flag.StringVar(&c.Dir, "dir", "_meta",
"the directory storing test state")
flag.Uint64Var(&c.Seed, "seed", 0,
"a pseudorandom number generator seed")
// TODO: default error rate to a non-zero value. Currently, retrying is
// non-deterministic because of the Ierator.*WithLimit() methods since
// they may say that the Iterator is not valid, but be positioned at a
// certain key that can be returned in the future if the limit is changed.
// Since that key is hidden from clients of Iterator, the retryableIter
// using SeekGE will not necessarily position the Iterator that saw an
// injected error at the same place as an Iterator that did not see that
// error.
flag.Float64Var(&c.ErrorRate, "error-rate", 0.0,
"rate of errors injected into filesystem operations (0 ≤ r < 1)")
flag.StringVar(&c.FailRE, "fail", "",
"fail the test if the supplied regular expression matches the output")
flag.BoolVar(&c.Keep, "keep", false,
"keep the DB directory even on successful runs")
flag.IntVar(&c.MaxThreads, "max-threads", math.MaxInt,
"limit execution of a single run to the provided number of threads; must be ≥ 1")
flag.IntVar(&c.NumInstances, "num-instances", 1, "number of pebble instances to create (default: 1)")
return c
// RunOnceFlags contains flags that apply only to metamorphic.RunOnce/Compare.
type RunOnceFlags struct {
// RunDir applies to metamorphic.RunOnce and contains the specific
// configuration of the run. See "run-dir" flag below.
RunDir string
// Compare applies to metamorphic.Compare. See "compare" flag below.
Compare string
func initRunOnceFlags(c *CommonFlags) *RunOnceFlags {
ro := &RunOnceFlags{CommonFlags: c}
flag.StringVar(&ro.RunDir, "run-dir", "",
"the specific configuration to (re-)run (used for post-mortem debugging)")
flag.StringVar(&ro.Compare, "compare", "",
`comma separated list of options files to compare. The result of each run is compared with
the result of the run from the first options file in the list. Example, -compare
random-003,standard-000. The dir flag should have the directory containing these directories.
Example, -dir _meta/200610-203012.077`)
return ro
// RunFlags contains flags that apply only to metamorphic.Run.
type RunFlags struct {
// FS controls the type of filesystems to use. See "fs" flag below.
FS string
// TraceFile for execution tracing. See "trace-file" flag below.
TraceFile string
// Ops describes how the total number of operations is generated. See "ops" flags below.
Ops randvar.Flag
// InnerBinary is the binary to invoke for a single run. See "inner-binary"
// flag below.
InnerBinary string
// PreviousOps is the path to the ops file of a previous run. See the
// "previous-ops" flag below.
PreviousOps string
// InitialStatePath is the path to a database data directory from a previous
// run. See the "initial-state" flag below.
InitialStatePath string
// InitialStateDesc is a human-readable description of the initial database
// state. See "initial-state-desc" flag below.
InitialStateDesc string
func initRunFlags(c *CommonFlags) *RunFlags {
r := &RunFlags{CommonFlags: c}
flag.StringVar(&r.FS, "fs", "rand",
`force the tests to use either memory or disk-backed filesystems (valid: "mem", "disk", "rand")`)
flag.StringVar(&r.TraceFile, "trace-file", "",
"write an execution trace to `<run-dir>/file`")
if err := r.Ops.Set("uniform:5000-10000"); err != nil {
flag.Var(&r.Ops, "ops", "uniform:5000-10000")
flag.StringVar(&r.InnerBinary, "inner-binary", "",
`binary to run for each instance of the test (this same binary by default); cannot be used
with --run-dir or --compare`)
// The following options may be used for split-version metamorphic testing.
// To perform split-version testing, the client runs the metamorphic tests
// on an earlier Pebble SHA passing the `--keep` flag. The client then
// switches to the later Pebble SHA, setting the below options to point to
// the `ops` file and one of the previous run's data directories.
flag.StringVar(&r.PreviousOps, "previous-ops", "",
"path to an ops file, used to prepopulate the set of keys operations draw from")
flag.StringVar(&r.InitialStatePath, "initial-state", "",
"path to a database's data directory, used to prepopulate the test run's databases")
flag.StringVar(&r.InitialStateDesc, "initial-state-desc", "",
`a human-readable description of the initial database state.
If set this parameter is written to the OPTIONS to aid in
debugging. It's intended to describe the lineage of a
database's state, including sufficient information for
reproduction (eg, SHA, prng seed, etc).`)
return r
// InitRunOnceFlags initializes the flags that are used for a single run of the
// metamorphic test.
func InitRunOnceFlags() *RunOnceFlags {
return initRunOnceFlags(initCommonFlags())
// InitAllFlags initializes all metamorphic test flags: those used for a
// single run, and those used for a "top level" run.
func InitAllFlags() (*RunOnceFlags, *RunFlags) {
c := initCommonFlags()
return initRunOnceFlags(c), initRunFlags(c)
// MakeRunOnceOptions constructs RunOnceOptions based on the flags.
func (ro *RunOnceFlags) MakeRunOnceOptions() []metamorphic.RunOnceOption {
onceOpts := []metamorphic.RunOnceOption{
if ro.Keep {
onceOpts = append(onceOpts, metamorphic.KeepData{})
if ro.FailRE != "" {
onceOpts = append(onceOpts, metamorphic.FailOnMatch{Regexp: regexp.MustCompile(ro.FailRE)})
if ro.ErrorRate > 0 {
onceOpts = append(onceOpts, metamorphic.InjectErrorsRate(ro.ErrorRate))
if ro.NumInstances > 1 {
onceOpts = append(onceOpts, metamorphic.MultiInstance(ro.NumInstances))
return onceOpts
// MakeRunOptions constructs RunOptions based on the flags.
func (r *RunFlags) MakeRunOptions() []metamorphic.RunOption {
opts := []metamorphic.RunOption{
if r.Keep {
opts = append(opts, metamorphic.KeepData{})
if r.FailRE != "" {
opts = append(opts, metamorphic.FailOnMatch{Regexp: regexp.MustCompile(r.FailRE)})
if r.ErrorRate > 0 {
opts = append(opts, metamorphic.InjectErrorsRate(r.ErrorRate))
if r.TraceFile != "" {
opts = append(opts, metamorphic.RuntimeTrace(r.TraceFile))
if r.PreviousOps != "" {
opts = append(opts, metamorphic.ExtendPreviousRun(r.PreviousOps, r.InitialStatePath, r.InitialStateDesc))
if r.NumInstances > 1 {
opts = append(opts, metamorphic.MultiInstance(r.NumInstances))
// If the filesystem type was forced, all tests will use that value.
switch r.FS {
case "", "rand", "default":
// No-op. Use the generated value for the filesystem.
case "disk":
opts = append(opts, metamorphic.UseDisk)
case "mem":
opts = append(opts, metamorphic.UseInMemory)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown forced filesystem type: %q", r.FS))
if r.InnerBinary != "" {
opts = append(opts, metamorphic.InnerBinary(r.InnerBinary))
return opts