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// Copyright 2023 The LevelDB-Go and Pebble Authors. All rights reserved. Use
// of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in
// the LICENSE file.
package sstable
import (
// IterIterator_RandomErrors builds random sstables and runs random iterator
// operations against them while randomly injecting errors. It ensures that if
// an error is injected during an operation, operation surfaces the error to the
// caller.
func TestIterator_RandomErrors(t *testing.T) {
root := time.Now().UnixNano()
// Run the test a few times with various seeds for more consistent code
// coverage.
for i := int64(0); i < 50; i++ {
seed := root + i
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("seed=%d", seed), func(t *testing.T) {
runErrorInjectionTest(t, seed)
func runErrorInjectionTest(t *testing.T, seed int64) {
t.Logf("seed %d", seed)
fs := vfs.NewMem()
f, err := fs.Create("random.sst")
require.NoError(t, err)
rng := rand.New(rand.NewSource(seed))
cfg := randomTableConfig{
wopts: nil, /* leave to randomize */
keys: testkeys.Alpha(3 + rng.Intn(2)),
keyCount: 10_000,
maxValLen: rng.Intn(64) + 1,
maxSuffix: rng.Int63n(95) + 5,
maxSeqNum: rng.Int63n(1000) + 10,
rng: rng,
_, err = buildRandomSSTable(f, cfg)
require.NoError(t, err)
f, err = fs.Open("random.sst")
require.NoError(t, err)
// Randomly inject errors into 25% of file operations. We use an
// errorfs.Toggle to avoid injecting errors until the file has been opened.
toggle := &errorfs.Toggle{Injector: errorfs.ErrInjected.If(errorfs.Randomly(0.25, seed))}
counter := &errorfs.Counter{Injector: toggle}
var stack []byte
f = errorfs.WrapFile(f, errorfs.InjectorFunc(func(op errorfs.Op) error {
err := counter.MaybeError(op)
if err != nil {
// Save the stack trace of the most recently injected error.
stack = debug.Stack()
return err
readable, err := NewSimpleReadable(f)
require.NoError(t, err)
r, err := NewReader(readable, cfg.readerOpts())
require.NoError(t, err)
defer r.Close()
var filterer *BlockPropertiesFilterer
if rng.Float64() < 0.75 {
low, high := uint64(cfg.randSuffix()), uint64(cfg.randSuffix())
if low > high {
low, high = high, low
filterer = newBlockPropertiesFilterer([]BlockPropertyFilter{
NewTestKeysBlockPropertyFilter(low, high),
}, nil)
// TOOD(jackson): NewIterWithBlockPropertyFilters returns an iterator over
// point keys only. Should we add variants of this test that run random
// operations on the range deletion and range key iterators?
var stats base.InternalIteratorStats
it, err := r.NewIterWithBlockPropertyFilters(
nil /* lower TODO */, nil, /* upper TODO */
rng.Intn(2) == 1, /* use filter block */
nil, /* CategoryStatsCollector */
require.NoError(t, err)
defer it.Close()
// Begin injecting errors.
ops := opRunner{randomTableConfig: cfg, it: it}
nextOp := metamorphic.Weighted[func() bool]{
{Item: ops.runSeekGE, Weight: 2},
{Item: ops.runSeekPrefixGE, Weight: 2},
{Item: ops.runSeekLT, Weight: 2},
{Item: ops.runFirst, Weight: 1},
{Item: ops.runLast, Weight: 1},
{Item: ops.runNext, Weight: 5},
{Item: ops.runNextPrefix, Weight: 5},
{Item: ops.runPrev, Weight: 5},
for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
beforeCount := counter.Load()
// nextOp returns a function that *may* run the operation. If the
// current test state makes the operation an invalid operation, the the
// function returns `false` indicating it was not run. If the operation
// is a valid operation and was performed, `opFunc` returns true.
// This loop will run exactly 1 operation, skipping randomly chosen
// operations that cannot be run on an iterator in its current state.
for opFunc := nextOp(); !opFunc(); {
opFunc = nextOp()
t.Logf("%s = %s [err = %v]", ops.latestOpDesc, ops.k, it.Error())
afterCount := counter.Load()
// TODO(jackson): Consider running all commands against a parallel
// iterator constructed over a sstable containing the same data in a
// standard construction (eg, typical block sizes) and no error
// injection. Then we can assert the results are identical.
