package v1 import ( "bytes" "encoding/gob" "fmt" "" "" "" "" v0 "" "" "" ) const payloadKey = "direct" func newDkgProtocolMessage(payload []byte, round string, version uint) *protocol.Message { return &protocol.Message{ Protocol: protocol.Dkls18Dkg, Version: version, Payloads: map[string][]byte{payloadKey: payload}, Metadata: map[string]string{"round": round}, } } func registerTypes() { gob.Register(&curves.ScalarK256{}) gob.Register(&curves.PointK256{}) gob.Register(&curves.ScalarP256{}) gob.Register(&curves.PointP256{}) } func encodeDkgRound1Output(commitment [32]byte, version uint) (*protocol.Message, error) { if version != protocol.Version1 { return nil, errors.New("only version 1 is supported") } registerTypes() buf := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{}) enc := gob.NewEncoder(buf) if err := enc.Encode(&commitment); err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } return newDkgProtocolMessage(buf.Bytes(), "1", version), nil } func decodeDkgRound2Input(m *protocol.Message) ([32]byte, error) { if m.Version != protocol.Version1 { return [32]byte{}, errors.New("only version 1 is supported") } buf := bytes.NewBuffer(m.Payloads[payloadKey]) dec := gob.NewDecoder(buf) decoded := [32]byte{} if err := dec.Decode(&decoded); err != nil { return [32]byte{}, errors.WithStack(err) } return decoded, nil } func encodeDkgRound2Output(output *dkg.Round2Output, version uint) (*protocol.Message, error) { if version != protocol.Version1 { return nil, errors.New("only version 1 is supported") } buf := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{}) enc := gob.NewEncoder(buf) if err := enc.Encode(output); err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } return newDkgProtocolMessage(buf.Bytes(), "2", version), nil } func decodeDkgRound3Input(m *protocol.Message) (*dkg.Round2Output, error) { if m.Version != protocol.Version1 { return nil, errors.New("only version 1 is supported") } buf := bytes.NewBuffer(m.Payloads[payloadKey]) dec := gob.NewDecoder(buf) decoded := new(dkg.Round2Output) if err := dec.Decode(decoded); err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } return decoded, nil } func encodeDkgRound3Output(proof *schnorr.Proof, version uint) (*protocol.Message, error) { if version != protocol.Version1 { return nil, errors.New("only version 1 is supported") } buf := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{}) enc := gob.NewEncoder(buf) if err := enc.Encode(proof); err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } return newDkgProtocolMessage(buf.Bytes(), "3", version), nil } func decodeDkgRound4Input(m *protocol.Message) (*schnorr.Proof, error) { if m.Version != protocol.Version1 { return nil, errors.New("only version 1 is supported") } buf := bytes.NewBuffer(m.Payloads[payloadKey]) dec := gob.NewDecoder(buf) decoded := new(schnorr.Proof) if err := dec.Decode(decoded); err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } return decoded, nil } func encodeDkgRound4Output(proof *schnorr.Proof, version uint) (*protocol.Message, error) { if version != protocol.Version1 { return nil, errors.New("only version 1 is supported") } buf := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{}) enc := gob.NewEncoder(buf) if err := enc.Encode(proof); err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } return newDkgProtocolMessage(buf.Bytes(), "4", version), nil } func decodeDkgRound5Input(m *protocol.Message) (*schnorr.Proof, error) { if m.Version != protocol.Version1 { return nil, errors.New("only version 1 is supported") } buf := bytes.NewBuffer(m.Payloads[payloadKey]) dec := gob.NewDecoder(buf) decoded := new(schnorr.Proof) if err := dec.Decode(decoded); err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } return decoded, nil } func encodeDkgRound5Output(proof *schnorr.Proof, version uint) (*protocol.Message, error) { if version != protocol.Version1 { return nil, errors.New("only version 1 is supported") } buf := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{}) enc := gob.NewEncoder(buf) if err := enc.Encode(proof); err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } return newDkgProtocolMessage(buf.Bytes(), "5", version), nil } func decodeDkgRound6Input(m *protocol.Message) (*schnorr.Proof, error) { if m.Version != protocol.Version1 { return nil, errors.New("only version 1 is supported") } buf := bytes.NewBuffer(m.Payloads[payloadKey]) dec := gob.NewDecoder(buf) decoded := new(schnorr.Proof) if err := dec.Decode(decoded); err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } return decoded, nil } func encodeDkgRound6Output(choices []simplest.ReceiversMaskedChoices, version uint) (*protocol.Message, error) { if version != protocol.Version1 { return nil, errors.New("only version 1 is supported") } buf := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{}) enc := gob.NewEncoder(buf) if err := enc.Encode(choices); err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } return newDkgProtocolMessage(buf.Bytes(), "6", version), nil } func decodeDkgRound7Input(m *protocol.Message) ([]simplest.ReceiversMaskedChoices, error) { if m.Version != protocol.Version1 { return nil, errors.New("only