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package multiaddr
import (
mh "github.com/multiformats/go-multihash"
func newMultiaddr(t *testing.T, a string) Multiaddr {
m, err := NewMultiaddr(a)
if err != nil {
return m
func TestConstructFails(t *testing.T) {
cases := []string{
"/ip4/", // 1 character missing from certhash
"/p2p/QmxoHT6iViN5xAjoz1VZ553cL31U9F94ht3QvWR1FrEbZY", // sha256 multihash with digest len > 32
for _, a := range cases {
if _, err := NewMultiaddr(a); err == nil {
t.Errorf("should have failed: %s - %s", a, err)
func TestEmptyMultiaddr(t *testing.T) {
_, err := NewMultiaddrBytes([]byte{})
if err == nil {
t.Fatal("should have failed to parse empty multiaddr")
var good = []string{
func TestConstructSucceeds(t *testing.T) {
for _, a := range good {
if _, err := NewMultiaddr(a); err != nil {
t.Errorf("should have succeeded: %s -- %s", a, err)
func TestEqual(t *testing.T) {
m1 := newMultiaddr(t, "/ip4/")
m2 := newMultiaddr(t, "/ip4/")
m3 := newMultiaddr(t, "/ip4/")
m4 := newMultiaddr(t, "/ip4/")
if m1.Equal(m2) {
t.Error("should not be equal")
if m2.Equal(m1) {
t.Error("should not be equal")
if !m2.Equal(m3) {
t.Error("should be equal")
if !m3.Equal(m2) {
t.Error("should be equal")
if !m1.Equal(m1) {
t.Error("should be equal")
if !m2.Equal(m4) {
t.Error("should be equal")
if !m4.Equal(m3) {
t.Error("should be equal")
// TestNilInterface makes sure funcs that accept a multiaddr interface don't
// panic if it's passed a nil interface.
func TestNilInterface(t *testing.T) {
m1 := newMultiaddr(t, "/ip4/")
var m2 Multiaddr
// Test components
c, _, _ := SplitFirst(m1)
// Util funcs
_ = Split(m2)
_, _, _ = SplitFirst(m2)
_, _, _ = SplitLast(m2)
ForEach(m2, func(c Component, e error) bool { return true })
func TestStringToBytes(t *testing.T) {
testString := func(s string, h string) {
b1, err := hex.DecodeString(h)
if err != nil {
t.Error("failed to decode hex", h)
// t.Log("196", h, []byte(b1))
b2, err := stringToBytes(s)
if err != nil {
t.Error("failed to convert", s, err)
if !bytes.Equal(b1, b2) {
t.Error("failed to convert \n", s, "to\n", hex.EncodeToString(b1), "got\n", hex.EncodeToString(b2))
if err := validateBytes(b2); err != nil {
t.Error(err, "len:", len(b2))
testString("/ip4/", "047f000001910204d2")
testString("/ip4/", "047f0000010610e1")
testString("/ip4/", "047f000001910204d2047f0000010610e1")
testString("/onion/aaimaq4ygg2iegci:80", "bc030010c0439831b48218480050")
testString("/onion3/vww6ybal4bd7szmgncyruucpgfkqahzddi37ktceo3ah7ngmcopnpyyd:1234", "bd03adadec040be047f9658668b11a504f3155001f231a37f54c4476c07fb4cc139ed7e30304d2")
func TestBytesToString(t *testing.T) {
testString := func(s1 string, h string) {
b, err := hex.DecodeString(h)
if err != nil {
t.Error("failed to decode hex", h)
if err := validateBytes(b); err != nil {
s2, err := bytesToString(b)
if err != nil {
t.Log("236", s1, ":", string(h), ":", s2)
t.Error("failed to convert", b, err)
if s1 != s2 {
t.Error("failed to convert", b, "to", s1, "got", s2)
testString("/ip4/", "047f000001910204d2")
testString("/ip4/", "047f0000010610e1")
testString("/ip4/", "047f000001910204d2047f0000010610e1")
testString("/onion/aaimaq4ygg2iegci:80", "bc030010c0439831b48218480050")
testString("/onion3/vww6ybal4bd7szmgncyruucpgfkqahzddi37ktceo3ah7ngmcopnpyyd:1234", "bd03adadec040be047f9658668b11a504f3155001f231a37f54c4476c07fb4cc139ed7e30304d2")
func TestBytesSplitAndJoin(t *testing.T) {
testString := func(s string, res []string) {
m, err := NewMultiaddr(s)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("failed to convert", s, err)
split := Split(m)
if len(split) != len(res) {
t.Error("not enough split components", split)
for i, a := range split {
if a.String() != res[i] {
t.Errorf("split component failed: %s != %s", a, res[i])
joined := Join(split...)
