// Copyright Coinbase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package common

import (


// ProofMessage classifies how a message is presented in a proof
// Either Revealed or Hidden. Hidden has two sub categories:
// proof specific i.e. the message is only used for this proof or
// shared i.e. the message should be proved to be common across proofs
type ProofMessage interface {
	// IsHidden indicates the message should be hidden
	IsHidden() bool
	// GetBlinding is used for hidden messages
	// blindings can either be proof specific to a signature
	// or involved with other proofs like boundchecks,
	// set memberships, or inequalities so the blinding
	// factor is shared among proofs to produce a common
	// schnorr linking proof
	GetBlinding(reader io.Reader) curves.Scalar
	// GetMessage returns the underlying message
	GetMessage() curves.Scalar

type RevealedMessage struct {
	Message curves.Scalar

func (r RevealedMessage) IsHidden() bool {
	return false

func (r RevealedMessage) GetBlinding(reader io.Reader) curves.Scalar {
	return nil

func (r RevealedMessage) GetMessage() curves.Scalar {
	return r.Message

type ProofSpecificMessage struct {
	Message curves.Scalar

func (ps ProofSpecificMessage) IsHidden() bool {
	return true

func (ps ProofSpecificMessage) GetBlinding(reader io.Reader) curves.Scalar {
	return ps.Message.Random(reader)

func (ps ProofSpecificMessage) GetMessage() curves.Scalar {
	return ps.Message

type SharedBlindingMessage struct {
	Message, Blinding curves.Scalar

func (ps SharedBlindingMessage) IsHidden() bool {
	return true

func (ps SharedBlindingMessage) GetBlinding(reader io.Reader) curves.Scalar {
	return ps.Blinding

func (ps SharedBlindingMessage) GetMessage() curves.Scalar {
	return ps.Message