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// Copyright 2018 The LevelDB-Go and Pebble Authors. All rights reserved. Use
// of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in
// the LICENSE file.
package sstable
import (
const propertiesBlockRestartInterval = math.MaxInt32
const propGlobalSeqnumName = "rocksdb.external_sst_file.global_seqno"
var propTagMap = make(map[string]reflect.StructField)
var propBoolTrue = []byte{'1'}
var propBoolFalse = []byte{'0'}
var propOffsetTagMap = make(map[uintptr]string)
func generateTagMaps(t reflect.Type, indexPrefix []int) {
for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
f := t.Field(i)
if f.Type.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
if tag := f.Tag.Get("prop"); i == 0 && tag == "pebble.embbeded_common_properties" {
// CommonProperties struct embedded in Properties. Note that since
// CommonProperties is placed at the top of properties we can use
// the offsets of the fields within CommonProperties to determine
// the offsets of those fields within Properties.
generateTagMaps(f.Type, []int{i})
panic("pebble: unknown struct type in Properties")
if tag := f.Tag.Get("prop"); tag != "" {
switch f.Type.Kind() {
case reflect.Bool:
case reflect.Uint32:
case reflect.Uint64:
case reflect.String:
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported property field type: %s %s", f.Name, f.Type))
if len(indexPrefix) > 0 {
// Prepend the index prefix so that we can use FieldByIndex on the top-level struct.
f.Index = append(indexPrefix[:len(indexPrefix):len(indexPrefix)], f.Index...)
propTagMap[tag] = f
propOffsetTagMap[f.Offset] = tag
func init() {
generateTagMaps(reflect.TypeOf(Properties{}), nil)
// CommonProperties holds properties for either a virtual or a physical sstable. This
// can be used by code which doesn't care to make the distinction between physical
// and virtual sstables properties.
// For virtual sstables, fields are constructed through extrapolation upon virtual
// reader construction. See MakeVirtualReader for implementation details.
// NB: The values of these properties can affect correctness. For example,
// if NumRangeKeySets == 0, but the sstable actually contains range keys, then
// the iterators will behave incorrectly.
type CommonProperties struct {
// The number of entries in this table.
NumEntries uint64 `prop:"rocksdb.num.entries"`
// Total raw key size.
RawKeySize uint64 `prop:"rocksdb.raw.key.size"`
// Total raw value size.
RawValueSize uint64 `prop:"rocksdb.raw.value.size"`
// Total raw key size of point deletion tombstones. This value is comparable
// to RawKeySize.
RawPointTombstoneKeySize uint64 `prop:"pebble.raw.point-tombstone.key.size"`
// Sum of the raw value sizes carried by point deletion tombstones
// containing size estimates. See the DeleteSized key kind. This value is
// comparable to Raw{Key,Value}Size.
RawPointTombstoneValueSize uint64 `prop:"pebble.raw.point-tombstone.value.size"`
// The number of point deletion entries ("tombstones") in this table that
// carry a size hint indicating the size of the value the tombstone deletes.
NumSizedDeletions uint64 `prop:"pebble.num.deletions.sized"`
// The number of deletion entries in this table, including both point and
// range deletions.
NumDeletions uint64 `prop:"rocksdb.deleted.keys"`
// The number of range deletions in this table.
NumRangeDeletions uint64 `prop:"rocksdb.num.range-deletions"`
// The number of RANGEKEYDELs in this table.
NumRangeKeyDels uint64 `prop:"pebble.num.range-key-dels"`
// The number of RANGEKEYSETs in this table.
NumRangeKeySets uint64 `prop:"pebble.num.range-key-sets"`
// Total size of value blocks and value index block. Only serialized if > 0.
ValueBlocksSize uint64 `prop:"pebble.value-blocks.size"`
// String is only used for testing purposes.
func (c *CommonProperties) String() string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
v := reflect.ValueOf(*c)
loaded := make(map[uintptr]struct{})
writeProperties(loaded, v, &buf)
return buf.String()
// NumPointDeletions is the number of point deletions in the sstable. For virtual
// sstables, this is an estimate.
func (c *CommonProperties) NumPointDeletions() uint64 {
return c.NumDeletions - c.NumRangeDeletions
// Properties holds the sstable property values. The properties are
// automatically populated during sstable creation and load from the properties
// meta block when an sstable is opened.
type Properties struct {
// CommonProperties needs to be at the top of the Properties struct so that the
// offsets of the fields in CommonProperties match the offsets of the embedded
// fields of CommonProperties in Properties.
CommonProperties `prop:"pebble.embbeded_common_properties"`
// The name of the comparer used in this table.
ComparerName string `prop:"rocksdb.comparator"`
// The compression algorithm used to compress blocks.
CompressionName string `prop:"rocksdb.compression"`
// The compression options used to compress blocks.