if !m.Equal(joined) {
t.Errorf("joined components failed: %s != %s", m, joined)
for i, a := range split {
if a.String() != res[i] {
t.Errorf("split component failed: %s != %s", a, res[i])
testString("/ip4/", []string{"/ip4/", "/udp/1234"})
[]string{"/ip4/", "/tcp/1", "/ip4/", "/udp/2"})
[]string{"/ip4/", "/utp", "/ip4/", "/udp/2", "/udt"})
func TestProtocols(t *testing.T) {
m, err := NewMultiaddr("/ip4/")
if err != nil {
t.Error("failed to construct", "/ip4/")
ps := m.Protocols()
if ps[0].Code != ProtocolWithName("ip4").Code {
t.Error(ps[0], ProtocolWithName("ip4"))
t.Error("failed to get ip4 protocol")
if ps[1].Code != ProtocolWithName("udp").Code {
t.Error(ps[1], ProtocolWithName("udp"))
t.Error("failed to get udp protocol")
func TestProtocolsWithString(t *testing.T) {
pwn := ProtocolWithName
good := map[string][]Protocol{
"/ip4": {pwn("ip4")},
"/ip4/tcp": {pwn("ip4"), pwn("tcp")},
"ip4/tcp/udp/ip6": {pwn("ip4"), pwn("tcp"), pwn("udp"), pwn("ip6")},
"////////ip4/tcp": {pwn("ip4"), pwn("tcp")},
"ip4/udp/////////": {pwn("ip4"), pwn("udp")},
"////////ip4/tcp////////": {pwn("ip4"), pwn("tcp")},
for s, ps1 := range good {
ps2, err := ProtocolsWithString(s)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("ProtocolsWithString(%s) should have succeeded", s)
for i, ps1p := range ps1 {
ps2p := ps2[i]
if ps1p.Code != ps2p.Code {
t.Errorf("mismatch: %s != %s, %s", ps1p.Name, ps2p.Name, s)
bad := []string{
"dsijafd", // bogus proto
"/ip4/tcp/fidosafoidsa", // bogus proto
"////////ip4/tcp/21432141/////////", // bogus proto
"////////ip4///////tcp/////////", // empty protos in between
for _, s := range bad {
if _, err := ProtocolsWithString(s); err == nil {
t.Errorf("ProtocolsWithString(%s) should have failed", s)
func TestEncapsulate(t *testing.T) {
m, err := NewMultiaddr("/ip4/")
if err != nil {
m2, err := NewMultiaddr("/udp/5678")
if err != nil {
b := m.Encapsulate(m2)
if s := b.String(); s != "/ip4/" {
t.Error("encapsulate /ip4/ failed.", s)
m3, _ := NewMultiaddr("/udp/5678")
c := b.Decapsulate(m3)
if s := c.String(); s != "/ip4/" {
t.Error("decapsulate /udp failed.", "/ip4/", s)
m4, _ := NewMultiaddr("/ip4/")
d := c.Decapsulate(m4)
if d != nil {
t.Error("decapsulate /ip4 failed: ", d)
func TestDecapsulateComment(t *testing.T) {
// shows the behavior from the interface comment
m, _ := StringCast("/ip4/")
n, _ := StringCast("/tcp/80")
rest := m.Decapsulate(n)
if rest.String() != "/ip4/" {
t.Fatalf("Documented behavior is not correct. Expected %v saw %v", "/ip4/", rest.String())
m, _ = StringCast("/ip4/")
n, _ = StringCast("/udp/80")
rest = m.Decapsulate(n)
