package swarm import ( "context" "math" "sync" "time" "" "" ma "" ) // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // lo and behold, The Dialer // TODO explain how all this works // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // dialRequest is structure used to request dials to the peer associated with a // worker loop type dialRequest struct { // ctx is the context that may be used for the request // if another concurrent request is made, any of the concurrent request's ctx may be used for // dials to the peer's addresses // ctx for simultaneous connect requests have higher priority than normal requests ctx context.Context // resch is the channel used to send the response for this query resch chan dialResponse } // dialResponse is the response sent to dialRequests on the request's resch channel type dialResponse struct { // conn is the connection to the peer on success conn *Conn // err is the error in dialing the peer // nil on connection success err error } // pendRequest is used to track progress on a dialRequest. type pendRequest struct { // req is the original dialRequest req dialRequest // err comprises errors of all failed dials err *DialError // addrs are the addresses on which we are waiting for pending dials // At the time of creation addrs is initialised to all the addresses of the peer. On a failed dial, // the addr is removed from the map and err is updated. On a successful dial, the dialRequest is // completed and response is sent with the connection addrs map[string]struct{} } // addrDial tracks dials to a particular multiaddress. type addrDial struct { // addr is the address dialed addr ma.Multiaddr // ctx is the context used for dialing the address ctx context.Context // conn is the established connection on success conn *Conn // err is the err on dialing the address err error // requests is the list of pendRequests interested in this dial // the value in the slice is the request number assigned to this request by the dialWorker requests []int // dialed indicates whether we have triggered the dial to the address dialed bool // createdAt is the time this struct was created createdAt time.Time // dialRankingDelay is the delay in dialing this address introduced by the ranking logic dialRankingDelay time.Duration } // dialWorker synchronises concurrent dials to a peer. It ensures that we make at most one dial to a // peer's address type dialWorker struct { s *Swarm peer peer.ID // reqch is used to send dial requests to the worker. close reqch to end the worker loop reqch <-chan dialRequest // reqno is the request number used to track different dialRequests for a peer. // Each incoming request is assigned a reqno. This reqno is used in pendingRequests and in // addrDial objects in trackedDials to track this request reqno int // pendingRequests maps reqno to the pendRequest object for a dialRequest pendingRequests map[int]*pendRequest // trackedDials tracks dials to the peers addresses. An entry here is used to ensure that // we dial an address at most once trackedDials map[string]*addrDial // resch is used to receive response for dials to the peers addresses. resch chan dialResult connected bool // true when a connection has been successfully established // for testing wg sync.WaitGroup cl Clock } func newDialWorker(s *Swarm, p peer.ID, reqch <-chan dialRequest, cl Clock) *dialWorker { if cl == nil { cl = RealClock{} } return &dialWorker{ s: s, peer: p, reqch: reqch, pendingRequests: make(map[int]*pendRequest), trackedDials: make(map[string]*addrDial), resch: make(chan dialResult), cl: cl, } } // loop implements the core dial worker loop. Requests are received on w.reqch. // The loop exits when w.reqch is closed. func (w *dialWorker) loop() { w.wg.Add(1) defer w.wg.Done() defer w.s.limiter.clearAllPeerDials(w.peer) // dq is used to pace dials to different addresses of the peer dq := newDialQueue() // dialsInFlight is the number of dials in flight. dialsInFlight := 0 startTime := // dialTimer is the dialTimer used to trigger dials dialTimer := timerRunning := true // scheduleNextDial updates timer for triggering the next dial scheduleNextDial := func() { if timerRunning && !dialTimer.Stop() { <-dialTimer.Ch() } timerRunning = false if dq.len() > 0 { if dialsInFlight == 0 && !w.connected { // if there are no dials in flight, trigger the next dials immediately dialTimer.Reset(startTime) } else { dialTimer.Reset(startTime.Add( } timerRunning = true } } // totalDials is used to track number of dials made by this worker for metrics totalDials := 0 loop: for { // The loop has three parts // 1. Input requests are received on w.reqch. If a suitable connection is not available we create // a pendRequest object to track the dialRequest