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// Copyright Coinbase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package v0
import (
// Alice struct encoding Alice's state during one execution of the overall signing algorithm.
// At the end of the joint computation, Alice will NOT obtain the signature.
type Alice struct {
PkA *Schnorr // this is a "schnorr statement" for pkA.
Receiver *seedOTReceiver
SkA *big.Int // the witness
Pk *curves.EcPoint
// Note: unexported fields are marshaled during Encode
params *Params
// Bob struct encoding Bob's state during one execution of the overall signing algorithm.
// At the end of the joint computation, Bob will obtain the signature.
type Bob struct {
// Exported fields
PkB *Schnorr // this is a "schnorr statement" for pkB.
Sender *seedOTSender
SkB *big.Int
Pk *curves.EcPoint
Sig *curves.EcdsaSignature // The resulting digital signature
// Intermediate values and those used only during sign or DKG are not exported
// Commitment to Alice's schnorr proof.
params *Params
// Only used during DKG so it's not persisted during encoding
com []byte
tB *MultiplyReceiver // the receiver for additive shares of the multiplication.
kB *big.Int
dB *curves.EcPoint
// NewAlice creates a party that can participate in 2-of-2 DKG and threshold signature.
func NewAlice(params *Params) *Alice {
return &Alice{
params: params,
Receiver: &seedOTReceiver{params: params},
PkA: &Schnorr{params: params},
// NewBob creates a party that can participate in 2-of-2 DKG and threshold signature. This party
// is the receiver of the signature at the end.
func NewBob(params *Params) *Bob {
return &Bob{
params: params,
Sender: &seedOTSender{params: params},
PkB: &Schnorr{params: params},
type signInitStorage struct {
Seed [32]byte // hash seed for idExt?
DB *curves.EcPoint
type signStorage struct {
RPrime *curves.EcPoint
EtaPhi *big.Int
EtaSig *big.Int
// signInit Bob's initial message, which kicks off the signature process. Protocol 1, Bob's steps 1) - 3).
// Bob's work here entails beginning the Diffie–Hellman-like construction of the instance key / nonce,
// as well as preparing the inputs which he will feed into the multiplication protocol,
// and moreover actually initiating the (first message of) the multiplication protocol using these inputs.
// this latter step in turn amounts to sending the initial message in a new cOT extension.
// all the resulting data gets packaged and sent to Alice.
func (bob *Bob) signInit(w io.Writer) error {
bob.tB = NewMultiplyReceiver(2, bob.Sender)
// assumes that the seed OT has already been taken care of.
// result is an instance seed _plus_ partial instance dB key plus _two_ concurrent first messages in the multiplication protocol!
result := &signInitStorage{}
enc := gob.NewEncoder(w)
var err error
if _, err = rand.Read(result.Seed[:]); err != nil {
return err
idExt := sha256.Sum256(result.Seed[:])
if bob.kB, err = bob.params.Scalar.Random(); err != nil {
return err
if bob.dB, err = curves.NewScalarBaseMult(bob.params.Curve, bob.kB); err != nil {
return err
result.DB = bob.dB // ?
kBInv := bob.params.Scalar.Div(big.NewInt(1), bob.kB)
if err = enc.Encode(result); err != nil {
return err
return bob.tB.MultiplyInit(idExt, []*big.Int{kBInv, bob.params.Scalar.Mul(bob.SkB, kBInv)}, w)
// signInit Alice's first message. Alice is the _responder_; she is responding to Bob's initial message.
// this is Protocol 1 (p. 6), and contains Alice's steps 3) -- 8). these can all be combined into one message.
// Alice's job here is to finish computing the shared instance key / nonce, as well as multiplication input values;
// then to invoke the coalesced multiplication on these two input values (appending the result to her running message),
// then to use the _output_ of the multiplication (which she already possesses as of the end of her computation),
// and use that to compute some final values which will help Bob compute the final signature.
// Note: the protocol has been modified to receive the message digest instead of the message to make the protocol
// compatible with various blockchains as they each use a different hashing algorithm. For example,
// 2xSHA2 for Bitcoin and keccak-256 for Ethereum. We have investigated the security of receiving hash as input and
// the result is available at TODO: add the link to the document containing the analysis.
func (alice *Alice) signInit(digest []byte, rw io.ReadWriter) error {
enc := gob.NewEncoder(rw)
dec := gob.NewDecoder(rw)
input := &signInitStorage{}
if err := dec.Decode(input); err != nil {
return err
tA := NewMultiplySender(2, alice.Receiver)
// digest is the hashed message to be signed. i use the name `message` throughout for crypto messages.
// note: things could go badly if Bob doesn't pick a _new_ / random "seed". verify how to handle this.
idExt := sha256.Sum256(input.Seed[:])
result := &signStorage{} // make([]byte, tA.MultiplyOutputSize+192) // again pretty convoluted here.
kPrimeA, err := alice.params.Scalar.Random()
if err != nil {
return err
if result.RPrime, err = input.DB.ScalarMult(kPrimeA); err != nil {
return err
temp := sha256.Sum256(result.RPrime.Bytes())
kA := alice.params.Scalar.Add(new(big.Int).SetBytes(temp[:]), kPrimeA)
r, err := input.DB.ScalarMult(kA)
if err != nil {
return err
phi, err := alice.params.Scalar.Random()
if err != nil {
return err
kAInv := alice.params.Scalar.Div(big.NewInt(1), kA)
// Alice's response here is _two_ (i.e., collated) responses to the multiplication protocol.
