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synced 2025-03-14 13:35:18 +00:00
778 lines
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778 lines
28 KiB
package clitest
import (
tmtypes "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types"
clientkeys "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/client/keys"
sdk "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
const (
denom = "stake"
keyFoo = "foo"
keyBar = "bar"
fooDenom = "footoken"
feeDenom = "feetoken"
fee2Denom = "fee2token"
keyBaz = "baz"
keyVesting = "vesting"
keyFooBarBaz = "foobarbaz"
var (
totalCoins = sdk.NewCoins(
sdk.NewCoin(fee2Denom, sdk.TokensFromConsensusPower(2000000)),
sdk.NewCoin(feeDenom, sdk.TokensFromConsensusPower(2000000)),
sdk.NewCoin(fooDenom, sdk.TokensFromConsensusPower(2000)),
sdk.NewCoin(denom, sdk.TokensFromConsensusPower(300).Add(sdk.NewInt(12))), // add coins from inflation
startCoins = sdk.NewCoins(
sdk.NewCoin(fee2Denom, sdk.TokensFromConsensusPower(1000000)),
sdk.NewCoin(feeDenom, sdk.TokensFromConsensusPower(1000000)),
sdk.NewCoin(fooDenom, sdk.TokensFromConsensusPower(1000)),
sdk.NewCoin(denom, sdk.TokensFromConsensusPower(150)),
vestingCoins = sdk.NewCoins(
sdk.NewCoin(feeDenom, sdk.TokensFromConsensusPower(500000)),
func init() {
// set the address prefixes
config := sdk.GetConfig()
// Fixtures
// Fixtures is used to setup the testing environment
type Fixtures struct {
BuildDir string
RootDir string
GaiadBinary string
GaiacliBinary string
ChainID string
RPCAddr string
Port string
GaiadHome string
GaiacliHome string
P2PAddr string
T *testing.T
// NewFixtures creates a new instance of Fixtures with many vars set
func NewFixtures(t *testing.T) *Fixtures {
tmpDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "kava_integration_"+t.Name()+"_")
require.NoError(t, err)
servAddr, port, err := server.FreeTCPAddr()
require.NoError(t, err)
p2pAddr, _, err := server.FreeTCPAddr()
require.NoError(t, err)
buildDir := os.Getenv("BUILDDIR")
if buildDir == "" {
buildDir, err = filepath.Abs("../build/")
require.NoError(t, err)
return &Fixtures{
T: t,
BuildDir: buildDir,
RootDir: tmpDir,
GaiadBinary: filepath.Join(buildDir, "kvd"),
GaiacliBinary: filepath.Join(buildDir, "kvcli"),
GaiadHome: filepath.Join(tmpDir, ".kvd"),
GaiacliHome: filepath.Join(tmpDir, ".kvcli"),
RPCAddr: servAddr,
P2PAddr: p2pAddr,
Port: port,
// GenesisFile returns the path of the genesis file
func (f Fixtures) GenesisFile() string {
return filepath.Join(f.GaiadHome, "config", "genesis.json")
// GenesisFile returns the application's genesis state
func (f Fixtures) GenesisState() simapp.GenesisState {
cdc := codec.New()
genDoc, err := tmtypes.GenesisDocFromFile(f.GenesisFile())
require.NoError(f.T, err)
var appState simapp.GenesisState
require.NoError(f.T, cdc.UnmarshalJSON(genDoc.AppState, &appState))
return appState
// InitFixtures is called at the beginning of a test and initializes a chain
// with 1 validator.
