package ceremony import ( "crypto" "math/big" "sync" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" qcrypto "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) const PEER_INFO_TTL = 5 * 60 * 1000 const UNCOOPERATIVE_PEER_INFO_TTL = 60 * 60 * 1000 type InclusionMap = map[curves.PairingPoint]*protobufs.InclusionCommitment type PolynomialMap = map[curves.PairingPoint][]curves.PairingScalar type SyncStatusType int const ( SyncStatusNotSyncing = iota SyncStatusAwaitingResponse SyncStatusSynchronizing ) type peerInfo struct { peerId []byte multiaddr string maxFrame uint64 timestamp int64 lastSeen int64 direct bool } type ChannelServer = protobufs.CeremonyService_GetPublicChannelServer type CeremonyDataClockConsensusEngine struct { protobufs.UnimplementedCeremonyServiceServer frame uint64 activeFrame *protobufs.ClockFrame difficulty uint32 logger *zap.Logger state consensus.EngineState clockStore store.ClockStore keyStore store.KeyStore pubSub p2p.PubSub keyManager keys.KeyManager provingKey crypto.Signer provingKeyBytes []byte provingKeyType keys.KeyType provingKeyAddress []byte lastFrameReceivedAt time.Time latestFrameReceived uint64 frameProverTrie *tries.RollingFrecencyCritbitTrie frameSeenProverTrie *tries.RollingFrecencyCritbitTrie dependencyMap map[string]*anypb.Any pendingCommits chan *anypb.Any pendingCommitWorkers int64 prover *qcrypto.KZGProver stagedKeyCommits InclusionMap stagedKeyPolynomials PolynomialMap stagedLobbyStateTransitions *protobufs.CeremonyLobbyStateTransition minimumPeersRequired int frameChan chan *protobufs.ClockFrame executionEngines map[string]execution.ExecutionEngine filter []byte input []byte parentSelector []byte syncingStatus SyncStatusType syncingTarget []byte currentDistance *big.Int engineMx sync.Mutex dependencyMapMx sync.Mutex stagedKeyCommitsMx sync.Mutex stagedLobbyStateTransitionsMx sync.Mutex peerMapMx sync.Mutex peerAnnounceMapMx sync.Mutex lastKeyBundleAnnouncementFrame uint64 peerAnnounceMap map[string]*protobufs.CeremonyPeerListAnnounce peerMap map[string]*peerInfo uncooperativePeersMap map[string]*peerInfo } var _ consensus.DataConsensusEngine = (*CeremonyDataClockConsensusEngine)(nil) // Creates a new data clock for ceremony execution – this is a hybrid clock, // normally data clocks are bloom sharded and have node-specific proofs along // with the public VDF proofs, but in this case it is a proof from the execution // across all participating nodes. func NewCeremonyDataClockConsensusEngine( engineConfig *config.EngineConfig, logger *zap.Logger, keyManager keys.KeyManager, clockStore store.ClockStore, keyStore store.KeyStore, pubSub p2p.PubSub, ) *CeremonyDataClockConsensusEngine { if logger == nil { panic(errors.New("logger is nil")) } if engineConfig == nil { panic(errors.New("engine config is nil")) } if keyManager == nil { panic(errors.New("key manager is nil")) } if clockStore == nil { panic(errors.New("clock store is nil")) } if keyStore == nil { panic(errors.New("key store is nil")) } if pubSub == nil { panic(errors.New("pubsub is nil")) } minimumPeersRequired := engineConfig.MinimumPeersRequired if minimumPeersRequired == 0 { minimumPeersRequired = 3 } e := &CeremonyDataClockConsensusEngine{ frame: 0, difficulty: 10000, logger: logger, state: consensus.EngineStateStopped, clockStore: clockStore, keyStore: keyStore, keyManager: keyManager, pubSub: pubSub, frameChan: make(chan *protobufs.ClockFrame), executionEngines: map[string]execution.ExecutionEngine{}, dependencyMap: make(map[string]*anypb.Any), parentSelector: []byte{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, }, lastFrameReceivedAt: time.Time{}, frameProverTrie: &tries.RollingFrecencyCritbitTrie{}, frameSeenProverTrie: &tries.RollingFrecencyCritbitTrie{}, pendingCommits: make(chan *anypb.Any), pendingCommitWorkers: engineConfig.PendingCommitWorkers, prover: qcrypto.DefaultKZGProver(), stagedKeyCommits: make(InclusionMap), stagedKeyPolynomials: make(PolynomialMap), syncingStatus: SyncStatusNotSyncing, peerAnnounceMap: map[string]*protobufs.CeremonyPeerListAnnounce{}, peerMap: map[string]*peerInfo{}, uncooperativePeersMap: map[string]*peerInfo{}, minimumPeersRequired: minimumPeersRequired, } logger.Info("constructing consensus engine") signer, keyType, bytes, address := e.GetProvingKey( engineConfig, ) e.provingKey = signer e.provingKeyType = keyType e.provingKeyBytes = bytes e.provingKeyAddress = address return e } func (e *CeremonyDataClockConsensusEngine) Start( filter []byte, seed []byte, ) <-chan error { e.logger.Info("starting ceremony consensus engine") e.state = consensus.EngineStateStarting errChan := make(chan error) e.filter = filter e.input = seed e.state = consensus.EngineStateLoading e.logger.Info("loading last seen state") latestFrame, err := e.clockStore.GetLatestDataClockFrame( e.filter, e.frameProverTrie, ) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, store.ErrNotFound) { panic(err) } if