package libp2pwebrtc import ( "crypto" "fmt" "net" "strings" "" ) // clientSDP describes an SDP format string which can be used // to infer a client's SDP offer from the incoming STUN message. // The fingerprint used to render a client SDP is arbitrary since // it fingerprint verification is disabled in favour of a noise // handshake. The max message size is fixed to 16384 bytes. const clientSDP = `v=0 o=- 0 0 IN %[1]s %[2]s s=- c=IN %[1]s %[2]s t=0 0 m=application %[3]d UDP/DTLS/SCTP webrtc-datachannel a=mid:0 a=ice-options:ice2 a=ice-ufrag:%[4]s a=ice-pwd:%[4]s a=fingerprint:sha-256 ba:78:16:bf:8f:01:cf:ea:41:41:40:de:5d:ae:22:23:b0:03:61:a3:96:17:7a:9c:b4:10:ff:61:f2:00:15:ad a=setup:actpass a=sctp-port:5000 a=max-message-size:16384 ` func createClientSDP(addr *net.UDPAddr, ufrag string) string { ipVersion := "IP4" if addr.IP.To4() == nil { ipVersion = "IP6" } return fmt.Sprintf( clientSDP, ipVersion, addr.IP, addr.Port, ufrag, ) } // serverSDP defines an SDP format string used by a dialer // to infer the SDP answer of a server based on the provided // multiaddr, and the locally set ICE credentials. The max // message size is fixed to 16384 bytes. const serverSDP = `v=0 o=- 0 0 IN %[1]s %[2]s s=- t=0 0 a=ice-lite m=application %[3]d UDP/DTLS/SCTP webrtc-datachannel c=IN %[1]s %[2]s a=mid:0 a=ice-options:ice2 a=ice-ufrag:%[4]s a=ice-pwd:%[4]s a=fingerprint:%[5]s a=setup:passive a=sctp-port:5000 a=max-message-size:16384 a=candidate:1 1 UDP 1 %[2]s %[3]d typ host a=end-of-candidates ` func createServerSDP(addr *net.UDPAddr, ufrag string, fingerprint multihash.DecodedMultihash) (string, error) { ipVersion := "IP4" if addr.IP.To4() == nil { ipVersion = "IP6" } sdpString, err := getSupportedSDPString(fingerprint.Code) if err != nil { return "", err } var builder strings.Builder builder.Grow(len(fingerprint.Digest)*3 + 8) builder.WriteString(sdpString) builder.WriteByte(' ') builder.WriteString(encodeInterspersedHex(fingerprint.Digest)) fp := builder.String() return fmt.Sprintf( serverSDP, ipVersion, addr.IP, addr.Port, ufrag, fp, ), nil } // getSupportedSDPHash converts a multihash code to the // corresponding crypto.Hash for supported protocols. If a // crypto.Hash cannot be found, it returns `(0, false)` func getSupportedSDPHash(code uint64) (crypto.Hash, bool) { switch code { case multihash.MD5: return crypto.MD5, true case multihash.SHA1: return crypto.SHA1, true case multihash.SHA3_224: return crypto.SHA3_224, true case multihash.SHA2_256: return crypto.SHA256, true case multihash.SHA3_384: return crypto.SHA3_384, true case multihash.SHA2_512: return crypto.SHA512, true default: return 0, false } } // getSupportedSDPString converts a multihash code // to a string format recognised by pion for fingerprint // algorithms func getSupportedSDPString(code uint64) (string, error) { // values based on (cryto.Hash).String() switch code { case multihash.MD5: return "md5", nil case multihash.SHA1: return "sha-1", nil case multihash.SHA3_224: return "sha3-224", nil case multihash.SHA2_256: return "sha-256", nil case multihash.SHA3_384: return "sha3-384", nil case multihash.SHA2_512: return "sha-512", nil default: return "", fmt.Errorf("unsupported hash code (%d)", code) } }