if afterCount > beforeCount {
if ops.k != nil || it.Error() == nil {
t.Errorf("error swallowed during %s with stack %s",
ops.latestOpDesc, string(stack))
type opRunner struct {
it Iterator
latestOpDesc string
latestSeekKey []byte
dir int8
k *base.InternalKey
v base.LazyValue
func (r *opRunner) runSeekGE() bool {
k := r.randKey()
flags := base.SeekGEFlagsNone
if strings.HasPrefix(r.latestOpDesc, "SeekGE") &&
r.wopts.Comparer.Compare(k, r.latestSeekKey) > 0 && r.rng.Intn(2) == 1 {
flags = flags.EnableTrySeekUsingNext()
r.latestOpDesc = fmt.Sprintf("SeekGE(%q, TrySeekUsingNext()=%t)",
k, flags.TrySeekUsingNext())
r.latestSeekKey = k
r.k, r.v = r.it.SeekGE(k, base.SeekGEFlagsNone)
r.dir = +1
return true
func (r *opRunner) runSeekPrefixGE() bool {
k := r.randKey()
i := r.wopts.Comparer.Split(k)
flags := base.SeekGEFlagsNone
if strings.HasPrefix(r.latestOpDesc, "SeekPrefixGE") &&
r.wopts.Comparer.Compare(k, r.latestSeekKey) > 0 && r.rng.Intn(2) == 1 {
flags = flags.EnableTrySeekUsingNext()
r.latestOpDesc = fmt.Sprintf("SeekPrefixGE(%q, %q, TrySeekUsingNext()=%t)",
k[:i], k, flags.TrySeekUsingNext())
r.latestSeekKey = k
r.k, r.v = r.it.SeekPrefixGE(k[:i], k, flags)
r.dir = +1
return true
func (r *opRunner) runSeekLT() bool {
k := r.randKey()
r.latestOpDesc = fmt.Sprintf("SeekLT(%q)", k)
r.k, r.v = r.it.SeekLT(k, base.SeekLTFlagsNone)
r.dir = -1
return true
func (r *opRunner) runFirst() bool {
r.latestOpDesc = "First()"
r.k, r.v = r.it.First()
r.dir = +1
return true
func (r *opRunner) runLast() bool {
r.latestOpDesc = "Last()"
r.k, r.v = r.it.Last()
r.dir = -1
return true
func (r *opRunner) runNext() bool {
if r.dir == +1 && r.k == nil {
return false
r.latestOpDesc = "Next()"
r.k, r.v = r.it.Next()
r.dir = +1
return true
func (r *opRunner) runNextPrefix() bool {
// NextPrefix cannot be called to change directions or when an iterator is
// exhausted.
if r.dir == -1 || r.k == nil {
return false
p := r.k.UserKey[:r.wopts.Comparer.Split(r.k.UserKey)]
succKey := r.wopts.Comparer.ImmediateSuccessor(nil, p)
r.latestOpDesc = fmt.Sprintf("NextPrefix(%q)", succKey)
r.k, r.v = r.it.NextPrefix(succKey)
r.dir = +1
return true
func (r *opRunner) runPrev() bool {
if r.dir == -1 && r.k == nil {
return false
r.latestOpDesc = "Prev()"
r.k, r.v = r.it.Prev()
r.dir = -1
return true
type randomTableConfig struct {
wopts *WriterOptions
keys testkeys.Keyspace
keyCount int
maxValLen int
maxSuffix int64
maxSeqNum int64
rng *rand.Rand
func (cfg *randomTableConfig) readerOpts() ReaderOptions {
rOpts := ReaderOptions{
Comparer: testkeys.Comparer,
Filters: map[string]FilterPolicy{},
if cfg.wopts.FilterPolicy != nil {
rOpts.Filters[cfg.wopts.FilterPolicy.Name()] = cfg.wopts.FilterPolicy
return rOpts
func (cfg *randomTableConfig) randomize() {
if cfg.wopts == nil {
cfg.wopts = &WriterOptions{
// Test all table formats in [TableFormatLevelDB, TableFormatMax].
