syntax = "proto3"; package quilibrium.node.node.pb; option go_package = ""; import "clock.proto"; message GetFramesRequest { bytes filter = 1; uint64 from_frame_number = 2; uint64 to_frame_number = 3; bool include_candidates = 4; } message GetFrameInfoRequest { bytes filter = 1; uint64 frame_number = 2; bytes selector = 3; } message GetPeerInfoRequest {} message GetNodeInfoRequest {} message GetNetworkInfoRequest {} message FramesResponse { repeated quilibrium.node.clock.pb.ClockFrame truncated_clock_frames = 1; } message FrameInfoResponse { quilibrium.node.clock.pb.ClockFrame clock_frame = 1; } message PeerInfo { bytes peer_id = 1; repeated string multiaddrs = 2; uint64 max_frame = 3; int64 timestamp = 4; bytes version = 5; bytes signature = 6; bytes public_key = 7; bytes total_distance = 8; } message PeerInfoResponse { repeated PeerInfo peer_info = 1; repeated PeerInfo uncooperative_peer_info = 2; } message NetworkInfo { bytes peer_id = 1; repeated string multiaddrs = 2; double peer_score = 3; } message NodeInfoResponse { string peer_id = 1; uint64 max_frame = 2; uint64 peer_score = 3; bytes version = 4; } message PutPeerInfoRequest { repeated PeerInfo peer_info = 1; repeated PeerInfo uncooperative_peer_info = 2; } message PutNodeInfoRequest { string peer_id = 1; uint64 max_frame = 2; uint64 peer_score = 3; bytes signature = 4; } message PutResponse {} message NetworkInfoResponse { repeated NetworkInfo network_info = 1; } message GetTokenInfoRequest {} message TokenInfoResponse { // Total active token supply, as a 256 bit integer representing maximum // divisble units. 1 QUIL = 8000000000 units, 50 QUIL would be represented by // 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005D21DBA000 bytes confirmed_token_supply = 1; // Total token supply, including unconfirmed frame data, as a 256 bit integer. bytes unconfirmed_token_supply = 2; // The total number of tokens owned by the prover address associated with the // node. bytes owned_tokens = 3; // The total number of tokens owned by the prover address associated with the // node, including unconfirmed frame data. bytes unconfirmed_owned_tokens = 4; } message Capability { // A general protocol identifier as a uint32 – this is expected to rarely // iterate, and should be uniquely identifying both protocol and version. // Pragmatically speaking, this implies that the least significant byte // specifies version (which should iterate most minimally), and the three most // significant bytes should specify protocol. Recipients SHOULD ignore // messages with incompatible protocol identifiers, but also SHOULD warn on // identifiers with versions higher than the supported protocol. A large // number of unsupported protocol messages may indicate spam/some other // attack, whereas a large number of unsupported protocol versions may // indicate an out of date client, respective to which side is the maximum of // the version number. uint32 protocol_identifier = 1; // An optional bundle of information specific to the capability – used for // extensibility in negotiating variations of a protocol – e.g. Triple-Ratchet // but only for certain curve types. bytes additional_metadata = 2; } message SelfTestReport { // The difficulty the self test was conducted under uint32 difficulty = 1; // The resulting local time of computing the VDF test under the difficulty int64 difficulty_metric = 2; // The resulting local time of computing a KZG commitment for a 16 degree // polynomial int64 commit_16_metric = 3; // The resulting local time of computing a KZG commitment for a 128 degree // polynomial int64 commit_128_metric = 4; // The resulting local time of computing a KZG commitment for a 1024 degree // polynomial int64 commit_1024_metric = 5; // The resulting local time of computing a KZG commitment for a 65536 degree // polynomial int64 commit_65536_metric = 6; // The resulting local time of computing a KZG proof for a 16 degree // polynomial int64 proof_16_metric = 7; // The resulting local time of computing a KZG proof for a 128 degree // polynomial int64 proof_128_metric = 8; // The resulting local time of computing a KZG proof for a 1024 degree // polynomial int64 proof_1024_metric = 9; // The resulting local time of computing a KZG proof for a 65536 degree // polynomial int64 proof_65536_metric = 10; // The number of reported accessible cores uint32 cores = 11; // The total available memory bytes memory = 12; // The total available storage bytes storage = 13; // The list of supported capabilities repeated Capability capabilities = 14; // The highest master frame the node has uint64 master_head_frame = 15; // A challenge proof bytes proof = 16; // The challenge, minus the peer id bytes challenge = 17; // The increment value uint32 increment = 18; } message ValidationMessage { bytes validation = 1; } message SyncRequest { quilibrium.node.clock.pb.ClockFramesRequest frames_request = 1; } message SyncResponse { quilibrium.node.clock.pb.ClockFramesResponse frames_response = 1; } service ValidationService { rpc PerformValidation(ValidationMessage) returns (ValidationMessage); rpc Sync(SyncRequest) returns (stream SyncResponse); } message GetPeerManifestsRequest {} message PeerManifest { bytes peer_id = 1; // The difficulty the self test was conducted under uint32 difficulty = 2; // The resulting local time of computing the VDF test under the difficulty int64 difficulty_metric = 3; // The resulting local time of computing a KZG commitment for a 16 degree // polynomial int64 commit_16_metric = 4; // The resulting local time of computing a KZG commitment for a 128 degree // polynomial int64 commit_128_metric = 5; // The resulting local time of computing a KZG commitment for a 1024 degree // polynomial int64 commit_1024_metric = 6; // The resulting local time of computing a KZG commitment for a 65536 degree // polynomial int64 commit_65536_metric = 7; // The resulting local time of computing a KZG proof for a 16 degree // polynomial int64 proof_16_metric = 8; // The resulting local time of computing a KZG proof for a 128 degree // polynomial int64 proof_128_metric = 9; // The resulting local time of computing a KZG proof for a 1024 degree // polynomial int64 proof_1024_metric = 10; // The resulting local time of computing a KZG proof for a 65536 degree // polynomial int64 proof_65536_metric = 11; // The number of reported accessible cores uint32 cores = 12; // The total available memory bytes memory = 13; // The total available storage bytes storage = 14; // The list of supported capabilities repeated Capability capabilities = 15; // The highest master frame the node has uint64 master_head_frame = 16; // The last time seen tick int64 last_seen = 17; // The increment of the node uint32 increment = 18; } message PeerManifestsResponse { repeated PeerManifest peer_manifests = 1; } service NodeService { rpc GetFrames(GetFramesRequest) returns (FramesResponse); rpc GetFrameInfo(GetFrameInfoRequest) returns (FrameInfoResponse); rpc GetPeerInfo(GetPeerInfoRequest) returns (PeerInfoResponse); rpc GetNodeInfo(GetNodeInfoRequest) returns (NodeInfoResponse); rpc GetNetworkInfo(GetNetworkInfoRequest) returns (NetworkInfoResponse); rpc GetTokenInfo(GetTokenInfoRequest) returns (TokenInfoResponse); rpc GetPeerManifests(GetPeerManifestsRequest) returns (PeerManifestsResponse); } service NodeStats { rpc PutNodeInfo(PutNodeInfoRequest) returns (PutResponse); rpc PutPeerInfo(PutPeerInfoRequest) returns (PutResponse); }