import os import time import shutil import stat import requests import platform from enum import Enum, unique from utility.utils import is_windows_platform, wait_until # v1.0.0-ci release GITHUB_DOWNLOAD_URL="" CONFLUX_BINARY = "conflux.exe" if is_windows_platform() else "conflux" BSC_BINARY = "geth.exe" if is_windows_platform() else "geth" ZG_BINARY = "0gchaind.exe" if is_windows_platform() else "0gchaind" CLIENT_BINARY = "0g-storage-client.exe" if is_windows_platform() else "0g-storage-client" ZG_GIT_REV = "7bc25a060fab9c17bc9942b6747cd07a668d3042" # v0.1.0 CLI_GIT_REV = "98d74b7e7e6084fc986cb43ce2c66692dac094a6" @unique class BuildBinaryResult(Enum): AlreadyExists = 0 Installed = 1 NotInstalled = 2 def build_conflux(dir: str) -> BuildBinaryResult: # Download or build conflux binary if absent result = __download_from_github( dir=dir, binary_name=CONFLUX_BINARY, github_url=GITHUB_DOWNLOAD_URL, asset_name=__asset_name(CONFLUX_BINARY, zip=True), ) if result == BuildBinaryResult.AlreadyExists or result == BuildBinaryResult.Installed: return result return __build_from_github( dir=dir, binary_name=CONFLUX_BINARY, github_url="", build_cmd="cargo build --release --bin conflux", compiled_relative_path=["target", "release"], ) def build_bsc(dir: str) -> BuildBinaryResult: # Download bsc binary if absent result = __download_from_github( dir=dir, binary_name=BSC_BINARY, github_url="", asset_name=__asset_name(BSC_BINARY), ) # Requires to download binary successfully, since it is not ready to build # binary from source code. assert result != BuildBinaryResult.NotInstalled, "Cannot download binary from github [%s]" % BSC_BINARY return result def build_zg(dir: str) -> BuildBinaryResult: # Download or build 0gchain binary if absent result = __download_from_github( dir=dir, binary_name=ZG_BINARY, github_url=GITHUB_DOWNLOAD_URL, asset_name=__asset_name(ZG_BINARY, zip=True), ) if result == BuildBinaryResult.AlreadyExists or result == BuildBinaryResult.Installed: return result return __build_from_github( dir=dir, binary_name=ZG_BINARY, github_url="", git_rev=ZG_GIT_REV, build_cmd="make install; cp $(go env GOPATH)/bin/0gchaind .", compiled_relative_path=[], ) def build_cli(dir: str) -> BuildBinaryResult: # Build 0g-storage-client binary if absent return __build_from_github( dir=dir, binary_name=CLIENT_BINARY, github_url="", git_rev=CLI_GIT_REV, build_cmd="go build", compiled_relative_path=[], ) def __asset_name(binary_name: str, zip: bool = False) -> str: sys = platform.system().lower() if sys == "linux": return f"{binary_name}" if zip else f"{binary_name}_linux" elif sys == "windows": binary_name = binary_name.removesuffix(".exe") return f"{binary_name}" if zip else f"{binary_name}_windows.exe" elif sys == "darwin": return f"{binary_name}" if zip else f"{binary_name}_mac" else: raise RuntimeError("Unable to recognize platform") def __build_from_github(dir: str, binary_name: str, github_url: str, build_cmd: str, compiled_relative_path: list[str], git_rev = None) -> BuildBinaryResult: if git_rev is None: versioned_binary_name = binary_name elif binary_name.endswith(".exe"): versioned_binary_name = binary_name.removesuffix(".exe") + f"_{git_rev}.exe" else: versioned_binary_name = f"{binary_name}_{git_rev}" binary_path = os.path.join(dir, binary_name) versioned_binary_path = os.path.join(dir, versioned_binary_name) if os.path.exists(versioned_binary_path): __create_sym_link(versioned_binary_name, binary_name, dir) return BuildBinaryResult.AlreadyExists start_time = time.time() # clone code from github to a temp folder code_tmp_dir_name = (binary_name[:-4] if is_windows_platform() else binary_name) + "_tmp" code_tmp_dir = os.path.join(dir, code_tmp_dir_name) if os.path.exists(code_tmp_dir): shutil.rmtree(code_tmp_dir) os.system(f"git clone {github_url} {code_tmp_dir}") # build binary origin_path = os.getcwd() os.chdir(code_tmp_dir) if git_rev is not None: os.system(f"git checkout {git_rev}") os.system(build_cmd) # copy compiled binary to right place compiled_binary = os.path.join(code_tmp_dir, *compiled_relative_path, binary_name) shutil.copyfile(compiled_binary, versioned_binary_path) __create_sym_link(versioned_binary_name, binary_name, dir) if not is_windows_platform(): st = os.stat(binary_path) os.chmod(binary_path, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC) os.chdir(origin_path) shutil.rmtree(code_tmp_dir, ignore_errors=True) print("Completed to build binary " + binary_name + ", Elapsed: " + str(int(time.time() - start_time)) + " seconds", flush=True) return BuildBinaryResult.Installed def __create_sym_link(src, dst, path = None): if src == dst: return origin_path = os.getcwd() if path is not None: os.chdir(path) if os.path.exists(dst): if os.path.isdir(dst): shutil.rmtree(dst) else: os.remove(dst) # Windows requires admin priviledge, use copy instead. if is_windows_platform(): shutil.copy(src, dst) else: os.symlink(src, dst) os.chdir(origin_path) def __download_from_github(dir: str, binary_name: str, github_url: str, asset_name: str) -> BuildBinaryResult: if not os.path.exists(dir): os.makedirs(dir, exist_ok=True) binary_path = os.path.join(dir, binary_name) if os.path.exists(binary_path): return BuildBinaryResult.AlreadyExists print("Begin to download binary from github: %s" % binary_name, flush=True) start_time = time.time() req = requests.get(github_url) assert req.ok, "Failed to request: %s" % github_url download_url = None for asset in req.json()["assets"]: if asset["name"].lower() == asset_name: download_url = asset["browser_download_url"] break if download_url is None: print(f"Cannot find asset by name {asset_name}", flush=True) return BuildBinaryResult.NotInstalled content = requests.get(download_url).content # Supports to read from zipped binary if asset_name.endswith(".zip"): asset_path = os.path.join(dir, asset_name) with open(asset_path, "xb") as f: f.write(content) shutil.unpack_archive(asset_path, dir) assert os.path.exists(binary_path), f"Cannot find binary after unzip, binary = {binary_name}, asset = {asset_name}" else: with open(binary_path, "xb") as f: f.write(content) if not is_windows_platform(): st = os.stat(binary_path) os.chmod(binary_path, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC) wait_until(lambda: os.access(binary_path, os.X_OK), timeout=120) print("Completed to download binary, Elapsed: " + str(int(time.time() - start_time)) + " seconds", flush=True) return BuildBinaryResult.Installed