reset ---- # For all prefixes a-z, write 3 keys at timestamps @1, @10, @100. # This populates a total of 26 * 3 = 78 keys. populate keylen=1 timestamps=(1, 10, 100) ---- wrote 78 keys combined-iter first next-prefix next-prefix next-prefix next-prefix next-prefix next-prefix next-prefix next-prefix next-prefix next-prefix next-prefix next-prefix next-prefix next-prefix next-prefix ---- a@100: (a@100, .) b@100: (b@100, .) c@100: (c@100, .) d@100: (d@100, .) e@100: (e@100, .) f@100: (f@100, .) g@100: (g@100, .) h@100: (h@100, .) i@100: (i@100, .) j@100: (j@100, .) k@100: (k@100, .) l@100: (l@100, .) m@100: (m@100, .) n@100: (n@100, .) o@100: (o@100, .) p@100: (p@100, .) combined-iter seek-ge n@30 next-prefix next next next-prefix ---- n@10: (n@10, .) o@100: (o@100, .) o@10: (o@10, .) o@1: (o@1, .) p@100: (p@100, .) combined-iter seek-prefix-ge p@210 next-prefix ---- p@100: (p@100, .) . combined-iter seek-ge p@210 next-prefix seek-ge p@210 next next-prefix seek-ge p@210 next next next-prefix ---- p@100: (p@100, .) q@100: (q@100, .) p@100: (p@100, .) p@10: (p@10, .) q@100: (q@100, .) p@100: (p@100, .) p@10: (p@10, .) p@1: (p@1, .) q@100: (q@100, .) reset target-file-size=1 ---- populate keylen=1 timestamps=(1, 10, 100) ---- wrote 78 keys flush ---- combined-iter first next-prefix next-prefix next-prefix next-prefix next-prefix next-prefix next-prefix next-prefix next-prefix next-prefix next-prefix next-prefix next-prefix next-prefix next-prefix ---- a@100: (a@100, .) b@100: (b@100, .) c@100: (c@100, .) d@100: (d@100, .) e@100: (e@100, .) f@100: (f@100, .) g@100: (g@100, .) h@100: (h@100, .) i@100: (i@100, .) j@100: (j@100, .) k@100: (k@100, .) l@100: (l@100, .) m@100: (m@100, .) n@100: (n@100, .) o@100: (o@100, .) p@100: (p@100, .) combined-iter seek-ge n@30 next-prefix next next next-prefix ---- n@10: (n@10, .) o@100: (o@100, .) o@10: (o@10, .) o@1: (o@1, .) p@100: (p@100, .) combined-iter seek-prefix-ge p@210 next-prefix ---- p@100: (p@100, .) . combined-iter seek-ge p@210 next-prefix seek-ge p@210 next next-prefix seek-ge p@210 next next next-prefix ---- p@100: (p@100, .) q@100: (q@100, .) p@100: (p@100, .) p@10: (p@10, .) q@100: (q@100, .) p@100: (p@100, .) p@10: (p@10, .) p@1: (p@1, .) q@100: (q@100, .) batch commit range-key-set p r @1 foo ---- committed 1 keys combined-iter seek-ge p@210 next-prefix ---- p@210: (., [p-r) @1=foo UPDATED) q@100: (q@100, [p-r) @1=foo) combined-iter seek-ge p@210 next-prefix seek-ge p@210 next next-prefix seek-ge p@210 next next next-prefix ---- p@210: (., [p-r) @1=foo UPDATED) q@100: (q@100, [p-r) @1=foo) p@210: (., [p-r) @1=foo) p@100: (p@100, [p-r) @1=foo) q@100: (q@100, [p-r) @1=foo) p@210: (., [p-r) @1=foo) p@100: (p@100, [p-r) @1=foo) p@10: (p@10, [p-r) @1=foo) q@100: (q@100, [p-r) @1=foo) # Test an iterator that is positioned on a range key start of a prefix, and the # next key is a point key with that same prefix. The interleaving iterator must # correctly handle this case and advance the point key iterator. combined-iter seek-ge p next-prefix ---- p: (., [p-r) @1=foo UPDATED) q@100: (q@100, [p-r) @1=foo) # Test switching directions via NextPrefix. combined-iter seek-ge p@100 prev next-prefix ---- p@100: (p@100, [p-r) @1=foo UPDATED) p: (., [p-r) @1=foo) q@100: (q@100, [p-r) @1=foo) # Test switching directions via NextPrefix when the internal iterator is # exhausted (in the reverse direction), but the Iterator is not. # eg, i.pos = iterPosPrev and i.iterKey == nil. combined-iter seek-ge a@10 prev next-prefix ---- a@10: (a@10, .) a@100: (a@100, .) b@100: (b@100, .) reset ---- populate keylen=1 timestamps=(1, 10, 100) ---- wrote 78 keys flush ---- lsm ---- 0.0: 000005:[a@100#12,SET-z@1#85,SET] # Test for Triggered the # bug. The second call to first would return c@100 instead of the correct key, # b@1. combined-iter upper=b@1 first next-prefix next-prefix set-bounds lower=b@1 upper=d first next first ---- a@100: (a@100, .) err=NextPrefix not permitted with upper bound b@1 err=NextPrefix not permitted with upper bound b@1 . b@1: (b@1, .) c@100: (c@100, .) b@1: (b@1, .) # Did not trigger since # Iterator.NextPrefix first does a Next. So the second call to NextPrefix # returned after the Next, since the upper bound was reached, which left the # Iterator positioned at b@1. combined-iter upper=b@10 first next-prefix next-prefix set-bounds lower=b@1 upper=d first next first ---- a@100: (a@100, .) err=NextPrefix not permitted with upper bound b@10 err=NextPrefix not permitted with upper bound b@10 . b@1: (b@1, .) c@100: (c@100, .) b@1: (b@1, .)