# This test exercises starting and stopping the collector twice. create-manifest filenum=000001 ---- start ---- ingest 000002 000003 000004 ---- created src/000002.sst created src/000003.sst created src/000004.sst [JOB 0] ingested L0:000002 (10KB), L0:000003 (10KB), L0:000004 (10KB) wait ---- dst: 000002.sst 000003.sst 000004.sst MANIFEST-000001 clean src/000003.sst ---- stop ---- flush 000005 000006 ---- created src/000005.sst created src/000006.sst [JOB 0] flushed 1 memtable (100B) to L0 [000005 000006] (20KB), in 0.1s (0.1s total), output rate 200KB/s # dst/ should now have the original insgested files (00000{2-4}.sst) and the # manifest, but not the more-recently flushed files (00000{5-6}.sst). src/ # should not have 000003.sst, because it was cleaned (and collected). ls src dst ---- src: 000002.sst 000004.sst 000005.sst 000006.sst MANIFEST-000001 dst: 000002.sst 000003.sst 000004.sst MANIFEST-000001 start ---- # Cleaning one of the files created by the flush while we were not collecting # should result in its immediate removal. clean src/000005.sst ---- ls src ---- src: 000002.sst 000004.sst 000006.sst MANIFEST-000001 flush 000007 000008 ---- created src/000007.sst created src/000008.sst [JOB 0] flushed 1 memtable (100B) to L0 [000007 000008] (20KB), in 0.1s (0.1s total), output rate 200KB/s wait ---- dst: 000002.sst 000003.sst 000004.sst 000007.sst 000008.sst MANIFEST-000001 stop ----