if !rest.Equal(m) {
t.Fatalf("Documented behavior is not correct. Expected %v saw %v", "/ip4/", rest.String())
m, _ = StringCast("/ip4/")
n, _ = StringCast("/ip4/")
rest = m.Decapsulate(n)
require.Nil(t, rest, "expected a nil multiaddr if we decapsulate everything")
func TestDecapsulate(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("right is nil", func(t *testing.T) {
left, _ := StringCast("/ip4/")
var right Multiaddr
testcases := []struct {
left, right, expected string
{"/ip4/", "/ip4/", ""},
{"/ip4/", "/ip4/", "/ip4/"},
{"/ip4/", "/ip4/", "/ip4/"},
{"/ip4/", "/udp/1234", "/ip4/"},
{"/ip4/", "/udp/1234/quic-v1", "/ip4/"},
{"/ip4/", "/ws", "/ip4/"},
{"/dnsaddr/wss.com/tcp/4001", "/ws", "/dnsaddr/wss.com/tcp/4001"},
{"/dnsaddr/wss.com/tcp/4001/ws", "/wss", "/dnsaddr/wss.com/tcp/4001/ws"},
{"/dnsaddr/wss.com/ws", "/wss", "/dnsaddr/wss.com/ws"},
{"/dnsaddr/wss.com/ws", "/dnsaddr/wss.com", ""},
{"/dnsaddr/wss.com/tcp/4001/wss", "/wss", "/dnsaddr/wss.com/tcp/4001"},
for _, tc := range testcases {
t.Run(tc.left, func(t *testing.T) {
left, _ := StringCast(tc.left)
right, _ := StringCast(tc.right)
actualMa := left.Decapsulate(right)
if tc.expected == "" {
require.Nil(t, actualMa, "expected nil")
actual := actualMa.String()
expected, _ := StringCast(tc.expected)
require.Equal(t, expected.String(), actual)
func assertValueForProto(t *testing.T, a Multiaddr, p int, exp string) {
t.Logf("checking for %s in %s", ProtocolWithCode(p).Name, a)
fv, err := a.ValueForProtocol(p)
if err != nil {
if fv != exp {
t.Fatalf("expected %q for %d in %s, but got %q instead", exp, p, a, fv)
func TestGetValue(t *testing.T) {
a := newMultiaddr(t, "/ip4/")
assertValueForProto(t, a, P_IP4, "")
assertValueForProto(t, a, P_UTP, "")
assertValueForProto(t, a, P_TLS, "")
assertValueForProto(t, a, P_TCP, "5555")
assertValueForProto(t, a, P_UDP, "1234")
assertValueForProto(t, a, P_IPFS, "QmbHVEEepCi7rn7VL7Exxpd2Ci9NNB6ifvqwhsrbRMgQFP")
assertValueForProto(t, a, P_P2P, "QmbHVEEepCi7rn7VL7Exxpd2Ci9NNB6ifvqwhsrbRMgQFP")
_, err := a.ValueForProtocol(P_IP6)
switch err {
case ErrProtocolNotFound:
case nil:
t.Fatal("expected value lookup to fail")
t.Fatalf("expected ErrProtocolNotFound but got: %s", err)
a = newMultiaddr(t, "/ip4/") // only one addr
assertValueForProto(t, a, P_IP4, "")
a = newMultiaddr(t, "/ip4/") // same sub-addr
assertValueForProto(t, a, P_IP4, "")
a = newMultiaddr(t, "/ip4/") // ending in a no-value one.
assertValueForProto(t, a, P_IP4, "")
assertValueForProto(t, a, P_UDP, "12345")
assertValueForProto(t, a, P_UTP, "")
a = newMultiaddr(t, "/ip4/") // ending in a path one.
