package v1 import ( "hash" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // AliceDkg DKLS DKG implementation that satisfies the protocol iterator interface. type AliceDkg struct { protoStepper *dkg.Alice } // BobDkg DKLS DKG implementation that satisfies the protocol iterator interface. type BobDkg struct { protoStepper *dkg.Bob } // AliceSign DKLS sign implementation that satisfies the protocol iterator interface. type AliceSign struct { protoStepper *sign.Alice } // BobSign DKLS sign implementation that satisfies the protocol iterator interface. type BobSign struct { protoStepper *sign.Bob } // AliceRefresh DKLS refresh implementation that satisfies the protocol iterator interface. type AliceRefresh struct { protoStepper *refresh.Alice } // BobRefresh DKLS refresh implementation that satisfies the protocol iterator interface. type BobRefresh struct { protoStepper *refresh.Bob } var ( // Static type assertions _ protocol.Iterator = &AliceDkg{} _ protocol.Iterator = &BobDkg{} _ protocol.Iterator = &AliceSign{} _ protocol.Iterator = &BobSign{} _ protocol.Iterator = &AliceRefresh{} _ protocol.Iterator = &BobRefresh{} ) // NewAliceDkg creates a new protocol that can compute a DKG as Alice func NewAliceDkg(kappa int, s int, curve *curves.Curve, version uint) *AliceDkg { a := &AliceDkg{Alice: dkg.NewAlice(kappa, s, curve)} a.steps = []func(*protocol.Message) (*protocol.Message, error){ func(input *protocol.Message) (*protocol.Message, error) { bobSeed, err := decodeDkgRound2Input(input) if err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } roundOutput, err := a.Round2CommitToProof(bobSeed) if err != nil { return nil, err } return encodeDkgRound2Output(roundOutput, version) }, func(input *protocol.Message) (*protocol.Message, error) { proof, err := decodeDkgRound4Input(input) if err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } aliceProof, err := a.Round4VerifyAndReveal(proof) if err != nil { return nil, err } return encodeDkgRound4Output(aliceProof, version) }, func(input *protocol.Message) (*protocol.Message, error) { proof, err := decodeDkgRound6Input(input) if err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } choices, err := a.Round6DkgRound2Ot(proof) if err != nil { return nil, err } return encodeDkgRound6Output(choices, version) }, func(input *protocol.Message) (*protocol.Message, error) { challenge, err := decodeDkgRound8Input(input) if err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } responses, err := a.Round8DkgRound4Ot(challenge) if err != nil { return nil, err } return encodeDkgRound8Output(responses, version) }, func(input *protocol.Message) (*protocol.Message, error) { opening, err := decodeDkgRound10Input(input) if err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } if err := a.Round10DkgRound6Ot(opening); err != nil { return nil, err } return nil, nil }, } return a } // Result Returns an encoded version of Alice as sequence of bytes that can be used to initialize an AliceSign protocol. func (a *AliceDkg) Result(version uint) (*protocol.Message, error) { // Sanity check if !a.complete() { return nil, nil } if a.Alice == nil { return nil, protocol.ErrNotInitialized } result := a.Output() return EncodeAliceDkgOutput(result, version) } // NewBobDkg Creates a new protocol that can compute a DKG as Bob. func NewBobDkg(kappa int, s int, curve *curves.Curve, version uint) *BobDkg { b := &BobDkg{Bob: dkg.NewBob(kappa, s, curve)} b.steps = []func(message *protocol.Message) (*protocol.Message, error){ func(*protocol.Message) (*protocol.Message, error) { commitment, err := b.Round1GenerateRandomSeed() if err != nil { return nil, err } return encodeDkgRound1Output(commitment, version) }, func(input *protocol.Message) (*protocol.Message, error) { round3Input, err := decodeDkgRound3Input(input) if err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } bobProof, err := b.Round3SchnorrProve(round3Input) if err != nil { return nil, err } return encodeDkgRound3Output(bobProof, version) }, func(input *protocol.Message) (*protocol.Message, error) { proof, err := decodeDkgRound5Input(input) if err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } bobProof, err := b.Round5DecommitmentAndStartOt(proof) if err != nil { return nil, err } return encodeDkgRound5Output(bobProof, version) }, func(input *protocol.Message) (*protocol.Message, error) { choices, err := decodeDkgRound7Input(input) if err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } challenge, err := b.Round7DkgRound3Ot(choices) if err != nil { return nil, err } return encodeDkgRound7Output(challenge, version) }, func(input *protocol.Message) (*protocol.Message, error) { responses, err := decodeDkgRound9Input(input) if err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } opening, err := b.Round9DkgRound5Ot(responses) if err != nil { return nil, err } return encodeDkgRound9Output(opening, version) }, } return b } // Result returns an encoded version of Bob as sequence of bytes that can be used to initialize an BobSign protocol. func (b *BobDkg) Result(version uint) (*protocol.Message, error) { // Sanity check if !b.complete() { return nil, nil } if b.Bob == nil { return nil, protocol.ErrNotInitialized } result := b.Output() return EncodeBobDkgOutput(result, version) } // NewAliceSign creates a new protocol that can compute a signature as Alice. // Requires dkg state that was produced at the end of DKG.Output(). func NewAliceSign(kappa uint, s uint, curve *curves.Curve, hash hash.Hash, message []byte, dkgResultMessage *protocol.Message, version uint) (*AliceSign, error) { dkgResult, err := DecodeAliceDkgResult(dkgResultMessage) if err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } a := &AliceSign{Alice: sign.NewAlice(kappa, s, curve, hash, dkgResult)} a.steps = []func(message *protocol.Message) (*protocol.Message, error){ func(*protocol.Message) (*protocol.Message, error) { aliceCommitment, err := a.Round1GenerateRandomSeed() if err != nil { return nil, err } return encodeSignRound1Output(aliceCommitment, version) }, func(input *protocol.Message) (*protocol.Message, error) { round2Output, err := decodeSignRound3Input(input) if err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } round3Output, err := a.Round3Sign(message, round2Output) if err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } return encodeSignRound3Output(round3Output, version) }, } return a, nil } // NewBobSign creates a new protocol that can compute a signature as Bob. // Requires dkg state that was produced at the end of DKG.Output(). func NewBobSign(kappa uint, s uint, curve *curves.Curve, hash hash.Hash, message []byte, dkgResultMessage *protocol.Message, version uint) (*BobSign, error) { dkgResult, err := DecodeBobDkgResult(dkgResultMessage) if err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } b := &BobSign{Bob: sign.NewBob(kappa, s, curve, hash, dkgResult)} b.steps = []func(message *protocol.Message) (*protocol.Message, error){ func(input *protocol.Message) (*protocol.Message, error) { commitment, err := decodeSignRound2Input(input) if err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } round2Output, err := b.Round2Initialize(commitment) if err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } return encodeSignRound2Output(round2Output, version) }, func(input *protocol.Message) (*protocol.Message, error) { round4Input, err := decodeSignRound4Input(input) if err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } if err = b.Round4Final(message, round4Input); err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } return nil, nil }, } return b, nil } // Result always returns an error. // Alice does not compute a signature in the DKLS protocol; only Bob computes the signature. func (a *AliceSign) Result(_ uint) (*protocol.Message, error) { return nil, errors.New("dkls.Alice does not produce a signature") } // Result returns the signature that Bob computed as a *core.EcdsaSignature if the signing protocol completed successfully. func (b *BobSign) Result(version uint) (*protocol.Message, error) { // We can't produce a signature until the protocol completes if !b.complete() { return nil, nil } if b.Bob == nil { // Object wasn't created with NewXSign() return nil, protocol.ErrNotInitialized } return encodeSignature(b.Bob.Signature, version) } // NewAliceRefresh creates a new protocol that can compute a key refresh as Alice func NewAliceRefresh(kappa int, s int, curve *curves.Curve, dkgResultMessage *protocol.Message, version uint) (*AliceRefresh, error) { dkgResult, err := DecodeAliceDkgResult(dkgResultMessage) if err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } a := &AliceRefresh{Alice: refresh.NewAlice(kappa, s, curve, dkgResult)} a.steps = []func(*protocol.Message) (*protocol.Message, error){ func(input *protocol.Message) (*protocol.Message, error) { aliceSeed := a.Round1RefreshGenerateSeed() return encodeRefreshRound1Output(aliceSeed, version) }, func(input *protocol.Message) (*protocol.Message, error) { round3Input, err := decodeRefreshRound3Input(input) if err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } round3Output, err := a.Round3RefreshMultiplyRound2Ot(round3Input) if err != nil { return nil, err } return encodeRefreshRound3Output(round3Output, version) }, func(input *protocol.Message) (*protocol.Message, error) { round5Input, err := decodeRefreshRound5Input(input) if err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } round5Output, err := a.Round5RefreshRound4Ot(round5Input) if err != nil { return nil, err } return encodeRefreshRound5Output(round5Output, version) }, func(input *protocol.Message) (*protocol.Message, error) { round7Input, err := decodeRefreshRound7Input(input) if err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } if err := a.Round7DkgRound6Ot(round7Input); err != nil { return nil, err } return nil, nil }, } return a, nil } // Result Returns an encoded version of Alice as sequence of bytes that can be used to initialize an AliceSign protocol. func (a *AliceRefresh) Result(version uint) (*protocol.Message, error) { // Sanity check if !a.complete() { return nil, nil } if a.Alice == nil { return nil, protocol.ErrNotInitialized } result := a.Output() return EncodeAliceDkgOutput(result, version) } // NewBobRefresh Creates a new protocol that can compute a refresh as Bob. func NewBobRefresh(kappa int, s int, curve *curves.Curve, dkgResultMessage *protocol.Message, version uint) (*BobRefresh, error) { dkgResult, err := DecodeBobDkgResult(dkgResultMessage) if err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } b := &BobRefresh{Bob: refresh.NewBob(kappa, s, curve, dkgResult)} b.steps = []func(message *protocol.Message) (*protocol.Message, error){ func(input *protocol.Message) (*protocol.Message, error) { round2Input, err := decodeRefreshRound2Input(input) if err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } round2Output, err := b.Round2RefreshProduceSeedAndMultiplyAndStartOT(round2Input) if err != nil { return nil, err } return encodeRefreshRound2Output(round2Output, version) }, func(input *protocol.Message) (*protocol.Message, error) { round4Input, err := decodeRefreshRound4Input(input) if err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } round4Output, err := b.Round4RefreshRound3Ot(round4Input) if err != nil { return nil, err } return encodeRefreshRound4Output(round4Output, version) }, func(input *protocol.Message) (*protocol.Message, error) { round6Input, err := decodeRefreshRound6Input(input) if err != nil { return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } round6Output, err := b.Round6RefreshRound5Ot(round6Input) if err != nil { return nil, err } return encodeRefreshRound6Output(round6Output, version) }, } return b, nil } // Result returns an encoded version of Bob as sequence of bytes that can be used to initialize an BobSign protocol. func (b *BobRefresh) Result(version uint) (*protocol.Message, error) { // Sanity check if !b.complete() { return nil, nil } if b.Bob == nil { return nil, protocol.ErrNotInitialized } result := b.Output() return EncodeBobDkgOutput(result, version) }