# test-plans test implementation This folder defines the implementation for the test-plans interop tests. # Running this test locally You can run this test locally by having a local Redis instance and by having another peer that this test can dial or listen for. For example to test that we can dial/listen for ourselves we can do the following: 1. Start redis (needed by the tests): `docker run --rm -it -p 6379:6379 redis/redis-stack`. 2. In one terminal run the dialer: `REDIS_ADDR=localhost:6379 ip="" transport=quic-v1 security=quic muxer=quic is_dialer="true" go run ./cmd/ping` 3. In another terminal, run the listener: `REDIS_ADDR=localhost:6379 ip="" transport=quic-v1 security=quic muxer=quic is_dialer="false" go run ./cmd/ping` To test the interop with other versions do something similar, except replace one of these nodes with the other version's interop test. # Running all interop tests locally with Compose To run this test against all released libp2p versions you'll need to have the [libp2p/test-plans](https://github.com/libp2p/test-plans) checked out. Then do the following (from the root directory of this repository): 1. Build the image: `docker build -t go-libp2p-head -f test-plans/PingDockerfile .`. 2. Build the images for all released versions in `libp2p/test-plans`: `(cd /libp2p/test-plans/multidim-interop/ && make)`. 3. Run the test: ``` GO_LIBP2P="$PWD"; (cd /libp2p/test-plans/multidim-interop/ && npm run test -- --extra-version=$GO_LIBP2P/test-plans/ping-version.json --name-filter="go-libp2p-head") ```