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package dht
import (
pstore "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p/core/peerstore"
kb "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-kbucket"
// ErrNoPeersQueried is returned when we failed to connect to any peers.
var ErrNoPeersQueried = errors.New("failed to query any peers")
type queryFn func(context.Context, peer.ID) ([]*peer.AddrInfo, error)
type stopFn func(*qpeerset.QueryPeerset) bool
// query represents a single DHT query.
type query struct {
// unique identifier for the lookup instance
id uuid.UUID
// target key for the lookup
key string
// the query context.
ctx context.Context
dht *IpfsDHT
// seedPeers is the set of peers that seed the query
seedPeers []peer.ID
// peerTimes contains the duration of each successful query to a peer
peerTimes map[peer.ID]time.Duration
// queryPeers is the set of peers known by this query and their respective states.
queryPeers *qpeerset.QueryPeerset
// terminated is set when the first worker thread encounters the termination condition.
// Its role is to make sure that once termination is determined, it is sticky.
terminated bool
// waitGroup ensures lookup does not end until all query goroutines complete.
waitGroup sync.WaitGroup
// the function that will be used to query a single peer.
queryFn queryFn
// stopFn is used to determine if we should stop the WHOLE disjoint query.
stopFn stopFn
type lookupWithFollowupResult struct {
peers []peer.ID // the top K not unreachable peers at the end of the query
state []qpeerset.PeerState // the peer states at the end of the query of the peers slice (not closest)
closest []peer.ID // the top K peers at the end of the query
// indicates that neither the lookup nor the followup has been prematurely terminated by an external condition such
// as context cancellation or the stop function being called.
completed bool
// runLookupWithFollowup executes the lookup on the target using the given query function and stopping when either the
// context is cancelled or the stop function returns true. Note: if the stop function is not sticky, i.e. it does not
// return true every time after the first time it returns true, it is not guaranteed to cause a stop to occur just
// because it momentarily returns true.
// After the lookup is complete the query function is run (unless stopped) against all of the top K peers from the
// lookup that have not already been successfully queried.
func (dht *IpfsDHT) runLookupWithFollowup(ctx context.Context, target string, queryFn queryFn, stopFn stopFn) (*lookupWithFollowupResult, error) {
ctx, span := internal.StartSpan(ctx, "IpfsDHT.RunLookupWithFollowup", trace.WithAttributes(internal.KeyAsAttribute("Target", target)))
defer span.End()
// run the query
lookupRes, qps, err := dht.runQuery(ctx, target, queryFn, stopFn)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// query all of the top K peers we've either Heard about or have outstanding queries we're Waiting on.
// This ensures that all of the top K results have been queried which adds to resiliency against churn for query
// functions that carry state (e.g. FindProviders and GetValue) as well as establish connections that are needed
// by stateless query functions (e.g. GetClosestPeers and therefore Provide and PutValue)
queryPeers := make([]peer.ID, 0, len(lookupRes.peers))
for i, p := range lookupRes.peers {
if state := lookupRes.state[i]; state == qpeerset.PeerHeard || state == qpeerset.PeerWaiting {
queryPeers = append(queryPeers, p)
if len(queryPeers) == 0 {
return lookupRes, nil
// return if the lookup has been externally stopped
if ctx.Err() != nil || stopFn(qps) {
lookupRes.completed = false
return lookupRes, nil
doneCh := make(chan struct{}, len(queryPeers))
followUpCtx, cancelFollowUp := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancelFollowUp()
for _, p := range queryPeers {
qp := p
go func() {
_, _ = queryFn(followUpCtx, qp)
doneCh <- struct{}{}
// wait for all queries to complete before returning, aborting ongoing queries if we've been externally stopped
followupsCompleted := 0
for i := 0; i < len(queryPeers); i++ {
select {
case <-doneCh:
if stopFn(qps) {
if i < len(queryPeers)-1 {
lookupRes.completed = false
break processFollowUp
case <-ctx.Done():
lookupRes.completed = false
break processFollowUp
if !lookupRes.completed {
for i := followupsCompleted; i < len(queryPeers); i++ {
return lookupRes, nil
func (dht *IpfsDHT) runQuery(ctx context.Context, target string, queryFn queryFn, stopFn stopFn) (*lookupWithFollowupResult, *qpeerset.QueryPeerset, error) {
ctx, span := internal.StartSpan(ctx, "IpfsDHT.RunQuery")
defer span.End()
// pick the K closest peers to the key in our Routing table.
