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package testutil
import (
sdkmath "cosmossdk.io/math"
cryptotypes "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/crypto/types"
sdk "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
banktypes "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/bank/types"
ethtypes "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/core/types"
emtests "github.com/evmos/ethermint/tests"
emtypes "github.com/evmos/ethermint/types"
// SigningAccount wraps details about an account and its private keys.
// It exposes functionality for signing and broadcasting transactions.
type SigningAccount struct {
name string
mnemonic string
evmPrivKey cryptotypes.PrivKey
evmSigner *util.EvmSigner
evmReqChan chan<- util.EvmTxRequest
evmResChan <-chan util.EvmTxResponse
zgChainSigner *util.ZgChainSigner
sdkReqChan chan<- util.ZgChainMsgRequest
sdkResChan <-chan util.ZgChainMsgResponse
EvmAuth *bind.TransactOpts
EvmAddress common.Address
SdkAddress sdk.AccAddress
gasDenom string
l *log.Logger
// GetAccount returns the account with the given name or fails.
func (chain *Chain) GetAccount(name string) *SigningAccount {
acc, found := chain.accounts[name]
if !found {
chain.t.Fatalf("failed to find account with name %s", name)
return acc
// AddNewSigningAccount sets up a new account with a signer for SDK and EVM transactions.
func (chain *Chain) AddNewSigningAccount(name string, hdPath *hd.BIP44Params, chainId, mnemonic string) *SigningAccount {
if _, found := chain.accounts[name]; found {
chain.t.Fatalf("account with name %s already exists", name)
// 0gChain signing account for SDK side
privKeyBytes, err := hd.Secp256k1.Derive()(mnemonic, "", hdPath.String())
require.NoErrorf(chain.t, err, "failed to derive private key from mnemonic for %s: %s", name, err)
privKey := ðsecp256k1.PrivKey{Key: privKeyBytes}
return chain.AddNewSigningAccountFromPrivKey(
// AddNewSigningAccountFromPrivKey sets up a new account with a signer for SDK and EVM transactions,
// using the given private key.
func (chain *Chain) AddNewSigningAccountFromPrivKey(
name string,
privKey cryptotypes.PrivKey,
mnemonic string, // optional
chainId string,
) *SigningAccount {
if _, found := chain.accounts[name]; found {
chain.t.Fatalf("account with name %s already exists", name)
// 0gChain signing account for SDK side
zgChainSigner := util.NewZgChainSigner(
sdkReqChan := make(chan util.ZgChainMsgRequest)
sdkResChan, err := zgChainSigner.Run(sdkReqChan)
require.NoErrorf(chain.t, err, "failed to start signer for account %s: %s", name, err)
// 0gChain signing account for EVM side
evmChainId, err := emtypes.ParseChainID(chainId)
require.NoErrorf(chain.t, err, "unable to parse ethermint-compatible chain id from %s", chainId)
ecdsaPrivKey, err := crypto.HexToECDSA(hex.EncodeToString(privKey.Bytes()))
require.NoError(chain.t, err, "failed to generate ECDSA private key from bytes")
evmSigner, err := util.NewEvmSigner(
require.NoErrorf(chain.t, err, "failed to create evm signer")
evmReqChan := make(chan util.EvmTxRequest)
evmResChan := evmSigner.Run(evmReqChan)
logger := log.New(os.Stdout, fmt.Sprintf("[%s] ", name), log.LstdFlags)
chain.accounts[name] = &SigningAccount{
name: name,
mnemonic: mnemonic,
l: logger,
gasDenom: chain.StakingDenom,
evmPrivKey: privKey,
evmSigner: evmSigner,
evmReqChan: evmReqChan,
evmResChan: evmResChan,
zgChainSigner: zgChainSigner,
sdkReqChan: sdkReqChan,
sdkResChan: sdkResChan,
EvmAuth: evmSigner.Auth,
EvmAddress: evmSigner.Address(),
SdkAddress: zgChainSigner.Address(),
return chain.accounts[name]
// SignAndBroadcastZgChainTx sends a request to the signer and awaits its response.
func (a *SigningAccount) SignAndBroadcastZgChainTx(req util.ZgChainMsgRequest) util.ZgChainMsgResponse {
a.l.Printf("broadcasting sdk tx. has data = %+v\n", req.Data)
// send the request to signer
a.sdkReqChan <- req
// TODO: timeout awaiting the response.
