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synced 2024-11-10 18:15:19 +00:00
* update to borrow interest factor * add supply interest factor to accrue interest * supply interest factor keeper methods * fix potential bug with user borrow indexing * sync supply interest on deposit/withdraw * separate withdraw/deposit * relocate interest sync methods * update comment * simplify supply interest statement * check truncated int not zero * add .sub(storedAmount) back * add store key suppliedcoins * increment/decrement supplied coins * update withdraw with new accounting * update withdraw test * catch repay edge case * unit tests * TestSupplyInterest scaffolding * test notes * temp: interest test * example test * changes, test checks more state * fix: calculate supply interest directly * fix: catch divide by zero * add state checks back into interest test * add snapshot test cases * test owed supplied interest paid at correct ratio * test user supply syncs user's borrow interest * remove print statements and clean up * refactor indented logic * test supply/borrow multiple coins * update decoder test Co-authored-by: karzak <kjydavis3@gmail.com>
398 lines
13 KiB
398 lines
13 KiB
package keeper
import (
sdk "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
sdkerrors "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types/errors"
// LiqData holds liquidation-related data
type LiqData struct {
price sdk.Dec
ltv sdk.Dec
conversionFactor sdk.Int
// AttemptIndexLiquidations attempts to liquidate the lowest LTV borrows
func (k Keeper) AttemptIndexLiquidations(ctx sdk.Context) error {
params := k.GetParams(ctx)
borrowers := k.GetLtvIndexSlice(ctx, params.CheckLtvIndexCount)
for _, borrower := range borrowers {
_, err := k.AttemptKeeperLiquidation(ctx, sdk.AccAddress(types.LiquidatorAccount), borrower)
if err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, types.ErrBorrowNotLiquidatable) {
return nil
// AttemptKeeperLiquidation enables a keeper to liquidate an individual borrower's position
func (k Keeper) AttemptKeeperLiquidation(ctx sdk.Context, keeper sdk.AccAddress, borrower sdk.AccAddress) (bool, error) {
prevLtv, shouldInsertIndex, err := k.GetStoreLTV(ctx, borrower)
if err != nil {
return false, err
k.SyncBorrowInterest(ctx, borrower)
k.UpdateItemInLtvIndex(ctx, prevLtv, shouldInsertIndex, borrower)
// Fetch deposits and parse coin denoms
deposit, found := k.GetDeposit(ctx, borrower)
if !found {
return false, sdkerrors.Wrapf(types.ErrDepositsNotFound, "no deposits found for %s", borrower)
// Fetch borrow balances and parse coin denoms
borrow, found := k.GetBorrow(ctx, borrower)
if !found {
return false, types.ErrBorrowNotFound
isWithinRange, err := k.IsWithinValidLtvRange(ctx, deposit, borrow)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if isWithinRange {
return false, sdkerrors.Wrapf(types.ErrBorrowNotLiquidatable, "position is within valid LTV range")
// Sending coins to auction module with keeper address getting % of the profits
borrowDenoms := getDenoms(borrow.Amount)
depositDenoms := getDenoms(deposit.Amount)
err = k.SeizeDeposits(ctx, keeper, deposit, borrow, depositDenoms, borrowDenoms)
if err != nil {
return false, err
currLtv, _, err := k.GetStoreLTV(ctx, borrower)
if err != nil {
return false, err
k.RemoveFromLtvIndex(ctx, currLtv, borrower)
k.DeleteBorrow(ctx, borrow)
k.DeleteDeposit(ctx, deposit)
return true, err
// SeizeDeposits seizes a list of deposits and sends them to auction
func (k Keeper) SeizeDeposits(ctx sdk.Context, keeper sdk.AccAddress, deposit types.Deposit,
