package identify_test import ( "context" "errors" "fmt" "sync" "testing" "time" "" ic "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" coretest "" basichost "" blhost "" "" "" mocknet "" "" swarmt "" "" "" mockClock "" "" "" ma "" "" "" ) func testKnowsAddrs(t *testing.T, h host.Host, p peer.ID, expected []ma.Multiaddr) { t.Helper() require.True(t, assert.ElementsMatchf(t, expected, h.Peerstore().Addrs(p), fmt.Sprintf("%s did not have addr for %s", h.ID(), p))) } func testHasAgentVersion(t *testing.T, h host.Host, p peer.ID) { v, err := h.Peerstore().Get(p, "AgentVersion") if v.(string) != "" { // this is the default user agent t.Error("agent version mismatch", err) } } func testHasPublicKey(t *testing.T, h host.Host, p peer.ID, shouldBe ic.PubKey) { k := h.Peerstore().PubKey(p) if k == nil { t.Error("no public key") return } if !k.Equals(shouldBe) { t.Error("key mismatch") return } p2, err := peer.IDFromPublicKey(k) if err != nil { t.Error("could not make key") } else if p != p2 { t.Error("key does not match peerid") } } // we're using BlankHost in our tests, which doesn't automatically generate peer records // and emit address change events on the bus like BasicHost. // This generates a record, puts it in the peerstore and emits an addr change event // which will cause the identify service to push it to all peers it's connected to. func emitAddrChangeEvt(t *testing.T, h host.Host) { t.Helper() key := h.Peerstore().PrivKey(h.ID()) if key == nil { t.Fatal("no private key for host") } rec := peer.NewPeerRecord() rec.PeerID = h.ID() rec.Addrs = h.Addrs() signed, err := record.Seal(rec, key) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("error generating peer record: %s", err) } cab, ok := peerstore.GetCertifiedAddrBook(h.Peerstore()) require.True(t, ok) _, err = cab.ConsumePeerRecord(signed, peerstore.PermanentAddrTTL) require.NoError(t, err) evt := event.EvtLocalAddressesUpdated{} emitter, err := h.EventBus().Emitter(new(event.EvtLocalAddressesUpdated), eventbus.Stateful) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } err = emitter.Emit(evt) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } // TestIDServiceWait gives the ID service 1s to finish after dialing // this is because it used to be concurrent. Now, Dial wait till the // id service is done. func TestIDService(t *testing.T) { // This test is highly timing dependent, waiting on timeouts/expiration. oldTTL := peerstore.RecentlyConnectedAddrTTL peerstore.RecentlyConnectedAddrTTL = 500 * time.Millisecond t.Cleanup(func() { peerstore.RecentlyConnectedAddrTTL = oldTTL }) clk := mockClock.NewMock() swarm1 := swarmt.GenSwarm(t, swarmt.WithClock(clk)) swarm2 := swarmt.GenSwarm(t, swarmt.WithClock(clk)) h1 := blhost.NewBlankHost(swarm1) h2 := blhost.NewBlankHost(swarm2) h1p := h1.ID() h2p := h2.ID() ids1, err := identify.NewIDService(h1) require.NoError(t, err) defer ids1.Close() ids1.Start() ids2, err := identify.NewIDService(h2) require.NoError(t, err) defer ids2.Close() ids2.Start() sub, err := ids1.Host.EventBus().Subscribe(new(event.EvtPeerIdentificationCompleted)) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } testKnowsAddrs(t, h1, h2p, []ma.Multiaddr{}) // nothing testKnowsAddrs(t, h2, h1p, []ma.Multiaddr{}) // nothing // the forgetMe addr represents an address for h1 that h2 has learned out of band // (not via identify protocol). During the identify exchange, it will be // forgotten and replaced by the addrs h1 sends. forgetMe, _ := ma.NewMultiaddr("/ip4/") h2.Peerstore().AddAddr(h1p, forgetMe, peerstore.RecentlyConnectedAddrTTL) h2pi := h2.Peerstore().PeerInfo(h2p) require.NoError(t, h1.Connect(context.Background(), h2pi)) h1t2c := h1.Network().ConnsToPeer(h2p) require.NotEmpty(t, h1t2c, "should have a conn here") ids1.IdentifyConn(h1t2c[0]) // the idService should be opened automatically, by the network. // what we should see now is that both peers know about each others listen addresses. t.Log("test peer1 has peer2 addrs correctly") testKnowsAddrs(t, h1, h2p, h2.Addrs()) // has them testHasAgentVersion(t, h1, h2p) testHasPublicKey(t, h1, h2p, h2.Peerstore().PubKey(h2p)) // h1 should have h2's public key // now, this wait we do have to do. it's the wait for the Listening side // to be done identifying the connection. c := h2.Network().ConnsToPeer(h1.ID()) require.NotEmpty(t, c, "should have connection by now at least.") ids2.IdentifyConn(c[0]) // and the protocol versions. t.Log("test peer2 has peer1 addrs correctly") testKnowsAddrs(t, h2, h1p, h1.Addrs()) // has them testHasAgentVersion(t, h2, h1p) testHasPublicKey(t, h2, h1p, h1.Peerstore().PubKey(h1p)) // h1 should have h2's public key // Need both sides to actually notice that the connection has been closed. sentDisconnect1 := waitForDisconnectNotification(swarm1) sentDisconnect2 := waitForDisconnectNotification(swarm2) h1.Network().ClosePeer(h2p) h2.Network().ClosePeer(h1p) if len(h2.Network().ConnsToPeer(h1.ID())) != 0 || len(h1.Network().ConnsToPeer(h2.ID())) != 0 { t.Fatal("should have no connections") } t.Log("testing addrs just after disconnect") // addresses don't immediately expire on disconnect, so we should still have them testKnowsAddrs(t, h2, h1p, h1.Addrs()) testKnowsAddrs(t, h1, h2p, h2.Addrs()) <-sentDisconnect1 <-sentDisconnect2 // the addrs had their TTLs reduced on disconnect, and // will be forgotten soon after t.Log("testing addrs after TTL expiration") clk.Add(time.Second) testKnowsAddrs(t, h1, h2p, []ma.Multiaddr{}) testKnowsAddrs(t, h2, h1p, []ma.Multiaddr{}) // test that we received the "identify completed" event. select { case <-sub.Out(): case <-time.After(3 * time.Second): t.Fatalf("expected EvtPeerIdentificationCompleted event within 10 seconds; none received") } } func TestProtoMatching(t *testing.T) { tcp1, _ := ma.NewMultiaddr("/ip4/") tcp2, _ := ma.NewMultiaddr("/ip4/") tcp3, _ := ma.NewMultiaddr("/ip4/") utp, _ := ma.NewMultiaddr("/ip4/") if !identify.HasConsistentTransport(tcp1, []ma.Multiaddr{tcp2, tcp3, utp}) { t.Fatal("expected match") } if identify.HasConsistentTransport(utp, []ma.Multiaddr{tcp2, tcp3}) { t.Fatal("expected mismatch") } } func TestLocalhostAddrFiltering(t *testing.T) { t.Skip("need to fix this test") mn := mocknet.New() defer mn.Close() id1 := coretest.RandPeerIDFatal(t) ps1, err := pstoremem.NewPeerstore() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } p1addr1, _ := ma.NewMultiaddr("/ip4/") p1addr2, _ := ma.NewMultiaddr("/ip4/") ps1.AddAddrs(id1, []ma.Multiaddr{p1addr1, p1addr2}, peerstore.PermanentAddrTTL) p1, err := mn.AddPeerWithPeerstore(id1, ps1) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } id2 := coretest.RandPeerIDFatal(t) ps2, err := pstoremem.NewPeerstore() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } p2addr1, _ := ma.NewMultiaddr("/ip4/") p2addr2, _ := ma.NewMultiaddr("/ip4/") p2addrs := []ma.Multiaddr{p2addr1, p2addr2} ps2.AddAddrs(id2, p2addrs, peerstore.PermanentAddrTTL) p2, err := mn.AddPeerWithPeerstore(id2, ps2) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } id3 := coretest.RandPeerIDFatal(t) ps3, err := pstoremem.NewPeerstore() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } p3addr1, _ := ma.NewMultiaddr("/ip4/") ps3.AddAddrs(id3, []ma.Multiaddr{p3addr1}, peerstore.PermanentAddrTTL) p3, err := mn.AddPeerWithPeerstore(id3, ps3) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } err = mn.LinkAll() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } p1.Connect(context.Background(), peer.AddrInfo{ ID: id2, Addrs: p2addrs[0:1], }) p3.Connect(context.Background(), peer.AddrInfo{ ID: id2, Addrs: p2addrs[1:], }) ids1, err := identify.NewIDService(p1) require.NoError(t, err) ids1.Start() ids2, err := identify.NewIDService(p2) require.NoError(t, err) ids2.Start() ids3, err := identify.NewIDService(p3) require.NoError(t, err) ids3.Start() defer func() { ids1.Close() ids2.Close() ids3.Close() }() conns := p2.Network().ConnsToPeer(id1) if len(conns) == 0 { t.Fatal("no conns") } conn := conns[0] ids2.IdentifyConn(conn) addrs := p2.Peerstore().Addrs(id1) if len(addrs) != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected one addr, found %s", addrs) } conns = p3.Network().ConnsToPeer(id2) if len(conns) == 0 { t.Fatal("no conns") } conn = conns[0] ids3.IdentifyConn(conn) addrs = p3.Peerstore().Addrs(id2) if len(addrs) != 2 { t.Fatalf("expected 2 addrs for %s, found %d: %s", id2, len(addrs), addrs) } } // TestIdentifyPushWhileIdentifyingConn tests that the host waits to push updates if an identify is ongoing. func TestIdentifyPushWhileIdentifyingConn(t *testing.T) { t.Skip() ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) defer cancel() h1 := blhost.NewBlankHost(swarmt.GenSwarm(t)) h2 := blhost.NewBlankHost(swarmt.GenSwarm(t)) defer h2.Close() defer h1.Close() t.Log("h1:", h1.ID()) t.Log("h2:", h2.ID()) ids1, err := identify.NewIDService(h1) require.NoError(t, err) ids1.Start() ids2, err := identify.NewIDService(h2) require.NoError(t, err) ids2.Start() defer ids1.Close() defer ids2.Close() // replace the original identify handler by one that blocks until we close the block channel. // this allows us to control how long identify runs. block := make(chan struct{}) handler := func(s network.Stream) { <-block w := pbio.NewDelimitedWriter(s) w.WriteMsg(&pb.Identify{Protocols: protocol.ConvertToStrings(h1.Mux().Protocols())}) s.Close() } h1.RemoveStreamHandler(identify.ID) h1.SetStreamHandler(identify.ID, handler) // from h2 connect to h1. if err := h2.Connect(ctx, peer.AddrInfo{ID: h1.ID(), Addrs: h1.Addrs()}); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // from h2, identify h1. conn := h2.Network().ConnsToPeer(h1.ID())[0] go ids2.IdentifyConn(conn) <-time.After(500 * time.Millisecond) // subscribe to events in h1; after identify h1 should receive the update from h2 and publish an event in the bus. sub, err := h1.EventBus().Subscribe(&event.EvtPeerProtocolsUpdated{}) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } defer sub.Close() // add a handler in h2; the update to h1 will queue until we're done identifying h1. h2.SetStreamHandler(protocol.TestingID, func(_ network.Stream) {}) <-time.After(500 * time.Millisecond) // make sure we haven't received any events yet. if q := len(sub.Out()); q > 0 { t.Fatalf("expected no events yet; queued: %d", q) } close(block) select { case evt := <-sub.Out(): e := evt.(event.EvtPeerProtocolsUpdated) if e.Peer != h2.ID() || len(e.Added) != 1 || e.Added[0] != protocol.TestingID { t.Fatalf("expected an event for protocol changes in h2, with the testing protocol added; instead got: %v", evt) } case <-time.After(2 * time.Second): t.Fatalf("timed out while waiting for an event for the protocol changes in h2") } } func TestIdentifyPushOnAddrChange(t *testing.T) { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) defer cancel() h1 := blhost.NewBlankHost(swarmt.GenSwarm(t)) h2 := blhost.NewBlankHost(swarmt.GenSwarm(t)) h1p := h1.ID() h2p := h2.ID() ids1, err := identify.NewIDService(h1) require.NoError(t, err) defer