TableFormat: TableFormat(cfg.rng.Intn(int(TableFormatMax)) + 1),
BlockRestartInterval: (1 << cfg.rng.Intn(6)), // {1, 2, 4, ..., 32}
BlockSizeThreshold: min(int(100*cfg.rng.Float64()), 1), // 1-100%
BlockSize: (1 << cfg.rng.Intn(18)), // {1, 2, 4, ..., 128 KiB}
IndexBlockSize: (1 << cfg.rng.Intn(20)), // {1, 2, 4, ..., 512 KiB}
BlockPropertyCollectors: nil,
WritingToLowestLevel: cfg.rng.Intn(2) == 1,
Parallelism: cfg.rng.Intn(2) == 1,
if v := cfg.rng.Intn(11); v > 0 {
cfg.wopts.FilterPolicy = bloom.FilterPolicy(v)
if cfg.wopts.TableFormat >= TableFormatPebblev1 && cfg.rng.Float64() < 0.75 {
cfg.wopts.BlockPropertyCollectors = append(cfg.wopts.BlockPropertyCollectors, NewTestKeysBlockPropertyCollector)
cfg.wopts.Comparer = testkeys.Comparer
func (cfg *randomTableConfig) randKey() []byte {
return testkeys.KeyAt(cfg.keys, cfg.randKeyIdx(), cfg.randSuffix())
func (cfg *randomTableConfig) randSuffix() int64 { return cfg.rng.Int63n(cfg.maxSuffix + 1) }
func (cfg *randomTableConfig) randKeyIdx() int64 { return cfg.rng.Int63n(cfg.keys.Count()) }
func buildRandomSSTable(f vfs.File, cfg randomTableConfig) (*WriterMetadata, error) {
// Construct a weighted distribution of key kinds.
kinds := metamorphic.Weighted[base.InternalKeyKind]{
{Item: base.InternalKeyKindSet, Weight: 25},
{Item: base.InternalKeyKindSetWithDelete, Weight: 25},
{Item: base.InternalKeyKindDelete, Weight: 5},
{Item: base.InternalKeyKindSingleDelete, Weight: 2},
{Item: base.InternalKeyKindMerge, Weight: 1},
// TODO(jackson): Support writing range deletions and range keys.
// TestIterator_RandomErrors only reads through the point iterator, so those
// keys won't be visible regardless, but their existence should be benign.
// DELSIZED require Pebblev4 or later.
if cfg.wopts.TableFormat >= TableFormatPebblev4 {
kinds = append(kinds, metamorphic.ItemWeight[base.InternalKeyKind]{
Item: base.InternalKeyKindDeleteSized, Weight: 5,
nextRandomKind := kinds.RandomDeck(cfg.rng)
type keyID struct {
idx int64
suffix int64
seqNum int64
keyMap := make(map[keyID]bool)
// Constrain the space we generate keys to the middle 90% of the keyspace.
// This helps exercise code paths that are only run when a seek key is
// beyond or before all index block entries.
sstKeys := cfg.keys.Slice(cfg.keys.Count()/20, cfg.keys.Count()-cfg.keys.Count()/20)
randomKey := func() keyID {
k := keyID{
idx: cfg.rng.Int63n(sstKeys.Count()),
suffix: cfg.rng.Int63n(cfg.maxSuffix + 1),
seqNum: cfg.rng.Int63n(cfg.maxSeqNum + 1),
// If we've already generated this exact key, try again.
for keyMap[k] {
k = keyID{
idx: cfg.rng.Int63n(sstKeys.Count()),
suffix: cfg.rng.Int63n(cfg.maxSuffix + 1),
seqNum: cfg.rng.Int63n(cfg.maxSeqNum + 1),
keyMap[k] = true
return k
var alloc bytealloc.A
keys := make([]base.InternalKey, cfg.keyCount)
for i := range keys {
keyID := randomKey()
kind := nextRandomKind()
var keyBuf []byte
alloc, keyBuf = alloc.Alloc(testkeys.SuffixLen(keyID.suffix) + cfg.keys.MaxLen())
n := testkeys.WriteKeyAt(keyBuf, sstKeys, keyID.idx, keyID.suffix)
keys[i] = base.MakeInternalKey(keyBuf[:n], uint64(keyID.seqNum), kind)
// The Writer requires the keys to be written in sorted order. Sort them.
slices.SortFunc(keys, func(a, b base.InternalKey) int {
return base.InternalCompare(testkeys.Comparer.Compare, a, b)
// Release keyMap and alloc; we don't need them and this function can be
// memory intensive.
keyMap = nil
alloc = nil
valueBuf := make([]byte, cfg.maxValLen)
w := NewWriter(objstorageprovider.NewFileWritable(f), *cfg.wopts)
for i := 0; i < len(keys); i++ {
var value []byte
switch keys[i].Kind() {
case base.InternalKeyKindSet, base.InternalKeyKindMerge:
value = valueBuf[:cfg.rng.Intn(cfg.maxValLen+1)]
if err := w.Add(keys[i], value); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := w.Close(); err != nil {
return nil, err
metadata, err := w.Metadata()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return metadata, nil