borrow types.Borrow, dDenoms, bDenoms []string) error {
liqMap, err := k.LoadLiquidationData(ctx, deposit, borrow)
if err != nil {
return err
// Seize % of every deposit and send to the keeper
aucDeposits := sdk.Coins{}
for _, depCoin := range deposit.Amount {
denom := depCoin.Denom
amount := depCoin.Amount
mm, _ := k.GetMoneyMarket(ctx, denom)
// No rewards for anyone if liquidated by LTV index
if !keeper.Equals(sdk.AccAddress(types.LiquidatorAccount)) {
keeperReward := mm.KeeperRewardPercentage.MulInt(amount).TruncateInt()
if keeperReward.GT(sdk.ZeroInt()) {
// Send keeper their reward
keeperCoin := sdk.NewCoin(denom, keeperReward)
err := k.supplyKeeper.SendCoinsFromModuleToAccount(ctx, types.ModuleAccountName, keeper, sdk.NewCoins(keeperCoin))
if err != nil {
return err
amount = amount.Sub(keeperReward)
// Add remaining deposit coin to aucDeposits
aucDeposits = aucDeposits.Add(sdk.NewCoin(denom, amount))
// Build valuation map to hold deposit coin USD valuations
depositCoinValues := types.NewValuationMap()
for _, deposit := range aucDeposits {
dData := liqMap[deposit.Denom]
dCoinUsdValue := sdk.NewDecFromInt(deposit.Amount).Quo(sdk.NewDecFromInt(dData.conversionFactor)).Mul(dData.price)
depositCoinValues.Increment(deposit.Denom, dCoinUsdValue)
// Build valuation map to hold borrow coin USD valuations
borrowCoinValues := types.NewValuationMap()
for _, bCoin := range borrow.Amount {
bData := liqMap[bCoin.Denom]
bCoinUsdValue := sdk.NewDecFromInt(bCoin.Amount).Quo(sdk.NewDecFromInt(bData.conversionFactor)).Mul(bData.price)
borrowCoinValues.Increment(bCoin.Denom, bCoinUsdValue)
// Loan-to-Value ratio after sending keeper their reward
ltv := borrowCoinValues.Sum().Quo(depositCoinValues.Sum())
err = k.StartAuctions(ctx, deposit.Depositor, borrow.Amount, aucDeposits, depositCoinValues, borrowCoinValues, ltv, liqMap)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// StartAuctions attempts to start auctions for seized assets
func (k Keeper) StartAuctions(ctx sdk.Context, borrower sdk.AccAddress, borrows, deposits sdk.Coins,
depositCoinValues, borrowCoinValues types.ValuationMap, ltv sdk.Dec, liqMap map[string]LiqData) error {
// Sort keys to ensure deterministic behavior
bKeys := borrowCoinValues.GetSortedKeys()
dKeys := depositCoinValues.GetSortedKeys()
// Set up auction constants
returnAddrs := []sdk.AccAddress{borrower}
weights := []sdk.Int{sdk.NewInt(100)}
debt := sdk.NewCoin("debt", sdk.ZeroInt())
for _, bKey := range bKeys {
bValue := borrowCoinValues.Get(bKey)
maxLotSize := bValue.Quo(ltv)
for _, dKey := range dKeys {
dValue := depositCoinValues.Get(dKey)
if maxLotSize.Equal(sdk.ZeroDec()) {
break // exit out of the loop if we have cleared the full amount
if dValue.GTE(maxLotSize) { // We can start an auction for the whole borrow amount
bid := sdk.NewCoin(bKey, borrows.AmountOf(bKey))
lotSize := maxLotSize.MulInt(liqMap[dKey].conversionFactor).Quo(liqMap[dKey].price)
lot := sdk.NewCoin(dKey, lotSize.TruncateInt())
// Sanity check that we can deliver coins to the liquidator account
if deposits.AmountOf(dKey).LT(lot.Amount) {
return types.ErrInsufficientCoins
// Start auction: bid = full borrow amount, lot = maxLotSize
err := k.supplyKeeper.SendCoinsFromModuleToModule(ctx, types.ModuleAccountName, types.LiquidatorAccount, sdk.NewCoins(lot))
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = k.auctionKeeper.StartCollateralAuction(ctx, types.LiquidatorAccount, lot, bid, returnAddrs, weights, debt)
if err != nil {
return err
// Update USD valuation maps
depositCoinValues.Decrement(dKey, maxLotSize)