and add the addresses to dq. // 2. Addresses from the dialQueue are dialed at appropriate time intervals depending on delay logic. // We are notified of the completion of these dials on w.resch. // 3. Responses for dials are received on w.resch. On receiving a response, we updated the pendRequests // interested in dials on this address. select { case req, ok := <-w.reqch: if !ok { if w.s.metricsTracer != nil { w.s.metricsTracer.DialCompleted(w.connected, totalDials) } return } // We have received a new request. If we do not have a suitable connection, // track this dialRequest with a pendRequest. // Enqueue the peer's addresses relevant to this request in dq and // track dials to the addresses relevant to this request. c, err := w.s.bestAcceptableConnToPeer(req.ctx, w.peer) if c != nil || err != nil { req.resch <- dialResponse{conn: c, err: err} continue loop } addrs, err := w.s.addrsForDial(req.ctx, w.peer) if err != nil { req.resch <- dialResponse{err: err} continue loop } // get the delays to dial these addrs from the swarms dialRanker simConnect, _, _ := network.GetSimultaneousConnect(req.ctx) addrRanking := w.rankAddrs(addrs, simConnect) addrDelay := make(map[string]time.Duration, len(addrRanking)) // create the pending request object pr := &pendRequest{ req: req, err: &DialError{Peer: w.peer}, addrs: make(map[string]struct{}, len(addrRanking)), } for _, adelay := range addrRanking { pr.addrs[string(adelay.Addr.Bytes())] = struct{}{} addrDelay[string(adelay.Addr.Bytes())] = adelay.Delay } // Check if dials to any of the addrs have completed already // If they have errored, record the error in pr. If they have succeeded, // respond with the connection. // If they are pending, add them to tojoin. // If we haven't seen any of the addresses before, add them to todial. var todial []ma.Multiaddr var tojoin []*addrDial for _, adelay := range addrRanking { ad, ok := w.trackedDials[string(adelay.Addr.Bytes())] if !ok { todial = append(todial, adelay.Addr) continue } if ad.conn != nil { // dial to this addr was successful, complete the request req.resch <- dialResponse{conn: ad.conn} continue loop } if ad.err != nil { // dial to this addr errored, accumulate the error pr.err.recordErr(ad.addr, ad.err) delete(pr.addrs, string(ad.addr.Bytes())) continue } // dial is still pending, add to the join list tojoin = append(tojoin, ad) } if len(todial) == 0 && len(tojoin) == 0 { // all request applicable addrs have been dialed, we must have errored req.resch <- dialResponse{err: pr.err} continue loop } // The request has some pending or new dials. We assign this request a request number. // This value of w.reqno is used to track this request in all the structures w.reqno++ w.pendingRequests[w.reqno] = pr for _, ad := range tojoin { if !ad.dialed { // we haven't dialed this address. update the ad.ctx to have simultaneous connect values // set correctly if simConnect, isClient, reason := network.GetSimultaneousConnect(req.ctx); simConnect { if simConnect, _, _ := network.GetSimultaneousConnect(ad.ctx); !simConnect { ad.ctx = network.WithSimultaneousConnect(ad.ctx, isClient, reason) // update the element in dq to use the simultaneous connect delay. dq.Add(network.AddrDelay{ Addr: ad.addr, Delay: addrDelay[string(ad.addr.Bytes())], }) } } } // add the request to the addrDial ad.requests = append(ad.requests, w.reqno) } if len(todial) > 0 { now := time.Now() // these are new addresses, track them and add them to dq for _, a := range todial { w.trackedDials[string(a.Bytes())] = &addrDial{ addr: a, ctx: req.ctx, requests: []int{w.reqno}, createdAt: now, } dq.Add(network.AddrDelay{Addr: a, Delay: addrDelay[string(a.Bytes())]}) } } // setup dialTimer for updates to dq scheduleNextDial() case <-dialTimer.Ch(): // It's time to dial the next batch of addresses. // We don't check the delay of the addresses received from the queue here // because if the timer triggered before the delay, it means that all // the inflight dials have errored and we should dial the next batch of // addresses now := time.Now() for _, adelay := range dq.NextBatch() { // spawn the dial ad, ok := w.trackedDials[string(adelay.Addr.Bytes())] if !ok { log.Errorf("SWARM BUG: no entry for address %s in trackedDials", adelay.Addr) continue } ad.dialed = true ad.dialRankingDelay = now.Sub(ad.createdAt) err := w.s.dialNextAddr(ad.ctx, w.peer, ad.addr, w.resch) if err != nil { // Errored without attempting a dial. This happens in case of // backoff or black hole. w.dispatchError(ad, err) } else { // the dial was successful. update inflight dials dialsInFlight++ totalDials++ } } timerRunning = false // schedule more dials scheduleNextDial() case res := <-w.resch: // A dial to an address has completed. // Update