CompressionOptions string `prop:"rocksdb.compression_options"`
// The total size of all data blocks.
DataSize uint64 `prop:"rocksdb.data.size"`
// The external sstable version format. Version 2 is the one RocksDB has been
// using since 5.13. RocksDB only uses the global sequence number for an
// sstable if this property has been set.
ExternalFormatVersion uint32 `prop:"rocksdb.external_sst_file.version"`
// The name of the filter policy used in this table. Empty if no filter
// policy is used.
FilterPolicyName string `prop:"rocksdb.filter.policy"`
// The size of filter block.
FilterSize uint64 `prop:"rocksdb.filter.size"`
// The global sequence number to use for all entries in the table. Present if
// the table was created externally and ingested whole.
GlobalSeqNum uint64 `prop:"rocksdb.external_sst_file.global_seqno"`
// Total number of index partitions if kTwoLevelIndexSearch is used.
IndexPartitions uint64 `prop:"rocksdb.index.partitions"`
// The size of index block.
IndexSize uint64 `prop:"rocksdb.index.size"`
// The index type. TODO(peter): add a more detailed description.
IndexType uint32 `prop:"rocksdb.block.based.table.index.type"`
// For formats >= TableFormatPebblev4, this is set to true if the obsolete
// bit is strict for all the point keys.
IsStrictObsolete bool `prop:"pebble.obsolete.is_strict"`
// The name of the merger used in this table. Empty if no merger is used.
MergerName string `prop:"rocksdb.merge.operator"`
// The number of blocks in this table.
NumDataBlocks uint64 `prop:"rocksdb.num.data.blocks"`
// The number of merge operands in the table.
NumMergeOperands uint64 `prop:"rocksdb.merge.operands"`
// The number of RANGEKEYUNSETs in this table.
NumRangeKeyUnsets uint64 `prop:"pebble.num.range-key-unsets"`
// The number of value blocks in this table. Only serialized if > 0.
NumValueBlocks uint64 `prop:"pebble.num.value-blocks"`
// The number of values stored in value blocks. Only serialized if > 0.
NumValuesInValueBlocks uint64 `prop:"pebble.num.values.in.value-blocks"`
// The name of the prefix extractor used in this table. Empty if no prefix
// extractor is used.
PrefixExtractorName string `prop:"rocksdb.prefix.extractor.name"`
// If filtering is enabled, was the filter created on the key prefix.
PrefixFiltering bool `prop:"rocksdb.block.based.table.prefix.filtering"`
// A comma separated list of names of the property collectors used in this
// table.
PropertyCollectorNames string `prop:"rocksdb.property.collectors"`
// Total raw rangekey key size.
RawRangeKeyKeySize uint64 `prop:"pebble.raw.range-key.key.size"`
// Total raw rangekey value size.
RawRangeKeyValueSize uint64 `prop:"pebble.raw.range-key.value.size"`
// The total number of keys in this table that were pinned by open snapshots.
SnapshotPinnedKeys uint64 `prop:"pebble.num.snapshot-pinned-keys"`
// The cumulative bytes of keys in this table that were pinned by
// open snapshots. This value is comparable to RawKeySize.
SnapshotPinnedKeySize uint64 `prop:"pebble.raw.snapshot-pinned-keys.size"`
// The cumulative bytes of values in this table that were pinned by
// open snapshots. This value is comparable to RawValueSize.
SnapshotPinnedValueSize uint64 `prop:"pebble.raw.snapshot-pinned-values.size"`
// Size of the top-level index if kTwoLevelIndexSearch is used.
TopLevelIndexSize uint64 `prop:"rocksdb.top-level.index.size"`
// User collected properties.
UserProperties map[string]string
// If filtering is enabled, was the filter created on the whole key.
WholeKeyFiltering bool `prop:"rocksdb.block.based.table.whole.key.filtering"`
// Loaded set indicating which fields have been loaded from disk. Indexed by
// the field's byte offset within the struct
// (reflect.StructField.Offset). Only set if the properties have been loaded
// from a file. Only exported for testing purposes.
Loaded map[uintptr]struct{}
// NumPointDeletions returns the number of point deletions in this table.
func (p *Properties) NumPointDeletions() uint64 {
return p.NumDeletions - p.NumRangeDeletions
// NumRangeKeys returns a count of the number of range keys in this table.
func (p *Properties) NumRangeKeys() uint64 {
return p.NumRangeKeyDels + p.NumRangeKeySets + p.NumRangeKeyUnsets
func writeProperties(loaded map[uintptr]struct{}, v reflect.Value, buf *bytes.Buffer) {
vt := v.Type()
for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ {
ft := vt.Field(i)
if ft.Type.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
// Embedded struct within the properties.
