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synced 2025-03-13 05:06:27 +00:00

- Upgrade cosmos-sdk to v0.44.5 from v0.39.2 - Add Legacy Tx Endpoint for backwards compatibility - Add IBC v1.2.3 Support Co-authored-by: DracoLi <draco@dracoli.com> Co-authored-by: drklee3 <derrick@dlee.dev> Co-authored-by: denalimarsh <denalimarsh@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Draco Li <draco@kava.io> Co-authored-by: Nick DeLuca <nickdeluca08@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Kevin Davis <karzak@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Denali Marsh <denali@kava.io>
298 lines
12 KiB
298 lines
12 KiB
package simulation
// import (
// "fmt"
// "math/rand"
// "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/baseapp"
// "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/codec"
// "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/simapp/helpers"
// sdk "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
// "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/simulation"
// appparams "github.com/kava-labs/kava/app/params"
// "github.com/kava-labs/kava/x/cdp/keeper"
// "github.com/kava-labs/kava/x/cdp/types"
// )
// // Simulation operation weights constants
// const (
// OpWeightMsgCdp = "op_weight_msg_cdp"
// )
// // WeightedOperations returns all the operations from the module with their respective weights
// func WeightedOperations(
// appParams simulation.AppParams, cdc *codec.Codec, ak types.AccountKeeper,
// k keeper.Keeper, pfk types.PricefeedKeeper,
// ) simulation.WeightedOperations {
// var weightMsgCdp int
// appParams.GetOrGenerate(cdc, OpWeightMsgCdp, &weightMsgCdp, nil,
// func(_ *rand.Rand) {
// weightMsgCdp = appparams.DefaultWeightMsgCdp
// },
// )
// return simulation.WeightedOperations{
// simulation.NewWeightedOperation(
// weightMsgCdp,
// SimulateMsgCdp(ak, k, pfk),
// ),
// }
// }
// // SimulateMsgCdp generates a MsgCreateCdp or MsgDepositCdp with random values.
// func SimulateMsgCdp(ak types.AccountKeeper, k keeper.Keeper, pfk types.PricefeedKeeper) simulation.Operation {
// return func(
// r *rand.Rand, app *baseapp.BaseApp, ctx sdk.Context, accs []simulation.Account, chainID string,
// ) (simulation.OperationMsg, []simulation.FutureOperation, error) {
// simAccount, _ := simulation.RandomAcc(r, accs)
// acc := ak.GetAccount(ctx, simAccount.Address)
// if acc == nil {
// return simulation.NoOpMsg(types.ModuleName), nil, nil
// }
// coins := acc.GetCoins()
// collateralParams := k.GetParams(ctx).CollateralParams
// if len(collateralParams) == 0 {
// return simulation.NoOpMsg(types.ModuleName), nil, nil
// }
// randCollateralParam := collateralParams[r.Intn(len(collateralParams))]
// debtParam, _ := k.GetDebtParam(ctx, randCollateralParam.DebtLimit.Denom)
// if coins.AmountOf(randCollateralParam.Denom).IsZero() {
// return simulation.NoOpMsg(types.ModuleName), nil, nil
// }
// price, err := pfk.GetCurrentPrice(ctx, randCollateralParam.SpotMarketID)
// if err != nil {
// return simulation.NoOpMsg(types.ModuleName), nil, nil // pricefeed going down is an expected event
// }
// // convert the price to the same units as the debt param
// priceShifted := ShiftDec(price.Price, debtParam.ConversionFactor)
// spendableCoins := acc.SpendableCoins(ctx.BlockTime())
// fees, err := simulation.RandomFees(r, ctx, spendableCoins)
// if err != nil {
// return simulation.NoOpMsg(types.ModuleName), nil, err
// }
// spendableCoins = spendableCoins.Sub(fees)
// existingCDP, found := k.GetCdpByOwnerAndCollateralType(ctx, acc.GetAddress(), randCollateralParam.Type)
// if !found {
// // calculate the minimum amount of collateral that is needed to create a cdp with the debt floor amount of debt and the minimum liquidation ratio
// // (debtFloor * liquidationRatio)/priceShifted
// minCollateralDeposit := (sdk.NewDecFromInt(debtParam.DebtFloor).Mul(randCollateralParam.LiquidationRatio)).Quo(priceShifted)
// // convert to proper collateral units
// minCollateralDeposit = ShiftDec(minCollateralDeposit, randCollateralParam.ConversionFactor)
// // convert to integer and always round up
// minCollateralDepositRounded := minCollateralDeposit.TruncateInt().Add(sdk.OneInt())