all requests waiting on this address. On success, complete the request. // On error, record the error dialsInFlight-- ad, ok := w.trackedDials[string(res.Addr.Bytes())] if !ok { log.Errorf("SWARM BUG: no entry for address %s in trackedDials", res.Addr) if res.Conn != nil { res.Conn.Close() } continue } if res.Conn != nil { // we got a connection, add it to the swarm conn, err := w.s.addConn(res.Conn, network.DirOutbound) if err != nil { // oops no, we failed to add it to the swarm res.Conn.Close() w.dispatchError(ad, err) continue loop } // request succeeded, respond to all pending requests for _, reqno := range ad.requests { pr, ok := w.pendingRequests[reqno] if !ok { // some other dial for this request succeeded before this one continue } pr.req.resch <- dialResponse{conn: conn} delete(w.pendingRequests, reqno) } ad.conn = conn ad.requests = nil if !w.connected { w.connected = true if w.s.metricsTracer != nil { w.s.metricsTracer.DialRankingDelay(ad.dialRankingDelay) } } continue loop } // it must be an error -- add backoff if applicable and dispatch // ErrDialRefusedBlackHole shouldn't end up here, just a safety check if res.Err != ErrDialRefusedBlackHole && res.Err != context.Canceled && !w.connected { // we only add backoff if there has not been a successful connection // for consistency with the old dialer behavior. w.s.backf.AddBackoff(w.peer, res.Addr) } else if res.Err == ErrDialRefusedBlackHole { log.Errorf("SWARM BUG: unexpected ErrDialRefusedBlackHole while dialing peer %s to addr %s", w.peer, res.Addr) } w.dispatchError(ad, res.Err) // Only schedule next dial on error. // If we scheduleNextDial on success, we will end up making one dial more than // required because the final successful dial will spawn one more dial scheduleNextDial() } } } // dispatches an error to a specific addr dial func (w *dialWorker) dispatchError(ad *addrDial, err error) { ad.err = err for _, reqno := range ad.requests { pr, ok := w.pendingRequests[reqno] if !ok { // some other dial for this request succeeded before this one continue } // accumulate the error pr.err.recordErr(ad.addr, err) delete(pr.addrs, string(ad.addr.Bytes())) if len(pr.addrs) == 0 { // all addrs have erred, dispatch dial error // but first do a last one check in case an acceptable connection has landed from // a simultaneous dial that started later and added new acceptable addrs c, _ := w.s.bestAcceptableConnToPeer(pr.req.ctx, w.peer) if c != nil { pr.req.resch <- dialResponse{conn: c} } else { pr.req.resch <- dialResponse{err: pr.err} } delete(w.pendingRequests, reqno) } } ad.requests = nil // if it was a backoff, clear the address dial so that it doesn't inhibit new dial requests. // this is necessary to support active listen scenarios, where a new dial comes in while // another dial is in progress, and needs to do a direct connection without inhibitions from // dial backoff. if err == ErrDialBackoff { delete(w.trackedDials, string(ad.addr.Bytes())) } } // rankAddrs ranks addresses for dialing. if it's a simConnect request we // dial all addresses immediately without any delay func (w *dialWorker) rankAddrs(addrs []ma.Multiaddr, isSimConnect bool) []network.AddrDelay { if isSimConnect { return NoDelayDialRanker(addrs) } return w.s.dialRanker(addrs) } // dialQueue is a priority queue used to schedule dials type dialQueue struct { // q contains dials ordered by delay q []network.AddrDelay } // newDialQueue returns a new dialQueue func newDialQueue() *dialQueue { return &dialQueue{q: make([]network.AddrDelay, 0, 16)} } // Add adds adelay to the queue. If another element exists in the queue with // the same address, it replaces that element. func (dq *dialQueue) Add(adelay network.AddrDelay) { for i := 0; i < dq.len(); i++ { if dq.q[i].Addr.Equal(adelay.Addr) { if dq.q[i].Delay == adelay.Delay { // existing element is the same. nothing to do return } // remove the element copy(dq.q[i:], dq.q[i+1:]) dq.q = dq.q[:len(dq.q)-1] break } } for i := 0; i < dq.len(); i++ { if dq.q[i].Delay > adelay.Delay { dq.q = append(dq.q, network.AddrDelay{}) // extend the slice copy(dq.q[i+1:], dq.q[i:]) dq.q[i] = adelay return } } dq.q = append(dq.q, adelay) } // NextBatch returns all the elements in the queue with the highest priority func (dq *dialQueue) NextBatch() []network.AddrDelay { if dq.len() == 0 { return nil } // i is the index of the second highest priority element var i int for i = 0; i < dq.len(); i++ { if dq.q[i].Delay != dq.q[0].Delay { break } } res := dq.q[:i] dq.q = dq.q[i:] return res } // top returns the top element of the queue func (dq *dialQueue) top() network.AddrDelay { return dq.q[0] } // len returns the number of elements in the queue func (dq *dialQueue) len() int { return len(dq.q) }