# Grafana Dashboards This directory contains prebuilt dashboards (provided as JSON files) for various components. For steps on how to import and use them [please read the official Grafana documentation.](https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/latest/dashboards/export-import/#import-dashboard) ## Public dashboards You can check the following prebuilt dashboards in action: 1. [AutoNAT](https://protocollabs.grafana.net/public-dashboards/fce8fdeb629742c89bd70f0ce38dfd97) 2. [Auto Relay](https://protocollabs.grafana.net/public-dashboards/380d52aded12404e9cf6ceccb824b7f9) 3. [Eventbus](https://protocollabs.grafana.net/public-dashboards/048029ac2d7e4a71b281ffea3535026e) 4. [Identify](https://protocollabs.grafana.net/public-dashboards/96b70328253d47c0b352dfae06f12a1b) 5. [Relay Service](https://protocollabs.grafana.net/public-dashboards/4a8cb5d245294893874ed65279b049be) 6. [Swarm](https://protocollabs.grafana.net/public-dashboards/2bd3f1bee9964d40b6786fbe3eafd9fc) These metrics come from one of the public IPFS DHT [bootstrap nodes](https://docs.ipfs.tech/concepts/nodes/#bootstrap) run by Protocol Labs. At the time of writing (2023-08), these nodes handle many connections across various libp2p implementations, versions, and configurations (they don't handle large file transfers). ## Using locally For local development and debugging, it can be useful to spin up a local Prometheus and Grafana instance. To expose metrics, we first need to expose a metrics collection endpoint. Add this to your code: ```go import "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/promhttp" go func() { http.Handle("/debug/metrics/prometheus", promhttp.Handler()) log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":5001", nil)) }() ``` This exposes a metrics collection endpoint at http://localhost:5001/debug/metrics/prometheus. Note that this is the same endpoint that [Kubo](https://github.com/ipfs/kubo) uses, so if you want to gather metrics from Kubo, you can skip this step. On macOS: ```bash docker compose -f docker-compose.base.yml up ``` On Linux, dashboards can be inspected locally by running: ```bash docker compose -f docker-compose.base.yml -f docker-compose-linux.yml up ``` and opening Grafana at http://localhost:3000. ### Making Dashboards usable with Provisioning The following section is only relevant for creators of dashboards. Due to a bug in Grafana, it's not possible to provision dashboards shared for external use directly. We need to apply the workaround described in https://github.com/grafana/grafana/issues/10786#issuecomment-568788499 (adding a few lines in the dashboard JSON file).