// Update deposits, borrows
borrows = borrows.Sub(sdk.NewCoins(bid))
deposits = deposits.Sub(sdk.NewCoins(lot))
// Update max lot size
maxLotSize = sdk.ZeroDec()
} else { // We can only start an auction for the partial borrow amount
maxBid := dValue.Mul(ltv)
bidSize := maxBid.MulInt(liqMap[bKey].conversionFactor).Quo(liqMap[bKey].price)
bid := sdk.NewCoin(bKey, bidSize.TruncateInt())
lot := sdk.NewCoin(dKey, deposits.AmountOf(dKey))
if bid.Amount.Equal(sdk.ZeroInt()) || lot.Amount.Equal(sdk.ZeroInt()) {
// Sanity check that we can deliver coins to the liquidator account
if deposits.AmountOf(dKey).LT(lot.Amount) {
return types.ErrInsufficientCoins
// Start auction: bid = maxBid, lot = whole deposit amount
err := k.supplyKeeper.SendCoinsFromModuleToModule(ctx, types.ModuleAccountName, types.LiquidatorAccount, sdk.NewCoins(lot))
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = k.auctionKeeper.StartCollateralAuction(ctx, types.LiquidatorAccount, lot, bid, returnAddrs, weights, debt)
if err != nil {
return err
// Update variables to account for partial auction
borrowCoinValues.Decrement(bKey, maxBid)
// Update deposits, borrows
borrows = borrows.Sub(sdk.NewCoins(bid))
deposits = deposits.Sub(sdk.NewCoins(lot))
// Update max lot size
maxLotSize = borrowCoinValues.Get(bKey).Quo(ltv)
// Send any remaining deposit back to the original borrower
for _, dKey := range dKeys {
remaining := deposits.AmountOf(dKey)
if remaining.GT(sdk.ZeroInt()) {
returnCoin := sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewCoin(dKey, remaining))
err := k.supplyKeeper.SendCoinsFromModuleToAccount(ctx, types.ModuleAccountName, borrower, returnCoin)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// IsWithinValidLtvRange compares a borrow and deposit to see if it's within a valid LTV range at current prices
func (k Keeper) IsWithinValidLtvRange(ctx sdk.Context, deposit types.Deposit, borrow types.Borrow) (bool, error) {
liqMap, err := k.LoadLiquidationData(ctx, deposit, borrow)
if err != nil {
return false, err
totalBorrowableUSDAmount := sdk.ZeroDec()
totalDepositedUSDAmount := sdk.ZeroDec()
for _, depCoin := range deposit.Amount {
lData := liqMap[depCoin.Denom]
usdValue := sdk.NewDecFromInt(depCoin.Amount).Quo(sdk.NewDecFromInt(lData.conversionFactor)).Mul(lData.price)
totalDepositedUSDAmount = totalDepositedUSDAmount.Add(usdValue)
borrowableUSDAmountForDeposit := usdValue.Mul(lData.ltv)
totalBorrowableUSDAmount = totalBorrowableUSDAmount.Add(borrowableUSDAmountForDeposit)
totalBorrowedUSDAmount := sdk.ZeroDec()
for _, coin := range borrow.Amount {
lData := liqMap[coin.Denom]
usdValue := sdk.NewDecFromInt(coin.Amount).Quo(sdk.NewDecFromInt(lData.conversionFactor)).Mul(lData.price)
totalBorrowedUSDAmount = totalBorrowedUSDAmount.Add(usdValue)
// Check if the user's has borrowed more than they're allowed to
if totalBorrowedUSDAmount.GT(totalBorrowableUSDAmount) {
return false, nil
return true, nil
// UpdateItemInLtvIndex updates the key a borrower's address is stored under in the LTV index
func (k Keeper) UpdateItemInLtvIndex(ctx sdk.Context, prevLtv sdk.Dec,
shouldRemoveIndex bool, borrower sdk.AccAddress) error {
currLtv, shouldInsertIndex, err := k.GetStoreLTV(ctx, borrower)
if err != nil {
return err
if shouldRemoveIndex {
k.RemoveFromLtvIndex(ctx, prevLtv, borrower)
if shouldInsertIndex {
k.InsertIntoLtvIndex(ctx, currLtv, borrower)
return nil
// GetStoreLTV calculates the user's current LTV based on their deposits/borrows in the store
// and does not include any outsanding interest.
