package sstable import ( "bytes" "context" "math" "sync" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // RewriteKeySuffixes is deprecated. // // TODO(sumeer): remove after switching CockroachDB to RewriteKeySuffixesAndReturnFormat. func RewriteKeySuffixes( sst []byte, rOpts ReaderOptions, out objstorage.Writable, o WriterOptions, from, to []byte, concurrency int, ) (*WriterMetadata, error) { meta, _, err := RewriteKeySuffixesAndReturnFormat(sst, rOpts, out, o, from, to, concurrency) return meta, err } // RewriteKeySuffixesAndReturnFormat copies the content of the passed SSTable // bytes to a new sstable, written to `out`, in which the suffix `from` has is // replaced with `to` in every key. The input sstable must consist of only // Sets or RangeKeySets and every key must have `from` as its suffix as // determined by the Split function of the Comparer in the passed // WriterOptions. Range deletes must not exist in this sstable, as they will // be ignored. // // Data blocks are rewritten in parallel by `concurrency` workers and then // assembled into a final SST. Filters are copied from the original SST without // modification as they are not affected by the suffix, while block and table // properties are only minimally recomputed. // // TODO(sumeer): document limitations, if any, due to this limited // re-computation of properties (is there any loss of fidelity?). // // Any block and table property collectors configured in the WriterOptions must // implement SuffixReplaceableTableCollector/SuffixReplaceableBlockCollector. // // The WriterOptions.TableFormat is ignored, and the output sstable has the // same TableFormat as the input, which is returned in case the caller wants // to do some error checking. Suffix rewriting is meant to be efficient, and // allowing changes in the TableFormat detracts from that efficiency. // // Any obsolete bits that key-value pairs may be annotated with are ignored // and lost during the rewrite. Additionally, the output sstable has the // pebble.obsolete.is_strict property set to false. These limitations could be // removed if needed. The current use case for // RewriteKeySuffixesAndReturnFormat in CockroachDB is for MVCC-compliant file // ingestion, where these files do not contain RANGEDELs and have one // key-value pair per userkey -- so they trivially satisfy the strict // criteria, and we don't need the obsolete bit as a performance optimization. // For disaggregated storage, strict obsolete sstables are needed for L5 and // L6, but at the time of writing, we expect such MVCC-compliant file // ingestion to only ingest into levels L4 and higher. If this changes, we can // do one of two things to get rid of this limitation: // - Validate that there are no duplicate userkeys and no RANGEDELs/MERGEs // in the sstable to be rewritten. Validating no duplicate userkeys is // non-trivial when rewriting blocks in parallel, so we could encode the // pre-existing condition in the (existing) SnapshotPinnedKeys property -- // we need to update the external sst writer to calculate and encode this // property. // - Preserve the obsolete bit (with changes to the blockIter). func RewriteKeySuffixesAndReturnFormat( sst []byte, rOpts ReaderOptions, out objstorage.Writable, o WriterOptions, from, to []byte, concurrency int, ) (*WriterMetadata, TableFormat, error) { r, err := NewMemReader(sst, rOpts) if err != nil { return nil, TableFormatUnspecified, err } defer r.Close() return rewriteKeySuffixesInBlocks(r, out, o, from, to, concurrency) } func rewriteKeySuffixesInBlocks( r *Reader, out objstorage.Writable, o WriterOptions, from, to []byte, concurrency int, ) (*WriterMetadata, TableFormat, error) { if o.Comparer == nil || o.Comparer.Split == nil { return nil, TableFormatUnspecified, errors.New("a valid splitter is required to rewrite suffixes") } if concurrency < 1 { return nil, TableFormatUnspecified, errors.New("concurrency must be >= 1") } // Even though NumValueBlocks = 0 => NumValuesInValueBlocks = 0, check both // as a defensive measure. if r.Properties.NumValueBlocks > 0 || r.Properties.NumValuesInValueBlocks > 0 { return nil, TableFormatUnspecified, errors.New("sstable with a single suffix should not have value blocks") } tableFormat := r.tableFormat o.TableFormat = tableFormat w := NewWriter(out, o) defer func() { if w != nil { w.Close() } }() for _, c := range w.propCollectors { if _, ok := c.