targetKadID := kb.ConvertKey(target)
seedPeers := dht.routingTable.NearestPeers(targetKadID, dht.bucketSize)
if len(seedPeers) == 0 {
routing.PublishQueryEvent(ctx, &routing.QueryEvent{
Type: routing.QueryError,
Extra: kb.ErrLookupFailure.Error(),
return nil, nil, kb.ErrLookupFailure
q := &query{
id: uuid.New(),
key: target,
ctx: ctx,
dht: dht,
queryPeers: qpeerset.NewQueryPeerset(target),
seedPeers: seedPeers,
peerTimes: make(map[peer.ID]time.Duration),
terminated: false,
queryFn: queryFn,
stopFn: stopFn,
// run the query
if ctx.Err() == nil {
res := q.constructLookupResult(targetKadID)
return res, q.queryPeers, nil
func (q *query) recordPeerIsValuable(p peer.ID) {
if !q.dht.routingTable.UpdateLastUsefulAt(p, time.Now()) {
// not in routing table
func (q *query) recordValuablePeers() {
// Valuable peers algorithm:
// Label the seed peer that responded to a query in the shortest amount of time as the "most valuable peer" (MVP)
// Each seed peer that responded to a query within some range (i.e. 2x) of the MVP's time is a valuable peer
// Mark the MVP and all the other valuable peers as valuable
mvpDuration := time.Duration(math.MaxInt64)
for _, p := range q.seedPeers {
if queryTime, ok := q.peerTimes[p]; ok && queryTime < mvpDuration {
mvpDuration = queryTime
for _, p := range q.seedPeers {
if queryTime, ok := q.peerTimes[p]; ok && queryTime < mvpDuration*2 {
// constructLookupResult takes the query information and uses it to construct the lookup result
func (q *query) constructLookupResult(target kb.ID) *lookupWithFollowupResult {
// determine if the query terminated early
completed := true
// Lookup and starvation are both valid ways for a lookup to complete. (Starvation does not imply failure.)
// Lookup termination (as defined in isLookupTermination) is not possible in small networks.
// Starvation is a successful query termination in small networks.
if !(q.isLookupTermination() || q.isStarvationTermination()) {
completed = false
// extract the top K not unreachable peers
var peers []peer.ID
peerState := make(map[peer.ID]qpeerset.PeerState)
qp := q.queryPeers.GetClosestNInStates(q.dht.bucketSize, qpeerset.PeerHeard, qpeerset.PeerWaiting, qpeerset.PeerQueried)
for _, p := range qp {
state := q.queryPeers.GetState(p)
peerState[p] = state
peers = append(peers, p)
// get the top K overall peers
sortedPeers := kb.SortClosestPeers(peers, target)
if len(sortedPeers) > q.dht.bucketSize {
sortedPeers = sortedPeers[:q.dht.bucketSize]
closest := q.queryPeers.GetClosestNInStates(q.dht.bucketSize, qpeerset.PeerHeard, qpeerset.PeerWaiting, qpeerset.PeerQueried, qpeerset.PeerUnreachable)
// return the top K not unreachable peers as well as their states at the end of the query
res := &lookupWithFollowupResult{
peers: sortedPeers,
state: make([]qpeerset.PeerState, len(sortedPeers)),
completed: completed,
closest: closest,
for i, p := range sortedPeers {
res.state[i] = peerState[p]
return res
type queryUpdate struct {
cause peer.ID
queried []peer.ID
heard []peer.ID
unreachable []peer.ID
queryDuration time.Duration
func (q *query) run() {
ctx, span := internal.StartSpan(q.ctx, "IpfsDHT.Query.Run")
defer span.End()
pathCtx, cancelPath := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancelPath()
alpha := q.dht.alpha
ch := make(chan *queryUpdate, alpha)
ch <- &queryUpdate{cause: q.dht.self, heard: q.seedPeers}
// return only once all outstanding queries have completed.