ids1.Close() ids1.Start() ids2, err := identify.NewIDService(h2) require.NoError(t, err) defer ids2.Close() ids2.Start() testKnowsAddrs(t, h1, h2p, []ma.Multiaddr{}) // nothing testKnowsAddrs(t, h2, h1p, []ma.Multiaddr{}) // nothing require.NoError(t, h1.Connect(ctx, h2.Peerstore().PeerInfo(h2p))) // h1 should immediately see a connection from h2 require.NotEmpty(t, h1.Network().ConnsToPeer(h2p)) // wait for h2 to Identify itself so we are sure h2 has seen the connection. ids1.IdentifyConn(h1.Network().ConnsToPeer(h2p)[0]) // h2 should now see the connection and we should wait for h1 to Identify itself to h2. require.NotEmpty(t, h2.Network().ConnsToPeer(h1p)) ids2.IdentifyConn(h2.Network().ConnsToPeer(h1p)[0]) testKnowsAddrs(t, h1, h2p, h2.Peerstore().Addrs(h2p)) testKnowsAddrs(t, h2, h1p, h1.Peerstore().Addrs(h1p)) // change addr on host 1 and ensure host2 gets a push lad := ma.StringCast("/ip4/") require.NoError(t, h1.Network().Listen(lad)) require.Contains(t, h1.Addrs(), lad) h2AddrStream := h2.Peerstore().AddrStream(ctx, h1p) emitAddrChangeEvt(t, h1) // Wait for h2 to process the new addr waitForAddrInStream(t, h2AddrStream, lad, 10*time.Second, "h2 did not receive addr change") require.True(t, ma.Contains(h2.Peerstore().Addrs(h1p), lad)) // change addr on host2 and ensure host 1 gets a pus lad = ma.StringCast("/ip4/") require.NoError(t, h2.Network().Listen(lad)) require.Contains(t, h2.Addrs(), lad) h1AddrStream := h1.Peerstore().AddrStream(ctx, h2p) emitAddrChangeEvt(t, h2) // Wait for h1 to process the new addr waitForAddrInStream(t, h1AddrStream, lad, 10*time.Second, "h1 did not receive addr change") require.True(t, ma.Contains(h1.Peerstore().Addrs(h2p), lad)) // change addr on host2 again lad2 := ma.StringCast("/ip4/") require.NoError(t, h2.Network().Listen(lad2)) require.Contains(t, h2.Addrs(), lad2) emitAddrChangeEvt(t, h2) // Wait for h1 to process the new addr waitForAddrInStream(t, h1AddrStream, lad2, 10*time.Second, "h1 did not receive addr change") require.True(t, ma.Contains(h1.Peerstore().Addrs(h2p), lad2)) } func TestUserAgent(t *testing.T) { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) defer cancel() h1, err := libp2p.New(libp2p.UserAgent("foo"), libp2p.ListenAddrStrings("/ip4/")) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } defer h1.Close() h2, err := libp2p.New(libp2p.UserAgent("bar"), libp2p.ListenAddrStrings("/ip4/")) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } defer h2.Close() err = h1.Connect(ctx, peer.AddrInfo{ID: h2.ID(), Addrs: h2.Addrs()}) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } av, err := h1.Peerstore().Get(h2.ID(), "AgentVersion") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if ver, ok := av.(string); !ok || ver != "bar" { t.Errorf("expected agent version %q, got %q", "bar", av) } } func TestNotListening(t *testing.T) { // Make sure we don't panic if we're not listening on any addresses. // // ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) defer cancel() h1, err := libp2p.New(libp2p.NoListenAddrs) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } defer h1.Close() h2, err := libp2p.New(libp2p.ListenAddrStrings("/ip4/")) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } defer h2.Close() err = h1.Connect(ctx, peer.AddrInfo{ID: h2.ID(), Addrs: h2.Addrs()}) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } func TestSendPush(t *testing.T) { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) defer cancel() h1 := blhost.NewBlankHost(swarmt.GenSwarm(t)) h2 := blhost.NewBlankHost(swarmt.GenSwarm(t)) defer h2.Close() defer h1.Close() ids1, err := identify.NewIDService(h1) require.NoError(t, err) defer