// Package gostream allows to replace the standard net stack in Go // with [LibP2P](https://github.com/libp2p/libp2p) streams. // // Given a libp2p.Host, gostream provides Dial() and Listen() methods which // return implementations of net.Conn and net.Listener. // // Instead of the regular "host:port" addressing, `gostream` uses a Peer ID, // and rather than a raw TCP connection, gostream will use libp2p's net.Stream. // This means your connections will take advantage of LibP2P's multi-routes, // NAT transversal and stream multiplexing. // // Note that LibP2P hosts cannot dial to themselves, so there is no possibility // of using the same Host as server and as client. package gostream // Network is the "net.Addr.Network()" name returned by // addresses used by gostream connections. In turn, the "net.Addr.String()" will // be a peer ID. var Network = "libp2p"