# Nekryptology Coinbase's advanced cryptography library, brought back from the dead and enhanced ## Differences from Kryptology - Schnorr proofs are patched to use hash-to-curve, fixes a bug where depending on the curve there may be a small to very large percentage of proofs that are invalid encodings - Supports BLS48-581 (uses MIRACL-generated implementation, slightly altered to align to curves.Scalar/curves.Point interfaces) - Enhanced KOS15 implementation to support arbitrary computational and statistical security parameters - Updated DKLs18 multiplication to use KOS15 enhancements - OT-based t-of-n multiplication scheme (borrowed from DKLs19) - Supports <=2048-bit IQC primitives (uses harmony-one's implementation, slightly adjusted to fix vulnerabilities in FS transform) - Added Wesolowski VDF - GG20 is removed ## Quickstart Use the latest version of this library: ``` go get source.quilibrium.com/quilibrium/monorepo/nekryptology ``` ## Documentation Public documentations can be found at https://pkg.go.dev/source.quilibrium.com/quilibrium/monorepo/nekryptology To access the documentation of the local version, run `godoc -http=:6060` and open the following url in your browser. http://localhost:6060/pkg/source.quilibrium.com/quilibrium/monorepo/nekryptology/ ## Developer Setup **Prerequisites**: `golang 1.18`, `make` ``` git clone git@source.quilibrium.com/quilibrium/monorepo/nekryptology.git && make ``` ## Components The following is the list of primitives and protocols that are implemented in this repository. ### Curves The curve abstraction code can be found at [pkg/core/curves/curve.go](pkg/core/curves/curve.go) The curves that implement this abstraction are as follows. - [BLS12377](pkg/core/curves/bls12377_curve.go) - [BLS12381](pkg/core/curves/bls12381_curve.go) - [BLS48581](pkg/core/curves/bls48581_curve.go) - [Ed25519](pkg/core/curves/ed25519_curve.go) - [Secp256k1](pkg/core/curves/k256_curve.go) - [P256](pkg/core/curves/p256_curve.go) - [Pallas](pkg/core/curves/pallas_curve.go) ### IQC The IQC abstraction code can be found at [pkg/core/iqc/classgroup.go](pkg/core/iqc/classgroup.go). ### Protocols The generic protocol interface [pkg/core/protocol/protocol.go](pkg/core/protocol/protocol.go). - [Cryptographic Accumulators](pkg/accumulator) - [Bulletproof](pkg/bulletproof) - Oblivious Transfer - [Verifiable Simplest OT](pkg/ot/base/simplest) - [KOS OT Extension](pkg/ot/extension/kos) - Threshold ECDSA Signature - [DKLs18 - DKG and Signing](pkg/tecdsa/dkls/v1) - GG20: The authors of GG20 have stated that the protocol is obsolete and should not be used. See [https://eprint.iacr.org/2020/540.pdf](https://eprint.iacr.org/2020/540.pdf). - [GG20 - DKG](pkg/dkg/gennaro) - [GG20 - Signing](pkg/tecdsa/gg20) - Threshold Schnorr Signature - [FROST threshold signature - DKG](pkg/dkg/frost) - [FROST threshold signature - Signing](pkg/ted25519/frost) - [Paillier encryption system](pkg/paillier) - Secret Sharing Schemes - [Shamir's secret sharing scheme](pkg/sharing/shamir.go) - [Pedersen](pkg/sharing/pedersen.go) - [Feldman](pkg/sharing/feldman.go) - [Verifiable encryption](pkg/verenc) - [ZKP Schnorr](pkg/zkp/schnorr) ## Contributing - [Versioning](https://blog.golang.org/publishing-go-modules): `vMajor.Minor.Patch` - Major revision indicates breaking API change or significant new features - Minor revision indicates no API breaking changes and may include significant new features or documentation - Patch indicates no API breaking changes and may include only fixes ## [References](docs/) - [[GG20] _One Round Threshold ECDSA with Identifiable Abort._](https://eprint.iacr.org/2020/540.pdf) - [[specV5] _One Round Threshold ECDSA for Coinbase._](docs/Coinbase_Pseudocode_v5.pdf) - [[EL20] _Eliding RSA Group Membership Checks._](docs/rsa-membership.pdf) [src](https://www.overleaf.com/project/5f9c3b0624a9a600012037a3) - [[P99] _Public-Key Cryptosystems Based on Composite Degree Residuosity Classes._](http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=