func InitFixtures(t *testing.T) (f *Fixtures) {
f = NewFixtures(t)
// reset test state
// ensure keystore has foo and bar keys
f.KeysAdd(keyFooBarBaz, "--multisig-threshold=2", fmt.Sprintf(
"--multisig=%s,%s,%s", keyFoo, keyBar, keyBaz))
// ensure that CLI output is in JSON format
f.CLIConfig("output", "json")
// NOTE: GDInit sets the ChainID
f.CLIConfig("chain-id", f.ChainID)
f.CLIConfig("broadcast-mode", "block")
f.CLIConfig("trust-node", "true")
// start an account with tokens
f.AddGenesisAccount(f.KeyAddress(keyFoo), startCoins)
f.KeyAddress(keyVesting), startCoins,
fmt.Sprintf("--vesting-amount=%s", vestingCoins),
fmt.Sprintf("--vesting-start-time=%d", time.Now().UTC().UnixNano()),
fmt.Sprintf("--vesting-end-time=%d", time.Now().Add(60*time.Second).UTC().UnixNano()),
// Cleanup is meant to be run at the end of a test to clean up an remaining test state
func (f *Fixtures) Cleanup(dirs ...string) {
clean := append(dirs, f.RootDir)
for _, d := range clean {
require.NoError(f.T, os.RemoveAll(d))
// Flags returns the flags necessary for making most CLI calls
func (f *Fixtures) Flags() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("--home=%s --node=%s", f.GaiacliHome, f.RPCAddr)
// gaiad
// UnsafeResetAll is gaiad unsafe-reset-all
func (f *Fixtures) UnsafeResetAll(flags ...string) {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s --home=%s unsafe-reset-all", f.GaiadBinary, f.GaiadHome)
executeWrite(f.T, addFlags(cmd, flags))
err := os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(f.GaiadHome, "config", "gentx"))
require.NoError(f.T, err)
// GDInit is gaiad init
// NOTE: GDInit sets the ChainID for the Fixtures instance
func (f *Fixtures) GDInit(moniker string, flags ...string) {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s init -o --home=%s %s", f.GaiadBinary, f.GaiadHome, moniker)
_, stderr := tests.ExecuteT(f.T, addFlags(cmd, flags), client.DefaultKeyPass)
var chainID string
var initRes map[string]json.RawMessage
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(stderr), &initRes)
require.NoError(f.T, err)
err = json.Unmarshal(initRes["chain_id"], &chainID)
require.NoError(f.T, err)
f.ChainID = chainID
// AddGenesisAccount is gaiad add-genesis-account
func (f *Fixtures) AddGenesisAccount(address sdk.AccAddress, coins sdk.Coins, flags ...string) {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s add-genesis-account %s %s --home=%s", f.GaiadBinary, address, coins, f.GaiadHome)
executeWriteCheckErr(f.T, addFlags(cmd, flags))
// GenTx is gaiad gentx
func (f *Fixtures) GenTx(name string, flags ...string) {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s gentx --name=%s --home=%s --home-client=%s", f.GaiadBinary, name, f.GaiadHome, f.GaiacliHome)
executeWriteCheckErr(f.T, addFlags(cmd, flags), client.DefaultKeyPass)
// CollectGenTxs is gaiad collect-gentxs
func (f *Fixtures) CollectGenTxs(flags ...string) {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s collect-gentxs --home=%s", f.GaiadBinary, f.GaiadHome)
executeWriteCheckErr(f.T, addFlags(cmd, flags), client.DefaultKeyPass)
// GDStart runs gaiad start with the appropriate flags and returns a process
func (f *Fixtures) GDStart(flags ...string) *tests.Process {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s start --home=%s --rpc.laddr=%v --p2p.laddr=%v", f.GaiadBinary, f.GaiadHome, f.RPCAddr, f.P2PAddr)
proc := tests.GoExecuteTWithStdout(f.T, addFlags(cmd, flags))
tests.WaitForNextNBlocksTM(1, f.Port)
return proc
// GDTendermint returns the results of gaiad tendermint [query]
func (f *Fixtures) GDTendermint(query string) string {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s tendermint %s --home=%s", f.GaiadBinary, query, f.GaiadHome)
success, stdout, stderr := executeWriteRetStdStreams(f.T, cmd)
require.Empty(f.T, stderr)
require.True(f.T, success)
return strings.TrimSpace(stdout)
// ValidateGenesis runs gaiad validate-genesis
func (f *Fixtures) ValidateGenesis() {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s validate-genesis --home=%s", f.GaiadBinary, f.GaiadHome)
executeWriteCheckErr(f.T, cmd)
// gaiacli keys
// KeysDelete is gaiacli keys delete