(SuffixReplaceableTableCollector); !ok { return nil, TableFormatUnspecified, errors.Errorf("property collector %s does not support suffix replacement", c.Name()) } } for _, c := range w.blockPropCollectors { if _, ok := c.(SuffixReplaceableBlockCollector); !ok { return nil, TableFormatUnspecified, errors.Errorf("block property collector %s does not support suffix replacement", c.Name()) } } l, err := r.Layout() if err != nil { return nil, TableFormatUnspecified, errors.Wrap(err, "reading layout") } if err := rewriteDataBlocksToWriter(r, w, l.Data, from, to, w.split, concurrency); err != nil { return nil, TableFormatUnspecified, errors.Wrap(err, "rewriting data blocks") } // Copy over the range key block and replace suffixes in it if it exists. if err := rewriteRangeKeyBlockToWriter(r, w, from, to); err != nil { return nil, TableFormatUnspecified, errors.Wrap(err, "rewriting range key blocks") } // Copy over the filter block if it exists (rewriteDataBlocksToWriter will // already have ensured this is valid if it exists). if w.filter != nil && l.Filter.Length > 0 { filterBlock, _, err := readBlockBuf(r, l.Filter, nil) if err != nil { return nil, TableFormatUnspecified, errors.Wrap(err, "reading filter") } w.filter = copyFilterWriter{ origPolicyName: w.filter.policyName(), origMetaName: w.filter.metaName(), data: filterBlock, } } if err := w.Close(); err != nil { w = nil return nil, TableFormatUnspecified, err } writerMeta, err := w.Metadata() w = nil return writerMeta, tableFormat, err } var errBadKind = errors.New("key does not have expected kind (set)") type blockWithSpan struct { start, end InternalKey data []byte } func rewriteBlocks( r *Reader, restartInterval int, checksumType ChecksumType, compression Compression, input []BlockHandleWithProperties, output []blockWithSpan, totalWorkers, worker int, from, to []byte, split Split, ) error { bw := blockWriter{ restartInterval: restartInterval, } buf := blockBuf{checksummer: checksummer{checksumType: checksumType}} if checksumType == ChecksumTypeXXHash { buf.checksummer.xxHasher = xxhash.New() } var blockAlloc bytealloc.A var keyAlloc bytealloc.A var scratch InternalKey var inputBlock, inputBlockBuf []byte iter := &blockIter{} // We'll assume all blocks are _roughly_ equal so round-robin static partition // of each worker doing every ith block is probably enough. for i := worker; i < len(input); i += totalWorkers { bh := input[i] var err error inputBlock, inputBlockBuf, err = readBlockBuf(r, bh.BlockHandle, inputBlockBuf) if err != nil { return err } if err := iter.init(r.Compare, inputBlock, r.Properties.GlobalSeqNum, false); err != nil { return err } if cap(bw.restarts) < int(iter.restarts) { bw.restarts = make([]uint32, 0, iter.restarts) } if cap(bw.buf) == 0 { bw.buf = make([]byte, 0, len(inputBlock)) } if cap(bw.restarts) < int(iter.numRestarts) { bw.restarts = make([]uint32, 0, iter.numRestarts) } for key, val := iter.First(); key != nil; key, val = iter.Next() { if key.Kind() != InternalKeyKindSet { return errBadKind } si := split(key.UserKey) oldSuffix := key.UserKey[si:] if !bytes.Equal(oldSuffix, from) { err := errors.Errorf("key has suffix %q, expected %q", oldSuffix, from) return err } newLen := si + len(to) if cap(scratch.UserKey) < newLen { scratch.UserKey = make([]byte, 0, len(key.UserKey)*2+len(to)-len(from)) } scratch.Trailer = key.Trailer scratch.UserKey = scratch.UserKey[:newLen] copy(scratch.UserKey, key.UserKey[:si]) copy(scratch.UserKey[si:], to) // NB: for TableFormatPebblev3 and higher, since // !iter.lazyValueHandling.hasValuePrefix, it will return the raw value // in the block, which includes the 1-byte prefix. This is fine since bw // also does not know about the prefix and will preserve it in bw.add. v := val.InPlaceValue() if invariants.Enabled && r.tableFormat >= TableFormatPebblev3 && key.Kind() == InternalKeyKindSet { if len(v) < 1 { return errors.Errorf("value has no prefix") } prefix := valuePrefix(v[0]) if isValueHandle(prefix) { return errors.Errorf("value prefix is incorrect") } if