func (k Keeper) GetStoreLTV(ctx sdk.Context, addr sdk.AccAddress) (sdk.Dec, bool, error) {
// Fetch deposits and parse coin denoms
deposit, found := k.GetDeposit(ctx, addr)
if !found {
return sdk.ZeroDec(), false, nil
// Fetch borrow balances and parse coin denoms
borrow, found := k.GetBorrow(ctx, addr)
if !found {
return sdk.ZeroDec(), false, nil
return k.CalculateLtv(ctx, deposit, borrow)
// CalculateLtv calculates the potential LTV given a user's deposits and borrows.
// The boolean returned indicates if the LTV should be added to the store's LTV index.
func (k Keeper) CalculateLtv(ctx sdk.Context, deposit types.Deposit, borrow types.Borrow) (sdk.Dec, bool, error) {
// Load required liquidation data for every deposit/borrow denom
liqMap, err := k.LoadLiquidationData(ctx, deposit, borrow)
if err != nil {
return sdk.ZeroDec(), false, nil
// Build valuation map to hold deposit coin USD valuations
depositCoinValues := types.NewValuationMap()
for _, depCoin := range deposit.Amount {
dData := liqMap[depCoin.Denom]
dCoinUsdValue := sdk.NewDecFromInt(depCoin.Amount).Quo(sdk.NewDecFromInt(dData.conversionFactor)).Mul(dData.price)
depositCoinValues.Increment(depCoin.Denom, dCoinUsdValue)
// Build valuation map to hold borrow coin USD valuations
borrowCoinValues := types.NewValuationMap()
for _, bCoin := range borrow.Amount {
bData := liqMap[bCoin.Denom]
bCoinUsdValue := sdk.NewDecFromInt(bCoin.Amount).Quo(sdk.NewDecFromInt(bData.conversionFactor)).Mul(bData.price)
borrowCoinValues.Increment(bCoin.Denom, bCoinUsdValue)
// User doesn't have any deposits, catch divide by 0 error
sumDeposits := depositCoinValues.Sum()
if sumDeposits.Equal(sdk.ZeroDec()) {
return sdk.ZeroDec(), false, nil
// Loan-to-Value ratio
return borrowCoinValues.Sum().Quo(sumDeposits), true, nil
// LoadLiquidationData returns liquidation data, deposit, borrow
func (k Keeper) LoadLiquidationData(ctx sdk.Context, deposit types.Deposit, borrow types.Borrow) (map[string]LiqData, error) {
liqMap := make(map[string]LiqData)
borrowDenoms := getDenoms(borrow.Amount)
depositDenoms := getDenoms(deposit.Amount)
denoms := removeDuplicates(borrowDenoms, depositDenoms)
// Load required liquidation data for every deposit/borrow denom
for _, denom := range denoms {
mm, found := k.GetMoneyMarket(ctx, denom)
if !found {
return liqMap, sdkerrors.Wrapf(types.ErrMarketNotFound, "no market found for denom %s", denom)
priceData, err := k.pricefeedKeeper.GetCurrentPrice(ctx, mm.SpotMarketID)
if err != nil {
return liqMap, err
liqMap[denom] = LiqData{priceData.Price, mm.BorrowLimit.LoanToValue, mm.ConversionFactor}
return liqMap, nil
func getDenoms(coins sdk.Coins) []string {
denoms := []string{}
for _, coin := range coins {
denoms = append(denoms, coin.Denom)
return denoms
func removeDuplicates(one []string, two []string) []string {
check := make(map[string]int)
fullList := append(one, two...)
res := []string{}
for _, val := range fullList {
check[val] = 1
for key := range check {
res = append(res, key)
return res