writeProperties(loaded, v.Field(i), buf)
tag := ft.Tag.Get("prop")
if tag == "" {
f := v.Field(i)
// TODO(peter): Use f.IsZero() when we can rely on go1.13.
if zero := reflect.Zero(f.Type()); zero.Interface() == f.Interface() {
// Skip printing of zero values which were not loaded from disk.
if _, ok := loaded[ft.Offset]; !ok {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%s: ", tag)
switch ft.Type.Kind() {
case reflect.Bool:
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%t\n", f.Bool())
case reflect.Uint32:
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%d\n", f.Uint())
case reflect.Uint64:
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%d\n", f.Uint())
case reflect.String:
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%s\n", f.String())
panic("not reached")
func (p *Properties) String() string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
v := reflect.ValueOf(*p)
writeProperties(p.Loaded, v, &buf)
// Write the UserProperties.
keys := make([]string, 0, len(p.UserProperties))
for key := range p.UserProperties {
keys = append(keys, key)
for _, key := range keys {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%s: %s\n", key, p.UserProperties[key])
return buf.String()
func (p *Properties) load(
b block, blockOffset uint64, deniedUserProperties map[string]struct{},
) error {
i, err := newRawBlockIter(bytes.Compare, b)
if err != nil {
return err
p.Loaded = make(map[uintptr]struct{})
v := reflect.ValueOf(p).Elem()
for valid := i.First(); valid; valid = i.Next() {
if f, ok := propTagMap[string(i.Key().UserKey)]; ok {
p.Loaded[f.Offset] = struct{}{}
field := v.FieldByIndex(f.Index)
switch f.Type.Kind() {
case reflect.Bool:
field.SetBool(bytes.Equal(i.Value(), propBoolTrue))
case reflect.Uint32:
case reflect.Uint64:
var n uint64
if string(i.Key().UserKey) == propGlobalSeqnumName {
n = binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(i.Value())
} else {
n, _ = binary.Uvarint(i.Value())
case reflect.String:
panic("not reached")
if p.UserProperties == nil {
p.UserProperties = make(map[string]string)
if _, denied := deniedUserProperties[string(i.Key().UserKey)]; !denied {
p.UserProperties[intern.Bytes(i.Key().UserKey)] = string(i.Value())
return nil
func (p *Properties) saveBool(m map[string][]byte, offset uintptr, value bool) {
tag := propOffsetTagMap[offset]
if value {
m[tag] = propBoolTrue
} else {
m[tag] = propBoolFalse
func (p *Properties) saveUint32(m map[string][]byte, offset uintptr, value uint32) {
var buf [4]byte
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(buf[:], value)
m[propOffsetTagMap[offset]] = buf[:]
func (p *Properties) saveUint64(m map[string][]byte, offset uintptr, value uint64) {
var buf [8]byte
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(buf[:], value)
m[propOffsetTagMap[offset]] = buf[:]
func (p *Properties) saveUvarint(m map[string][]byte, offset uintptr, value uint64) {
var buf [10]byte
n := binary.PutUvarint(buf[:], value)
m[propOffsetTagMap[offset]] = buf[:n]
func (p *Properties) saveString(m map[string][]byte, offset uintptr, value string) {
m[propOffsetTagMap[offset]] = []byte(value)
func (p *Properties) save(tblFormat TableFormat, w *rawBlockWriter) {
m := make(map[string][]byte)
for k, v := range p.UserProperties {
m[k] = []byte(v)
if p.ComparerName != "" {
p.saveString(m, unsafe.Offsetof(p.ComparerName), p.ComparerName)
if p.CompressionName != "" {
p.saveString(m, unsafe.Offsetof(p.CompressionName), p.CompressionName)
if p.CompressionOptions != "" {
p.saveString(m, unsafe.Offsetof(p.CompressionOptions), p.CompressionOptions)
p.saveUvarint(m, unsafe.Offsetof(p.DataSize), p.DataSize)
if p.ExternalFormatVersion != 0 {
p.saveUint32(m, unsafe.Offsetof(p.ExternalFormatVersion), p.ExternalFormatVersion)
p.saveUint64(m, unsafe.Offsetof(p.GlobalSeqNum), p.GlobalSeqNum)
if p.FilterPolicyName != "" {
p.saveString(m, unsafe.Offsetof(p.FilterPolicyName), p.FilterPolicyName)
p.saveUvarint(m, unsafe.Offsetof(p.FilterSize), p.FilterSize)
if p.IndexPartitions != 0 {
p.saveUvarint(m, unsafe.Offsetof(p.IndexPartitions), p.IndexPartitions)
p.saveUvarint(m, unsafe.Offsetof(p.TopLevelIndexSize), p.TopLevelIndexSize)
p.saveUvarint(m, unsafe.Offsetof(p.IndexSize), p.IndexSize)
p.saveUint32(m, unsafe.Offsetof(p.IndexType), p.IndexType)
if p.IsStrictObsolete {
p.saveBool(m, unsafe.Offsetof(p.IsStrictObsolete), p.IsStrictObsolete)
if p.MergerName != "" {
p.saveString(m, unsafe.Offsetof(p.MergerName), p.MergerName)
p.saveUvarint(m, unsafe.Offsetof(p.NumDataBlocks), p.NumDataBlocks)
p.saveUvarint(m, unsafe.Offsetof(p.NumEntries), p.NumEntries)
p.saveUvarint(m, unsafe.Offsetof(p.NumDeletions), p.NumDeletions)
if p.NumSizedDeletions > 0 {
p.saveUvarint(m, unsafe.Offsetof(p.NumSizedDeletions), p.NumSizedDeletions)
p.saveUvarint(m, unsafe.Offsetof(p.NumMergeOperands), p.NumMergeOperands)
p.saveUvarint(m, unsafe.Offsetof(p.NumRangeDeletions), p.NumRangeDeletions)
// NB: We only write out some properties for Pebble formats. This isn't
// strictly necessary because unrecognized properties are interpreted as
// user-defined properties, however writing them prevents byte-for-byte
// equivalence with RocksDB files that some of our testing requires.