ids1.Close() ids1.Start() ids2, err := identify.NewIDService(h2) require.NoError(t, err) defer ids2.Close() ids2.Start() err = h1.Connect(ctx, peer.AddrInfo{ID: h2.ID(), Addrs: h2.Addrs()}) require.NoError(t, err) // wait for them to Identify each other ids1.IdentifyConn(h1.Network().ConnsToPeer(h2.ID())[0]) ids2.IdentifyConn(h2.Network().ConnsToPeer(h1.ID())[0]) // h1 starts listening on a new protocol and h2 finds out about that through a push h1.SetStreamHandler("rand", func(network.Stream) {}) require.Eventually(t, func() bool { sup, err := h2.Peerstore().SupportsProtocols(h1.ID(), []protocol.ID{"rand"}...) return err == nil && len(sup) == 1 && sup[0] == "rand" }, time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond) // h1 stops listening on a protocol and h2 finds out about it via a push h1.RemoveStreamHandler("rand") require.Eventually(t, func() bool { sup, err := h2.Peerstore().SupportsProtocols(h1.ID(), []protocol.ID{"rand"}...) return err == nil && len(sup) == 0 }, time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond) } func TestLargeIdentifyMessage(t *testing.T) { if race.WithRace() { t.Skip("setting peerstore.RecentlyConnectedAddrTTL is racy") } oldTTL := peerstore.RecentlyConnectedAddrTTL peerstore.RecentlyConnectedAddrTTL = 500 * time.Millisecond t.Cleanup(func() { peerstore.RecentlyConnectedAddrTTL = oldTTL }) clk := mockClock.NewMock() swarm1 := swarmt.GenSwarm(t, swarmt.WithClock(clk)) swarm2 := swarmt.GenSwarm(t, swarmt.WithClock(clk)) h1 := blhost.NewBlankHost(swarm1) h2 := blhost.NewBlankHost(swarm2) // add protocol strings to make the message larger // about 2K of protocol strings for i := 0; i < 500; i++ { r := protocol.ID(fmt.Sprintf("rand%d", i)) h1.SetStreamHandler(r, func(network.Stream) {}) h2.SetStreamHandler(r, func(network.Stream) {}) } h1p := h1.ID() h2p := h2.ID() ids1, err := identify.NewIDService(h1) require.NoError(t, err) defer ids1.Close() ids1.Start() ids2, err := identify.NewIDService(h2) require.NoError(t, err) defer ids2.Close() ids2.Start() sub, err := ids1.Host.EventBus().Subscribe(new(event.EvtPeerIdentificationCompleted)) require.NoError(t, err) testKnowsAddrs(t, h1, h2p, []ma.Multiaddr{}) // nothing testKnowsAddrs(t, h2, h1p, []ma.Multiaddr{}) // nothing // the forgetMe addr represents an address for h1 that h2 has learned out of band // (not via identify protocol). During the identify exchange, it will be // forgotten and replaced by the addrs h1 sends. forgetMe, _ := ma.NewMultiaddr("/ip4/") h2.Peerstore().AddAddr(h1p, forgetMe, peerstore.RecentlyConnectedAddrTTL) h2pi := h2.Peerstore().PeerInfo(h2p) h2pi.Addrs = h2pi.Addrs[:1] require.NoError(t, h1.Connect(context.Background(), h2pi)) h1t2c := h1.Network().ConnsToPeer(h2p) require.Equal(t, 1, len(h1t2c), "should have a conn here") ids1.IdentifyConn(h1t2c[0]) // the idService should be opened automatically, by the network. // what we should see now is that both peers know about each others listen addresses. t.Log("test peer1 has peer2 addrs correctly") testKnowsAddrs(t, h1, h2p, h2.Addrs()) // has them testHasAgentVersion(t, h1, h2p) testHasPublicKey(t, h1, h2p, h2.Peerstore().PubKey(h2p)) // h1 should have h2's public key // now, this wait we do have to do. it's the wait for the Listening side // to be done identifying the connection. c := h2.Network().ConnsToPeer(h1.ID()) if len(c) != 1 { t.Fatal("should have connection by now at least.") } ids2.IdentifyConn(c[0]) // and the protocol versions. t.Log("test peer2 has peer1 addrs correctly") testKnowsAddrs(t, h2, h1p, h1.Addrs()) // has them testHasAgentVersion(t, h2, h1p) testHasPublicKey(t, h2, h1p, h1.Peerstore().PubKey(h1p)) // h1 