0g-peterzhb 2e1d076460
@peter/update submodule (#25)
* update modules
2024-03-12 18:49:51 +08:00

31 lines
1.3 KiB

// use std::process::Command;
// const INSTALL_ERROR_MESSAGE: &str =
// "Install dependencies for contract fail, try to run `yarn` in folder '0g-storage-contracts'";
// const COMPILE_ERROR_MESSAGE: &str =
// "Compile solidity contracts fail, try to run `yarn compile` in folder '0g-storage-contracts'";
fn main() {
// if cfg!(feature = "compile-contracts") {
// println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=../../0g-storage-contracts/contracts/");
// println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=../../0g-storage-contracts/hardhat.config.ts");
// let output = Command::new("yarn")
// .arg("--cwd")
// .arg("../../0g-storage-contracts")
// .status()
// assert!(output.success(), "{}", INSTALL_ERROR_MESSAGE);
// let output = Command::new("yarn")
// .arg("--cwd")
// .arg("../../0g-storage-contracts")
// .arg("compile")
// .status()
// assert!(output.success(), "{}", COMPILE_ERROR_MESSAGE);
// } else {
// println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=../../0g-storage-contracts/artifacts/");
// }