assertValueForProto(t, a, P_IP4, "")
assertValueForProto(t, a, P_UNIX, "/a/b/c/d")
func FuzzNewMultiaddrBytes(f *testing.F) {
for _, v := range good {
ma, err := NewMultiaddr(v)
if err != nil {
f.Fuzz(func(t *testing.T, b []byte) {
// just checking that it doesn't panic
ma, err := NewMultiaddrBytes(b)
if err == nil {
// for any valid multiaddrs, make sure these calls don't panic
roundTripBytes(t, ma)
roundTripString(t, ma)
func FuzzNewMultiaddrString(f *testing.F) {
for _, v := range good {
if _, err := NewMultiaddr(v); err != nil {
// Validate maddrs
f.Fuzz(func(t *testing.T, s string) {
// just checking that it doesn't panic
ma, err := NewMultiaddr(s)
if err == nil {
// for any valid multiaddrs, make sure these calls don't panic
roundTripBytes(t, ma)
roundTripString(t, ma)
func roundTripBytes(t *testing.T, orig Multiaddr) {
m2, err := NewMultiaddrBytes(orig.Bytes())
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to parse maddr back from ma.Bytes, %v: %v", orig, err)
if !m2.Equal(orig) {
t.Fatalf("unequal maddr after roundTripBytes %v %v", orig, m2)
func roundTripString(t *testing.T, orig Multiaddr) {
m2, err := NewMultiaddr(orig.String())
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to parse maddr back from ma.String, %v: %v", orig, err)
if !m2.Equal(orig) {
t.Fatalf("unequal maddr after roundTripString %v %v\n% 02x\n% 02x\n", orig, m2, orig.Bytes(), m2.Bytes())
func TestBinaryRepresentation(t *testing.T) {
expected := []byte{0x4, 0x7f, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x91, 0x2, 0x4, 0xd2}
ma, err := NewMultiaddr("/ip4/")
if err != nil {
if !bytes.Equal(ma.Bytes(), expected) {
t.Errorf("expected %x, got %x", expected, ma.Bytes())
func TestRoundTrip(t *testing.T) {
for _, s := range []string{
} {
ma, err := NewMultiaddr(s)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error when parsing %q: %s", s, err)
if ma.String() != s {
t.Errorf("failed to round trip %q", s)
func TestIPFSvP2P(t *testing.T) {
var (
p2pAddr = "/p2p/QmbHVEEepCi7rn7VL7Exxpd2Ci9NNB6ifvqwhsrbRMgQFP"
ipfsAddr = "/ipfs/QmbHVEEepCi7rn7VL7Exxpd2Ci9NNB6ifvqwhsrbRMgQFP"
for _, s := range []string{p2pAddr, ipfsAddr} {
ma, err := NewMultiaddr(s)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error when parsing %q: %s", s, err)
if ma.String() != p2pAddr {
t.Errorf("expected %q, got %q", p2pAddr, ma.String())
func TestInvalidP2PAddrBytes(t *testing.T) {
badAddr := "a503221221c05877cbae039d70a5e600ea02c6f9f2942439285c9e344e26f8d280c850fad6"
bts, err := hex.DecodeString(badAddr)
if err != nil {
ma, err := NewMultiaddrBytes(bts)
if err == nil {
t.Error("should have failed")
// Check for panic
_ = ma.String()
func TestInvalidP2PAddrString(t *testing.T) {
hashedData, err := mh.Sum([]byte("test"), mh.SHA2_256, -1)
if err != nil {
// using MD5 since it's not a valid data codec
unknownCodecCID := cid.NewCidV1(mh.MD5, hashedData).String()
badStringAddrs := []string{
"/p2p/k2k4r8oqamigqdo6o7hsbfwd45y70oyynp98usk7zmyfrzpqxh1pohl-", // invalid multibase encoding
"/p2p/?unknownmultibase", // invalid multibase encoding
"/p2p/k2jmtxwoe2phm1hbqp0e7nufqf6umvuu2e9qd7ana7h411a0haqj6i2z", // non-libp2p-key codec
"/p2p/" + unknownCodecCID, // impossible codec
for _, a := range badStringAddrs {
ma, err := NewMultiaddr(a)
if err == nil {
t.Error("should have failed")
// Check for panic
_ = ma.String()
func TestZone(t *testing.T) {
ip6String := "/ip6zone/eth0/ip6/::1"
ip6Bytes := []byte{
0x2a, 4,
'e', 't', 'h', '0',
0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1,
ma, err := NewMultiaddr(ip6String)