should have h2's public key // Need both sides to actually notice that the connection has been closed. sentDisconnect1 := waitForDisconnectNotification(swarm1) sentDisconnect2 := waitForDisconnectNotification(swarm2) h1.Network().ClosePeer(h2p) h2.Network().ClosePeer(h1p) if len(h2.Network().ConnsToPeer(h1.ID())) != 0 || len(h1.Network().ConnsToPeer(h2.ID())) != 0 { t.Fatal("should have no connections") } t.Log("testing addrs just after disconnect") // addresses don't immediately expire on disconnect, so we should still have them testKnowsAddrs(t, h2, h1p, h1.Addrs()) testKnowsAddrs(t, h1, h2p, h2.Addrs()) <-sentDisconnect1 <-sentDisconnect2 // the addrs had their TTLs reduced on disconnect, and // will be forgotten soon after t.Log("testing addrs after TTL expiration") clk.Add(time.Second) testKnowsAddrs(t, h1, h2p, []ma.Multiaddr{}) testKnowsAddrs(t, h2, h1p, []ma.Multiaddr{}) // test that we received the "identify completed" event. select { case <-sub.Out(): case <-time.After(3 * time.Second): t.Fatalf("expected EvtPeerIdentificationCompleted event within 3 seconds; none received") } } func TestLargePushMessage(t *testing.T) { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) defer cancel() h1 := blhost.NewBlankHost(swarmt.GenSwarm(t)) h2 := blhost.NewBlankHost(swarmt.GenSwarm(t)) // add protocol strings to make the message larger // about 2K of protocol strings for i := 0; i < 500; i++ { r := protocol.ID(fmt.Sprintf("rand%d", i)) h1.SetStreamHandler(r, func(network.Stream) {}) h2.SetStreamHandler(r, func(network.Stream) {}) } h1p := h1.ID() h2p := h2.ID() ids1, err := identify.NewIDService(h1) require.NoError(t, err) defer ids1.Close() ids1.Start() ids2, err := identify.NewIDService(h2) require.NoError(t, err) defer ids2.Close() ids2.Start() testKnowsAddrs(t, h1, h2p, []ma.Multiaddr{}) // nothing testKnowsAddrs(t, h2, h1p, []ma.Multiaddr{}) // nothing h2pi := h2.Peerstore().PeerInfo(h2p) require.NoError(t, h1.Connect(ctx, h2pi)) // h1 should immediately see a connection from h2 require.NotEmpty(t, h1.Network().ConnsToPeer(h2p)) // wait for h2 to Identify itself so we are sure h2 has seen the connection. ids1.IdentifyConn(h1.Network().ConnsToPeer(h2p)[0]) // h2 should now see the connection and we should wait for h1 to Identify itself to h2. require.NotEmpty(t, h2.Network().ConnsToPeer(h1p)) ids2.IdentifyConn(h2.Network().ConnsToPeer(h1p)[0]) testKnowsAddrs(t, h1, h2p, h2.Peerstore().Addrs(h2p)) testKnowsAddrs(t, h2, h1p, h1.Peerstore().Addrs(h1p)) // change addr on host 1 and ensure host2 gets a push lad := ma.StringCast("/ip4/") require.NoError(t, h1.Network().Listen(lad)) require.Contains(t, h1.Addrs(), lad) emitAddrChangeEvt(t, h1) require.Eventually(t, func() bool { return ma.Contains(h2.Peerstore().Addrs(h1p), lad) }, time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond) // change addr on host2 and ensure host 1 gets a pus lad = ma.StringCast("/ip4/") require.NoError(t, h2.Network().Listen(lad)) require.Contains(t, h2.Addrs(), lad) emitAddrChangeEvt(t, h2) require.Eventually(t, func() bool { return ma.Contains(h1.Peerstore().Addrs(h2p), lad) }, time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond) // change addr on host2 again lad2 := ma.StringCast("/ip4/") require.NoError(t, h2.Network().Listen(lad2)) require.Contains(t, h2.Addrs(), lad2) emitAddrChangeEvt(t, h2) require.Eventually(t, func() bool { return ma.Contains(h1.Peerstore().Addrs(h2p), lad2) }, time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond) } func TestIdentifyResponseReadTimeout(t *testing.T) { timeout := identify.Timeout identify.Timeout = 100 * time.Millisecond defer