defer q.waitGroup.Wait()
for {
var cause peer.ID
select {
case update := <-ch:
q.updateState(pathCtx, update)
cause = update.cause
case <-pathCtx.Done():
q.terminate(pathCtx, cancelPath, LookupCancelled)
// calculate the maximum number of queries we could be spawning.
// Note: NumWaiting will be updated in spawnQuery
maxNumQueriesToSpawn := alpha - q.queryPeers.NumWaiting()
// termination is triggered on end-of-lookup conditions or starvation of unused peers
// it also returns the peers we should query next for a maximum of `maxNumQueriesToSpawn` peers.
ready, reason, qPeers := q.isReadyToTerminate(pathCtx, maxNumQueriesToSpawn)
if ready {
q.terminate(pathCtx, cancelPath, reason)
if q.terminated {
// try spawning the queries, if there are no available peers to query then we won't spawn them
for _, p := range qPeers {
q.spawnQuery(pathCtx, cause, p, ch)
// spawnQuery starts one query, if an available heard peer is found
func (q *query) spawnQuery(ctx context.Context, cause peer.ID, queryPeer peer.ID, ch chan<- *queryUpdate) {
ctx, span := internal.StartSpan(ctx, "IpfsDHT.SpawnQuery", trace.WithAttributes(
attribute.String("Cause", cause.String()),
attribute.String("QueryPeer", queryPeer.String()),
defer span.End()
nil, // heard
[]peer.ID{queryPeer}, // waiting
nil, // queried
nil, // unreachable
q.queryPeers.SetState(queryPeer, qpeerset.PeerWaiting)
go q.queryPeer(ctx, ch, queryPeer)
func (q *query) isReadyToTerminate(ctx context.Context, nPeersToQuery int) (bool, LookupTerminationReason, []peer.ID) {
// give the application logic a chance to terminate
if q.stopFn(q.queryPeers) {
return true, LookupStopped, nil
if q.isStarvationTermination() {
return true, LookupStarvation, nil
if q.isLookupTermination() {
return true, LookupCompleted, nil
// The peers we query next should be ones that we have only Heard about.
var peersToQuery []peer.ID
peers := q.queryPeers.GetClosestInStates(qpeerset.PeerHeard)
count := 0
for _, p := range peers {
peersToQuery = append(peersToQuery, p)
if count == nPeersToQuery {
return false, -1, peersToQuery
// From the set of all nodes that are not unreachable,
// if the closest beta nodes are all queried, the lookup can terminate.
func (q *query) isLookupTermination() bool {
peers := q.queryPeers.GetClosestNInStates(q.dht.beta, qpeerset.PeerHeard, qpeerset.PeerWaiting, qpeerset.PeerQueried)
for _, p := range peers {
if q.queryPeers.GetState(p) != qpeerset.PeerQueried {
return false
return true
func (q *query) isStarvationTermination() bool {
return q.queryPeers.NumHeard() == 0 && q.queryPeers.NumWaiting() == 0
func (q *query) terminate(ctx context.Context, cancel context.CancelFunc, reason LookupTerminationReason) {
ctx, span := internal.StartSpan(ctx, "IpfsDHT.Query.Terminate", trace.WithAttributes(attribute.Stringer("Reason", reason)))
defer span.End()
if q.terminated {
cancel() // abort outstanding queries
q.terminated = true
// queryPeer queries a single peer and reports its findings on the channel.