if err != nil {
if !bytes.Equal(ma.Bytes(), ip6Bytes) {
t.Errorf("expected %x, got %x", ip6Bytes, ma.Bytes())
ma2, err2 := NewMultiaddrBytes(ip6Bytes)
if err2 != nil {
if ma2.String() != ip6String {
t.Errorf("expected %s, got %s", ip6String, ma2.String())
func TestBinaryMarshaler(t *testing.T) {
addr := newMultiaddr(t, "/ip4/")
b, err := addr.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
var addr2 multiaddr
if err = addr2.UnmarshalBinary(b); err != nil {
if !addr.Equal(&addr2) {
t.Error("expected equal addresses in circular marshaling test")
func TestTextMarshaler(t *testing.T) {
addr := newMultiaddr(t, "/ip4/")
b, err := addr.MarshalText()
if err != nil {
var addr2 multiaddr
if err = addr2.UnmarshalText(b); err != nil {
if !addr.Equal(&addr2) {
t.Error("expected equal addresses in circular marshaling test")
func TestJSONMarshaler(t *testing.T) {
addr := newMultiaddr(t, "/ip4/")
b, err := addr.MarshalJSON()
if err != nil {
var addr2 multiaddr
if err = addr2.UnmarshalJSON(b); err != nil {
if !addr.Equal(&addr2) {
t.Error("expected equal addresses in circular marshaling test")
func TestComponentBinaryMarshaler(t *testing.T) {
comp, err := NewComponent("ip4", "")
if err != nil {
b, err := comp.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
comp2 := &Component{}
if err = comp2.UnmarshalBinary(b); err != nil {
if !comp.Equal(comp2) {
t.Error("expected equal components in circular marshaling test")
func TestComponentTextMarshaler(t *testing.T) {
comp, err := NewComponent("ip4", "")
if err != nil {
b, err := comp.MarshalText()
if err != nil {
comp2 := &Component{}
if err = comp2.UnmarshalText(b); err != nil {
if !comp.Equal(comp2) {
t.Error("expected equal components in circular marshaling test")
func TestComponentJSONMarshaler(t *testing.T) {
comp, err := NewComponent("ip4", "")
if err != nil {
b, err := comp.MarshalJSON()
if err != nil {
comp2 := &Component{}
if err = comp2.UnmarshalJSON(b); err != nil {
if !comp.Equal(comp2) {
t.Error("expected equal components in circular marshaling test")
func TestFilterAddrs(t *testing.T) {
bad := []Multiaddr{
newMultiaddr(t, "/ip6/fe80::1/tcp/1234"),
newMultiaddr(t, "/ip6/fe80::100/tcp/1234"),
good := []Multiaddr{
newMultiaddr(t, "/ip4/"),
newMultiaddr(t, "/ip4/"),
newMultiaddr(t, "/ip4/"),
goodAndBad := append(good, bad...)
filter := func(addr Multiaddr) bool {
return addr.Protocols()[0].Code == P_IP4
require.Empty(t, FilterAddrs(bad, filter))
require.ElementsMatch(t, FilterAddrs(good, filter), good)
require.ElementsMatch(t, FilterAddrs(goodAndBad, filter), good)
func TestContains(t *testing.T) {
a1 := newMultiaddr(t, "/ip4/")
a2 := newMultiaddr(t, "/ip4/")
a3 := newMultiaddr(t, "/ip4/")
a4 := newMultiaddr(t, "/ip4/")
addrs := []Multiaddr{a1, a2, a3, a4}
require.True(t, Contains(addrs, a1))
require.True(t, Contains(addrs, a2))
require.True(t, Contains(addrs, a3))
require.True(t, Contains(addrs, a4))
require.False(t, Contains(addrs, newMultiaddr(t, "/ip4/")))
require.False(t, Contains(nil, a1))
func TestUniqueAddrs(t *testing.T) {
tcpAddr, _ := StringCast("/ip4/")
quicAddr, _ := StringCast("/ip4/")
wsAddr, _ := StringCast("/ip4/")
type testcase struct {
in, out []Multiaddr
for i, tc := range []testcase{
{in: nil, out: nil},
{in: []Multiaddr{tcpAddr}, out: []Multiaddr{tcpAddr}},
{in: []Multiaddr{tcpAddr, tcpAddr, tcpAddr}, out: []Multiaddr{tcpAddr}},
{in: []Multiaddr{tcpAddr, quicAddr, tcpAddr}, out: []Multiaddr{tcpAddr, quicAddr}},
{in: []Multiaddr{tcpAddr, quicAddr, wsAddr}, out: []Multiaddr{tcpAddr, quicAddr, wsAddr}},