func (f *Fixtures) KeysDelete(name string, flags ...string) {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s keys delete --home=%s %s", f.GaiacliBinary, f.GaiacliHome, name)
executeWrite(f.T, addFlags(cmd, append(append(flags, "-y"), "-f")))
// KeysAdd is gaiacli keys add
func (f *Fixtures) KeysAdd(name string, flags ...string) {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s keys add --home=%s %s", f.GaiacliBinary, f.GaiacliHome, name)
executeWriteCheckErr(f.T, addFlags(cmd, flags), client.DefaultKeyPass)
// KeysAddRecover prepares gaiacli keys add --recover
func (f *Fixtures) KeysAddRecover(name, mnemonic string, flags ...string) (exitSuccess bool, stdout, stderr string) {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s keys add --home=%s --recover %s", f.GaiacliBinary, f.GaiacliHome, name)
return executeWriteRetStdStreams(f.T, addFlags(cmd, flags), client.DefaultKeyPass, mnemonic)
// KeysAddRecoverHDPath prepares gaiacli keys add --recover --account --index
func (f *Fixtures) KeysAddRecoverHDPath(name, mnemonic string, account uint32, index uint32, flags ...string) {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s keys add --home=%s --recover %s --account %d --index %d", f.GaiacliBinary, f.GaiacliHome, name, account, index)
executeWriteCheckErr(f.T, addFlags(cmd, flags), client.DefaultKeyPass, mnemonic)
// KeysShow is gaiacli keys show
func (f *Fixtures) KeysShow(name string, flags ...string) keys.KeyOutput {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s keys show --home=%s %s", f.GaiacliBinary, f.GaiacliHome, name)
out, _ := tests.ExecuteT(f.T, addFlags(cmd, flags), "")
var ko keys.KeyOutput
err := clientkeys.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(out), &ko)
require.NoError(f.T, err)
return ko
// KeyAddress returns the SDK account address from the key
func (f *Fixtures) KeyAddress(name string) sdk.AccAddress {
ko := f.KeysShow(name)
accAddr, err := sdk.AccAddressFromBech32(ko.Address)
require.NoError(f.T, err)
return accAddr
// gaiacli config
// CLIConfig is gaiacli config
func (f *Fixtures) CLIConfig(key, value string, flags ...string) {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s config --home=%s %s %s", f.GaiacliBinary, f.GaiacliHome, key, value)
executeWriteCheckErr(f.T, addFlags(cmd, flags))
// gaiacli tx send/sign/broadcast
// TxSend is gaiacli tx send
func (f *Fixtures) TxSend(from string, to sdk.AccAddress, amount sdk.Coin, flags ...string) (bool, string, string) {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s tx send %s %s %s %v", f.GaiacliBinary, from, to, amount, f.Flags())
return executeWriteRetStdStreams(f.T, addFlags(cmd, flags), client.DefaultKeyPass)
// TxSign is gaiacli tx sign
func (f *Fixtures) TxSign(signer, fileName string, flags ...string) (bool, string, string) {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s tx sign %v --from=%s %v", f.GaiacliBinary, f.Flags(), signer, fileName)
return executeWriteRetStdStreams(f.T, addFlags(cmd, flags), client.DefaultKeyPass)
// TxBroadcast is gaiacli tx broadcast
func (f *Fixtures) TxBroadcast(fileName string, flags ...string) (bool, string, string) {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s tx broadcast %v %v", f.GaiacliBinary, f.Flags(), fileName)
return executeWriteRetStdStreams(f.T, addFlags(cmd, flags), client.DefaultKeyPass)
// TxEncode is gaiacli tx encode
func (f *Fixtures) TxEncode(fileName string, flags ...string) (bool, string, string) {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s tx encode %v %v", f.GaiacliBinary, f.Flags(), fileName)
return executeWriteRetStdStreams(f.T, addFlags(cmd, flags), client.DefaultKeyPass)
// TxMultisign is gaiacli tx multisign
func (f *Fixtures) TxMultisign(fileName, name string, signaturesFiles []string,
flags ...string) (bool, string, string) {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s tx multisign %v %s %s %s", f.GaiacliBinary, f.Flags(),
fileName, name, strings.Join(signaturesFiles, " "),
return executeWriteRetStdStreams(f.T, cmd)
// gaiacli tx staking
// TxStakingCreateValidator is gaiacli tx staking create-validator
