Evgeniy Scherbina d91bd688e7
Rocksdb Metrics (#1692)
* Rocksdb Metrics

* Add rocksdb namespace for options

* Adding help to the metrics

* CR's fixes

* CR's fixes

* CR's fixes
2023-09-05 10:33:25 -04:00

239 lines
7.5 KiB

//go:build rocksdb
// +build rocksdb
// Copyright 2023 Kava Labs, Inc.
// Copyright 2023 Cronos Labs, Inc.
// Derived from https://github.com/crypto-org-chain/cronos@496ce7e
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package opendb
import (
dbm "github.com/tendermint/tm-db"
var ErrUnexpectedConfiguration = errors.New("unexpected rocksdb configuration, rocksdb should have only one column family named default")
const (
// default tm-db block cache size for RocksDB
blockCacheSize = 1 << 30
defaultColumnFamilyName = "default"
enableMetricsOptName = "rocksdb.enable-metrics"
reportMetricsIntervalSecsOptName = "rocksdb.report-metrics-interval-secs"
defaultReportMetricsIntervalSecs = 15
maxOpenFilesDBOptName = "rocksdb.max-open-files"
maxFileOpeningThreadsDBOptName = "rocksdb.max-file-opening-threads"
writeBufferSizeCFOptName = "rocksdb.write-buffer-size"
numLevelsCFOptName = "rocksdb.num-levels"
func OpenDB(appOpts types.AppOptions, home string, backendType dbm.BackendType) (dbm.DB, error) {
dataDir := filepath.Join(home, "data")
if backendType == dbm.RocksDBBackend {
return openRocksdb(filepath.Join(dataDir, "application.db"), appOpts)
return dbm.NewDB("application", backendType, dataDir)
// openRocksdb loads existing options, overrides some of them with appOpts and opens database
// option will be overridden only in case if it explicitly specified in appOpts
func openRocksdb(dir string, appOpts types.AppOptions) (dbm.DB, error) {
dbOpts, cfOpts, err := loadLatestOptions(dir)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// customize rocksdb options
dbOpts = overrideDBOpts(dbOpts, appOpts)
cfOpts = overrideCFOpts(cfOpts, appOpts)
enableMetrics := cast.ToBool(appOpts.Get(enableMetricsOptName))
reportMetricsIntervalSecs := cast.ToInt64(appOpts.Get(reportMetricsIntervalSecsOptName))
if reportMetricsIntervalSecs == 0 {
reportMetricsIntervalSecs = defaultReportMetricsIntervalSecs
return newRocksDBWithOptions("application", dir, dbOpts, cfOpts, enableMetrics, reportMetricsIntervalSecs)
// loadLatestOptions loads and returns database and column family options
// if options file not found, it means database isn't created yet, in such case default tm-db options will be returned
// if database exists it should have only one column family named default
func loadLatestOptions(dir string) (*grocksdb.Options, *grocksdb.Options, error) {
latestOpts, err := grocksdb.LoadLatestOptions(dir, grocksdb.NewDefaultEnv(), true, grocksdb.NewLRUCache(blockCacheSize))
if err != nil && strings.HasPrefix(err.Error(), "NotFound: ") {
return newDefaultOptions(), newDefaultOptions(), nil
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
cfNames := latestOpts.ColumnFamilyNames()
cfOpts := latestOpts.ColumnFamilyOpts()
// db should have only one column family named default
ok := len(cfNames) == 1 && cfNames[0] == defaultColumnFamilyName
if !ok {
return nil, nil, ErrUnexpectedConfiguration
// return db and cf opts
return latestOpts.Options(), &cfOpts[0], nil
// overrideDBOpts merges dbOpts and appOpts, appOpts takes precedence
func overrideDBOpts(dbOpts *grocksdb.Options, appOpts types.AppOptions) *grocksdb.Options {
maxOpenFiles := appOpts.Get(maxOpenFilesDBOptName)
if maxOpenFiles != nil {
maxFileOpeningThreads := appOpts.Get(maxFileOpeningThreadsDBOptName)
if maxFileOpeningThreads != nil {
return dbOpts
// overrideCFOpts merges cfOpts and appOpts, appOpts takes precedence
func overrideCFOpts(cfOpts *grocksdb.Options, appOpts types.AppOptions) *grocksdb.Options {
writeBufferSize := appOpts.Get(writeBufferSizeCFOptName)
if writeBufferSize != nil {
numLevels := appOpts.Get(numLevelsCFOptName)
if numLevels != nil {
return cfOpts
// newRocksDBWithOptions opens rocksdb with provided database and column family options
// newRocksDBWithOptions expects that db has only one column family named default
func newRocksDBWithOptions(
name string,
dir string,
dbOpts *grocksdb.Options,
cfOpts *grocksdb.Options,
enableMetrics bool,
reportMetricsIntervalSecs int64,
) (*dbm.RocksDB, error) {
dbPath := filepath.Join(dir, name+".db")
// Ensure path exists
if err := os.MkdirAll(dbPath, 0755); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create db path: %w", err)
// EnableStatistics adds overhead so shouldn't be enabled in production
if enableMetrics {
db, _, err := grocksdb.OpenDbColumnFamilies(dbOpts, dbPath, []string{defaultColumnFamilyName}, []*grocksdb.Options{cfOpts})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if enableMetrics {
go reportMetrics(db, time.Second*time.Duration(reportMetricsIntervalSecs))
ro := grocksdb.NewDefaultReadOptions()
wo := grocksdb.NewDefaultWriteOptions()
woSync := grocksdb.NewDefaultWriteOptions()
return dbm.NewRocksDBWithRawDB(db, ro, wo, woSync), nil
// newDefaultOptions returns default tm-db options for RocksDB, see for details:
// https://github.com/Kava-Labs/tm-db/blob/94ff76d31724965f8883cddebabe91e0d01bc03f/rocksdb.go#L30
func newDefaultOptions() *grocksdb.Options {
// default rocksdb option, good enough for most cases, including heavy workloads.
// 1GB table cache, 512MB write buffer(may use 50% more on heavy workloads).
// compression: snappy as default, need to -lsnappy to enable.
bbto := grocksdb.NewDefaultBlockBasedTableOptions()
bbto.SetBlockCache(grocksdb.NewLRUCache(1 << 30))
opts := grocksdb.NewDefaultOptions()
// SetMaxOpenFiles to 4096 seems to provide a reliable performance boost
// 1.5GB maximum memory use for writebuffer.
opts.OptimizeLevelStyleCompaction(512 * 1024 * 1024)
return opts
// reportMetrics periodically requests stats from rocksdb and reports to prometheus
// NOTE: should be launched as a goroutine
func reportMetrics(db *grocksdb.DB, interval time.Duration) {
ticker := time.NewTicker(interval)
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
props, stats, err := getPropsAndStats(db)
if err != nil {
rocksdbMetrics.report(props, stats)
// getPropsAndStats gets statistics from rocksdb
func getPropsAndStats(db *grocksdb.DB) (*properties, *stats, error) {
propsLoader := newPropsLoader(db)
props, err := propsLoader.load()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
statMap, err := parseSerializedStats(props.OptionsStatistics)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
statLoader := newStatLoader(statMap)
stats, err := statLoader.load()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return props, stats, nil