// queryPeer does not access the query state in queryPeers!
func (q *query) queryPeer(ctx context.Context, ch chan<- *queryUpdate, p peer.ID) {
defer q.waitGroup.Done()
ctx, span := internal.StartSpan(ctx, "IpfsDHT.QueryPeer")
defer span.End()
dialCtx, queryCtx := ctx, ctx
// dial the peer
if err := q.dht.dialPeer(dialCtx, p); err != nil {
// remove the peer if there was a dial failure..but not because of a context cancellation
if dialCtx.Err() == nil {
ch <- &queryUpdate{cause: p, unreachable: []peer.ID{p}}
startQuery := time.Now()
// send query RPC to the remote peer
newPeers, err := q.queryFn(queryCtx, p)
if err != nil {
if queryCtx.Err() == nil {
ch <- &queryUpdate{cause: p, unreachable: []peer.ID{p}}
queryDuration := time.Since(startQuery)
// query successful, try to add to RT
// process new peers
saw := []peer.ID{}
for _, next := range newPeers {
if next.ID == q.dht.self { // don't add self.
logger.Debugf("PEERS CLOSER -- worker for: %v found self", p)
// add any other know addresses for the candidate peer.
curInfo := q.dht.peerstore.PeerInfo(next.ID)
next.Addrs = append(next.Addrs, curInfo.Addrs...)
// add their addresses to the dialer's peerstore
// add the next peer to the query if matches the query target even if it would otherwise fail the query filter
// TODO: this behavior is really specific to how FindPeer works and not GetClosestPeers or any other function
isTarget := string(next.ID) == q.key
if isTarget || q.dht.queryPeerFilter(q.dht, *next) {
q.dht.maybeAddAddrs(next.ID, next.Addrs, pstore.TempAddrTTL)
saw = append(saw, next.ID)
ch <- &queryUpdate{cause: p, heard: saw, queried: []peer.ID{p}, queryDuration: queryDuration}
func (q *query) updateState(ctx context.Context, up *queryUpdate) {
if q.terminated {
panic("update should not be invoked after the logical lookup termination")
up.heard, // heard
nil, // waiting
up.queried, // queried
up.unreachable, // unreachable
for _, p := range up.heard {
if p == q.dht.self { // don't add self.
q.queryPeers.TryAdd(p, up.cause)
for _, p := range up.queried {
if p == q.dht.self { // don't add self.
if st := q.queryPeers.GetState(p); st == qpeerset.PeerWaiting {
q.queryPeers.SetState(p, qpeerset.PeerQueried)
q.peerTimes[p] = up.queryDuration
} else {
panic(fmt.Errorf("kademlia protocol error: tried to transition to the queried state from state %v", st))
for _, p := range up.unreachable {
if p == q.dht.self { // don't add self.
if st := q.queryPeers.GetState(p); st == qpeerset.PeerWaiting {
q.queryPeers.SetState(p, qpeerset.PeerUnreachable)
} else {
panic(fmt.Errorf("kademlia protocol error: tried to transition to the unreachable state from state %v", st))
func (dht *IpfsDHT) dialPeer(ctx context.Context, p peer.ID) error {
ctx, span := internal.StartSpan(ctx, "IpfsDHT.DialPeer", trace.WithAttributes(attribute.String("PeerID", p.String())))
defer span.End()
// short-circuit if we're already connected.
if dht.host.Network().Connectedness(p) == network.Connected {
return nil
logger.Debug("not connected. dialing.")
routing.PublishQueryEvent(ctx, &routing.QueryEvent{
Type: routing.DialingPeer,
ID: p,
pi := peer.AddrInfo{ID: p}
if err := dht.host.Connect(ctx, pi); err != nil {
logger.Debugf("error connecting: %s", err)
routing.PublishQueryEvent(ctx, &routing.QueryEvent{
Type: routing.QueryError,
Extra: err.Error(),
ID: p,
return err
logger.Debugf("connected. dial success.")
return nil