build ext1 merge a 1 set c 2 ---- ingest ext1 ---- 6: 000004:[a#10,MERGE-c#10,SET] iter first next next stats ---- a: (1, .) c: (2, .) . stats: (interface (dir, seek, step): (fwd, 1, 2), (rev, 0, 0)), (internal (dir, seek, step): (fwd, 1, 2), (rev, 0, 0)), (internal-stats: (block-bytes: (total 57B, cached 57B, read-time 0s)), (points: (count 2, key-bytes 2B, value-bytes 2B, tombstoned 0))) # Perform the same operation again with a new iterator. It should yield # identical statistics. iter first next next stats ---- a: (1, .) c: (2, .) . stats: (interface (dir, seek, step): (fwd, 1, 2), (rev, 0, 0)), (internal (dir, seek, step): (fwd, 1, 2), (rev, 0, 0)), (internal-stats: (block-bytes: (total 57B, cached 57B, read-time 0s)), (points: (count 2, key-bytes 2B, value-bytes 2B, tombstoned 0))) build ext2 set d@10 d10 set d@9 d9 set d@8 d8 set e@20 e20 set e@18 e18 ---- ingest ext2 ---- 6: 000004:[a#10,MERGE-c#10,SET] 000005:[d@10#11,SET-e@18#11,SET] iter seek-ge c stats next next stats next stats next stats next stats ---- c: (2, .) stats: (interface (dir, seek, step): (fwd, 1, 0), (rev, 0, 0)), (internal (dir, seek, step): (fwd, 1, 0), (rev, 0, 0)), (internal-stats: (block-bytes: (total 57B, cached 57B, read-time 0s)), (points: (count 1, key-bytes 1B, value-bytes 1B, tombstoned 0))) d@10: (d10, .) d@9: (d9, .) stats: (interface (dir, seek, step): (fwd, 1, 2), (rev, 0, 0)), (internal (dir, seek, step): (fwd, 1, 2), (rev, 0, 0)), (internal-stats: (block-bytes: (total 157B, cached 147B, read-time 0s)), (points: (count 3, key-bytes 8B, value-bytes 6B, tombstoned 0)), (separated: (count 1, bytes 2B, fetched 2B))) d@8: (d8, .) stats: (interface (dir, seek, step): (fwd, 1, 3), (rev, 0, 0)), (internal (dir, seek, step): (fwd, 1, 3), (rev, 0, 0)), (internal-stats: (block-bytes: (total 157B, cached 147B, read-time 0s)), (points: (count 4, key-bytes 11B, value-bytes 8B, tombstoned 0)), (separated: (count 2, bytes 4B, fetched 4B))) e@20: (e20, .) stats: (interface (dir, seek, step): (fwd, 1, 4), (rev, 0, 0)), (internal (dir, seek, step): (fwd, 1, 4), (rev, 0, 0)), (internal-stats: (block-bytes: (total 157B, cached 147B, read-time 0s)), (points: (count 5, key-bytes 15B, value-bytes 11B, tombstoned 0)), (separated: (count 2, bytes 4B, fetched 4B))) e@18: (e18, .) stats: (interface (dir, seek, step): (fwd, 1, 5), (rev, 0, 0)), (internal (dir, seek, step): (fwd, 1, 5), (rev, 0, 0)), (internal-stats: (block-bytes: (total 157B, cached 147B, read-time 0s)), (points: (count 6, key-bytes 19B, value-bytes 13B, tombstoned 0)), (separated: (count 3, bytes 7B, fetched 7B)))