// followed by Alice's R', followed by a schnorr proof for R (!). folllowed by \eta^{\phi} and \eta^{sig}.
if err = tA.Multiply(idExt, []*big.Int{alice.params.Scalar.Add(phi, kAInv), alice.params.Scalar.Mul(alice.SkA, kAInv)}, rw); err != nil {
return err
gamma1, err := curves.NewScalarBaseMult(alice.params.Curve, kA)
if err != nil {
return err
gamma1, err = gamma1.ScalarMult(phi)
if err != nil {
return err
other, err := r.ScalarMult(alice.params.Scalar.Neg(tA.TA[0]))
if err != nil {
return err
gamma1, err = gamma1.Add(other)
if err != nil {
return err
gamma1, err = gamma1.Add(alice.params.Generator)
if err != nil {
return err
temp = sha256.Sum256(gamma1.Bytes())
result.EtaPhi = alice.params.Scalar.Add(new(big.Int).SetBytes(temp[:]), phi)
sigA := alice.params.Scalar.Add(
r.X, tA.TA[1],
gamma2, err := alice.Pk.ScalarMult(tA.TA[0])
if err != nil {
return err
other, err = curves.NewScalarBaseMult(alice.params.Curve, alice.params.Scalar.Neg(tA.TA[1]))
if err != nil {
return err
gamma2, err = gamma2.Add(other)
if err != nil {
return err
temp = sha256.Sum256(gamma2.Bytes())
result.EtaSig = alice.params.Scalar.Add(new(big.Int).SetBytes(temp[:]), sigA)
return enc.Encode(result)
// signFinal this is Bob's last portion of the signature computation, and ultimately results in the complete signature
// corresponds to Protocol 1, Bob's steps 3) -- 10).
// Bob begins by _finishing_ the OT-based multiplication, using Alice's one and only message to him re: the mult.
// Bob then move's onto the remainder of Alice's message, which contains extraneous data used to finish the signature.
// using this data, Bob completes the signature, which gets stored in `Bob.Sig`. Bob also verifies it.
// Note: the protocol has been modified to receive the message digest instead of the message to make the protocol
// compatible with various blockchains as they each use a different hashing algorithm. For example,
// 2xSHA2 for Bitcoin and keccak-256 for Ethereum. We have investigated the security of receiving hash as input and
// the result is available at TODO: add the link to the document containing the analysis.
func (bob *Bob) signFinal(digest []byte, r io.Reader) error {
bob.Sig = &curves.EcdsaSignature{}
if err := bob.tB.MultiplyTransfer(r); err != nil {
return err
dec := gob.NewDecoder(r)
input := &signStorage{}
if err := dec.Decode(input); err != nil {
return err
temp := sha256.Sum256(input.RPrime.Bytes())
R, err := bob.dB.ScalarMult(new(big.Int).SetBytes(temp[:]))
if err != nil {
return err
R, err = R.Add(input.RPrime)
if err != nil {
return err
bob.Sig.R = R.X // NOT modding by q...?
bob.Sig.V = int(R.Y.Bit(0))
gamma1, err := R.ScalarMult(bob.tB.TB[0])
if err != nil {
return err
temp = sha256.Sum256(gamma1.Bytes())
phi := bob.params.Scalar.Sub(input.EtaPhi, new(big.Int).SetBytes(temp[:]))
theta := bob.params.Scalar.Sub(bob.tB.TB[0], bob.params.Scalar.Div(phi, bob.kB))
sigB := bob.params.Scalar.Add(bob.params.Scalar.Mul(new(big.Int).SetBytes(digest), theta), bob.params.Scalar.Mul(bob.Sig.R, bob.tB.TB[1]))
gamma2, err := curves.NewScalarBaseMult(bob.params.Curve, bob.tB.TB[1])
if err != nil {
return err
other, err := bob.Pk.ScalarMult(bob.params.Scalar.Neg(theta))
if err != nil {
return err
gamma2, err = gamma2.Add(other)
if err != nil {
return err
temp = sha256.Sum256(gamma2.Bytes())
bob.Sig.S = bob.params.Scalar.Add(sigB, bob.params.Scalar.Sub(input.EtaSig, new(big.Int).SetBytes(temp[:])))
if bob.Sig.S.Bit(255) == 1 {
bob.Sig.S = bob.params.Scalar.Neg(bob.Sig.S)
bob.Sig.V ^= 1
// now verify the signature
if !ecdsa.Verify(&ecdsa.PublicKey{Curve: bob.params.Curve, X: bob.Pk.X, Y: bob.Pk.Y}, digest, bob.Sig.R, bob.Sig.S) {
return fmt.Errorf("final signature failed to verify")
return nil
// Sign this is an illustrative helper method which shows the overall flow for Alice.
// in practice this will be replaced by a method which actually sends messages back and forth.
func (alice *Alice) Sign(m []byte, rw io.ReadWriter) error {
return alice.signInit(m, rw)
// Sign this is an illustrative helper method which shows the overall flow for Bob.
func (bob *Bob) Sign(m []byte, rw io.ReadWriter) error {
if err := bob.signInit(rw); err != nil {
return err
return bob.signFinal(m, rw)