func (f *Fixtures) TxStakingCreateValidator(from, consPubKey string, amount sdk.Coin, flags ...string) (bool, string, string) {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s tx staking create-validator %v --from=%s --pubkey=%s", f.GaiacliBinary, f.Flags(), from, consPubKey)
cmd += fmt.Sprintf(" --amount=%v --moniker=%v --commission-rate=%v", amount, from, "0.05")
cmd += fmt.Sprintf(" --commission-max-rate=%v --commission-max-change-rate=%v", "0.20", "0.10")
cmd += fmt.Sprintf(" --min-self-delegation=%v", "1")
return executeWriteRetStdStreams(f.T, addFlags(cmd, flags), client.DefaultKeyPass)
// TxStakingUnbond is gaiacli tx staking unbond
func (f *Fixtures) TxStakingUnbond(from, shares string, validator sdk.ValAddress, flags ...string) bool {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s tx staking unbond %s %v --from=%s %v", f.GaiacliBinary, validator, shares, from, f.Flags())
return executeWrite(f.T, addFlags(cmd, flags), client.DefaultKeyPass)
// gaiacli tx gov
// TxGovSubmitProposal is gaiacli tx gov submit-proposal
func (f *Fixtures) TxGovSubmitProposal(from, typ, title, description string, deposit sdk.Coin, flags ...string) (bool, string, string) {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s tx gov submit-proposal %v --from=%s --type=%s", f.GaiacliBinary, f.Flags(), from, typ)
cmd += fmt.Sprintf(" --title=%s --description=%s --deposit=%s", title, description, deposit)
return executeWriteRetStdStreams(f.T, addFlags(cmd, flags), client.DefaultKeyPass)
// TxGovDeposit is gaiacli tx gov deposit
func (f *Fixtures) TxGovDeposit(proposalID int, from string, amount sdk.Coin, flags ...string) (bool, string, string) {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s tx gov deposit %d %s --from=%s %v", f.GaiacliBinary, proposalID, amount, from, f.Flags())
return executeWriteRetStdStreams(f.T, addFlags(cmd, flags), client.DefaultKeyPass)
// TxGovVote is gaiacli tx gov vote
func (f *Fixtures) TxGovVote(proposalID int, option gov.VoteOption, from string, flags ...string) (bool, string, string) {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s tx gov vote %d %s --from=%s %v", f.GaiacliBinary, proposalID, option, from, f.Flags())
return executeWriteRetStdStreams(f.T, addFlags(cmd, flags), client.DefaultKeyPass)
// TxGovSubmitParamChangeProposal executes a CLI parameter change proposal
// submission.
func (f *Fixtures) TxGovSubmitParamChangeProposal(
from, proposalPath string, deposit sdk.Coin, flags ...string,
) (bool, string, string) {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf(
"%s tx gov submit-proposal param-change %s --from=%s %v",
f.GaiacliBinary, proposalPath, from, f.Flags(),
return executeWriteRetStdStreams(f.T, addFlags(cmd, flags), client.DefaultKeyPass)
// TxGovSubmitCommunityPoolSpendProposal executes a CLI community pool spend proposal
// submission.
func (f *Fixtures) TxGovSubmitCommunityPoolSpendProposal(
from, proposalPath string, deposit sdk.Coin, flags ...string,
) (bool, string, string) {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf(
"%s tx gov submit-proposal community-pool-spend %s --from=%s %v",
f.GaiacliBinary, proposalPath, from, f.Flags(),
return executeWriteRetStdStreams(f.T, addFlags(cmd, flags), client.DefaultKeyPass)
// gaiacli query account
// QueryAccount is gaiacli query account
func (f *Fixtures) QueryAccount(address sdk.AccAddress, flags ...string) auth.BaseAccount {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s query account %s %v", f.GaiacliBinary, address, f.Flags())
out, _ := tests.ExecuteT(f.T, addFlags(cmd, flags), "")
var initRes map[string]json.RawMessage
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(out), &initRes)
require.NoError(f.T, err, "out %v, err %v", out, err)
value := initRes["value"]
var acc auth.BaseAccount
cdc := codec.New()
err = cdc.UnmarshalJSON(value, &acc)
require.NoError(f.T, err, "value %v, err %v", string(value), err)
return acc
// gaiacli query txs
// QueryTxs is gaiacli query txs
func (f *Fixtures) QueryTxs(page, limit int, tags ...string) *sdk.SearchTxsResult {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s query txs --page=%d --limit=%d --tags='%s' %v", f.GaiacliBinary, page, limit, queryTags(tags), f.Flags())