setHasSamePrefix(prefix) { return errors.Errorf("multiple keys with same key prefix") } } bw.add(scratch, v) if output[i].start.UserKey == nil { keyAlloc, output[i].start = cloneKeyWithBuf(scratch, keyAlloc) } } *iter = iter.resetForReuse() keyAlloc, output[i].end = cloneKeyWithBuf(scratch, keyAlloc) finished := compressAndChecksum(bw.finish(), compression, &buf) // copy our finished block into the output buffer. blockAlloc, output[i].data = blockAlloc.Alloc(len(finished) + blockTrailerLen) copy(output[i].data, finished) copy(output[i].data[len(finished):], buf.tmp[:blockTrailerLen]) } return nil } func rewriteDataBlocksToWriter( r *Reader, w *Writer, data []BlockHandleWithProperties, from, to []byte, split Split, concurrency int, ) error { if r.Properties.NumEntries == 0 { // No point keys. return nil } blocks := make([]blockWithSpan, len(data)) if w.filter != nil { if r.Properties.FilterPolicyName != w.filter.policyName() { return errors.New("mismatched filters") } if was, is := r.Properties.ComparerName, w.props.ComparerName; was != is { return errors.Errorf("mismatched Comparer %s vs %s, replacement requires same splitter to copy filters", was, is) } } g := &sync.WaitGroup{} g.Add(concurrency) errCh := make(chan error, concurrency) for i := 0; i < concurrency; i++ { worker := i go func() { defer g.Done() err := rewriteBlocks( r, w.dataBlockBuf.dataBlock.restartInterval, w.blockBuf.checksummer.checksumType, w.compression, data, blocks, concurrency, worker, from, to, split, ) if err != nil { errCh <- err } }() } g.Wait() close(errCh) if err, ok := <-errCh; ok { return err } for _, p := range w.propCollectors { if err := p.(SuffixReplaceableTableCollector).UpdateKeySuffixes(r.Properties.UserProperties, from, to); err != nil { return err } } var decoder blockPropertiesDecoder var oldShortIDs []shortID var oldProps [][]byte if len(w.blockPropCollectors) > 0 { oldProps = make([][]byte, len(w.blockPropCollectors)) oldShortIDs = make([]shortID, math.MaxUint8) for i, p := range w.blockPropCollectors { if prop, ok := r.Properties.UserProperties[p.Name()]; ok { was, is := shortID(byte(prop[0])), shortID(i) oldShortIDs[was] = is } } } for i := range blocks { // Write the rewritten block to the file. if err := w.writable.Write(blocks[i].data); err != nil { return err } n := len(blocks[i].data) bh := BlockHandle{Offset: w.meta.Size, Length: uint64(n) - blockTrailerLen} // Update the overall size. w.meta.Size += uint64(n) // Load any previous values for our prop collectors into oldProps. for i := range oldProps { oldProps[i] = nil } decoder.props = data[i].Props for !decoder.done() { id, val, err := if err != nil { return err } oldProps[oldShortIDs[id]] = val } for i, p := range w.blockPropCollectors { if err := p.(SuffixReplaceableBlockCollector).UpdateKeySuffixes(oldProps[i], from, to); err != nil { return err } } bhp, err := w.maybeAddBlockPropertiesToBlockHandle(bh) if err != nil { return err } var nextKey InternalKey if i+1 < len(blocks) { nextKey = blocks[i+1].start } if err = w.addIndexEntrySync(blocks[i].end, nextKey, bhp, w.dataBlockBuf.tmp[:]); err != nil { return err } } w.meta.updateSeqNum(blocks[0].start.SeqNum()) w.props.NumEntries = r.Properties.NumEntries w.props.RawKeySize = r.Properties.RawKeySize w.props.RawValueSize = r.Properties.RawValueSize w.meta.SetSmallestPointKey(blocks[0].start) w.meta.SetLargestPointKey(blocks[len(blocks)-1].end) return nil } func rewriteRangeKeyBlockToWriter(r *Reader, w *Writer, from, to []byte) error { iter, err := r.NewRawRangeKeyIter() if err != nil { return err } if iter == nil { // No range keys. return nil } defer iter.Close() for s := iter.First(); s != nil; s = iter.Next() { if !s.Valid() { break } for i := range s.Keys { if s.Keys[i].Kind() != base.InternalKeyKindRangeKeySet { return errBadKind } if !bytes.Equal(s.Keys[i].Suffix, from) { return errors.Errorf("key has suffix %q, expected %q", s.Keys[i].Suffix, from) } s.Keys[i].Suffix = to } err := rangekey.Encode(s, func(k base.InternalKey, v []byte) error { // Calling AddRangeKey instead of addRangeKeySpan bypasses the fragmenter. // This is okay because the raw fragments off of `iter` are already // fragmented, and suffix replacement should not affect