// if spendableCoins.AmountOf(randCollateralParam.Denom).LT(minCollateralDepositRounded) {
// // account doesn't have enough funds to open a cdp for the min debt amount
// return simulation.NewOperationMsgBasic(types.ModuleName, "no-operation", "insufficient funds to open cdp", false, nil), nil, nil
// }
// // set the max collateral deposit to the amount of coins in the account
// maxCollateralDeposit := spendableCoins.AmountOf(randCollateralParam.Denom)
// // randomly select a collateral deposit amount
// collateralDeposit := sdk.NewInt(int64(simulation.RandIntBetween(r, int(minCollateralDepositRounded.Int64()), int(maxCollateralDeposit.Int64()))))
// // calculate how much the randomly selected deposit is worth
// collateralDepositValue := ShiftDec(sdk.NewDecFromInt(collateralDeposit), randCollateralParam.ConversionFactor.Neg()).Mul(priceShifted)
// // calculate the max amount of debt that could be drawn for the chosen deposit
// maxDebtDraw := collateralDepositValue.Quo(randCollateralParam.LiquidationRatio).TruncateInt()
// // check that the debt limit hasn't been reached
// availableAssetDebt := randCollateralParam.DebtLimit.Amount.Sub(k.GetTotalPrincipal(ctx, randCollateralParam.Type, debtParam.Denom))
// if availableAssetDebt.LTE(debtParam.DebtFloor) {
// // debt limit has been reached
// return simulation.NewOperationMsgBasic(types.ModuleName, "no-operation", "debt limit reached, cannot open cdp", false, nil), nil, nil
// }
// // ensure that the debt draw does not exceed the debt limit
// maxDebtDraw = sdk.MinInt(maxDebtDraw, availableAssetDebt)
// // randomly select a debt draw amount
// debtDraw := sdk.NewInt(int64(simulation.RandIntBetween(r, int(debtParam.DebtFloor.Int64()), int(maxDebtDraw.Int64()))))
// msg := types.NewMsgCreateCDP(acc.GetAddress(), sdk.NewCoin(randCollateralParam.Denom, collateralDeposit), sdk.NewCoin(debtParam.Denom, debtDraw), randCollateralParam.Type)
// tx := helpers.GenTx(
// []sdk.Msg{msg},
// fees,
// helpers.DefaultGenTxGas,
// chainID,
// []uint64{acc.GetAccountNumber()},
// []uint64{acc.GetSequence()},
// simAccount.PrivKey,
// )
// _, _, err := app.Deliver(tx)
// if err != nil {
// // to aid debugging, add the stack trace to the comment field of the returned opMsg
// return simulation.NewOperationMsg(msg, false, fmt.Sprintf("%+v", err)), nil, err
// }
// return simulation.NewOperationMsg(msg, true, ""), nil, nil
// }
// // a cdp already exists, deposit to it, draw debt from it, or repay debt to it
// // close 25% of the time
// if canClose(spendableCoins, existingCDP, debtParam.Denom) && shouldClose(r) {
// repaymentAmount := spendableCoins.AmountOf(debtParam.Denom)
// // check that repayment isn't below the debt floor
// if existingCDP.Principal.Amount.Add(existingCDP.AccumulatedFees.Amount).Sub(repaymentAmount).LT(debtParam.DebtFloor) {
// repaymentAmount = existingCDP.Principal.Amount.Add(existingCDP.AccumulatedFees.Amount).Sub(debtParam.DebtFloor)
// }
// msg := types.NewMsgRepayDebt(acc.GetAddress(), randCollateralParam.Type, sdk.NewCoin(debtParam.Denom, repaymentAmount))
// tx := helpers.GenTx(
// []sdk.Msg{msg},
// fees,
// helpers.DefaultGenTxGas,
// chainID,
// []uint64{acc.GetAccountNumber()},
// []uint64{acc.GetSequence()},
// simAccount.PrivKey,
// )
// _, _, err := app.Deliver(tx)
// if err != nil {
// return simulation.NewOperationMsg(msg, false, fmt.Sprintf("%+v", err)), nil, err
// }
// return simulation.NewOperationMsg(msg, true, ""), nil, nil
// }
// // deposit 25% of the time
// if hasCoins(spendableCoins, randCollateralParam.Denom) && shouldDeposit(r) {
// randDepositAmount := sdk.NewInt(int64(simulation.RandIntBetween(r, 1, int(spendableCoins.AmountOf(randCollateralParam.Denom).Int64()))))
// msg := types.NewMsgDeposit(acc.GetAddress(), acc.GetAddress(), sdk.NewCoin(randCollateralParam.Denom, randDepositAmount), randCollateralParam.Type)
// tx := helpers.GenTx(
// []sdk.Msg{msg},
// fees,
// helpers.DefaultGenTxGas,
// chainID,
// []uint64{acc.GetAccountNumber()},
// []uint64{acc.GetSequence()},
// simAccount.PrivKey,
// )
// _, _, err := app.Deliver(tx)
// if err != nil {
// return simulation.NewOperationMsg(msg, false, fmt.Sprintf("%+v", err)), nil, err