func() { identify.Timeout = timeout }() ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) defer cancel() h1 := blhost.NewBlankHost(swarmt.GenSwarm(t)) h2 := blhost.NewBlankHost(swarmt.GenSwarm(t)) defer h1.Close() defer h2.Close() h2p := h2.ID() ids1, err := identify.NewIDService(h1) require.NoError(t, err) defer ids1.Close() ids1.Start() ids2, err := identify.NewIDService(h2) require.NoError(t, err) defer ids2.Close() ids2.Start() // remote stream handler will just hang and not send back an identify response h2.SetStreamHandler(identify.ID, func(s network.Stream) { time.Sleep(100 * time.Second) }) sub, err := ids1.Host.EventBus().Subscribe(new(event.EvtPeerIdentificationFailed)) require.NoError(t, err) h2pi := h2.Peerstore().PeerInfo(h2p) require.NoError(t, h1.Connect(ctx, h2pi)) select { case ev := <-sub.Out(): fev := ev.(event.EvtPeerIdentificationFailed) require.Contains(t, fev.Reason.Error(), "deadline") case <-time.After(5 * time.Second): t.Fatal("did not receive identify failure event") } } func TestIncomingIDStreamsTimeout(t *testing.T) { timeout := identify.Timeout identify.Timeout = 100 * time.Millisecond defer func() { identify.Timeout = timeout }() ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) defer cancel() protocols := []protocol.ID{identify.IDPush} for _, p := range protocols { h1 := blhost.NewBlankHost(swarmt.GenSwarm(t)) h2 := blhost.NewBlankHost(swarmt.GenSwarm(t)) defer h1.Close() defer h2.Close() ids1, err := identify.NewIDService(h1) require.NoError(t, err) defer ids1.Close() ids1.Start() ids2, err := identify.NewIDService(h2) require.NoError(t, err) defer ids2.Close() ids2.Start() h2p := h2.ID() h2pi := h2.Peerstore().PeerInfo(h2p) require.NoError(t, h1.Connect(ctx, h2pi)) _, err = h1.NewStream(ctx, h2p, p) require.NoError(t, err) // remote peer should eventually reset stream require.Eventually(t, func() bool { for _, c := range h2.Network().ConnsToPeer(h1.ID()) { if len(c.GetStreams()) > 0 { return false } } return true }, 5*time.Second, 200*time.Millisecond) } } func TestOutOfOrderConnectedNotifs(t *testing.T) { h1, err := libp2p.New(libp2p.NoListenAddrs) require.NoError(t, err) h2, err := libp2p.New(libp2p.ListenAddrs(ma.StringCast("/ip4/"))) require.NoError(t, err) doneCh := make(chan struct{}) errCh := make(chan error) // This callback may be called before identify's Connnected callback completes. If it does, the IdentifyWait should still finish successfully. h1.Network().Notify(&network.NotifyBundle{ ConnectedF: func(n network.Network, c network.Conn) { bh1 := h1.(*basichost.BasicHost) idChan := bh1.IDService().IdentifyWait(c) go func() { <-idChan protos, err := bh1.Peerstore().GetProtocols(h2.ID()) if err != nil { errCh <- err } if len(protos) == 0 { errCh <- errors.New("no protocols found. Identify did not complete") } close(doneCh) }() }, }) h1.Connect(context.Background(), peer.AddrInfo{ID: h2.ID(), Addrs: h2.Addrs()}) select { case <-doneCh: case err := <-errCh: t.Fatalf("err: %v", err) case <-time.After(3 * time.Second): t.Fatalf("identify wait never completed") } } func waitForAddrInStream(t *testing.T, s <-chan ma.Multiaddr, expected ma.Multiaddr, timeout time.Duration, failMsg string) { t.Helper() for { select { case addr := <-s: if addr.Equal(expected) { return } continue case <-time.After(timeout): t.Fatalf(failMsg) } } } func waitForDisconnectNotification(swarm *swarm.Swarm) <-chan struct{} { done := make(chan struct{}) var once sync.Once var nb *network.NotifyBundle nb = &network.NotifyBundle{ DisconnectedF: func(n network.Network, c network.Conn) { once.Do(func() { go func() { swarm.StopNotify(nb) close(done) }() }) }, } swarm.Notify(nb) return done }