fragmentation. return w.AddRangeKey(k, v) }) if err != nil { return err } } return nil } type copyFilterWriter struct { origMetaName string origPolicyName string data []byte } func (copyFilterWriter) addKey(key []byte) { panic("unimplemented") } func (c copyFilterWriter) finish() ([]byte, error) { return, nil } func (c copyFilterWriter) metaName() string { return c.origMetaName } func (c copyFilterWriter) policyName() string { return c.origPolicyName } // RewriteKeySuffixesViaWriter is similar to RewriteKeySuffixes but uses just a // single loop over the Reader that writes each key to the Writer with the new // suffix. The is significantly slower than the parallelized rewriter, and does // more work to rederive filters, props, etc. // // Any obsolete bits that key-value pairs may be annotated with are ignored // and lost during the rewrite. Some of the obsolete bits may be recreated -- // specifically when there are multiple keys with the same user key. // Additionally, the output sstable has the pebble.obsolete.is_strict property // set to false. See the longer comment at RewriteKeySuffixesAndReturnFormat. func RewriteKeySuffixesViaWriter( r *Reader, out objstorage.Writable, o WriterOptions, from, to []byte, ) (*WriterMetadata, error) { if o.Comparer == nil || o.Comparer.Split == nil { return nil, errors.New("a valid splitter is required to rewrite suffixes") } o.IsStrictObsolete = false w := NewWriter(out, o) defer func() { if w != nil { w.Close() } }() i, err := r.NewIter(nil, nil) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer i.Close() k, v := i.First() var scratch InternalKey for k != nil { if k.Kind() != InternalKeyKindSet { return nil, errors.New("invalid key type") } oldSuffix := k.UserKey[r.Split(k.UserKey):] if !bytes.Equal(oldSuffix, from) { return nil, errors.Errorf("key has suffix %q, expected %q", oldSuffix, from) } scratch.UserKey = append(scratch.UserKey[:0], k.UserKey[:len(k.UserKey)-len(from)]...) scratch.UserKey = append(scratch.UserKey, to...) scratch.Trailer = k.Trailer val, _, err := v.Value(nil) if err != nil { return nil, err } if w.addPoint(scratch, val, false); err != nil { return nil, err } k, v = i.Next() } if err := rewriteRangeKeyBlockToWriter(r, w, from, to); err != nil { return nil, err } if err := w.Close(); err != nil { w = nil return nil, err } writerMeta, err := w.Metadata() w = nil return writerMeta, err } // NewMemReader opens a reader over the SST stored in the passed []byte. func NewMemReader(sst []byte, o ReaderOptions) (*Reader, error) { return NewReader(newMemReader(sst), o) } func readBlockBuf(r *Reader, bh BlockHandle, buf []byte) ([]byte, []byte, error) { raw := r.readable.(*memReader).b[bh.Offset : bh.Offset+bh.Length+blockTrailerLen] if err := checkChecksum(r.checksumType, raw, bh, 0); err != nil { return nil, buf, err } typ := blockType(raw[bh.Length]) raw = raw[:bh.Length] if typ == noCompressionBlockType { return raw, buf, nil } decompressedLen, prefix, err := decompressedLen(typ, raw) if err != nil { return nil, buf, err } if cap(buf) < decompressedLen { buf = make([]byte, decompressedLen) } res, err := decompressInto(typ, raw[prefix:], buf[:decompressedLen]) return res, buf, err } // memReader is a thin wrapper around a []byte such that it can be passed to // sstable.Reader. It supports concurrent use, and does so without locking in // contrast to the heavier read/write vfs.MemFile. type memReader struct { b []byte r *bytes.Reader rh objstorage.NoopReadHandle } var _ objstorage.Readable = (*memReader)(nil) func newMemReader(b []byte) *memReader { r := &memReader{ b: b, r: bytes.NewReader(b), } r.rh = objstorage.MakeNoopReadHandle(r) return r } // ReadAt is part of objstorage.Readable. func (m *memReader) ReadAt(_ context.Context, p []byte, off int64) error { n, err := m.r.ReadAt(p, off) if invariants.Enabled && err == nil && n != len(p) { panic("short read") } return err } // Close is part of objstorage.Readable. func (*memReader) Close() error { return nil } // Stat is part of objstorage.Readable. func (m *memReader) Size() int64 { return int64(len(m.b)) } // NewReadHandle is part of objstorage.Readable. func (m *memReader) NewReadHandle(_ context.Context) objstorage.ReadHandle { return &m.rh }