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package config
import (
bhost "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p/p2p/host/basic"
blankhost "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p/p2p/host/blank"
rcmgr "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p/p2p/host/resource-manager"
routed "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p/p2p/host/routed"
tptu "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p/p2p/net/upgrader"
circuitv2 "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p/p2p/protocol/circuitv2/client"
relayv2 "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p/p2p/protocol/circuitv2/relay"
ma "github.com/multiformats/go-multiaddr"
madns "github.com/multiformats/go-multiaddr-dns"
// AddrsFactory is a function that takes a set of multiaddrs we're listening on and
// returns the set of multiaddrs we should advertise to the network.
type AddrsFactory = bhost.AddrsFactory
// NATManagerC is a NATManager constructor.
type NATManagerC func(network.Network) bhost.NATManager
type RoutingC func(host.Host) (routing.PeerRouting, error)
// AutoNATConfig defines the AutoNAT behavior for the libp2p host.
type AutoNATConfig struct {
ForceReachability *network.Reachability
EnableService bool
ThrottleGlobalLimit int
ThrottlePeerLimit int
ThrottleInterval time.Duration
type Security struct {
ID protocol.ID
Constructor interface{}
// Config describes a set of settings for a libp2p node
// This is *not* a stable interface. Use the options defined in the root
// package.
type Config struct {
// UserAgent is the identifier this node will send to other peers when
// identifying itself, e.g. via the identify protocol.
// Set it via the UserAgent option function.
UserAgent string
// ProtocolVersion is the protocol version that identifies the family
// of protocols used by the peer in the Identify protocol. It is set
// using the [ProtocolVersion] option.
ProtocolVersion string
PeerKey crypto.PrivKey
QUICReuse []fx.Option
Transports []fx.Option
Muxers []tptu.StreamMuxer
SecurityTransports []Security
Insecure bool
PSK pnet.PSK
DialTimeout time.Duration
RelayCustom bool
Relay bool // should the relay transport be used
EnableRelayService bool // should we run a circuitv2 relay (if publicly reachable)
RelayServiceOpts []relayv2.Option
ListenAddrs []ma.Multiaddr
AddrsFactory bhost.AddrsFactory
ConnectionGater connmgr.ConnectionGater
ConnManager connmgr.ConnManager
ResourceManager network.ResourceManager
NATManager NATManagerC
Peerstore peerstore.Peerstore
Reporter metrics.Reporter
MultiaddrResolver *madns.Resolver
DisablePing bool
Routing RoutingC
EnableAutoRelay bool
AutoRelayOpts []autorelay.Option
EnableHolePunching bool
HolePunchingOptions []holepunch.Option
DisableMetrics bool
PrometheusRegisterer prometheus.Registerer
DialRanker network.DialRanker
SwarmOpts []swarm.Option
func (cfg *Config) makeSwarm(eventBus event.Bus, enableMetrics bool) (*swarm.Swarm, error) {
if cfg.Peerstore == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no peerstore specified")
// Check this early. Prevents us from even *starting* without verifying this.
if pnet.ForcePrivateNetwork && len(cfg.PSK) == 0 {
log.Error("tried to create a libp2p node with no Private" +
" Network Protector but usage of Private Networks" +
" is forced by the environment")
// Note: This is *also* checked the upgrader itself, so it'll be
// enforced even *if* you don't use the libp2p constructor.
return nil, pnet.ErrNotInPrivateNetwork
if cfg.PeerKey == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no peer key specified")
// Obtain Peer ID from public key
pid, err := peer.IDFromPublicKey(cfg.PeerKey.GetPublic())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := cfg.Peerstore.AddPrivKey(pid, cfg.PeerKey); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := cfg.Peerstore.AddPubKey(pid, cfg.PeerKey.GetPublic()); err != nil {
return nil, err
opts := cfg.SwarmOpts
if cfg.Reporter != nil {
opts = append(opts, swarm.WithMetrics(cfg.Reporter))
if cfg.ConnectionGater != nil {
opts = append(opts, swarm.WithConnectionGater(cfg.ConnectionGater))
if cfg.DialTimeout != 0 {
opts = append(opts, swarm.WithDialTimeout(cfg.DialTimeout))
if cfg.ResourceManager != nil {
opts = append(opts, swarm.WithResourceManager(cfg.ResourceManager))
if cfg.MultiaddrResolver != nil {
opts = append(opts, swarm.WithMultiaddrResolver(cfg.MultiaddrResolver))
if cfg.DialRanker != nil {
opts = append(opts, swarm.WithDialRanker(cfg.DialRanker))
if enableMetrics {
opts = append(opts,
// TODO: Make the swarm implementation configurable.
