#!/bin/bash # 检查是否为root用户执行脚本 if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then echo "该脚本必须以root权限运行" 1>&2 exit 1 fi # 向 /etc/sysctl.conf 文件追加内容 echo -e "\n# 自定义最大接收和发送缓冲区大小" >> /etc/sysctl.conf echo "net.core.rmem_max=600000000" >> /etc/sysctl.conf echo "net.core.wmem_max=600000000" >> /etc/sysctl.conf echo "配置已添加到 /etc/sysctl.conf" # 重新加载sysctl配置以应用更改 sysctl -p echo "sysctl 配置已重新加载" # Update and Upgrade Ubuntu Packages without any prompts sudo apt update && sudo apt -y upgrade # Install wget, screen, and git without any prompts sudo apt install git ufw bison screen binutils gcc make -y # Install GVM bash < <(curl -s -S -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/moovweb/gvm/master/binscripts/gvm-installer) source /root/.gvm/scripts/gvm gvm install go1.4 -B gvm use go1.4 export GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=$GOROOT gvm install go1.17.13 gvm use go1.17.13 export GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=$GOROOT gvm install go1.20.2 gvm use go1.20.2 # Clone the repository git clone https://github.com/quilibriumnetwork/ceremonyclient # Navigate to ceremonyclient/node directory cd ceremonyclient/node # 写入脚本 cat > auto.sh <