out, _ := tests.ExecuteT(f.T, cmd, "")
var result sdk.SearchTxsResult
cdc := app.MakeCodec()
err := cdc.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(out), &result)
require.NoError(f.T, err, "out %v\n, err %v", out, err)
return &result
// QueryTxsInvalid query txs with wrong parameters and compare expected error
func (f *Fixtures) QueryTxsInvalid(expectedErr error, page, limit int, tags ...string) {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s query txs --page=%d --limit=%d --tags='%s' %v", f.GaiacliBinary, page, limit, queryTags(tags), f.Flags())
_, err := tests.ExecuteT(f.T, cmd, "")
require.EqualError(f.T, expectedErr, err)
// gaiacli query staking
// QueryStakingValidator is gaiacli query staking validator
func (f *Fixtures) QueryStakingValidator(valAddr sdk.ValAddress, flags ...string) staking.Validator {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s query staking validator %s %v", f.GaiacliBinary, valAddr, f.Flags())
out, _ := tests.ExecuteT(f.T, addFlags(cmd, flags), "")
var validator staking.Validator
cdc := app.MakeCodec()
err := cdc.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(out), &validator)
require.NoError(f.T, err, "out %v\n, err %v", out, err)
return validator
// QueryStakingUnbondingDelegationsFrom is gaiacli query staking unbonding-delegations-from
func (f *Fixtures) QueryStakingUnbondingDelegationsFrom(valAddr sdk.ValAddress, flags ...string) []staking.UnbondingDelegation {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s query staking unbonding-delegations-from %s %v", f.GaiacliBinary, valAddr, f.Flags())
out, _ := tests.ExecuteT(f.T, addFlags(cmd, flags), "")
var ubds []staking.UnbondingDelegation
cdc := app.MakeCodec()
err := cdc.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(out), &ubds)
require.NoError(f.T, err, "out %v\n, err %v", out, err)
return ubds
// QueryStakingDelegationsTo is gaiacli query staking delegations-to
func (f *Fixtures) QueryStakingDelegationsTo(valAddr sdk.ValAddress, flags ...string) []staking.Delegation {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s query staking delegations-to %s %v", f.GaiacliBinary, valAddr, f.Flags())
out, _ := tests.ExecuteT(f.T, addFlags(cmd, flags), "")
var delegations []staking.Delegation
cdc := app.MakeCodec()
err := cdc.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(out), &delegations)
require.NoError(f.T, err, "out %v\n, err %v", out, err)
return delegations
// QueryStakingPool is gaiacli query staking pool
func (f *Fixtures) QueryStakingPool(flags ...string) staking.Pool {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s query staking pool %v", f.GaiacliBinary, f.Flags())
out, _ := tests.ExecuteT(f.T, addFlags(cmd, flags), "")
var pool staking.Pool
cdc := app.MakeCodec()
err := cdc.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(out), &pool)
require.NoError(f.T, err, "out %v\n, err %v", out, err)
return pool
// QueryStakingParameters is gaiacli query staking parameters
func (f *Fixtures) QueryStakingParameters(flags ...string) staking.Params {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s query staking params %v", f.GaiacliBinary, f.Flags())
out, _ := tests.ExecuteT(f.T, addFlags(cmd, flags), "")
var params staking.Params
cdc := app.MakeCodec()
err := cdc.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(out), ¶ms)
require.NoError(f.T, err, "out %v\n, err %v", out, err)
return params
// gaiacli query gov
// QueryGovParamDeposit is gaiacli query gov param deposit
func (f *Fixtures) QueryGovParamDeposit() gov.DepositParams {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s query gov param deposit %s", f.GaiacliBinary, f.Flags())
out, _ := tests.ExecuteT(f.T, cmd, "")
var depositParam gov.DepositParams
cdc := app.MakeCodec()
err := cdc.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(out), &depositParam)
require.NoError(f.T, err, "out %v\n, err %v", out, err)
return depositParam
// QueryGovParamVoting is gaiacli query gov param voting
func (f *Fixtures) QueryGovParamVoting() gov.VotingParams {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s query gov param voting %s", f.GaiacliBinary, f.Flags())