// }
// return simulation.NewOperationMsg(msg, true, ""), nil, nil
// }
// // draw debt 25% of the time
// if shouldDraw(r) {
// collateralShifted := ShiftDec(sdk.NewDecFromInt(existingCDP.Collateral.Amount), randCollateralParam.ConversionFactor.Neg())
// collateralValue := collateralShifted.Mul(priceShifted)
// newFeesAccumulated := k.CalculateNewInterest(ctx, existingCDP)
// totalFees := existingCDP.AccumulatedFees.Add(newFeesAccumulated)
// // given the current collateral value, calculate how much debt we could add while maintaining a valid liquidation ratio
// debt := existingCDP.Principal.Add(totalFees)
// maxTotalDebt := collateralValue.Quo(randCollateralParam.LiquidationRatio)
// maxDebt := (maxTotalDebt.Sub(sdk.NewDecFromInt(debt.Amount))).Mul(sdk.MustNewDecFromStr("0.95")).TruncateInt()
// if maxDebt.LTE(sdk.OneInt()) {
// // debt in cdp is maxed out
// return simulation.NewOperationMsgBasic(types.ModuleName, "no-operation", "cdp debt maxed out, cannot draw more debt", false, nil), nil, nil
// }
// // check if the debt limit has been reached
// availableAssetDebt := randCollateralParam.DebtLimit.Amount.Sub(k.GetTotalPrincipal(ctx, randCollateralParam.Type, debtParam.Denom))
// if availableAssetDebt.LTE(sdk.OneInt()) {
// // debt limit has been reached
// return simulation.NewOperationMsgBasic(types.ModuleName, "no-operation", "debt limit reached, cannot draw more debt", false, nil), nil, nil
// }
// maxDraw := sdk.MinInt(maxDebt, availableAssetDebt)
// randDrawAmount := sdk.NewInt(int64(simulation.RandIntBetween(r, 1, int(maxDraw.Int64()))))
// msg := types.NewMsgDrawDebt(acc.GetAddress(), randCollateralParam.Type, sdk.NewCoin(debtParam.Denom, randDrawAmount))
// tx := helpers.GenTx(
// []sdk.Msg{msg},
// fees,
// helpers.DefaultGenTxGas,
// chainID,
// []uint64{acc.GetAccountNumber()},
// []uint64{acc.GetSequence()},
// simAccount.PrivKey,
// )
// _, _, err := app.Deliver(tx)
// if err != nil {
// return simulation.NewOperationMsg(msg, false, fmt.Sprintf("%+v", err)), nil, err
// }
// return simulation.NewOperationMsg(msg, true, ""), nil, nil
// }
// // repay debt 25% of the time
// if hasCoins(spendableCoins, debtParam.Denom) {
// debt := existingCDP.Principal.Amount.Add(existingCDP.AccumulatedFees.Amount)
// payableDebt := debt.Sub(debtParam.DebtFloor)
// if payableDebt.IsZero() {
// return simulation.NewOperationMsgBasic(types.ModuleName, "no-operation", "cannot make partial repayment, cdp at debt floor", false, nil), nil, nil
// }
// maxRepay := sdk.MinInt(
// spendableCoins.AmountOf(debtParam.Denom),
// payableDebt,
// )
// var randRepayAmount sdk.Int
// if maxRepay.Equal(sdk.OneInt()) {
// randRepayAmount = sdk.OneInt()
// } else {
// randRepayAmount = sdk.NewInt(int64(simulation.RandIntBetween(r, 1, int(maxRepay.Int64()))))
// }
// msg := types.NewMsgRepayDebt(acc.GetAddress(), randCollateralParam.Type, sdk.NewCoin(debtParam.Denom, randRepayAmount))
// tx := helpers.GenTx(
// []sdk.Msg{msg},
// fees,
// helpers.DefaultGenTxGas,
// chainID,
// []uint64{acc.GetAccountNumber()},
// []uint64{acc.GetSequence()},
// simAccount.PrivKey,
// )
// _, _, err := app.Deliver(tx)
// if err != nil {
// return simulation.NewOperationMsg(msg, false, fmt.Sprintf("%+v", err)), nil, err
// }
// return simulation.NewOperationMsg(msg, true, ""), nil, nil
// }
// return simulation.NoOpMsg(types.ModuleName), nil, nil
// }
// }
// func shouldDraw(r *rand.Rand) bool {
// threshold := 50
// value := simulation.RandIntBetween(r, 1, 100)
// return value > threshold
// }
// func shouldDeposit(r *rand.Rand) bool {
// threshold := 66
// value := simulation.RandIntBetween(r, 1, 100)
// return value > threshold
// }
// func hasCoins(spendableCoins sdk.Coins, denom string) bool {
// return spendableCoins.AmountOf(denom).IsPositive()
// }
// func shouldClose(r *rand.Rand) bool {
// threshold := 75
// value := simulation.RandIntBetween(r, 1, 100)
// return value > threshold
// }
// func canClose(spendableCoins sdk.Coins, c types.CDP, denom string) bool {
// repaymentAmount := c.Principal.Add(c.AccumulatedFees).Amount
// return spendableCoins.AmountOf(denom).GTE(repaymentAmount)
// }