return swarm.NewSwarm(pid, cfg.Peerstore, eventBus, opts...)
func (cfg *Config) addTransports(h host.Host) error {
swrm, ok := h.Network().(transport.TransportNetwork)
if !ok {
// Should probably skip this if no transports.
return fmt.Errorf("swarm does not support transports")
fxopts := []fx.Option{
fx.WithLogger(func() fxevent.Logger { return getFXLogger() }),
fx.Provide(fx.Annotate(tptu.New, fx.ParamTags(`name:"security"`))),
fx.Provide(func() host.Host { return h }),
fx.Provide(func() crypto.PrivKey { return h.Peerstore().PrivKey(h.ID()) }),
fx.Provide(func() connmgr.ConnectionGater { return cfg.ConnectionGater }),
fx.Provide(func() pnet.PSK { return cfg.PSK }),
fx.Provide(func() network.ResourceManager { return cfg.ResourceManager }),
fx.Provide(func() *madns.Resolver { return cfg.MultiaddrResolver }),
fxopts = append(fxopts, cfg.Transports...)
if cfg.Insecure {
fxopts = append(fxopts,
func(id peer.ID, priv crypto.PrivKey) []sec.SecureTransport {
return []sec.SecureTransport{insecure.NewWithIdentity(insecure.ID, id, priv)}
} else {
// fx groups are unordered, but we need to preserve the order of the security transports
// First of all, we construct the security transports that are needed,
// and save them to a group call security_unordered.
for _, s := range cfg.SecurityTransports {
fxName := fmt.Sprintf(`name:"security_%s"`, s.ID)
fxopts = append(fxopts, fx.Supply(fx.Annotate(s.ID, fx.ResultTags(fxName))))
fxopts = append(fxopts,
// Then we consume the group security_unordered, and order them by the user's preference.
fxopts = append(fxopts, fx.Provide(
func(secs []sec.SecureTransport) ([]sec.SecureTransport, error) {
if len(secs) != len(cfg.SecurityTransports) {
return nil, errors.New("inconsistent length for security transports")
t := make([]sec.SecureTransport, 0, len(secs))
for _, s := range cfg.SecurityTransports {
for _, st := range secs {
if s.ID != st.ID() {
t = append(t, st)
return t, nil
fxopts = append(fxopts, fx.Provide(PrivKeyToStatelessResetKey))
if cfg.QUICReuse != nil {
fxopts = append(fxopts, cfg.QUICReuse...)
} else {
fxopts = append(fxopts, fx.Provide(quicreuse.NewConnManager)) // TODO: close the ConnManager when shutting down the node
fxopts = append(fxopts, fx.Invoke(
func(tpts []transport.Transport) error {
for _, t := range tpts {
if err := swrm.AddTransport(t); err != nil {
return err
return nil
if cfg.Relay {
fxopts = append(fxopts, fx.Invoke(circuitv2.AddTransport))
app := fx.New(fxopts...)
if err := app.Err(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// NewNode constructs a new libp2p Host from the Config.
// This function consumes the config. Do not reuse it (really!).
func (cfg *Config) NewNode() (host.Host, error) {
eventBus := eventbus.NewBus(eventbus.WithMetricsTracer(eventbus.NewMetricsTracer(eventbus.WithRegisterer(cfg.PrometheusRegisterer))))
swrm, err := cfg.makeSwarm(eventBus, !cfg.DisableMetrics)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !cfg.DisableMetrics {
h, err := bhost.NewHost(swrm, &bhost.HostOpts{
EventBus: eventBus,
ConnManager: cfg.ConnManager,
AddrsFactory: cfg.AddrsFactory,
NATManager: cfg.NATManager,
EnablePing: !cfg.DisablePing,
UserAgent: cfg.UserAgent,
ProtocolVersion: cfg.ProtocolVersion,
EnableHolePunching: cfg.EnableHolePunching,
HolePunchingOptions: cfg.HolePunchingOptions,
EnableRelayService: cfg.EnableRelayService,
RelayServiceOpts: cfg.RelayServiceOpts,
EnableMetrics: !cfg.DisableMetrics,
PrometheusRegisterer: cfg.PrometheusRegisterer,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if cfg.Relay {
// If we've enabled the relay, we should filter out relay
// addresses by default.