out, _ := tests.ExecuteT(f.T, cmd, "")
var votingParam gov.VotingParams
cdc := app.MakeCodec()
err := cdc.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(out), &votingParam)
require.NoError(f.T, err, "out %v\n, err %v", out, err)
return votingParam
// QueryGovParamTallying is gaiacli query gov param tallying
func (f *Fixtures) QueryGovParamTallying() gov.TallyParams {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s query gov param tallying %s", f.GaiacliBinary, f.Flags())
out, _ := tests.ExecuteT(f.T, cmd, "")
var tallyingParam gov.TallyParams
cdc := app.MakeCodec()
err := cdc.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(out), &tallyingParam)
require.NoError(f.T, err, "out %v\n, err %v", out, err)
return tallyingParam
// QueryGovProposals is gaiacli query gov proposals
func (f *Fixtures) QueryGovProposals(flags ...string) gov.Proposals {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s query gov proposals %v", f.GaiacliBinary, f.Flags())
stdout, stderr := tests.ExecuteT(f.T, addFlags(cmd, flags), "")
if strings.Contains(stderr, "no matching proposals found") {
return gov.Proposals{}
require.Empty(f.T, stderr)
var out gov.Proposals
cdc := app.MakeCodec()
err := cdc.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(stdout), &out)
require.NoError(f.T, err)
return out
// QueryGovProposal is gaiacli query gov proposal
func (f *Fixtures) QueryGovProposal(proposalID int, flags ...string) gov.Proposal {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s query gov proposal %d %v", f.GaiacliBinary, proposalID, f.Flags())
out, _ := tests.ExecuteT(f.T, addFlags(cmd, flags), "")
var proposal gov.Proposal
cdc := app.MakeCodec()
err := cdc.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(out), &proposal)
require.NoError(f.T, err, "out %v\n, err %v", out, err)
return proposal
// QueryGovVote is gaiacli query gov vote
func (f *Fixtures) QueryGovVote(proposalID int, voter sdk.AccAddress, flags ...string) gov.Vote {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s query gov vote %d %s %v", f.GaiacliBinary, proposalID, voter, f.Flags())
out, _ := tests.ExecuteT(f.T, addFlags(cmd, flags), "")
var vote gov.Vote
cdc := app.MakeCodec()
err := cdc.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(out), &vote)
require.NoError(f.T, err, "out %v\n, err %v", out, err)
return vote
// QueryGovVotes is gaiacli query gov votes
func (f *Fixtures) QueryGovVotes(proposalID int, flags ...string) []gov.Vote {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s query gov votes %d %v", f.GaiacliBinary, proposalID, f.Flags())
out, _ := tests.ExecuteT(f.T, addFlags(cmd, flags), "")
var votes []gov.Vote
cdc := app.MakeCodec()
err := cdc.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(out), &votes)
require.NoError(f.T, err, "out %v\n, err %v", out, err)
return votes
// QueryGovDeposit is gaiacli query gov deposit
func (f *Fixtures) QueryGovDeposit(proposalID int, depositor sdk.AccAddress, flags ...string) gov.Deposit {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s query gov deposit %d %s %v", f.GaiacliBinary, proposalID, depositor, f.Flags())
out, _ := tests.ExecuteT(f.T, addFlags(cmd, flags), "")
var deposit gov.Deposit
cdc := app.MakeCodec()
err := cdc.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(out), &deposit)
require.NoError(f.T, err, "out %v\n, err %v", out, err)
return deposit
// QueryGovDeposits is gaiacli query gov deposits
func (f *Fixtures) QueryGovDeposits(propsalID int, flags ...string) []gov.Deposit {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s query gov deposits %d %v", f.GaiacliBinary, propsalID, f.Flags())
out, _ := tests.ExecuteT(f.T, addFlags(cmd, flags), "")
var deposits []gov.Deposit
cdc := app.MakeCodec()
err := cdc.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(out), &deposits)
require.NoError(f.T, err, "out %v\n, err %v", out, err)
return deposits
// query slashing
// QuerySigningInfo returns the signing info for a validator
func (f *Fixtures) QuerySigningInfo(val string) slashing.ValidatorSigningInfo {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s query slashing signing-info %s %s", f.GaiacliBinary, val, f.Flags())
