package libp2ptls import ( "context" "crypto/tls" "errors" "fmt" "net" "os" "runtime/debug" "" ci "" "" "" "" "" tptu "" manet "" ) // ID is the protocol ID (used when negotiating with multistream) const ID = "/tls/1.0.0" // Transport constructs secure communication sessions for a peer. type Transport struct { identity *Identity localPeer peer.ID privKey ci.PrivKey muxers []protocol.ID protocolID protocol.ID } var _ sec.SecureTransport = &Transport{} // New creates a TLS encrypted transport func New(id protocol.ID, key ci.PrivKey, muxers []tptu.StreamMuxer) (*Transport, error) { localPeer, err := peer.IDFromPrivateKey(key) if err != nil { return nil, err } muxerIDs := make([]protocol.ID, 0, len(muxers)) for _, m := range muxers { muxerIDs = append(muxerIDs, m.ID) } t := &Transport{ protocolID: id, localPeer: localPeer, privKey: key, muxers: muxerIDs, } identity, err := NewIdentity(key) if err != nil { return nil, err } t.identity = identity return t, nil } // SecureInbound runs the TLS handshake as a server. // If p is empty, connections from any peer are accepted. func (t *Transport) SecureInbound(ctx context.Context, insecure net.Conn, p peer.ID) (sec.SecureConn, error) { config, keyCh := t.identity.ConfigForPeer(p) muxers := make([]string, 0, len(t.muxers)) for _, muxer := range t.muxers { muxers = append(muxers, string(muxer)) } // TLS' ALPN selection lets the server select the protocol, preferring the server's preferences. // We want to prefer the client's preference though. getConfigForClient := config.GetConfigForClient config.GetConfigForClient = func(info *tls.ClientHelloInfo) (*tls.Config, error) { alpnLoop: for _, proto := range info.SupportedProtos { for _, m := range muxers { if m == proto { // Match found. Select this muxer, as it's the client's preference. // There's no need to add the "libp2p" entry here. config.NextProtos = []string{proto} break alpnLoop } } } if getConfigForClient != nil { return getConfigForClient(info) } return config, nil } config.NextProtos = append(muxers, config.NextProtos...) cs, err := t.handshake(ctx, tls.Server(insecure, config), keyCh) if err != nil { addr, maErr := manet.FromNetAddr(insecure.RemoteAddr()) if maErr == nil { canonicallog.LogPeerStatus(100, p, addr, "handshake_failure", "tls", "err", err.Error()) } insecure.Close() } return cs, err } // SecureOutbound runs the TLS handshake as a client. // Note that SecureOutbound will not return an error if the server doesn't // accept the certificate. This is due to the fact that in TLS 1.3, the client // sends its certificate and the ClientFinished in the same flight, and can send // application data immediately afterwards. // If the handshake fails, the server will close the connection. The client will // notice this after 1 RTT when calling Read. func (t *Transport) SecureOutbound(ctx context.Context, insecure net.Conn, p peer.ID) (sec.SecureConn, error) { config, keyCh := t.identity.ConfigForPeer(p) muxers := make([]string, 0, len(t.muxers)) for _, muxer := range t.muxers { muxers = append(muxers, (string)(muxer)) } // Prepend the prefered muxers list to TLS config. config.NextProtos = append(muxers, config.NextProtos...) cs, err := t.handshake(ctx, tls.Client(insecure, config), keyCh) if err != nil { insecure.Close() } return cs, err } func (t *Transport) handshake(ctx context.Context, tlsConn *tls.Conn, keyCh <-chan ci.PubKey) (_sconn sec.SecureConn, err error) { defer func() { if rerr := recover(); rerr != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "panic in TLS handshake: %s\n%s\n", rerr, debug.Stack()) err = fmt.Errorf("panic in TLS handshake: %s", rerr) } }() // handshaking... if err := tlsConn.HandshakeContext(ctx); err != nil { return nil, err } // Should be ready by this point, don't block. var remotePubKey ci.PubKey select { case remotePubKey = <-keyCh: default: } if remotePubKey == nil { return nil, errors.New("go-libp2p tls BUG: expected remote pub key to be set") } return t.setupConn(tlsConn, remotePubKey) } func (t *Transport) setupConn(tlsConn *tls.Conn, remotePubKey ci.PubKey) (sec.SecureConn, error) { remotePeerID, err := peer.IDFromPublicKey(remotePubKey) if err != nil { return nil, err } nextProto := tlsConn.ConnectionState().NegotiatedProtocol // The special ALPN extension value "libp2p" is used by libp2p versions // that don't support early muxer negotiation. If we see this sepcial // value selected, that means we are handshaking with a version that does // not support early muxer negotiation. In this case return empty nextProto // to indicate no muxer is selected. if nextProto == "libp2p" { nextProto = "" } return &conn{ Conn: tlsConn, localPeer: t.localPeer, remotePeer: remotePeerID, remotePubKey: remotePubKey, connectionState: network.ConnectionState{ StreamMultiplexer: protocol.ID(nextProto), UsedEarlyMuxerNegotiation: nextProto != "", }, }, nil } func (t *Transport) ID() protocol.ID { return t.protocolID }