if p.RawPointTombstoneKeySize > 0 && tblFormat >= TableFormatPebblev1 {
p.saveUvarint(m, unsafe.Offsetof(p.RawPointTombstoneKeySize), p.RawPointTombstoneKeySize)
if p.RawPointTombstoneValueSize > 0 {
p.saveUvarint(m, unsafe.Offsetof(p.RawPointTombstoneValueSize), p.RawPointTombstoneValueSize)
if p.NumRangeKeys() > 0 {
p.saveUvarint(m, unsafe.Offsetof(p.NumRangeKeyDels), p.NumRangeKeyDels)
p.saveUvarint(m, unsafe.Offsetof(p.NumRangeKeySets), p.NumRangeKeySets)
p.saveUvarint(m, unsafe.Offsetof(p.NumRangeKeyUnsets), p.NumRangeKeyUnsets)
p.saveUvarint(m, unsafe.Offsetof(p.RawRangeKeyKeySize), p.RawRangeKeyKeySize)
p.saveUvarint(m, unsafe.Offsetof(p.RawRangeKeyValueSize), p.RawRangeKeyValueSize)
if p.NumValueBlocks > 0 {
p.saveUvarint(m, unsafe.Offsetof(p.NumValueBlocks), p.NumValueBlocks)
if p.NumValuesInValueBlocks > 0 {
p.saveUvarint(m, unsafe.Offsetof(p.NumValuesInValueBlocks), p.NumValuesInValueBlocks)
if p.PrefixExtractorName != "" {
p.saveString(m, unsafe.Offsetof(p.PrefixExtractorName), p.PrefixExtractorName)
p.saveBool(m, unsafe.Offsetof(p.PrefixFiltering), p.PrefixFiltering)
if p.PropertyCollectorNames != "" {
p.saveString(m, unsafe.Offsetof(p.PropertyCollectorNames), p.PropertyCollectorNames)
if p.SnapshotPinnedKeys > 0 {
p.saveUvarint(m, unsafe.Offsetof(p.SnapshotPinnedKeys), p.SnapshotPinnedKeys)
p.saveUvarint(m, unsafe.Offsetof(p.SnapshotPinnedKeySize), p.SnapshotPinnedKeySize)
p.saveUvarint(m, unsafe.Offsetof(p.SnapshotPinnedValueSize), p.SnapshotPinnedValueSize)
p.saveUvarint(m, unsafe.Offsetof(p.RawKeySize), p.RawKeySize)
p.saveUvarint(m, unsafe.Offsetof(p.RawValueSize), p.RawValueSize)
if p.ValueBlocksSize > 0 {
p.saveUvarint(m, unsafe.Offsetof(p.ValueBlocksSize), p.ValueBlocksSize)
p.saveBool(m, unsafe.Offsetof(p.WholeKeyFiltering), p.WholeKeyFiltering)
if tblFormat < TableFormatPebblev1 {
m["rocksdb.column.family.id"] = binary.AppendUvarint([]byte(nil), math.MaxInt32)
m["rocksdb.fixed.key.length"] = []byte{0x00}
m["rocksdb.index.key.is.user.key"] = []byte{0x00}
m["rocksdb.index.value.is.delta.encoded"] = []byte{0x00}
m["rocksdb.oldest.key.time"] = []byte{0x00}
m["rocksdb.creation.time"] = []byte{0x00}
m["rocksdb.format.version"] = []byte{0x00}
keys := make([]string, 0, len(m))
for key := range m {
keys = append(keys, key)
for _, key := range keys {
w.add(InternalKey{UserKey: []byte(key)}, m[key])