version 1 is supported") } buf := bytes.NewBuffer(m.Payloads[payloadKey]) dec := gob.NewDecoder(buf) decoded := []simplest.ReceiversMaskedChoices{} if err := dec.Decode(&decoded); err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } return decoded, nil } func encodeDkgRound7Output(challenge []simplest.OtChallenge, version uint) (*protocol.Message, error) { if version != protocol.Version1 { return nil, errors.New("only version 1 is supported") } buf := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{}) enc := gob.NewEncoder(buf) if err := enc.Encode(challenge); err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } return newDkgProtocolMessage(buf.Bytes(), "7", version), nil } func decodeDkgRound8Input(m *protocol.Message) ([]simplest.OtChallenge, error) { if m.Version != protocol.Version1 { return nil, errors.New("only version 1 is supported") } buf := bytes.NewBuffer(m.Payloads[payloadKey]) dec := gob.NewDecoder(buf) decoded := []simplest.OtChallenge{} if err := dec.Decode(&decoded); err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } return decoded, nil } func encodeDkgRound8Output(responses []simplest.OtChallengeResponse, version uint) (*protocol.Message, error) { if version != protocol.Version1 { return nil, errors.New("only version 1 is supported") } buf := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{}) enc := gob.NewEncoder(buf) if err := enc.Encode(responses); err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } return newDkgProtocolMessage(buf.Bytes(), "8", version), nil } func decodeDkgRound9Input(m *protocol.Message) ([]simplest.OtChallengeResponse, error) { if m.Version != protocol.Version1 { return nil, errors.New("only version 1 is supported") } buf := bytes.NewBuffer(m.Payloads[payloadKey]) dec := gob.NewDecoder(buf) decoded := []simplest.OtChallengeResponse{} if err := dec.Decode(&decoded); err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } return decoded, nil } func encodeDkgRound9Output(opening []simplest.ChallengeOpening, version uint) (*protocol.Message, error) { if version != protocol.Version1 { return nil, errors.New("only version 1 is supported") } buf := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{}) enc := gob.NewEncoder(buf) if err := enc.Encode(opening); err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } return newDkgProtocolMessage(buf.Bytes(), "9", version), nil } func decodeDkgRound10Input(m *protocol.Message) ([]simplest.ChallengeOpening, error) { if m.Version != protocol.Version1 { return nil, errors.New("only version 1 is supported") } buf := bytes.NewBuffer(m.Payloads[payloadKey]) dec := gob.NewDecoder(buf) decoded := []simplest.ChallengeOpening{} if err := dec.Decode(&decoded); err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } return decoded, nil } // EncodeAliceDkgOutput serializes Alice DKG output based on the protocol version. func EncodeAliceDkgOutput(result *dkg.AliceOutput, version uint) (*protocol.Message, error) { if version != protocol.Version1 { return nil, errors.New("only version 1 is supported") } registerTypes() buf := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{}) enc := gob.NewEncoder(buf) if err := enc.Encode(result); err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } return newDkgProtocolMessage(buf.Bytes(), "alice-output", version), nil } // DecodeAliceDkgResult deserializes Alice DKG output. func DecodeAliceDkgResult(m *protocol.Message) (*dkg.AliceOutput, error) { if m.Version != protocol.Version1 { return nil, errors.New("only version 1 is supported") } registerTypes() buf := bytes.NewBuffer(m.Payloads[payloadKey]) dec := gob.NewDecoder(buf) decoded := new(dkg.AliceOutput) if err := dec.Decode(&decoded); err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } return decoded, nil } // EncodeBobDkgOutput serializes Bob DKG output based on the protocol version. func EncodeBobDkgOutput(result *dkg.BobOutput, version uint) (*protocol.Message, error) { if version != protocol.Version1 { return nil, errors.New("only version 1 is supported") } registerTypes() buf := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{}) enc := gob.NewEncoder(buf) if err := enc.Encode(result); err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } return newDkgProtocolMessage(buf.Bytes(), "bob-output", version), nil } // DecodeBobDkgResult deserializes Bob DKG output. func DecodeBobDkgResult(m *protocol.Message) (*dkg.BobOutput, error) { if m.Version != protocol.Version1 { return nil, errors.New("only version 1 is supported") } buf := bytes.NewBuffer(m.Payloads[payloadKey]) dec := gob.NewDecoder(buf) decoded := new(dkg.BobOutput) if err := dec.Decode(&decoded); err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } return decoded, nil } // ConvertAliceDkgOutputToV1 converts the V0 output to V1 output. // The V0 version of DKls `gob` encoded entire `Alice` object and returned it as DKG state and returned this state and // the public key to the caller as the serialized version of DKG. // In contrast, the V1 version of DKLs `gob` encodes only what is need for signing algorithm. Therefore, this function // first decodes the V0 dkg result to Alice object and