# https://taskfile.dev version: '3' dotenv: - '.env' vars: PROJECT_NAME: quilibrium SERVICE_NAME: node tasks: up: desc: Run a new Quilibrium and related containers, through docker compose. cmds: - docker compose up -d down: desc: Take down the Quilibrium containers, through docker compose. cmds: - docker compose down pull: desc: Pull new Docker images corresponding to the Quilibrium containers, through docker compose. cmds: - docker compose pull update: desc: Pull new Docker images corresponding to the Quilibrium containers, then restart all containers. cmds: - task: pull - task: down - task: up shell: desc: Drop into a shell inside the running container. cmds: - docker compose exec -it {{.SERVICE_NAME}} sh logs: desc: Print the logs of the running Quilibrium container. cmds: - docker compose logs -f logs-folder: desc: Show where Docker stores the logs for the Quilibrium node. You need root permissions to access the folder. cmds: - "docker container inspect {{.PROJECT_NAME}}-{{.SERVICE_NAME}}-1 | grep LogPath | cut -d : -f 2 | cut -d '\"' -f 2 | xargs dirname" node-info: desc: Displays node related info for a running node. cmds: - docker compose exec node node -node-info backup: desc: Create a backup file with the critical configuration files. prompt: You will be prompted for root access. Make sure you verify the generated backup file. Continue? preconditions: - sh: 'test -d .config' msg: '.config does not exists!' - sh: 'test -f .config/config.yml' msg: '.config/config.yml does not exists!' - sh: 'test -f .config/keys.yml' msg: '.config/keys.yml does not exists!' - sh: '! test -f backup.tar.gz' msg: 'A previous backup.tar.gz found in the current folder!' sources: - '.config/config.yml' - '.config/keys.yml' generates: - 'backup.tar.gz' cmds: - | export TMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d) export TASK_DIR=$(pwd) sudo cp .config/config.yml $TMP_DIR sudo cp .config/keys.yml $TMP_DIR sudo chown $(whoami):$(id -gn) $TMP_DIR/* cd $TMP_DIR tar -czf $TASK_DIR/backup.tar.gz * cd $TASK_DIR sudo rm -rf $TMP_DIR echo "Backup saved to: backup.tar.gz" echo "Do not assume you have a backup unless you verify it!!!" silent: true restore: desc: Restores a backup file with the critical configuration files. preconditions: - sh: '! test -d .config' msg: '.config already exists, restore cannot be performed safely!' - sh: 'test -f backup.tar.gz' msg: 'backup.tar.gz not found in the current folder!' sources: - 'backup.tar.gz' generates: - '.config/config.yml' - '.config/keys.yml' cmds: - | mkdir .config tar -xzf backup.tar.gz -C .config echo "Backup restored from: backup.tar.gz" silent: true test:port: desc: Test if the P2P port is visible to the world. preconditions: - sh: 'test -x "$(command -v nc)"' msg: 'nc is not installed, install with "sudo apt install netcat"' - sh: 'test -n "$NODE_PUBLIC_NAME"' msg: 'The public DNS name or IP address of the server must be set in NODE_PUBLIC_NAME.' cmds: - 'nc -vzu ${NODE_PUBLIC_NAME} ${QUILIBRIUM_P2P_PORT:=8336}'