} {
tc := tc
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("test %d", i), func(t *testing.T) {
deduped := Unique(tc.in)
for _, a := range tc.out {
require.Contains(t, deduped, a)
func BenchmarkUniqueAddrs(b *testing.B) {
var addrs []Multiaddr
r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1234))
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
tcpAddr, _ := StringCast(fmt.Sprintf("/ip4/", r.Intn(math.MaxUint16)))
quicAddr, _ := StringCast(fmt.Sprintf("/ip4/", r.Intn(math.MaxUint16)))
wsAddr, _ := StringCast(fmt.Sprintf("/ip4/", r.Intn(math.MaxUint16)))
addrs = append(addrs, tcpAddr, tcpAddr, quicAddr, quicAddr, wsAddr)
for _, sz := range []int{10, 20, 30, 50, 100} {
b.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%d", sz), func(b *testing.B) {
items := make([]Multiaddr, sz)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
copy(items, addrs[:sz])
func TestDNS(t *testing.T) {
b := []byte("7*000000000000000000000000000000000000000000")
a, err := NewMultiaddrBytes(b)
if err != nil {
aa, _ := StringCast(a.String())
if !a.Equal(aa) {
t.Fatal("expected equality")
func TestHTTPPath(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("bad addr", func(t *testing.T) {
badAddr := "/http-path/thisIsMissingAfullByte%f"
_, err := NewMultiaddr(badAddr)
require.Error(t, err)
t.Run("only reads the http-path part", func(t *testing.T) {
addr := "/http-path/tmp%2Fbar/p2p-circuit" // The http-path only reference the part immediately after it. It does not include the rest of the multiaddr (like the /path component sometimes does)
m, err := NewMultiaddr(addr)
require.NoError(t, err)
v, err := m.ValueForProtocol(P_HTTP_PATH)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, "tmp%2Fbar", v)
t.Run("round trip", func(t *testing.T) {
cases := []string{
for _, c := range cases {
m, err := NewMultiaddr(c)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, c, m.String())
t.Run("value for protocol", func(t *testing.T) {
m, _ := StringCast("/http-path/tmp%2Fbar")
v, err := m.ValueForProtocol(P_HTTP_PATH)
require.NoError(t, err)
// This gives us the url escaped version
require.Equal(t, "tmp%2Fbar", v)
// If we want the raw unescaped version, we can use the component and read it
_, component, _ := SplitLast(m)
require.Equal(t, "tmp/bar", string(component.RawValue()))
func FuzzSplitRoundtrip(f *testing.F) {
for _, v := range good {
otherMultiaddr, _ := StringCast("/udp/1337")
f.Fuzz(func(t *testing.T, addrStr string) {
addr, err := NewMultiaddr(addrStr)
if err != nil {
t.Skip() // Skip inputs that are not valid multiaddrs
// Test SplitFirst
first, rest, _ := SplitFirst(addr)
joined := Join(first, rest)
require.Equal(t, addr, joined, "SplitFirst and Join should round-trip")
// Test SplitLast
rest, last, _ := SplitLast(addr)
joined = Join(rest, last)
require.Equal(t, addr, joined, "SplitLast and Join should round-trip")
p := addr.Protocols()
if len(p) == 0 {
tryPubMethods := func(a Multiaddr) {
if a == nil {
_ = a.Equal(otherMultiaddr)
_ = a.Bytes()
_ = a.String()
_ = a.Protocols()
_ = a.Encapsulate(otherMultiaddr)
_ = a.Decapsulate(otherMultiaddr)
_, _ = a.ValueForProtocol(P_TCP)
for _, proto := range p {
splitFunc := func(c Component) bool {
return c.Protocol().Code == proto.Code
beforeC, after, _ := SplitFirst(addr)
joined = Join(beforeC, after)
require.Equal(t, addr, joined)
before, afterC, _ := SplitLast(addr)
joined = Join(before, afterC)
require.Equal(t, addr, joined)
before, after, _ = SplitFunc(addr, splitFunc)
joined = Join(before, after)
require.Equal(t, addr, joined)