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// Package mocknet provides a mock net.Network to test with.
// - a Mocknet has many network.Networks
// - a Mocknet has many Links
// - a Link joins two network.Networks
// - network.Conns and network.Streams are created by network.Networks
package mocknet
import (
ic "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p/core/crypto"
ma "github.com/multiformats/go-multiaddr"
type PeerOptions struct {
// ps is the Peerstore to use when adding peer. If nil, a default peerstore will be created.
ps peerstore.Peerstore
// gater is the ConnectionGater to use when adding a peer. If nil, no connection gater will be used.
gater connmgr.ConnectionGater
type Mocknet interface {
// GenPeer generates a peer and its network.Network in the Mocknet
GenPeer() (host.Host, error)
GenPeerWithOptions(PeerOptions) (host.Host, error)
// AddPeer adds an existing peer. we need both a privkey and addr.
// ID is derived from PrivKey
AddPeer(ic.PrivKey, ma.Multiaddr) (host.Host, error)
AddPeerWithPeerstore(peer.ID, peerstore.Peerstore) (host.Host, error)
AddPeerWithOptions(peer.ID, PeerOptions) (host.Host, error)
// retrieve things (with randomized iteration order)
Peers() []peer.ID
Net(peer.ID) network.Network
Nets() []network.Network
Host(peer.ID) host.Host
Hosts() []host.Host
Links() LinkMap
LinksBetweenPeers(a, b peer.ID) []Link
LinksBetweenNets(a, b network.Network) []Link
// Links are the **ability to connect**.
// think of Links as the physical medium.
// For p1 and p2 to connect, a link must exist between them.
// (this makes it possible to test dial failures, and
// things like relaying traffic)
LinkPeers(peer.ID, peer.ID) (Link, error)
LinkNets(network.Network, network.Network) (Link, error)
Unlink(Link) error
UnlinkPeers(peer.ID, peer.ID) error
UnlinkNets(network.Network, network.Network) error
// LinkDefaults are the default options that govern links
// if they do not have their own option set.
LinkDefaults() LinkOptions
// Connections are the usual. Connecting means Dialing.
// **to succeed, peers must be linked beforehand**
ConnectPeers(peer.ID, peer.ID) (network.Conn, error)
ConnectNets(network.Network, network.Network) (network.Conn, error)
DisconnectPeers(peer.ID, peer.ID) error
DisconnectNets(network.Network, network.Network) error
LinkAll() error
ConnectAllButSelf() error
// LinkOptions are used to change aspects of the links.
// Sorry but they dont work yet :(
type LinkOptions struct {
Latency time.Duration
Bandwidth float64 // in bytes-per-second
// we can make these values distributions down the road.
// Link represents the **possibility** of a connection between
// two peers. Think of it like physical network links. Without
// them, the peers can try and try but they won't be able to
// connect. This allows constructing topologies where specific
// nodes cannot talk to each other directly. :)
type Link interface {
Networks() []network.Network
Peers() []peer.ID
Options() LinkOptions
// Metrics() Metrics
// LinkMap is a 3D map to give us an easy way to track links.
// (wow, much map. so data structure. how compose. ahhh pointer)
type LinkMap map[string]map[string]map[Link]struct{}
// Printer lets you inspect things :)
type Printer interface {
// MocknetLinks shows the entire Mocknet's link table :)
MocknetLinks(mn Mocknet)
NetworkConns(ni network.Network)
// PrinterTo returns a Printer ready to write to w.
func PrinterTo(w io.Writer) Printer {
return &printer{w}