res, errStr := tests.ExecuteT(f.T, cmd, "")
require.Empty(f.T, errStr)
cdc := app.MakeCodec()
var sinfo slashing.ValidatorSigningInfo
err := cdc.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(res), &sinfo)
require.NoError(f.T, err)
return sinfo
// QuerySlashingParams is gaiacli query slashing params
func (f *Fixtures) QuerySlashingParams() slashing.Params {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s query slashing params %s", f.GaiacliBinary, f.Flags())
res, errStr := tests.ExecuteT(f.T, cmd, "")
require.Empty(f.T, errStr)
cdc := app.MakeCodec()
var params slashing.Params
err := cdc.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(res), ¶ms)
require.NoError(f.T, err)
return params
// query distribution
// QueryRewards returns the rewards of a delegator
func (f *Fixtures) QueryRewards(delAddr sdk.AccAddress, flags ...string) distribution.QueryDelegatorTotalRewardsResponse {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s query distribution rewards %s %s", f.GaiacliBinary, delAddr, f.Flags())
res, errStr := tests.ExecuteT(f.T, cmd, "")
require.Empty(f.T, errStr)
cdc := app.MakeCodec()
var rewards distribution.QueryDelegatorTotalRewardsResponse
err := cdc.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(res), &rewards)
require.NoError(f.T, err)
return rewards
// query supply
// QueryTotalSupply returns the total supply of coins
func (f *Fixtures) QueryTotalSupply(flags ...string) (totalSupply sdk.Coins) {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s query supply total %s", f.GaiacliBinary, f.Flags())
res, errStr := tests.ExecuteT(f.T, cmd, "")
require.Empty(f.T, errStr)
cdc := app.MakeCodec()
err := cdc.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(res), &totalSupply)
require.NoError(f.T, err)
return totalSupply
// QueryTotalSupplyOf returns the total supply of a given coin denom
func (f *Fixtures) QueryTotalSupplyOf(denom string, flags ...string) sdk.Int {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s query supply total %s %s", f.GaiacliBinary, denom, f.Flags())
res, errStr := tests.ExecuteT(f.T, cmd, "")
require.Empty(f.T, errStr)
cdc := app.MakeCodec()
var supplyOf sdk.Int
err := cdc.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(res), &supplyOf)
require.NoError(f.T, err)
return supplyOf
// executors
func executeWriteCheckErr(t *testing.T, cmdStr string, writes ...string) {
require.True(t, executeWrite(t, cmdStr, writes...))
func executeWrite(t *testing.T, cmdStr string, writes ...string) (exitSuccess bool) {
exitSuccess, _, _ = executeWriteRetStdStreams(t, cmdStr, writes...)
func executeWriteRetStdStreams(t *testing.T, cmdStr string, writes ...string) (bool, string, string) {
proc := tests.GoExecuteT(t, cmdStr)
// Enables use of interactive commands
for _, write := range writes {
_, err := proc.StdinPipe.Write([]byte(write + "\n"))
require.NoError(t, err)
// Read both stdout and stderr from the process
stdout, stderr, err := proc.ReadAll()
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Err on proc.ReadAll()", err, cmdStr)
// Log output.
if len(stdout) > 0 {
t.Log("Stdout:", string(stdout))
if len(stderr) > 0 {
t.Log("Stderr:", string(stderr))
// Wait for process to exit
// Return succes, stdout, stderr
return proc.ExitState.Success(), string(stdout), string(stderr)
// utils
func addFlags(cmd string, flags []string) string {
for _, f := range flags {
cmd += " " + f
return strings.TrimSpace(cmd)
func queryTags(tags []string) (out string) {
for _, tag := range tags {
out += tag + "&"
return strings.TrimSuffix(out, "&")
// Write the given string to a new temporary file
func WriteToNewTempFile(t *testing.T, s string) *os.File {
fp, err := ioutil.TempFile(os.TempDir(), "cosmos_cli_test_")
require.Nil(t, err)
_, err = fp.WriteString(s)
require.Nil(t, err)
return fp
func marshalStdTx(t *testing.T, stdTx auth.StdTx) []byte {
cdc := app.MakeCodec()
bz, err := cdc.MarshalBinaryBare(stdTx)
require.NoError(t, err)
return bz
func unmarshalStdTx(t *testing.T, s string) (stdTx auth.StdTx) {
cdc := app.MakeCodec()
require.Nil(t, cdc.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(s), &stdTx))