// block and await response
// response is not returned until the msg is committed to a block
res := <-a.sdkResChan
// error will be set if response is not Code 0 (success) or Code 19 (already in mempool)
if res.Err != nil {
a.l.Printf("response code: %d error: %s\n", res.Result.Code, res.Result.RawLog)
} else {
a.l.Printf("response code: %d, hash %s\n", res.Result.Code, res.Result.TxHash)
return res
// EvmTxResponse is util.EvmTxResponse that also includes the Receipt, if available
type EvmTxResponse struct {
Receipt *ethtypes.Receipt
// SignAndBroadcastEvmTx sends a request to the signer and awaits its response.
func (a *SigningAccount) SignAndBroadcastEvmTx(req util.EvmTxRequest) EvmTxResponse {
a.l.Printf("broadcasting evm tx %+v\n", req.Data)
// send the request to signer
a.evmReqChan <- req
// block and await response
// response occurs once tx is submitted to pending tx pool.
// poll for the receipt to wait for it to be included in a block
res := <-a.evmResChan
response := EvmTxResponse{
EvmTxResponse: res,
// if failed during signing or broadcast, there will never be a receipt.
if res.Err != nil {
return response
// if we don't have a tx receipt within a given timeout, fail the request
a.l.Printf("awaiting evm tx receipt for tx %s\n", res.TxHash)
response.Receipt, response.Err = util.WaitForEvmTxReceipt(a.evmSigner.EvmClient, res.TxHash, 10*time.Second)
return response
// SignRawEvmData signs raw evm data with the SigningAccount's private key.
// It does not broadcast the signed data.
func (a *SigningAccount) SignRawEvmData(msg []byte) ([]byte, cryptotypes.PubKey, error) {
keyringSigner := emtests.NewSigner(a.evmPrivKey)
return keyringSigner.SignByAddress(a.SdkAddress, msg)
// NewFundedAccount creates a SigningAccount for a random account & funds the account from the whale.
func (chain *Chain) NewFundedAccount(name string, funds sdk.Coins) *SigningAccount {
mnemonic, err := util.RandomMnemonic()
require.NoError(chain.t, err)
acc := chain.AddNewSigningAccount(
hd.CreateHDPath(chaincfg.Bip44CoinType, 0, 0),
// don't attempt to fund when no funds are desired
if funds.IsZero() {
return acc
whale := chain.GetAccount(FundedAccountName)
// check that the whale has the necessary balance to fund account
bal := chain.QuerySdkForBalances(whale.SdkAddress)
"funded account lacks funds for account %s\nneeds: %s\nhas: %s", name, funds, bal,
whale.l.Printf("attempting to fund created account (%s=%s)\n", name, acc.SdkAddress.String())
res := whale.BankSend(acc.SdkAddress, funds)
require.NoErrorf(chain.t, res.Err, "failed to fund new account %s: %s", name, res.Err)
whale.l.Printf("successfully funded [%s]\n", name)
return acc
// GetNonce fetches the next nonce / sequence number for the account.
func (a *SigningAccount) NextNonce() (uint64, error) {
return a.evmSigner.EvmClient.PendingNonceAt(context.Background(), a.EvmAddress)
// BankSend is a helper method for sending funds via x/bank's MsgSend
func (a *SigningAccount) BankSend(to sdk.AccAddress, amount sdk.Coins) util.ZgChainMsgResponse {
return a.SignAndBroadcastZgChainTx(
Msgs: []sdk.Msg{banktypes.NewMsgSend(a.SdkAddress, to, amount)},
GasLimit: 2e5, // 200,000 gas
FeeAmount: sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewCoin(a.gasDenom, sdkmath.NewInt(200))), // assume min gas price of .001a0gi
Data: fmt.Sprintf("sending %s to %s", amount, to),
// TransferErc20 is a helper method for sending an erc20 token
func (a *SigningAccount) TransferErc20(contract, to common.Address, amount *big.Int) (EvmTxResponse, error) {
data := util.BuildErc20TransferCallData(to, amount)
nonce, err := a.NextNonce()
if err != nil {
return EvmTxResponse{}, err
req := util.EvmTxRequest{
Tx: ethtypes.NewTransaction(nonce, contract, big.NewInt(0), 1e5, big.NewInt(1e10), data),
Data: fmt.Sprintf("fund %s with ERC20 balance (%s)", to.Hex(), amount.String()),
res := a.SignAndBroadcastEvmTx(req)
return res, res.Err