a public key. Then extracts the required data out of the Alice // object and creates V1 Dkg output object. // Note that in addition to extracting the required data, this function also performs type conversions on curve Scalar // and Points. The reason is that between V0 and V1, the interface and data types for curve computation has changed. // // Furthermore, the new encoded value is represented as a `protocol.Message` which contains versioning and other // metadata about the serialized values. This serialized value will be the input to the sign function. // // In summary, the following data mapping and conversion is performed. // - v0.alice.Pk -> Converted to v1.PublicKey (a curve Point) // - v0.alice.SkA -> Converted to v1.SecretKeyShare (a scalar value) // - v0.alice.Receiver.Packed -> Converted to v1.SeedOtResult.PackedRandomChoiceBits (the random choice bits in OT) // - v0.alice.Receiver.Packed -> Converted to v1.SeedOtResult.RandomChoiceBits (the random choice bits in OT in unpacked form) // - v0.alice.Receiver.Rho -> Converted to v1.SeedOtResult.OneTimePadDecryptionKey (the Rho value in the paper) func ConvertAliceDkgOutputToV1(params *v0.Params, dkgResult []byte) (*protocol.Message, error) { alice, err := v0.DecodeAlice(params, dkgResult) if err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } var curve *curves.Curve if params.Curve.Params().Name == curves.K256Name { curve = curves.K256() } else if params.Curve.Params().Name == curves.P256Name { curve = curves.P256() } else { return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported curve %s", params.Curve.Params().Name) } publicKey, err := curve.Point.Set(alice.Pk.X, alice.Pk.Y) if err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } secretKey, err := curve.Scalar.SetBigInt(alice.SkA) if err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } packedChoiceBits := make([]byte, len(alice.Receiver.Packed)) copy(packedChoiceBits, alice.Receiver.Packed[:]) // V0 was strictly 256 randomChoiceBits := make([]int, 256) for i := 0; i < len(randomChoiceBits); i++ { randomChoiceBits[i] = int(simplest.ExtractBitFromByteVector(packedChoiceBits, i)) } decryptionPads := make([]simplest.OneTimePadDecryptionKey, 256) for i := 0; i < 256; i++ { for j := 0; j < simplest.DigestSize; j++ { decryptionPads[i][j] = alice.Receiver.Rho[i][j] } } dkgConvertedResult := &dkg.AliceOutput{ PublicKey: publicKey, SecretKeyShare: secretKey, SeedOtResult: &simplest.ReceiverOutput{ PackedRandomChoiceBits: packedChoiceBits, RandomChoiceBits: randomChoiceBits, OneTimePadDecryptionKey: decryptionPads, }, } return EncodeAliceDkgOutput(dkgConvertedResult, protocol.Version1) } // ConvertBobDkgOutputToV1 converts the V0 output to V1 output. // The V0 version of DKls `gob` encoded entire `Bob` object and returned it as DKG state and returned this state and // the public key to the caller as the serialized version of DKG. // In contrast, the V1 version of DKLs `gob` encodes only what is need for signing algorithm. Therefore, this function // first decodes the V0 dkg result to Bob object and a public key. Then extracts the required data out of the Bob // object and creates V1 Dkg output object. // Note that in addition to extracting the required data, this function also performs type conversions on curve Scalar // and Points. The reason is that between V0 and V1, the interface and data types for curve computation has changed. // // Furthermore, the new encoded value is represented as a `protocol.Message` which contains versioning and other // metadata about the serialized values. This serialized value will be the input to the sign function. // // In summary, the following data mapping and conversion is performed. // - v0.bob.Pk -> Converted to v1.PublicKey (a curve Point) // - v0.bob.SkA -> Converted to v1.SecretKeyShare (a scalar value) // - v0.bob.Sender.Rho -> Converted to v1.SeedOtResult.OneTimePadEncryptionKeys (the Rho value in the paper) func ConvertBobDkgOutputToV1(params *v0.Params, dkgResult []byte) (*protocol.Message, error) { bob, err := v0.DecodeBob(params, dkgResult) if err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } var curve *curves.Curve if params.Curve.Params().Name == curves.K256Name { curve = curves.K256() } else if params.Curve.Params().Name == curves.P256Name { curve = curves.P256() } else { return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported curve %s", params.Curve.Params().Name) } publicKey, err := curve.Point.Set(bob.Pk.X, bob.Pk.Y) if err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } secretKey, err := curve.Scalar.SetBigInt(bob.SkB) if err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } // V0 was strictly 256 encryptionPads := make([]simplest.OneTimePadEncryptionKeys, 256) for i := 0; i < 256; i++ { for k := 0; k < 2; k++ { // simplest.keyCount for j := 0; j < simplest.DigestSize; j++ { encryptionPads[i][k][j] = bob.Sender.Rho[i][k][j] } } } dkgConvertedResult := &dkg.BobOutput{ PublicKey: publicKey, SecretKeyShare: secretKey, SeedOtResult: &simplest.SenderOutput{ OneTimePadEncryptionKeys: encryptionPads, }, } return EncodeBobDkgOutput(dkgConvertedResult, protocol.Version1) }