// TODO: We shouldn't be doing this here.
oldFactory := h.AddrsFactory
h.AddrsFactory = func(addrs []ma.Multiaddr) []ma.Multiaddr {
return oldFactory(autorelay.Filter(addrs))
if err := cfg.addTransports(h); err != nil {
return nil, err
// TODO: This method succeeds if listening on one address succeeds. We
// should probably fail if listening on *any* addr fails.
if err := h.Network().Listen(cfg.ListenAddrs...); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Configure routing and autorelay
var router routing.PeerRouting
if cfg.Routing != nil {
router, err = cfg.Routing(h)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Note: h.AddrsFactory may be changed by relayFinder, but non-relay version is
// used by AutoNAT below.
var ar *autorelay.AutoRelay
addrF := h.AddrsFactory
if cfg.EnableAutoRelay {
if !cfg.Relay {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot enable autorelay; relay is not enabled")
if !cfg.DisableMetrics {
mt := autorelay.WithMetricsTracer(
mtOpts := []autorelay.Option{mt}
cfg.AutoRelayOpts = append(mtOpts, cfg.AutoRelayOpts...)
ar, err = autorelay.NewAutoRelay(h, cfg.AutoRelayOpts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
autonatOpts := []autonat.Option{
autonat.UsingAddresses(func() []ma.Multiaddr {
return addrF(h.AllAddrs())
if !cfg.DisableMetrics {
autonatOpts = append(autonatOpts,
if cfg.AutoNATConfig.ThrottleInterval != 0 {
autonatOpts = append(autonatOpts,
autonat.WithThrottling(cfg.AutoNATConfig.ThrottleGlobalLimit, cfg.AutoNATConfig.ThrottleInterval),
if cfg.AutoNATConfig.EnableService {
autonatPrivKey, _, err := crypto.GenerateEd25519Key(rand.Reader)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ps, err := pstoremem.NewPeerstore()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Pull out the pieces of the config that we _actually_ care about.
// Specifically, don't set up things like autorelay, listeners,
// identify, etc.
autoNatCfg := Config{
Transports: cfg.Transports,
Muxers: cfg.Muxers,
SecurityTransports: cfg.SecurityTransports,
Insecure: cfg.Insecure,
PSK: cfg.PSK,
ConnectionGater: cfg.ConnectionGater,
Reporter: cfg.Reporter,
PeerKey: autonatPrivKey,
Peerstore: ps,
DialRanker: swarm.NoDelayDialRanker,
dialer, err := autoNatCfg.makeSwarm(eventbus.NewBus(), false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
dialerHost := blankhost.NewBlankHost(dialer)
if err := autoNatCfg.addTransports(dialerHost); err != nil {
return nil, err
// NOTE: We're dropping the blank host here but that's fine. It
// doesn't really _do_ anything and doesn't even need to be
// closed (as long as we close the underlying network).
autonatOpts = append(autonatOpts, autonat.EnableService(dialerHost.Network()))
if cfg.AutoNATConfig.ForceReachability != nil {
autonatOpts = append(autonatOpts, autonat.WithReachability(*cfg.AutoNATConfig.ForceReachability))
autonat, err := autonat.New(h, autonatOpts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot enable autorelay; autonat failed to start: %v", err)
// start the host background tasks
var ho host.Host
ho = h
if router != nil {
ho = routed.Wrap(h, router)
if ar != nil {
arh := autorelay.NewAutoRelayHost(ho, ar)
ho = arh
return ho, nil
// Option is a libp2p config option that can be given to the libp2p constructor
// (`libp2p.New`).
type Option func(cfg *Config) error
// Apply applies the given options to the config, returning the first error
// encountered (if any).
func (cfg *Config) Apply(opts ...Option) error {
for _, opt := range opts {
if opt == nil {
if err := opt(cfg); err != nil {
return err
return nil