latestFrame != nil { e.setFrame(latestFrame) } else { latestFrame = e.createGenesisFrame() } e.logger.Info("subscribing to pubsub messages") e.pubSub.Subscribe(e.filter, e.handleMessage, true) e.pubSub.Subscribe( append(append([]byte{}, e.filter...), e.pubSub.GetPeerID()...), e.handleSync, true, ) go func() { server := grpc.NewServer( grpc.MaxSendMsgSize(400*1024*1024), grpc.MaxRecvMsgSize(400*1024*1024), ) protobufs.RegisterCeremonyServiceServer(server, e) if err := e.pubSub.StartDirectChannelListener( e.pubSub.GetPeerID(), server, ); err != nil { panic(err) } }() e.state = consensus.EngineStateCollecting for i := int64(0); i < e.pendingCommitWorkers; i++ { go e.handlePendingCommits(i) } go func() { for { time.Sleep(30 * time.Second) list := &protobufs.CeremonyPeerListAnnounce{ PeerList: []*protobufs.CeremonyPeer{}, } e.peerMapMx.Lock() e.peerMap[string(e.pubSub.GetPeerID())] = &peerInfo{ peerId: e.pubSub.GetPeerID(), multiaddr: "", maxFrame: e.frame, timestamp: time.Now().UnixMilli(), } deletes := []*peerInfo{} for _, v := range e.peerMap { if v.timestamp > time.Now().UnixMilli()-PEER_INFO_TTL { list.PeerList = append(list.PeerList, &protobufs.CeremonyPeer{ PeerId: v.peerId, Multiaddr: v.multiaddr, MaxFrame: v.maxFrame, Timestamp: v.timestamp, }) } else { deletes = append(deletes, v) } } for _, v := range e.uncooperativePeersMap { if v.timestamp <= time.Now().UnixMilli()-UNCOOPERATIVE_PEER_INFO_TTL { deletes = append(deletes, v) } } for _, v := range deletes { delete(e.peerMap, string(v.peerId)) delete(e.uncooperativePeersMap, string(v.peerId)) } e.peerMapMx.Unlock() if err := e.publishMessage(e.filter, list); err != nil { e.logger.Debug("error publishing message", zap.Error(err)) } } }() go func() { latest := latestFrame for { time.Sleep(30 * time.Second) peerCount := e.pubSub.GetNetworkPeersCount() if peerCount >= e.minimumPeersRequired { e.logger.Info("selecting leader") latest, err = e.commitLongestPath(latest) if err != nil { e.logger.Error("could not collect longest path", zap.Error(err)) latest, _, err = e.clockStore.GetDataClockFrame(e.filter, 0) if err != nil { panic(err) } } } } }() go func() { for e.state < consensus.EngineStateStopping { peerCount := e.pubSub.GetNetworkPeersCount() if peerCount < e.minimumPeersRequired { e.logger.Info( "waiting for minimum peers", zap.Int("peer_count", peerCount), ) time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) } else { switch e.state { case consensus.EngineStateCollecting: if latestFrame, err = e.collect(latestFrame); err != nil { e.logger.Error("could not collect", zap.Error(err)) e.state = consensus.EngineStateCollecting errChan <- err } case consensus.EngineStateProving: if latestFrame, err = e.prove(latestFrame); err != nil { e.logger.Error("could not prove", zap.Error(err)) e.state = consensus.EngineStateCollecting errChan <- err } case consensus.EngineStatePublishing: if err = e.publishProof(latestFrame); err != nil { e.logger.Error("could not publish", zap.Error(err)) e.state = consensus.EngineStateCollecting errChan <- err } } } } }() go func() { errChan <- nil }() return errChan } func (e *CeremonyDataClockConsensusEngine) Stop(force bool) <-chan error { e.logger.Info("stopping ceremony consensus engine") e.state = consensus.EngineStateStopping errChan := make(chan error) wg := sync.WaitGroup{} wg.Add(len(e.executionEngines)) for name := range e.executionEngines { name := name go func(name string) { err := <-e.UnregisterExecutor(name, e.frame, force) if err != nil { errChan <- err } wg.Done() }(name) } e.logger.Info("waiting for execution engines to stop") wg.Wait() e.logger.Info("execution engines stopped") e.state = consensus.EngineStateStopped e.engineMx.Lock() defer e.engineMx.Unlock() go func() { errChan <- nil }() return errChan } func (e *CeremonyDataClockConsensusEngine) GetDifficulty() uint32 { return e.difficulty } func (e *CeremonyDataClockConsensusEngine) GetFrame() uint64 { return e.frame } func (e *CeremonyDataClockConsensusEngine) GetState() consensus.EngineState { return e.state } func ( e *CeremonyDataClockConsensusEngine, ) GetFrameChannel() <-chan *protobufs.ClockFrame { return e.frameChan } func ( e *CeremonyDataClockConsensusEngine, ) GetActiveFrame() *protobufs.ClockFrame { return e.activeFrame } func ( e *CeremonyDataClockConsensusEngine, ) GetPeerInfo() *protobufs.PeerInfoResponse { resp := &protobufs.PeerInfoResponse{} e.peerMapMx.Lock() for _, v := range e.peerMap { resp.PeerInfo = append(resp.PeerInfo, &protobufs.PeerInfo{ PeerId: v.peerId, Multiaddrs: []string{v.multiaddr}, MaxFrame: v.maxFrame, Timestamp: v.timestamp, }) } for _, v := range e.uncooperativePeersMap { resp.UncooperativePeerInfo = append( resp.UncooperativePeerInfo, &protobufs.PeerInfo{ PeerId: v.peerId, Multiaddrs: []string{v.multiaddr}, MaxFrame: v.maxFrame, Timestamp: v.timestamp, }, ) } e.peerMapMx.Unlock() return resp }